
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:102 评论:0
Bitcoin 是一個共識網路,它讓一種新的支付系統和一種完全的數位貨幣成為可能。它是第一個去中心化的點對點支付網路,它由用戶來支撐,不需要中央機構或中間人。從用戶的角度看,Bitcoin 就像是網路上...



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Bitcoin 是一個共識網路,它讓一種新的支付系統和一種完全的數位貨幣成為可能。它是第一個去中心化的點對點支付網路,它由用戶來支撐,不需要中央機構或中間人。從用戶的角度看,Bitcoin 就像是網路上的鈔票一樣。Bitcoin 也被認為是現有的最傑出的三式記帳系統

Bitcoin is a common understanding network that makes it possible for a new payment system and a full digital currency. It is the first point-to-point payment network to be centralized. It is supported by a user and does not need a central agency or a middleman. From the user's point of view, Bitcoin is like a banknote on the Internet. Bitcoin is also considered to be the best available >.

Bitcoin 是率先應用實施“密碼貨幣”的概念。這個概念最先由Wei Dai 在1998年在cypherpunks信箱組列表中描述,他提出了一種新型貨幣的想法,也即用密碼技術來控制貨幣的產生和交易,而不是通過一個中央機構來控制。第一個 Bitcoin 的說明和概念證明由中本聰先生於2009年在密碼學信箱組列表中發表。中本聰先生在2010年末離開了這個項目,他沒有解釋太多的理由。而這個社群從此呈指數增長,許多開發人員 都開始投入到 Bitcoin 中。

Bitcoin was the first to apply the concept of "password currency". The concept was first described by Wei Dai in 1998 in the cypherpunks mailbox list, where he put forward the idea of a new currency, i.e., the use of cryptography to control the generation and trading of currency, rather than through a central institution. The first bitcoin's instructions and concepts proved that Mr. Nakamoto had been published in 2009 in the passwords box group list. Mr. Nakamoto left the project in late 2010 for little reason.

中本聰先生的隱匿總是會引起過度的關注,很多這些關注導致了對 Bitcoin 的開放原始碼性質的誤解。Bitcoin 協議和軟體是公開發佈的,而且世界上任何開發人員都可以評審其程式碼或製作他們自己改進版的 Bitcoin 軟體。就像現在的開發人員一樣,中本聰所作的修改被不被其他人接受,他是無法決定的,也即其影響是有限的。他并不控制 Bitcoin。因此,Bitcoin 的發明者身份在今天看來可能是像紙的發明者的身份一樣無關重要。

The hiding of Mr. Nakamoto always attracts excessive attention, many of which lead to a misunderstanding of the open source quality of Bitcoin. The Bitcoin agreement and software are publicly available, and any developer in the world can review its code or make their own version of the Bitcoin software. Like the current developer, the changes made in the medium are not accepted by others, and he cannot decide, or have limited impact. He does not control Bitcoin.

沒有人擁有 Bitcoin 網路,就像沒有人擁有電子信箱背後的技術一樣。Bitcoin 由全球所有 Bitcoin 用戶所掌控。開發人員改善軟體功能時,他們不能強迫 Bitcoin 協議接受一個變動,因為所有用戶都可以自由選擇他們使用的軟體和版本,用戶必須使用具備同樣的規則的軟體,才能彼此相容。Bitcoin 只能在所有用戶具備共識的基礎之上才能正常運作。因此,所有用戶與開發人員都具有強烈的願望來維護這樣的共識。

Nobody owns the Bitcoin network, just like nobody owns the technology behind the e-mail box. Bitcoin is controlled by all Bitcoin users around the world. When developers improve software, they cannot force Bitcoin to accept a change because all users are free to choose the software and versions they use, and users have to use software with the same rules in order to be compatible with each other. Bitcoin works only on the basis of a common understanding of all users.

從用戶的角度看,Bitcoin 只是一個提供私人 Bitcoin 錢包和讓用戶傳送和接收比特幣的行動應用程式或電腦程式。對大部份的用戶來說,這是 Bitcoin 的用途。

From the user's point of view, Bitcoin is only a mobile application or computer program that provides private Bitcoin wallets and allows users to send and receive bitcoin. For most users, this is for Bitcoin.

在後臺,Bitcoin 網路分享著一個公開的被稱為“區塊鏈”的總的分類帳。這個分類帳包含所有已經進行的交易,這使得用戶的電腦可以核實每一筆交易的合法性。每一筆交易的真實性被相應的傳送地址的數位簽署保護,這使得所有的用戶都可以對從他們自己的 Bitcoin 地址傳送的比特幣有完全的掌控權。而且,每一個人都可以使用有專門硬體的計算器能力來處理交易并因這個服務而獲得作為獎賞的比特幣。這通常被稱為“挖礦”。如果您想要瞭解更多關於 Bitcoin 的資訊,您可以檢視專門頁原始論文

On the backstage, Bitcoin shares a public general sub-account called the "block chain". This sub-account contains all the transactions that have been made, which enables the user's computer to verify the legitimacy of each transaction. The digital signature of each transaction's real-estate delivery address allows all users to have full control over the bitcoin transmitted from their own Bitcoin address. Furthermore, each individual can use a dedicated hard-account capability to handle the transaction and be rewarded for the service. This is commonly called "mining." If you want more information about Bitcoin, you can view and .

是的。越來越多的企業和個人使用 Bitcoin。這包括實體企業,如餐廳、公寓、法律公司和廣受歡迎的線上服務如Namecheap, WordPress, Reddit 和 Flattr等等。雖然 Bitcoin 還是一個相對而言較新鮮的現象,但是它發展迅速。2013年8月底,流通中的比特幣價值超過了15億美元(US$ 1.5 billion),而且每天都有價值數百萬的比特幣在交易。

Yes, more and more businesses and individuals use Bitcoin. This includes real businesses, such as restaurants, apartments, legal companies and popular online services such as Namecheap, WordPress, Reddit and Flattr. Bitcoin is a relatively new phenomenon, but it is growing rapidly. At the end of August 2013,



Although some might want to exchange it for credit cards or PayPal by selling bitcoins, most money transfers are not allowed to be exchanged with these means of payment. This is because people buy bitcoins with PayPal and then they cancel the deal themselves. This is often seen as a refusal. This happens sometimes.

