
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:90 评论:0
每一周,充满乐观精神的Phil Johnson都会用轻松愉快的方式帮助大家传递发生在技术领域的重要消息与其中的新闻人物。Every week, the optimistic Phil Johnson helps to convey impo...



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每一周,充满乐观精神的Phil Johnson都会用轻松愉快的方式帮助大家传递发生在技术领域的重要消息与其中的新闻人物。

Every week, the optimistic Phil Johnson helps to convey important news and news figures in the field of technology in an easy and pleasant way.


& mdash; & mdash; boss, in the interest of safety, the elves of the IT Department suggest that you update the antivenom software and move Kim Jong-un from &ldquao; bad children & rdquao; list to &ldquao; good children & & rdquao; list.


December 24th mdash > ; Santa Claus learned lessons from Sony


For many years, it has been thought that the most wanted gift for North Korean leaders during Christmas is a socked coal ball. However, this year , after Sony was blacked , people suddenly discovered that a shadowed North Korean film was enough to make such a technical noise, so this Santa might have to be smart and prepare Kim Jong-un with something that he really liked.


& mdash; & mdash; Xbox, light the candles.

十二月十九日——Xbox One绝非万能

December 19th is not a panacea

就在上周末,我的小侄子向我展示了Xbox One是一款多么伟大的娱乐产品——特别是它允许用户通过语音指令完成的全部操作。这类功能虽然听起来确实很赞也相当吸引人,但世界上总有些事还是得由咱们自己手动完成,尤其是在这辞旧迎新的好时节。不过说句实话,如果Xbox One能让我动动嘴就把圣诞树立起来,我还真愿意买上这么一台。

Just last weekend, my nephew showed me what a great entertainment product & mdash; & mdash; especially if it allows users to do all the work through voice commands. While it does sound impressive and attractive, there are things in the world that we have to do by hand, especially in these days. But to be honest, if Xbox One can make me talk, I'd really like to buy one.


The intelligent Christmas tree family, in turn: iOS, Android and Windows


December 12th mdash > > ; we want the Android tree, you idiot!


If you're still immersed in the non-“ smart & rdquo; the love of the Christmas tree that we grow from childhood to childhood, then I will bring some bad news:


& mdash; & mdash; I found out from the traditional criteria of judgment that this year I am a & ldquao; bad kids & & rdquao; but my advanced behavioral analysis program has come to a different conclusion.


December 3rd >. . >........................................................................................... big........................................................................


For example, I have previously written an article on . But we have to face reality, and people sometimes rely a little too much on data analysis. Sports competition is the best example.


& mdash; & mdash; well, let's repeat the basic principle of the content of gratitude: the discussion of sensitive topics in the field of mobile operating systems is strictly forbidden.



November 26 mdash > ; how to spend Thanksgiving peacefully

明天就是感恩节了,在每年的这一天中无数家庭都会与亲朋好友齐聚一堂,围坐在放在丰盛美食的桌边共同讨论时下的热点话题。但为了保证这美好时刻不被争吵甚至吼叫所摧毁,请千万别把那些敏感、容易引发纠纷的内容引入其中——特别是移动操作系统的站队问题。当然,除非各位的家中都是清一色的iOS党、Android党或者黑莓党,也可能(虽然机率很小)大家都使用Windows Phone。你知道的,这纯粹是出于安全考虑。

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and on this day of the year, countless families will come together with their relatives and friends to discuss hot topics at the table where the food is good. But in order to ensure that this beautiful moment is not destroyed by quarrels or even shouting, please do not introduce sensitive and potentially controversial elements into it — — especially the mobile operating system’s team. Of course, unless you all have a clear iOS, Android, or BlackBerry, you may also use Windows Phone. You know, this is purely security considerations.


& mdash; & mdash; I don't care what millions of times Abby's supercomputer is capable of computing. Anyway, want to buy a new computer? Don't dream!


November 21st; >mdash; today everyone dreams of millions of computing skills


This week's news related to supercomputer is like The wave of to everyone ; the most striking of the of


& mdash; & mdash; hey!


& mdash; & mdash; &helip; … and the oldest software bug ever? No, no, it's really the most annoying bug, but it's not the oldest.


November 14 & mdash; & mdash; ; > ; ; ; ; ;

就在本周早些时候,微软公司终于修复了一个服务器安全漏洞——事实上,该漏洞早在Windows 95时代开始就一路伴随我们同行。那么这是微软旗下历史最悠久或者说存在时间最长的bug吗?当然很有可能,不过尽管该漏洞确实相当严重,但我仍然不会将其称为微软历史上最糟糕的软件问题。这个响当当的名号应该属于上世纪九十年代的一项Windows“功能”。好在微软最终也把它——可怕的“曲别针”——给修复了。

Just earlier this week, Microsoft finally — — in fact, the gap has been with us since Windows 95; is it the longest history under the flag of Microsoft, or the longest existence of bugs? Of course, it is likely that, although it is serious, it will not be called the worst software problem in Microsoft history.


& mdash; & mdash; darlin', look what I found & mdash; & mdash; machine clocks that need to be manually tuned.