比起用提款卡和信用卡,Bitcoin 購買商品更容易支付,而且在沒有商家帳戶的情況下也可以支付給商家。支付通過一個錢包應用程式進行,在你的電腦上或智慧型手機上您都可以進行支付,您只需輸入收款人的地址、支付金額,然後按傳送鍵。爲了使輸入收款人的地址變得更方便,很多錢包都可以通過掃描一個 QR 碼或者通過使用 NFC 技術使兩個行動電話接觸就能獲得地址。

Bitcoin is easier to pay for goods than with a withdrawal card and a credit card, and can pay for them in the absence of a business account. Payment is done through a wallet application, which you can pay on your computer or on a smart phone. You can simply enter the payee’s address, pay the amount, and then press the delivery button. To make it easier to enter the payee’s address, many of the wallets can get an address by scanning a QR code or by using a NFC technique to connect two mobile phones.

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  • 支付自由 - 任何時候在世界的任何地方即時傳送和接受任何數量的金額是可能的。不受銀行放假的影響,也不受國界的限制,也沒有任何強制的限制,Bitcoin 讓它的用戶對他們的錢有完全的掌控權。
  • 很低廉的手續費 - Bitcoin 支付目前是要麼不收費要麼只收取很少量的手續費。用戶可能發生的費用是爲了優先進程來實現更快的網路對交易的確認而產生的費用。另外,商家處理器可以幫助商家進行交易,把比特幣轉換成法定貨幣并每天把資金直接存入商家的銀行帳戶,這些也可能會收取費用。因為這些服務都是由 Bitcoin 發起,它們的費用比起 PayPal 或 信用卡網路便宜多了。
  • 商家風險更低- Bitcoin 的交易是安全而不可取消的, 它不包含任何客戶敏感的或個人的信息。這避免了商家因詐騙或詐騙式的拒付而遭受損失,而且它也不需要 PCI 標準。商家可以很容易地拓展新的市場,即便那些市場不支持信用卡或詐騙率過高。最後的結果就是更低的手續費、更大的市場和更少的行政開支。
  • 安全與掌控權 - Bitcoin 用戶對他們的交易有完全的掌控權;商家不會像在其他的支付方式中一樣會被強迫接受不想要或者沒有注意到的收費。進行 Bitcoin 支付不需要個人信息和交易綁定。這可以有力防止身份盜用。 Bitcoin 用戶也可以用備份和加密的辦法來保護他們的錢。
  • 透明和中立 - 關於Bitcoin 的錢的供應問題的所有資訊 在區塊鏈中可以找到,任何人可以對它進行核實并隨時使用。沒有任何個人或組織可以控制或操控 Bitcoin 協議,因為它是加密安全的。這使得 Bitcoin 的核心能被信任是完全中立、透明和可預見的。
  • 接受程度 - 許多人還是不瞭解 Bitcoin。 每天都有越來越多的企業接受比特幣,因為他們喜歡比特幣的優勢。不過接受比特幣的企業名單相對而言還是少,它仍需要不斷發展來從網路效應中獲益。
  • 波動性 - 比起它應有的前景,流通中的比特幣的總價值和使用 Bitcoin 的企業數量仍然很小。所以,相對較小的事件、交易或企業活動都會對價格造成較大的影響。理論上,隨著 Bitcoin 市場和技術的成熟,這種波動會越來越小。之前世界上沒有一種像這樣的新興貨幣,所以很難預測它會如何發展 (當然其前景卻是值得期待的) 。
  • 持續的發展 - Bitcoin 軟體還在調試和改進許多不完善的功能。新的工具、功能和服務持續不斷被開發出來,使 Bitcoin 更安全和容易使用。一些工具、功能和服務還不適合人人使用。大部份的 Bitcoin 企業都是新的而且也沒有提供保險。總而言之,Bitcoin 還在成長之中。

對 Bitcoin 的信任來自於這樣的事實:它并不需要任何信任。 Bitcoin 是完全開放的原始碼和完全去中心化的。這意味著任何人都可以随时進入整個原始碼。 所以,世界上任何的開發人員都可以仔細核查 Bitcoin 是怎麼運作的。所有的交易和發行的比特幣都可以由任何人随时進行透明性檢視。所有的支付都不需要依賴第三方來實現,而且整個系統為繁複的同行評議加密算法所保護,就像那些線上銀行一樣。沒有任何組織和個人可以控制Bitcoin, 而且即便並非所有的用户都可以信任,但是這個網路還是安全的。

The trust in Bitcoin stems from the fact that it does not need any trust. Bitcoin is a fully open source code and completely decentralized, which means that anyone can access the entire source code at any time. So, any developer in the world can check carefully how Bitcoin works.

您不應期待透过 Bitcoin 或其他新興的技術来致富。請小心防範任何聽起來太好而不像是真的或者沒有遵循基本經濟規律的事情。

You should not expect to be rich through Bitcoin or other new technologies. Please be careful about anything that sounds too good to be true or does not follow basic economic rules.

Bitcoin 是一個正在成長的創新空間,它充滿機會,但是也隱含著風險。不能保證 Bitcoin 會繼續壯大即便它至今發展迅速。投資時間和資源到任何有關 Bitcoin 的事情都需要企業家精神。有多種方式來用 Bitcoin 賺錢,如挖礦、投機買賣或開展新業務。所有這些方式都競爭激烈,不能保證盈利。對任何這樣的項目的花費和風險的正確評估由個人作出。

Bitcoin is a new space that is growing, full of opportunities, but also hidden risks. There is no guarantee that Bitcoin will continue to grow, even if it has so far developed rapidly. Investment time and resources to anything about Bitcoin require entrepreneurial spirit. There are many ways to make money from Bitcoin, such as mining, investing in or opening new businesses.

Bitcoin 像人們日常使用的信用卡或線上銀行網路一樣是虛擬的。Bitcoin 可以用來給實體商店進行線上支付就像使用其他任何一種錢一樣。Bitcoin 還可以用來交換實體形式的比特幣如 Casascius 幣, 不過用行動手機來支付是更方便的形式。 Bitcoin 的收支餘額存儲在一個巨大的分散的網路上,而且它們不可能被任何人欺詐性地篡改。換言之, Bitcoin 的用戶對他們的資金有專屬的掌控權,而且比特幣不會因為它們是虛擬的而突然消失。

Bitcoin can be used to make online payments to real-estate shops like any other kind of money. Bitcoin can also be used to exchange bitcoins in the form of Casascius , but it is easier to pay with mobile phones. Bitcoin’s balance of income and expenditure is stored on a vast, fragmented network, and they cannot be tampered with by anyone. In other words, Bitcoin’s users have exclusive control over their funds and do not suddenly disappear because they are virtual.

Bitcoin 的設計讓它的用戶在可以保證一定程度的隱私性的情況下,像使用任何其他形式的錢一樣匯款和收款。然而,Bitcoin 不是匿名的,而且它也不能提供像紙幣一樣的隱私性。使用 Bitcoin 會留下廣泛的公共記錄。有多種機制並存來保護用戶的隱私,而且更多的方式正在開發的進程中。不過,在這些功能被大部份的 Bitcoin 用戶正確使用前還有很多工作要做。

Bitcoin's design allows its users to transfer and collect funds as much as any other kind of money, in circumstances that guarantee a certain degree of privacy. However, Bitcoin is not anonymous, and it does not provide the same privacy as a banknote. Using Bitcoin leaves a broad public record. There is that exist to protect the privacy of users, and more are being developed. There is, however, much work to be done before most of these functions are used correctly by Bitcoin users.

有人有這樣的疑慮,他們覺得用 Bitcoin 進行的私人交易會被用於非法目的。然而,這種擔憂沒有必要,因為 Bitcoin 毫無疑問會受到相似的在金融體制中存在的規定的約束。Bitcoin 不會比鈔票的匿名程度高,它也不會阻止開展犯罪調查。另外,Bitcoin 的設計本身,就是爲了防止各種金融犯罪。

Some people have doubts that private transactions with Bitcoin will be used for illegal purposes. However, such concerns are not necessary because Bitcoin has no doubt that it will be bound by similar rules that exist in the financial system. Bitcoin will not be more anonymous than bills, nor will it prevent criminal investigations. Moreover, Bitcoin’s design itself is to prevent all kinds of financial crimes.

當用戶丟失了他的錢包之後,會有從流通中移除錢的效應。丟失的比特幣會像其他的比特幣一樣留存在區塊鏈中。然而,丟失的比特幣會永遠休眠,因為沒有辦法讓任何人找到可以讓這些比特幣重新被使用的私密金鑰(private key(s))。因為供求規律,可以使用的比特幣越少,對剩下的比特幣的需求就越高,其價值也就越高。

When the user loses his wallet, it has the effect of removing money from circulation. Lost bitcoins are left in chains like any other bitcoins. However, lost bitcoins are permanently dormant because there is no way anyone can find a private key (private key (s). Because of the rules of supply and demand, the less bitcoins can be used, the higher the need for the remaining bitcoins, the higher their value.

Bitcoin 網路今天已經可以每秒鐘進行更多數量的交易。然後,它還沒有準備好成為主流的信用卡網路。有很多工作正在開展以提升其局限性,而且未來的要求已經眾所周知。自從創始以來,Bitcoin 網路的每一個方面都在成熟、優化和專業化,而且可以預見,在數年之內這種狀況還會繼續。隨著流量的增加,越來越多的 Bitcoin 用戶可能會使用輕量級客戶端,而且全網路的節點可能會成為一個更加專門化的服務。要瞭解更多詳情,請檢視 Wiki 上的可擴展性 頁面。

The Bitcoin network has been able to make more transactions every second today. Then, it is not ready to become a mainstream credit card network. A lot of work is being done to increase its limitations, and future requirements are well known. Since its inception, every aspect of Bitcoin network has matured, refined and professionalized, and it can be predicted that this situation will continue over the years. As traffic increases, Bitcoin users may use light clients, and the whole network’s nodes may become a more specialized service. For more details, please view on Wiki.

據我們所知,在大部份的行政區,司法部門都不認定 Bitcoin 為非法的 。然而,一些行政區(例如阿根廷和俄羅斯) 很嚴厲地限制或禁止外國貨幣。其他行政區(例如泰國) 可能會限制頒發執照給像 Bitcoin 交換這樣的實體。

As far as we know, in most administrative districts the Justice Department has not recognizing Bitcoin as illegal . However, some administrative districts (e.g. Argentina and Russia) severely restrict or prohibit foreign currency. Other administrative districts (e.g. Thailand) may restrict the exchange of licences to images such as Bitcoin.

不同的行政區的官員們正在採取措施給個人或企業提供有關如何把這種新技術和官方的、制定好的金融系統融合的規定。例如,美國財政部門的一個官方機構 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) 就頒發了無法律約束力的指南手冊,解釋它如何界定典型的與虛擬貨幣有關的活動。

Officials in different administrative districts are taking measures to provide individuals or businesses with rules on how to integrate this new technology with the official, well-developed financial system. For example, an official agency of the United States Treasury, Financio Crimes Environment Network (FinCEN), has issued a guidebook that is not legally binding, explaining how it defines typical activities related to virtual currency.

Bitcoin 是錢,而錢總是既可以用於合法目的也可以用於非法目的。鈔票、信用卡和現在的銀行系統在被用於非法活動方面廣泛地超過了 Bitcoin 。Bitcoin 可以給支付系統來帶巨大的創新,而這種創新的好處通常被認為是比它可能帶來的壞處要多的。

Bitcoin is money, and money can always be used for both legitimate and illegal purposes. Bills, credit cards, and the current banking system go far beyond Bitcoin in terms of being used for illegal activities. Bitcoin can bring great innovation to the payment system, and the benefits of such innovation are often considered to be more bad than it could bring.