& mdash; & mdash; uh & Hellip; & Hellip; Really?


& mdash; & mdash; wow, what's that mom?


November 7th mdash > > ; technology makes Dad useless


Once upon a time, but not long ago, daylight saved time (i.e., the clock was cut fast for an hour from 2 a.m. on 11 a.m. Eastern U.S. Time) was a good opportunity for us, as fathers (especially those who usually had little opportunity to show up in domestic work) to prove their worth & mdash; & mdash; it was true that we needed to hand-tune children to look at their heroes with respect. But it was only last week that I suddenly realized that a good opportunity like this had gone away. Thanks to the technology everywhere, there are now cable TV tops, cell phones, heaters, and all kinds of devices that have a clock function that we can set. Oh, I really appreciate that smoke alarms in the house occasionally need to change batteries, or my wife would actually throw me out of the house.


& mdash; & mdash; Dad, you're a great handiwork, but can I see online video in it?



October 31 mdash > ; pumpkins are still not included in the object network


According to my personal feelings, almost everything is trying to fit into the network. It seems that whatever the inherent function of this thing is, as long as we can't see video on Netflix or YouTube, it becomes worthless and — the most typical example is a mobile phone, a game host, or even a smart watch.


& mdash; & mdash; okay, sir, let's pay in cash this time, okay?

十月二十四日——Apple Pay就此全面上线!

October 24th mdash; Apple Pay fully online!

Apple Pay已经于本周正式发布,而且在意料之中的是、其起步阶段尚称不上一帆风顺。当然,在推动一类新机制时、技术故障的出现可谓不可避免,特别是在发展初期。当然,这其中也掺杂着一些人为因素,人们——特别是在千禧年代出生的年轻群体——突然发现自己需要接纳一种前所未见的新型支付方式。由此带来的混乱自然可以预见

Apple Pay has been officially released this week and is expected to start with , which, of course, is inevitable in promoting a new type of mechanism, especially in the early stages of development. There are, of course, a number of factors, — — especially for young people born in the Millennium years & mdash; — sudden discovery of the need to accommodate a new form of payment not previously seen.


& mdash; & mdash; please state that I just texted you a six-digit identification code to verify your identity, and then we can start seeing each other. Also, I need you to provide the points we're going to get from the restaurant on the dotting site.


October 17 mdash; first step in love is


Just a few days ago, most of the text messages I received were sent by family members or relatives. Today, however, most of the text messages on my cell phone have been turned into authentication services, and these numbers have helped me verify that the true identity is consistent with the declaration of identity on some websites or applications. As more and more Internet data are leaking (or


Porn pottery: No access for minors


& mdash; & mdash; great! I can't wait to see what's in the ads in the shop nearby on Facebook!


October 10th mdash > ; Facebook is getting worse


This situation stems from the fact that Facebook has once again violated our personal privacy & mdash; & mdash; and, yes, Facebook. It appears that Zuckerberg is conspiring to introduce a new feature that allows local businesses to send advertising content to users close to their locations. Therefore, please be careful when next passes the red light zone & mdash; & mdash; or, at least from a security perspective, to temporarily remove positioning services on mobile devices.


& mdash; & mdash; Daddy, look! I broke a crane for you!

——救命啊!我的iPhone 6 Plus不见啦?!有人看着没?

& mdash; & mdash; help! Is my iPhone 6 Plus missing? Is anyone watching?


October 3rd mdash > > > > ; iPhone bends as soon as the child turns.

时至今日,很多朋友对“弯曲门”这儿已经不再陌生——实际上,这种现象正是发生在苹果新推出的大尺寸iPhone 6 Plus身上。用户发现这款机型特别容易在日常生活中被不慎搞弯。尽管这已经是几个礼拜之前的旧闻了,但仍有不少媒体喜欢把它拎出来一提再提。我本人还没买iPhone 6 Plus(我目前继续坚持使用自己的5S),所以对这类消息不怎么关注。不过如果我真有一台,肯定会尽量当心、别把它混在孩子们的手工和艺术创作品里头。小心使得万年船嘛。

To date, many friends are not familiar with & & mdash; — — in fact, this is happening on the iPhone 6 Plus, the new size of Apple. Users find this machine particularly prone to being misled in everyday life. Although it is an old story a few weeks ago, there are a lot of media who like to bring it up again. I haven't bought the iPhone 6 Plus (I continue to use my own 5S now), so I don't care much about this kind of information. But if I had one, I would certainly try not to mix it with children's handicrafts and art.


& mdash; & mdash; my God, they're looking for a lot of hooligan cell towers.


& mdash; & mdash; you look a little weird with this tree?



September 26


This week's news is a bit strange and even surprising: 18 hooligan cell phone signal towers , which can intercept the user's cell phone signals. But this has not stopped. , which, for some reason, is quickly discovered in other parts of the United States.


& mdash; & mdash; I'm sorry! I found that space rental wasn't really a good idea.


September 19 mdash > ; building a space taxi is really saying it's easy to do


This week, NASA announced that it had entered into with Boeing and SpaceX, so that

——……如果大家打算把自己的iPhone 6 Plus装进裤兜儿里,请火速购买我们新鲜出炉的大口袋“苹果长裤”!