Bitcoin 的設計,使得讓錢變得更加安全的進程向前大大跨越了一步,而且它也可以看作是對許多形式的金融犯罪的一種極好的防範。例如,比特幣是完全不可能偽造的。使用者對他們的支付有完全的控制權並且他們不能接受像信用卡詐騙那樣的未經核實的收費。Bitcoin 交易是不可取消的,它可以避免拒付詐騙。Bitcoin 使用很強和實用的機制例如備份、加密和多重簽署等來讓錢更安全、不會遭遇盜竊或丟失。

Bitcoin's design makes the process of making money more secure a step forward, and it can also be seen as an excellent defence against many forms of financial crime. For example, Bitcoin is simply impossible to falsify. Users have complete control over their payments and cannot accept unconvinced charges like credit card fraud. Bitcoin's deal is irrevocable, and it avoids withholding. Bitcoin uses strong and practical mechanisms such as backup, encryption and multiple signings to make money safer, not to be stolen or lost.

有人有這樣的疑慮,他們覺得 Bitcoin 對犯罪分子來說更具有吸引力,因為它可以用來進行私人不可取消的支付。然而,這些功能在鈔票和電匯中被廣泛應用。 Bitcoin 的使用毫無疑問會受相似的金融體制中存在的規定的約束。而且 Bitcoin 也不會逃避犯罪調查的開展。一般來說,具有重要的突破的事物在他們的優點被廣泛瞭解之前常常會被認為是具有爭議的。國際網路就是它們中一個很好的例子來說明這一點。

Some people have such doubts that Bitcoin is more attractive to criminals because it can be used to make private and irrevocable payments. However, these functions are widely used in money and wire transfers.

Bitcoin 協議在沒有幾乎全部它的用戶合作的情況下是不能被修改的,用戶們選擇他們要使用的軟體。試圖給本地的權威機構簽發特權在全球 Bitcoin 網路的規定中是不可能實現的。任何富有的組織可以選擇投資開發硬體來獲得控制一半的網路的計算器能力并變得可以阻止或撤銷最近的交易。然而,這要求他們必須投資得像世界上其他所有的挖礦者投資的一樣多,所以無法保證他們會一直保有這樣的能力。

Bitcoin’s agreement cannot be modified without almost all of its users cooperating. Users choose the software they want to use. Attempting to grant privileges to local authorities on the global Bitcoin network is unlikely to materialize.

不過,用對其他的工具的相似辦法來約束 Bitcoin 的使用是可能的。就像美元一樣,Bitcoin 可以用於很多目的,在不同的司法體系下,對同一件事物會有合法的或非法的的判定。在這個方面,Bitcoin 與其他任何的工具或資源沒有什麽差別,它也會受不同國家的法規的約束。Bitcoin 的使用會因為嚴格的法規而變得困難,在這種情況下,很難判斷有多少的用戶會堅持使用這個技術。選擇禁止 Bitcoin 的政府會限制國內的企業和市場向其他國家拓展和創新。對於官員來說,他們面臨的挑戰是當他們不能跟上新興市場和企業的發展的時候找到有效的應對辦法。

However, it is possible to use Bitcoin in a similar way to other tools. Like the United States dollar, Bitcoin can be used for many purposes, under different systems of justice, to determine whether the same thing is legal or illegal. In this respect, Bitcoin is not different from any other tool or resource, and it is bound by the laws of different countries. Bitcoin will be difficult to use because of strict laws, in which case it is difficult to judge how many users will insist on using it.

Bitcoin 不是一種在任何行政區內具有法定貨幣地位的貨幣,不過,通常不論使用的媒介是什麽,納稅義務都是需要承擔的。在很多不同的行政區內有多種法規規定與 Bitcoin 有關的收入、銷售、工資、投資收成或其他形式的收益都有納稅義務。

Bitcoin is not a currency that has the status of a legal tender in any administrative district, but it is usually tax liability, regardless of the medium used. There are several laws in many different administrative districts that provide for tax liability for income, sales, wages, investment revenues or other income associated with Bitcoin.

Bitcoin 讓人們自由地根據自己的條件進行交易。每一個用戶都可以像使用鈔票一樣匯款或收款,但是他們也可以參與更複雜的合約。多重簽署讓一個交易只有在一個特定的群體中的一些人都同意簽署這個交易以後才會被網路所接受。這讓創新的糾紛調解服務在未來可以得到發展。這樣的服務可以讓一個第三方在其他成員對不能掌控他們的錢而產生分歧時同意或拒絕一個交易,與鈔票或其他支付方式不同, Bitcoin 總是會留下一個公開的交易發生證據,這種證據可用於指證有詐騙行為的企業。

Bitcoin allows people to trade freely according to their own terms. Each user can transfer or collect money like a banknote, but they can participate in a more complex contract. Multiple signing allows a transaction to be accepted on the Internet only after some in a particular group have agreed to sign it. This allows the development of a new modem service in the future. Such a service allows a third party to agree to or refuse a transaction when other members disagree that they cannot control their money, unlike a banknote or other payment method. Bitcoin will always leave evidence that an open transaction has taken place, which can be used to testify against a fraudulent enterprise.

商家通常依靠他們的公共聲譽來保持市場地位和給雇員發薪資,他們在處理與新的顧客的關係時,沒有辦法取得同等水準的資訊。這樣就沒有意義。當顧客不願意信任某一個商家的時候,Bitcoin 工作的原理讓個人和企業都能被保護,企業讓顧客有要求更多保護的權利,同時又不會因此而蒙受詐騙性拒付帶來的損失。

Businesses usually rely on their public reputation to maintain market status and pay their employees, and they do not get the same level of information when dealing with new customers. That makes no sense. When customers do not want to trust a business, Bitcoin works in such a way that individuals and businesses can be protected, and businesses have the right to demand more protection, and they do not suffer from fraudulent withholdings.

新的比特幣由一個競技性和分散的被稱為“挖礦”的過程產生。在這個過程中,為網路提供了服務的人會得到獎賞。Bitcoin 挖礦者進行交易并使用專門的硬體來保障網路安全,他們在交換中收集新的比特幣。

The new bitcoin is generated by a competitive and dispersed process called “mining.” In this process, those who serve the Internet are rewarded. Bitcoin miners trade and use specialized hardware to secure the Internet, collecting new bitcoins in exchange.

Bitcoin 協議的設計讓新的比特幣的產生有一個固定的比率。這使得 Bitcoin 挖礦變成一個競爭激烈的活動。越來越多的挖礦者加入這個網路,獲利就變得越來越難,而且挖礦者必須要找到有效的辦法來削減他們的運營成本。沒有任何中央機構或開發人員有權控制或操縱這個系統來提高他們的獲利。世界上的每一個 Bitcoin 節點都會拒絕任何與與系統遵循的規定不符的事物。

Bitcoin’s design allows a fixed percentage of the new bitcoin to be generated. This turns Bitcoin mining into a competitive activity. The more miners join the network, the harder the profits become, and the diggers must find effective ways to reduce their operating costs.

Bitcoin 的產生遵循一個下降和可預測的比率。隨著時間的推移,每年新產生的比特幣的數量自動減半;在比特幣的發行量達到總共存在2千萬(21 million)比特幣時,比特幣的產生就完全停止。從這一點看,Bitcoin 挖礦者可能全靠大量的小額交易手續費來支撐。

Bitcoin’s generation follows a drop-and-predictable rate. With time, the number of new bits of bitcoin per year is automatically reduced by half; by the time Bitcoin reaches its total co-existence of 20 million dollars (21 million) bitcoins, the Bitcoin generation stops completely.

Bitcoin 具有價值因為它們作為一種錢的形式是有用的。Bitcoin 具有錢的特徵(耐用、可攜帶、可替代、稀缺、可分割和被認可) ,它建立在數學機制而不是物理財富(例如黃金和白銀)或對中央權威(像法定貨幣)的信任上。簡而言之,Bitcoin 由數學支撐。因為這些特徵,這種形式的錢要保持價值所需要的就是信任和採用。對於 Bitcoin,這可以通過它的使用者、商家和創業者的增長來衡量。像所有的貨幣一樣,比特幣的價值直接來源也只來源於人們想要接受它們作為一種支付方式。

Bitcoin is valuable because it is useful as a form of money. Bitcoin has the characteristics of money (durable, portable, alternative, scarce, severable, and recognized), and it is based on mathematical systems rather than on physical wealth (e.g., gold and silver) or trust in central authority (such as legal currency). In short, Bitcoin is supported by mathematics.

比特幣的價格由供求情況決定。當對比特幣的需求上升的時候,其價格上漲,當對其需求下降的時候,其價格下跌。流通中的比特幣數量有限,新的比特幣的產生具有一個可以預測的下降的比率,這意味著需求必須按照這個通貨膨脹水準來保持其價格穩定。因為 Bitcoin 相比其應有的前景,其市場還是比較小,不需要很大數額的錢就能使它的市場價格上升或下降,所以比特幣的價格還是很不穩定。

The price of bitcoins is determined by supply and demand. When demand for bitcoins rises, the price rises, and when demand falls. The amount of bitcoins in circulation is limited, and the generation of new bitcoins has a predictable rate of decline, which means that demand must remain stable in line with this inflation.


Bitcoins, 2013-2015:

是的。歷史上失敗和廢棄的貨幣很多,例如魏瑪共和國期間的德國馬克,還有最近的 辛巴威元。雖然之前的貨幣失敗典型地是因為高通脹而導致。Bitcoin 不可能發生這種高通脹,但總是可能會有技術的失敗、來自其他貨幣的競爭、政治因素等。有一條基本的經驗法則,沒有任何貨幣是絕對安全不敗經得住艱難時代考驗的。Bitcoin 自從創始以來的數年之中已經被證明是可信賴的,而且Bitcoin 是具有潛力的,它正在持續發展。但是,沒有人能預測 Bitcoin 的未來會是什麽。

Yes. There are a lot of failed and abandoned currencies, such as and, most recently, . Although previous currency failure was typically caused by high access, Bitcoin could not have such a high degree of technical failure, competition from other currencies, political factors, etc. There is a basic rule that no currency is safe from difficult times.

價格的攀升不會被認為是一個泡沫。一個人為的過度估價會導致一個突然的下跌性的改正,這就會被認為是一個泡沫。基於成千上萬的市場參與者的個人選擇是比特幣價格波動的原因,因為市場尋求價格發現。人們的看法改變的原因可能包括對 Bitcoin 失去信心,不建立在 Bitcoin 經濟基礎之上的價格與價值之間的巨大差別,媒體關注度的提高刺激投機需求,對不確定性的恐懼,還有傳統的非理智的熱情與貪婪。

Personal choices based on thousands of market participants are the reason for the price of bitcoin, because the market is looking for prices. Reasons for changing people’s perceptions may include a loss of confidence in Bitcoin, a huge difference between prices and values that are not built on the foundation of Bitcoin’s economy, an increased demand for media attention to stimulate investment, fear of uncertainty, and traditional irrational passions and greed.


The Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment that repays the money paid by investors themselves or later investors, rather than the profits earned by the firms they run. When there are not enough new participants, the Punzi scheme collapses with the last investor.

Bitcoin 是一個免費的沒有中央機構的軟體工程。因此,沒有人能作關於投資回報的詐騙性描述。像其他主流貨幣如黃金、美元、歐元、日圓等等一樣,Bitcoin 沒有一個擔保的購買力,且兌換率自由浮動。這導致一些波動,比特幣的擁有者會不可預測地賺錢或虧錢。在投機買賣之外,Bitcoin 也是一種具有用途廣泛且競爭力強等特質的支付系統,它已經被成千上萬的用戶和企業使用。

Bitcoin is a free software project without a central institution. So no one can make a fraudulent description of investment returns. Like other mainstream currencies such as gold, dollars, Euros, yen, etc., Bitcoin does not have a guaranteed purchasing power and the exchange rate floats freely. This leads to a number of waves in which Bitcoin owners will make unforeseeable money or lose money.