& mdash; — &helip; … & if you want to put your iPhone 6 Plus in your pants, please buy the big pockets & ldquao; apple pants & rdquao;


September 12th mdash; apples become a new threat to Lewis jeans

如大家所知,苹果公司于本周最终发售的iPhone 6确实采用了各位睽违已久的4.7英寸大屏幕设计方案。如果对于这样的尺寸还不满意,苹果方面此外公布的iPhone 6 Plus则配备了惊人的5.5英寸超大屏幕。鉴于大家似乎都希望兴高采烈地揣着新iPhone跑出去跟朋友们炫耀一番,我认为苹果实在是错过了商机——他们本应该进一步发售周边产品,推出配有超大裤袋设计、足以容纳新一代iPhone的外裤。从固有印象出发,苹果不太可能忽视这样一个赚钱的大好机会。不管怎么说,我相信这类产品肯定能够带来不错的收益。

As you know, Apple did use iPhone 6, which was finally released this week, at


& mdash; & mdash; & mdash; — we're done! As soon as I get the car from Uber, I'll go to the airport and I'll never see you again!


& mdash; & mdash; et cetera, dear & mdash; & mdash; I received a request from Uber for a passenger to be taken to the airport & Hellip; and & Hellip;


September 5th; & mdash; breakup embarrassed Uber


But today, the difficulty of breaking up has increased, thanks to services such as the Internet, social media, and other similar technologies & mdash; and it's really hard for us to exclude our ex-partners from our lives at this time. And now the popular Uber has caused more embarrassment on both sides of the relationship.


& mdash; & mdash; Mr. Engineer, I actually prefer & ldquao; serving & rdquao; that is.



August 29th; & mdash; stop calling them & ldquao; feeding boy & rdquao;


I don't know whether or not I have one or all of them, but I do think that the recent & & ldquo; & & & & edquo. Thanks to the full roll-out of cloud computing, we have gradually begun to get used to


& mdash; & mdash; now turn your head, cough and tell me your mother's maiden name.


August 22nd; & mdash; turning head, coughing and then authenticating


According to the information we have just received this week, , and this is just . Why do hackers have such interest in the personal medical data of the ordinary people as they are interested in that have no knowledge of the existence of this type of information?


& mdash; & mdash; you'd look stupid in high school!


& mdash; & mdash; who allowed Markberg to sneak through our old albums?

——很明显是我……只要装了Facebook Messenger应用,早晚得出事。

& mdash; & mdash; obviously it's me & Hellip; & Hellip; sooner or later, as long as Facebook Messenge application is installed.

八月十五日——Facebook Messenger比我们想象中的更具侵入性

August 15 mdash; Facebook Messenger is more intrusive than we thought

好像每过一、两个月,Facebook就会跳出来发布一大堆服务条款(貌似条款)并在互联网上掀起一波风浪——这种趋势最近正变得愈发频繁。最新的实例就是围绕Facebook Messenger这一全新应用程序引发的应用协议混乱。有些人很快将其卸载甚至干脆拒绝加以安装,这是因为这款应用能够获取到用户的全部信息——包括照片、联系人、短信以及位置信息等等。不过大多数群众仍然情绪稳定,认为其实这也惹不出多大麻烦、过分担忧纯属庸人自扰。我个人就更偏向于后面这种处理方式,反正我仍然能从Facebook以及Hooded One当中找到乐子。

It seems that every one or two months, Facebook pops up and issues a whole bunch of service provisions (like provisions) & mdash; — — these trends are becoming more frequent recently. The most recent example is around , a new application that has caused confusion on the Internet. Some people quickly unloaded , even simply refusing to install it, because this application is a source of information from users & mash; & countermdash; & contact-mailed information - >and most of the people's trouble .


& & mdash; & mdash; yes, I'm sure our girl's accidentally thrown toothcases have no matching applications. Come on in and help us find them!


8 August


There's almost one application for every activity that we've been doing on a daily basis in recent times. At least that's what I feel. But, as the cartoon above says, there are still things that applications can't do for us, for example, when my daughter left her toothcases in the restaurant and the waiter threw them in the garbage bin to help us find them. For a long time, I've really been in that tin box for a while, but unfortunately nothing has been done.


& mdash; & mdash; you call this garbage two-faced eccentric eggs?

——Linus Torvalds骂啥,咱就点啥。

& mdash; & mdash; Linus Torvalds, we'll order.


七月三十一日——Linus Toravlds一开骂,群众们就激动

July 31st, mdash; Linus Toravlds >

本周技术界的轻松时刻来自前无古人、也很可能后无来者的Linus Torvalds,这位Linux与Git的传奇缔造者同时也是一位技艺精湛却又口不择言的巨喷。作为一个从不吝惜自己的口水与极端情绪的人,Torvalds在最近发布的GCC编译器当中发现了一个bug。尽管他在该bug的正式报告中作出了非常专业的评述,但他个人写给Linux内核收件名单内各成员的邮件就实在是有些……呃,随意——或者叫“成人化”。跟大家的固有印象一样,Torvalds对于出现在他技术世界中的任何一个小差错都不会吝惜怒火与咆哮。我们只能通过想象来猜度他在真实生活中会以怎样丧心病狂的方式对待此类问题。

This week's easy moments in the technocratic community come from Linus Torvalds, a former, possibly later, founder of Linux and Git, who is also a skilled, yet unspoken, giant sprayer who wrote http://lkml.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/1407.3/00650.html>, even though his official report made a very professional comment, but he wrote > http://lkml.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/1407.3/00650.html >Linux > >, which is just as small as the way in which he’s brain-trained members < /a> / / /a / / / / / / /hl & & & & & /ms /flash & & & & & & /d /mbremb.


& mdash; & mdash; I know it's System Administrator's Day, but it's too much.


& mdash; & mdash; thank you for everything you've done for us, Your Majesty.


& mdash; & mdash; where do you think these spices fit?


25 July

系统管理员节快乐!请大家面对现实,系统管理员就是我们办公室中的超级英雄,没有他们日常工作根本没办法正常开展。当然,这一天我们必须花点时间表现自己的爱心,让那些保障网络与电子邮件服务器正常运行、计算机与打印设备顺畅起效的最可爱的人们感到温暖。如果大家有向他们赠送礼物的念头,不妨点击此处获取一点灵感; 当然大家也可以写一首诗(或者叙事性的舞蹈)来表达自己的感恩情绪。不过事情太过火了终归不好,所以请各位尽量控制好自己的状态。

We must, of course, take some time to show our love and warm up to the cutest people who keep the network and the e-mail server running properly, and whose computers and printing devices work smoothly. If you have any idea of giving them a gift, you may wish to write a poem ; of course, you can also say


& mdash; — Comcast never accepted the negative answer.


July 18th mdash; Commcast will not let you go

当大家发现某些固网公司的客户服务已经糟糕到无以复加时,别忘了读读本周技术专栏记者Ryan Block在尝试退订Comcast服务时遭遇的真实状况。原本应该只是一次短暂通话就能简单搞定的问题最终变成了一场惨烈而痛苦的拉锯式分手。当Block与某位客户服务代表进行沟通时,对方说什么也不能接受前者提出的否定性答案。幸运的是,Block记录下了大部分通话内容,感兴趣的朋友可以自行收听。这位代表最终还是帮助Block退订了固网服务,不过即使Comcast方面派人在Block家的车道上以《情到深处》中约翰 库萨克的造型大表忠心,我也丝毫不会感到惊讶。

When it turns out that some of the firm's clients' services are already in a state of discomfort, don't forget to read . The question that should have been simply solved in a brief conversation eventually turned into a bitter and painful Racaw break-up.


& mdash; & mdash; yes, he must eat with us, because this meal is prepared by everyone.


& mdash; & mdash; after dinner, which one of you is responsible for giving me a foot massage?


July 11th mdash > ; crowds are losing their appeal


This news came to my personal favorite technology list this week with little resistance: , with the production of potato salads that successfully raised $40,000 on KickStarter (as of now)


& mdash; & mdash; how's it going, kid? Have you ever seen a fireworks show like this before?


& mdash; & mdash; I think you're still not as good at upgrading your operating system on Mom's iPhone.


3 July

明天就是七月四号独立日,也就是说美国各个州府的普通民众都将欣赏到美轮美奂的烟花表演。其实我个人对烟花这东西不是太感兴趣(打呵欠),而且平心而论,波士顿这边的烟花表演再怎么精彩玄幻、也比不上我在搞砸家庭IT支持工作时引发的热烈气氛。当时我正在女儿的iPhone 4s上进行iOS系统更新,结果屏幕中的显示内容突然发生了扭曲。抓狂之余,我花了一整晚继续鼓捣这台小设备,希望帮她把照片和联系人信息恢复过来。这次事故让我深刻体会到及时备份的重要性甚至是必要性。

Tomorrow is the fourth day of independence, which means that ordinary people in every state capital of the United States will enjoy the fireworks. In fact, I am not personally interested in the fireworks, and, to be fair, I am not as much interested as I am in helping her to get the photos and contact information back.


& mdash; & mdash; well, I apologized and washed your car. Now can I get back to cable TV?


& mdash; & mdash; give me another drink.


July 27th >mdash; & mdash; ready to kneel, you traitors.

美国最高法院于本周作出一多项关于重大技术方案的裁定。其中之一在于认定警方必须在取得搜查令后才能对个人手机加以查看。除此之外,另一项关注度较低的裁定是判决Aereo TV服务违背了著作权法。这相当于给Aereo以及与之类似的服务宣判了死刑,这很可能意味着部分用户将重新回归有线电视怀抱。当然,我相信有线电视公司将以热情的怀抱欢迎这些迷途知返的浪子。

The U.S. Supreme Court issued a number of decisions on major technological programs this week. One of the lower concerns was the finding that . In addition, another finding was that . This would amount to a death sentence for Aero and similar services, which would probably mean that some users would return to cable television.