一些早期的用戶擁有大數額的比特幣因為他們冒著風險并投資了時間和自由在沒有被證明的幾乎無人使用的難以確保安全的技術中。許多早期用戶在比特幣變得值錢前只用了一兩次大數額的比特幣或者只是購買了很小數額的比特幣,并沒有獲利很多。不能保證比特幣的價格會升高還是降低。這很像在投資一個剛剛成立的企業,不知道是可以通過它的有用性和流行性來獲利還是根本不會有突破。Bitcoin 才剛剛起步,它的設計里是有一個長期規劃的,很難想像如何才能對早期的用戶少些偏重,而今天的用戶可能成為也有可能不會成為明天的早期用戶。

Some early users had large amounts of bitcoins because they took risks and invested time and freedom in virtually unproven technologies to ensure safety. Many early users used one or two large bits of bitcoins before Bitcoin became valuable, or simply bought a small amount of bitcoins, without much profit. There is no guarantee that Bitcoin’s prices will rise or fall. This is much like investing in a newly established business, and it is not clear that there will be any breakthroughs if it is useful or popular. Bitcoin has just started, and its design is long-term, and it is hard to imagine how less weight can be given to early users, and today it is likely that it will not become tomorrow’s early user.

Bitcoin 是獨一無二的,因為只會有2100萬比特幣會被創造出來。然而,這永遠不會是一個局限,因為交易可以用更小的比特幣次級單位如 bit 來結算——1 比特幣等於1,000,000 bits。比特幣可以分割成小數點后8位的單位(0.000 000 01 ),而且隨著平均交易規模的縮小,如果未來有需要的話,它還可以分成更小的單位。

Bitcoin is unique, because only 21 million bits of money will be created. However, this will never be a limitation, because transactions can be made with smaller bits of bits, like bits -- one bit equals 1,000,000 bits. Bitcoins can be divided into eight decimal units (0.000 00001), and smaller with average transactions, and smaller if needed in the future.


The theory behind the deflationary spiral is that if prices are predicted to fall, people will be able to profit from lower prices in the future, and people will wait to buy them in the future. In turn, a decline in demand will lead to businesses putting their prices even lower to try and stimulate demand, which will make the problem even worse and ultimately lead to a recession.

雖然這個理論是中央銀行為通貨辯護的一個慣用方法,它看起來并不總是正確,而且很多經濟學家也認為它具有爭議。市場里的一個例子是消費電子,它的價格持續下跌但是卻沒有衰退。同樣的,在過去比特幣的價值在升高,而Bitcoin 經濟的規模也隨之增長迅速。因為其貨幣價值及其經濟規模兩者都是在2009年從零開始,Bitcoin 是這個理論的一個反例,它證明這個理論有時是不對的。

One example in the market is consumer electricity, whose prices have been falling but not falling. Similarly, in the past, Bitcoin’s value was rising, and Bitcoin’s economy grew rapidly. Because its currency value and its economic model were both zero in 2009 and Bitcoin was a counter-case to this theory, it proved that it was sometimes wrong.

儘管如此, Bitcoin 并沒有被設計成一種通貨緊縮的貨幣。更準確地說,Bitcoin 在他的早期會通貨膨脹,到它的後期就會變得穩定。只有人們大意地丟失他們的錢包且沒有做備份的情況下,流通中的比特幣數量才會下降。在具有一個穩定的貨幣基礎和穩定經濟的前提下,這種貨幣的價值會保持不變。

Still, Bitcoin is not designed to be a tight currency. More precisely, Bitcoin will inflate in his early years, and the rest of it will be stable. The number of bits in circulation will decline only if people lose their wallets carelessly and without backup. With a stable currency base and a stable economy, the value of such a currency will remain constant.


This is a debate about whether there are first chickens or first eggs. For the price of bitcoins to be stable, a large economy needs to develop more businesses and users.

幸運的是,波動并沒有影響 Bitcoin 作為一種從 A 點匯款到 B 點的支付系統的主要優勢。企業可以立即把比特幣款項轉換成他們當地的貨幣,不用擔心價格的波動,從而從 Bitcoin 的優勢中受益。因為 Bitcoin 提供許多實用且獨特的功能和專利,許多用戶選擇使用 Bitcoin。有了這些解決方案和激勵,Bitcoin 有可能成熟并發展到更高的層次,那樣價格的波動就會比較有限。

Fortunately, the wave did not affect Bitcoin as the main advantage of a payment system from point A to point B. Companies could immediately convert bitcoin to their local currency, without fear of price swings, and benefit from Bitcoin’s advantages. Because Bitcoin provides many practical and unique functions and know-how, many users choose to use Bitcoin. With these solutions and incentives, Bitcoin may mature and grow to higher levels, and the price wave will be more limited.

只有少量的最新發放的比特幣會在交易市場上出售。Bitcoin 市場的競爭激烈,這意味著一個比特幣的價格會根據供求情況上漲或下跌。另外,新的比特幣在未來幾十年會陸續發放。所以即便是最具有雄心壯志的買家也不能把現存的比特幣全部買光。然而,這種情況也并不意味著這個市場對價格操控不是脆弱的,不需要巨大數額的錢就可以導致市場價格的上漲或下跌,所以 Bitcoin 迄今還是一種波動的資產。

Only a few of the most recent bitcoin will be sold on the market. Bitcoin market competition is intense, which means that a bitcoin price will rise or fall depending on supply and demand. Moreover, the new bitcoins will continue to rise and fall over the next few decades. So even the most ambitious buyers will not be able to buy all the bitcoins in existence.