& mdash; & mdash; hey, were you looking at that guy?


& mdash; & mdash; no! I swear!


& mdash; & mdash; she did!


July 19th; >mdash; >mdash; beware! Fire phone knows where your eyes are.

本周Amazon公司最终公布了其宣传已久的智能手机产品,Fire。这款手机具备所谓Dynamic Perspective功能,这套头部追踪系统利用位于手机正面四角位置的四个前置摄像头掌握用户的实时动向。利用这些摄像头,该手机能够随时了解用户的头部正转向何处。

This week Amazon finally released its long-publicized smartphone product , Fire. The mobile phone has a so-called Dynamic Perspective function, and the head tracking system captures the user's movement in real time using four front cameras located at the four corners of the front. With these cameras, the mobile phone can readily understand where the user's head is turning.


Fire's mobile phone uses this technology to judge which location (including pictures, maps, etc.) the user is currently looking at. It sounds good, but for me, , the first thing that comes out of my mind is that this technology may be used for certain negative purposes. Of course, I may be just a worry, right?


Your video content is too slow because VERIZON is a pile of garbage.


& mdash; & mdash; Actually, this reminder is better than most Netflix videos.


. >........................................................................................................................................................................


First, the users of Netflix who used Verizon's web service stressed that Verizon's stream of media transmission quality is a mess . After that, Verizon took up his legal weapon and threatened to take away the content of the tips >.


& mdash; & mdash; this is your personal doctor & mdash; & mdash; as long as you eat one more piece of pie, it will be alerted.


July 6th

本周苹果公司召开了其一年一度的全球开发者大会(简称WWDC)。无论大家认为苹果仍在不断创新还是满足于原地踏步,此次盛会都一如既往地成为全世界关注的焦点以及新闻报导的核心。作为一大重头戏,苹果方面隆重推出了HealthKit,iOS 8将在其帮助下更轻松地允许应用程序共享到与用户个人相关的健康数据。HealthKit还允许应用程序将用户的健康与健身数据与医护供应方加以共享。

Apple continues to innovate or is used as an important feature to enable the sharing of personal health-related data with


As usual, the first thing I think of is & & & quo; is that really a good thing? & & rdquao; and, to think about it again, my point of view is more firm & & mdash; & mdash; uh, it's not good.

好消息是iOS 8直到2014年年末才会全面上线,因此就目前来说,大家还是能够偷偷多吃点小零食的。

The good news is that iOS 8 will not be fully online until late 2014, so for the time being, you can still steal more snacks.


Educational methods in 1989:


& mdash; & mdash; Dad, just give me a dollar, and I'll have it settled when I bring it back.


& mdash; & mdash; again?


Educational methods in 2014:


& mdash; & mdash; Dad, give me a hundred bucks, I have to pay off the blackmail software bill on my phone.


& mdash; & mdash; again?



May 30th


This week, it has been reported that user of Australia's iOS product was in a state of blackmail software locking equipment . My first response was to take appropriate measures to ensure that my iPhone would not fall into play, and then to remind my daughter of strict protection of mobile phones.


& mdash; & mdash; this smart oven seems a little too smart. It doesn't even let me do it.


& mdash; & mdash; he's going to cook &helip; … danger! Call the police!


May 23rd


The Day of the Dead is about to come, and the hot tides of the summer barbecues are about to rise. Barbecues are one of my favorite outdoors, and — and it is a pleasure to open a beer and light a oven to cook a delicious meal for myself and his family. Of course, sometimes I also boil my meals or my hair, but who cares about it in relation to endless enjoyment?


And that's why the recently published /a> made me unhappy. I can't imagine having my own oven decide when the food will be cooked & mdash; & mdash; what more can I do? In cooking equipment, I prefer traditional options like fools.


& mdash; & mdash; et cetera, how can this kind of meeting take place again?


& mdash; & mdash; this is to update our privacy policy again. Don't you remember, Mr. Zuckerberg?


& mdash; & mdash; hello, he's over 30 years old and has a poor memory.

五月十六日——马克 扎克伯格迎来新的人生里程碑

May 16th mdash > ; Mark Zuckerberg welcomes a new milestone in life

这一次的大新闻是,上周三Facebook公司创始人兼CEO马克 扎克伯格迎来了自己的三十岁生日!真的很难相信,对吧?当然,三十岁从任何角度、层面或者出发点来讲都不能算老(我都已经四十四了,还不服老呢)。不过到了三十岁,很多人的发际线已经开始出现上移的迹象,肠胃也不像年轻时那么强健,偶尔还会忘记自己为什么要走进某个房间或者为什么要出席公司的律师会议。

The big news is that last Wednesday's Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zackberg has come to his 30th birthday ! It's hard to believe, right? Of course, 30 years old isn't old from any angle, dimension or starting point (I'm already 44 years old). But by the age of 30, many people's hairlines are beginning to show signs of upward movement, and their stomachs are not as strong as young as they were, and sometimes forget why they entered a room or why they attended the company's lawyers meeting.


& mdash; & mdash; mom, happy Mother's Day! Look at the gifts I have prepared for you & mdash; & mdash; more secure passwords!