這可能會發生。現在,Bitcoin 還是目前為止最受歡迎的去中心化虛擬貨幣,但是不能保證它會保有這樣的地位。因 Bitcoin 而受到啓發的一系列其他貨幣已經產生。然而,這樣估計也許是對的:對於一個新的貨幣有大量的改善工作需要完成來取代 Bitcoin,尤其是在市場佔有方面,即便這一點仍是不可預測的。可以想像,Bitcoin 也可以採用貨幣競爭對手的改良方面,只要這種採用不會改變這個協議的基本部分。

This may happen. Now, Bitcoin is still the most popular de-centralized virtual currency so far, but it cannot be guaranteed that it will remain in that position. A series of other coins that have been emitted as a result of Bitcoin have been created. However, the estimate may be correct: Bitcoin needs to be replaced by a lot of improvements for a new currency, especially with respect to market occupation, even if this is not predictable.

用 Bitcoin 來接收一筆款項幾乎是即時的。網路會通過把它包含在一個區塊中來進行確認,然而,在網路對你的交易進行確認和在您可以使用所接收的比特幣前,平均大概會有10分鐘的延時。一個確認意味著網路上有一個共識認為您接收的比特幣沒有被發送給其他人並且被認定為屬於您的資產。一旦您的交易被包含在一個區塊中,它會被它後面的區塊所掩埋,後面的區塊會呈指數增長來加強這個共識并降低取消交易的風險。每一個用戶可以自由決定什麽時候他們的交易得到了足夠的確認,但是,6個確認常常被認為是安全的,就像一筆信用卡交易要等6個月一樣。

One means that there is a common understanding on the Internet that the bitcoin you receive is not sent to others and is recognized as belonging to you. Once your transaction is included in a block, it will be buried in a block behind it, and the blocks behind it will show an increase in numbers to strengthen the common understanding and reduce the risk of cancellation. Each user can freely determine when their transaction is sufficiently confirmed, but six are often considered safe, as if a credit card transaction was six months old.

大部份的交易都不需要手續費,但是鼓勵用戶付少量的自願費用來得到對他們的交易的更快確認同時獎賞一下挖礦者們。需要支付的手續費通常也不會超過一兩便士的價值。在必須的時候,你的 Bitcoin 客戶端一般都會估算一個合理的費用。

Most transactions do not require remunerative fees, but encourage users to pay a small amount of voluntary fees to obtain a quicker recognition of their transactions and to reward miners at the same time. Nor do they usually have to pay more than one or two pence. When necessary, your Bitcoin client usually estimates a reasonable fee.

交易費是用來防範用戶傳送會使網路超負荷的交易的。具體的收費規則還在開發過程中,而且會不時改變。因為這個費用與要發送的比特幣的數額沒有正比關係,它看起來就非常的低(用0.0005 BTC支付一筆1,000 BTC 的匯款) 或者出奇的高(0.004 BTC 來支付 0.02 BTC)。這個費用由交易的數據和交易的循環情況等特質而定。例如,如果您接收一筆數額很小,但是數字很長的支付,那麼發送的費用就會高些。這種支付就像用便士來給餐館支付一樣。快速地花費您的比特幣的小部份也可能需要支付手續費。如果您的活動遵循常規的交易模式,這個費用應該還是會非常的低。

The transaction fee is used to prevent user transfer of transactions that cause the network to be overloaded. The specific collection rules are still being developed and will change from time to time. For example, if you receive a small amount, but a very long number, the cost of sending it will be higher. This payment will be as low as it would be for a restaurant ($0.005 BTC to pay a payment of 1,000 BTC) or exceptionally high ($0.004 BTC to pay 0.02 BTC). This fee is determined by the data of the transaction and the pattern of the transaction. For example, if you receive a small amount, but a very long payment, it will be higher.


This is not a problem. The next time you activate your wallet, these bits will appear. Bitcoins are not actually received by software on your computer, but they are added to a public sub-account. All the devices on this network share this sub-account. If someone sends bitcoins to you, and your wallet client program does not run, it will download blocks and update all transactions that it has not kept up to date, so the bitcoins sent to you will eventually be shown, just as they already receive them in reality. You will need your wallet only if you want to spend bitcoins.

只有在與全節點客戶端如 Bitcoin Core 進行同步時需要較長時間。從技術上講,同步就是下載和核實網路上所有之前的 Bitcoin 交易的進程。為讓一些 Bitcoin 客戶端計算您的 Bitcoin 錢包的可用餘額和進行新的交易,它需要知道所有之前的交易。這個步驟是資源密集的,它要求足夠的頻寬和存儲空間來收容整個區塊鏈。爲了讓 Bitcoin 保持安全,需要有足夠的人使用全節點客戶端,因為這些客戶端承擔著驗證和轉送交易的任務。

Only when synchronizing with an entire node client such as Bitcoin Core. Technically, synchronisation is the process of downloading and validating all previous Bitcoin transactions on the network. To allow some Bitcoin clients to calculate the available balance of your Bitcoin wallet and conduct new transactions, it needs to know all previous transactions. This step is resource intensive and requires sufficient bandwidth and storage space to accommodate the entire chain. To keep Bitcoin safe, it requires sufficient people to use the full range of clients, which are tasked with validating and transferring the transaction.

挖礦就是利用計算器能力來處理交易、保證網路安全和讓在系統里的每一個人都一起同步的過程。它可以看作是 Bitcoin 的數據中心,但是它卻是完全分散的,挖礦者在世界各地運營且沒有任何個人擁有對這個網路的控制權。這個進程被比喻成像挖掘黃金的“挖礦”,它也是一個發放比特幣的暫時機制。然而,不像挖黃金,Bitcoin 挖礦提供一個獎賞來交換服務,這些服務對於運行一個安全的支付網路是必須的和有用的。在最後一個比特幣發放以後,挖礦仍然是必須的。

Mining is a process that uses computing power to handle transactions, secure the Internet and synchronize everyone in the system. It can be seen as a data centre for Bitcoin, but it is completely dispersed, with miners operating around the world without any individual having control over the network. This process is compared to the “mining” of gold, which is also a temporary scheme for the distribution of bitcoins. But, unlike gold, Bitcoin digs provide a reward in exchange for services that are necessary and useful for running a secure payment network.