May 9, ; ; >mdash > ; this Mother's Day to make Mother more comfortable


As you may already know, this Sunday is a sacred Mother's Day. If you haven't figured out what kind of gift should be given to your mother or wife on this important day, then may bring a little bit of inspiration & mdash; & mdash; yes, it is safer for them to live online. Mothers will always be happy with any gift they give, so give their carefully prepared high-intensity passwords & mdash; & mdash; anyway, they will not be beaten.


& mdash; & mdash; good news: We found the long-sown Yadali E.T. game tape. The bad news is: We found something else; and & Hellip;


& mdash; & mdash; Marx: I'm free.


May 2nd; & mdash; this is the fate of the pin


This week, interesting news came from New Mexico, where . These tapes, along with some other unsold Yadali equipment & mdash; & mdash; other games and games hardware & mdash; & mdash; they were buried in the Alamogo landfill following the 1983 crash.


The whole process reminds me that there should be other infamous and forgotten products in the field of technology waiting to be discovered. Interestingly, seeing people holding the E.T. card, I think first of all about the macabre pin image & mdash; & mdash; yes, it should be thrown together in the abandoned warehouse of history.


& mdash; & mdash; & I think Heartbleed's hole is quite serious, but isn't it a bit of a fussy?



April 18th mdash; speaking of Heartbleed, we can't be too careful


Well, once again this week, I was flooded with reports of Heartbleed, and I myself had to try to figure out what code changes would be needed. In order to be more secure, I also changed my headlocks, the kind of drinks that I drink in Starbucks, even considering whether other security precautions should be introduced. It would be better to be careful not to get involved in the safety itself.



& mdash; & mdash; jue FD8iq7j open!


April 11

不知道大家有何感受,但这个礼拜我有很大一部分时间都在接受Hearbleed OpenSSL漏洞的狂轰滥炸,并试图弄明白自己在哪些站点上的哪些密码可能存在泄露风险、且需尽快加以更改。这件事让我想起了阿里巴巴与四十大盗的故事,这也许是世界范围内知名度最高的密码泄露案例了。想象一下,如果四十大盗能够早点使用随机密码生成器这样的保护机制,阿里巴巴那小子哪会如此猖狂!

I don't know how you feel, but I've been taking a lot of time this week to accept Hearbleed OpenSSL gap and to try to figure out which passwords on which sites I might be exposed to and need to be changed as soon as possible. This reminds me of the story of


& mdash; & mdash; how easy it is to watch television before we buy these streaming media equipments for easy viewing.


April 4th >

这个礼拜Amazon公布了全新机顶盒流媒体设备,Fire TV。与大多数朋友一样,听到这条消息后我的第一反应是“为什么?”看起来目前市面上已经存在一大堆类似的产品,包括Apple TV、Roku、Chromecast、Xbox以及PlayStation,它们都想把自己的流媒体内容塞进用户的电视。市场真能容得下又一款流媒体产品吗?电视台都在干啥,坐以待毙吗?

This week, Amazon published , Fire TV. Like most friends, my first reaction to this news is “ why? & ” there appears to be a whole range of similar products on the market, including Apple TV, Roku, Choramecast, Xbox-gaming-capabilites.


If you think Facebook's previous privacy policy is too scary, don't rush to — — read 3D before concluding.


三月二十八日——Facebook围绕Oculus Rift制定出更加恐怖的发展规划

March 28th & mdash; & mdash > ; Facebook >. . . >...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

很明显,本周最吸引眼球的新闻之一又与马克 扎克伯格这厮有关。他再次从胯下掏出支票簿,豪掷20亿美元收购了Oculus VR公司——其开发出的Oculus Rift虚拟现实头载装置已经在全球范围内引发热潮。尽管这款头载装置最初是为游戏玩家所打造,但Facebook最终可能将其纳入其它发展规划当中。想象一下,能够以3D方式查看Facebook的服务条款或者隐私政策信息、而不再被牢牢束缚在传统平面之上,简直赞!

Obviously, one of the most attractive stories this week is related to Mark Zuckerberg's acquisition of Oculus VR — — its launch of the Oculus Rift virtual headline device ; its launch of the Oculus Rift virtual headline device has triggered a global boom. Though originally made for gamers, .


& mdash; & mdash; I have something on me that's supported by the Android system, girls. Guess what?

三月二十一日——Android Wear将让事情变得更加糟糕

March 21st mdash; Android Wear will make things worse

就在本周,谷歌公司发布了其Android Wear操作系统,旨在将Android系统拓展到可穿戴式设备领域。基于Android的智能手表作为尖刀班首先亮相,但在此之后谁知道又会冒出哪些牛鬼神蛇?我想只有天空——或者说设备制造商以及Android Wear开发者们的想象力——才是束缚其发展的惟一限制。

Just this week, , designed to extend Android's system to the area of wearingable equipment. The smart watch based on Android is the first to appear, but who knows what next? I think only the sky & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; the only limit to its development.


I don't know what to think about it. On the one hand, the news is really exciting. On the other hand, it's going to get weirder. In any case, sometimes it's going to give me answers.


Welcome to CERN.


& ldquao; World Wide Web & rdquao;


& mdash; & mdash; I don't understand. Can I share my cat video with this?


March 14 mdash; old man of waste of time, happy birthday! >/strang >

刚刚过去的星期三是个值得纪念的日子:就在二十五年前的同一天,即1989年3月12日,Tiim Berners-Lee在CERN用于同事间文档共享的方案最终演变成了后来的万维网。当然,在那个时候他并没有将其称为万维网(我在漫画中使用了这一名称,但艺术加工请勿当真)。他当时为其定名为“Mesh”,是一套“全局超链接系统”。时至今日,我们会简单将其称为网,我个人则更倾向于叫它“全局超-时间浪费系统。”

The last Wednesday was a memorable day: on the same day, 12 March 1989, twenty-five years ago, Tiim Berners-Lee was assigned the name & ldquo; Mesh” a & ldquo; a global hyperlink system & rdqua; and today we will call it simply the Web, and I personally prefer it & ldquo; and a global super-time waste system.

三月:来得像史蒂夫 鲍尔默……去得像蒂姆 库克。

March: come like Steve Balmer & Hellip; & Hellip; go like Tim Cook.


& mdash; & mdash; Developer! Developer!


& mdash; & mdash; hey, neighbors!


March 7 mdash > ; March came as a technological storm to


The spring of the year came again, and the month of March also declared the departure of a long and harsh winter. The popular word for March was , the contradictory month of lions and sheep . This year, I think it is time to talk about different topics, such as the Technical Assembly and two of the world's leaders who are extreme in terms of their personality & mdash; and, in fact, in March, it was their image that was the first thing that came out of my mind.

有趣的是,尽管蒂姆 库克一直保持着温和亲切的形象,但他在苹果最近几次股东会议上却表现出了难得一见的强势。因此,也许固有的印象并不一定完全准确。但大家明白我的意思就好。

Interestingly, although Tim Cook has maintained a gentle image of , he has shown a rare at the recent meetings of Apple shareholders. The impression may therefore not always be entirely accurate.


& mdash; & mdash; you know that burying a computer doesn't improve the safety of bitcoin inside, right?



February 28th mdash > > ; hide your bitcoin under the bed and wish yourself luck

两个看似无关的大事件打破了本周的宁静。首先,全球最大比特币交易平台、东京Mt. Gox终于坦白,承认迄今为止已经有价值数亿美元的这一数字货币宣告丢失。接下来是加利福尼亚州的一对夫妇发现了一堆十九世纪美国铸造的金币,其市场估价高达1000万美元——这些宝贝就存放在他们居住地下的罐子当中。

First, >.


The story that follows reminds me that Bitcoin can neither hold it in its hands nor hide it in the ground to gain the world’s recognition. Even a well-known and well-respected talent, like Fred Wilson, finally says for sure , and I think it is a real & ldquao; money & & rdquao;

——What’s App,兄弟们?明白吗——What’s App和What’s up啥的……

& mdash; & mdash; What’ s App, brothers? & mdash; & mdash; What’ s App and What’ s up and what & Hellip; and & Hellip;


& mdash; & mdash; do I think we paid him $19 billion?

二月二十一日——Whats app?!马克 扎克伯格捡了个大便宜


Facebook acquired WhatsApp with a combined cash-and-stock portfolio of $19 billion. My God, this is an exaggeration for a telecommunications-type application. But I guess Mark Zackberg thinks that his company

当然,当我听到WhatsApp这款应用,首先想到的就是当初百威啤酒做的那个老广告。另外,我发现WhatsApp的创始人们肯定已经听够了用户们的“What’s app”之声。当然,反正已经拿到了190亿美元的收购金额,相信他们会用微笑的表情面对一切恼人问题。

Of course, when I heard about WhatsApp's application, the first thought was the old ad made by Bawe's beer . Moreover, I found that WhatsApp's founders must have heard enough of the user's & ldquo; What’ sapp” voice. Of course, they had already received $19 billion in acquisitions and believed that they would face all the trouble with smiling faces.


Time Warner cable.


& mdash; & mdash; I'm not sure, anyway, the Comcast side says they'll be here between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. to finish the purchase deal.


February 14th mdash > ; good luck, Comcast shows up to clean up this mess


for $45 billion. The deal has been approved in principle, but still awaits approval from regulators and shareholders. Of course, the biggest challenge of the era is the need to stay awake & mdash; & mmdash; because Comcast has given up a potential consultation area for eight hours.

——敬爱的领袖希望朝鲜自主研发的操作系统与Mac OS X拥有类似的外观效果?为什么不学Windows呢?

& mdash; & mdash; beloved leaders want Korea’s autonomously developed operating system to have similar appearances as Mac OS X. Why not like Windows?


& mdash; & mdash; beloved leaders are just a little crazy, but not stupid.


February 7th mdash > ; even Kim Jong-un is not so crazy

当然,本周技术业界的最大新闻是微软公司终于确定了新任CEO的人选。不过我感打赌,本周最有趣的技术消息还得说是朝鲜的最新操作系统在外观上与苹果的OS X保持了高度一致。不知道敬爱领袖金正恩是否就此作出过说明,但不管怎么说,他终归是做出了这样一个出人意料的理智决定——至少比跟公牛队的外星人丹尼斯 罗德曼交朋友更理智。

Of course, the biggest news of the technology industry this week is . I bet that the most interesting technical news of the week was North Korea's latest operating system , which is highly consistent with Apple's OS X on the outside. I wonder if Kim-Hung did anything about it, but he finally made such a sensible decision & mdash; & mmedash; at least by


& mdash; & mdash; did you ask Siri? When did the movie start?

——问过啦,不过她说她正忙着跟瓦昆 菲尼克斯交流感情呢。

& mdash; & mdash; yes, but she says she's busy communicating with Vackon Phoenix.



January 31 mdash > ; loved by her until Oscar ends

大家现在可能已经知道了,瓦昆 菲尼克斯在电影《》中所扮演的蠢蛋男主角不可救药地爱上了由斯嘉丽 约翰逊配音的操作系统。这部电影取得了一系列辉煌的成功,并荣获多项奥斯卡提名——其中甚至包括一项最佳影片提名。

As you may already know, the stupid hero who played the movie in her fell in irretrievably in love with the operating system of Scarlett Johnson's voice. The film has a series of brilliant successes and has won several Oscar nominations & mdash; & mdash; and even one of the best film nominations.


Needless to say, this also creates a series of follow-up guilt. If you are going to seek Siri’s help in the coming weeks, you need to be prepared with sufficient patience & mdash; & mdash; because she may be with & & ldquo; that person & & rdquo; flirting.


& mdash; & mdash; I personally recommend salmon with buttered cherubs, which will certainly be well received on Instagram.


January 30th; & mdash; try the salmon, but don't forget to turn on the flashlight on your phone


Last weekend, I went to dinner with my wife and two little daughters (one 11-year-old and one 14-year-old). We rarely had this kind of family dinner, so we all took it as a matter of fact. Girls don't pick up their phones when they eat, so it's not really the same & mdash; & mdash; because no one takes pictures of the food.


This reminds me of those food photos that we've taken and shared in social media or through Snapchat, among others. Maybe the restaurant should do something about the beauty of the food and the image effects. Who knows, maybe this is a way to attract more customers.


& mdash; & mdash; kids, this is called &ldquao; cash & rdquao; what does it do? When the power goes out, we have to use it to buy things.


January 24th. mdash; no electricity? No problem. We have more traditional consumption.


Last weekend I took the kids out to work. At every station, I did something that I thought I would never catch again & mdash; & mdash; cash, cash, all cash. Yes, I didn't pull out my credit card or go anywhere.


It reminds me that my children grew up in virtual payment environments, and I'm afraid that the cash deal has become a legend like the Tooth Fairy. When their teeth are completely changed, maybe we're already completely into Bitcoin's arms. Or we're gonna get them to sign up for Square, so that they can use their credit cards.


& mdash; & mdash; hey, want to know what your husband just ran online?


& mdash; & mdash; shut the fuck up, you temperature regulator!


& mdash; & mdash; et cetera, did you hear what he saw on YouTube?


January 17th mdash >



Educational methods in 1984:


Did you really brush your teeth, or did you put it in the water and pretend to brush it yourself?


Educational methods in 2014:


Did you really brush your teeth, or did you break this toothbrush and pretend to brush yourself?


January 10th;


This week's big news comes from the 2015 United States Electronic Consumption Fair in Las Vegas. Many manufacturers show their new commodities here, but what holds me firmly in the eye is a brush that relative to the Internet . The product is said to be able to collect data and send them to a mobile phone application, so we can see that our dental care is not in place.


It does sound cool, but as a parent, I always think it's nice to be able to remind children to brush their teeth or ask them if they've brushed their teeth before they sleep. I really don't see why someone would give up such a good opportunity and give it to the equipment to do it.


& mdash; & mdash; I heard that there is one Chromebook in every five laptops sold last year.


& mdash; & mdash; yeah, because they're cheap and functional.


& mdash; & mdash; yes, they can even be gloves.


3 January mdash; Chromebook became the new Swiss military knife

今年的圣诞节,我和我老婆决定给两个小女儿(一个十一岁、一个十四岁)每人买一台Chromebook。理由很简单,我们真的受不了她们争夺(有时候动手、有时候只是口角)家里的MacBook Pro了,而且她们也确实需要一台设备来完成家庭作业。两个小姑娘对这份礼物也深表喜爱,因为Chromebook还真是挺漂亮的。

For Christmas this year, my wife and I decided to buy a Chromebook for each of our two little daughters, an 11-year-old and a 14-year-old. The simple reason is that we really can't stand the fact that they're fighting for MacBook Pro in their home, and they really need a piece of equipment to finish their homework. The girls also love this gift, because Chromebook is really pretty.


Obviously, we are not the only customers who decided to buy this product when they left town. You may not realize that of all laptop computers sold in 2013. These devices seem to have posed an indefensible threat to traditional computers as they grow.






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