任何人都可以通過專門的硬體來運行軟體成為 Bitcoin 挖礦者。挖礦軟體留意通過點對點網路發佈的交易并執行相應的任務來處理和確認這些交易。Bitcoin 挖礦者執行這個工作因為他們可以通過加快用戶的交易進程來賺取客戶支付的交易手續費和根據一個固定公式產生的新的比特幣。

The mining software takes care to process and validate transactions through point-to-point Internet postings and to perform the corresponding tasks. Bitcoin miners do this because they can earn transaction fees paid by clients by expediting the process and a new bitcoins based on a fixed formula.


New transactions are to be confirmed that they must be included in a block together with a mathematical certificate of work. Such proof is difficult to produce, because there is no other way to prove it than to try to complete a billion-dollar calculation every second. This requires miners to run these calculations before their blocks are accepted by the Internet and they are rewarded. As the number of people who start mining increases, the Internet automatically raises the difficulty of finding effective blocks to ensure that the average time for finding a block is 10 minutes.


The certificate of work is also designed to enforce a time-sequenced order into the chain, based on the previous block. This makes it harder to cancel the transaction, because it requires a recalculation of all subsequent sections of the transaction. If two blocks are found at the same time, the diggers first deal with the first block they receive, and then move to the longest chain once the next block is found. This allows mining to guarantee and maintain a global consensus based on capacity.

Bitcoin 挖礦者既不能通過增加他們的獎賞也不能通過處理詐騙性的可能會腐敗 Bitcoin 網路的交易來欺詐,因為根據 Bitcoin 協議,所有的 Bitcoin 節點會拒絕任何包含有無效數據的區塊。所以,即便不是所有的 Bitcoin 挖礦者都可以信任,這個網路還是會保持安全。

Bitcoin diggers can neither deceive by increasing their rewards nor by dealing with potentially corrupt Bitcoin networks, which, according to Bitcoin agreements, all Bitcoin nodes reject any sections containing invalid data. So, even if not all Bitcoin diggers can trust, the network will remain secure.

花費能量來保證一個支付系統安全和運營它不會是一個浪費。像任何其他支付服務一樣,使用 Bitcoin 也會牽涉處理費用。現在普遍的貨幣系統的運營所需的服務,例如銀行、信用卡和押運車,也要使用大量的能源。而且與 Bitcoin 不同,它們的總能源消耗是不透明的,也難以估算。

The use of Bitcoin, like any other payment service, will also involve handling costs. The services needed to operate the universal monetary system now, such as banks, credit cards, and transporters, also use a lot of energy. And, unlike Bitcoin, their total energy consumption is opaque and difficult to estimate.

Bitcoin 挖礦被設計成隨著時間推移會更優化,它使用的專門硬體消耗更少的能源,而挖礦的運營成本也應該與需求相稱。當 Bitcoin 挖礦變得競爭太激烈而回報較低,一些挖礦者就會選擇停止挖礦。而且,所有花費在挖礦上的能量最終都會轉換成熱能,那些得到最多收益的挖礦者會是那些把這些熱能很好利用的人。最有效的挖礦網路實際上不會消耗額外的能源。這是一個理想的狀態,而挖礦經濟是挖礦者們個人奮力要促進的。

Bitcoin's mining is designed to be better when it moves over time, using specialized hardware that consumes less energy, and the costs of mining should also be described as demand. When Bitcoin's mining becomes too competitive and pays back less, some diggers choose to stop digging. And, all the energy spent on mining turns into heat, and those who benefit most from mining are those who make the most of it. The most efficient mining network does not actually consume extra energy.


Mining increases the chances of competing equivalents, which makes it difficult for everyone to constantly add new trading blocks to the chain. The neutrality of the network is guaranteed by preventing any individual from gaining the ability to block certain transactions. This also prevents any individual from replacing parts of the chain in order to recall their costs.

在 Bitcoin 的早期,任何人都可以用他們的電腦的 CPU 來找到一個新的區塊。隨著越來越多的人開始挖礦,找到新的區塊的難度也大大增加,以至今天划算的挖礦方法只有使用專門的硬體。你可以訪問 BitcoinMining.com 來瞭解更多的資訊。

In the early days of Bitcoin, anyone can find a new block with the CPU of their computer. As more people start digging, the difficulty of finding new blocks increases significantly, so that today's cost-effective mining methods are only hard. You can visit bitcoinmining.com/a> to get more information.

Bitcoin 技術 - 其協議和密碼技術 - 有很強的安全痕跡記錄,而且 Bitcoin 網路可能是世界上最大的分散的計算器工程。Bitcoin 最常見的安全隱患是用戶的犯錯。存儲必要的私密金鑰的 Bitcoin 錢包文件可能會不小心被刪除、丟失或被盜。這跟實體鈔票存儲成一個數位形式很像。好在,用戶可以實施很好的 安全措施來保護他們的錢或選擇提供良好安全水準和預防被盜或丟失的保險的服務供應商。

Bitcoin technology - its protocols and passwords - has a strong security trail, and the Bitcoin network may be the world's largest decentralized calculator project. Bitcoin's most common security risk is the user's mistake. Bitcoin wallet files that store the necessary private key may be accidentally deleted, lost or stolen. This is similar to the physical notes stored in a digital format. Goodly, users can apply good security measures to protect their money or choose to provide a service that provides good safety standards and pre-empts theft or loss of insurance.

Bitcoin 使用的協議規則和密碼技術在它創始之後多年仍在使用,這很好地說明了這個理念是設計得很好的。然而,安全瑕疵 已經在不同的軟體工具中被找到并解決。跟其他任何的軟體一樣,Bitcoin 軟體的安全與問題被發現和解決的速度息息相關。像這樣的問題被發現得越多, Bitcoin 的成熟速度就越快。

Bitcoin's rules and passwords are still in use many years after its inception, which is a good indication that the idea is well designed. However, security defects /a> have been found and solved in different software tools. Like any other software, the safety of Bitcoin software is linked to the speed at which problems are discovered and solved. The more problems like this are discovered, the faster Bitcoin matures.

人們對在各種交換和業務中出現的盜賊和安全漏洞問題常常有錯誤認識。這些事件是很不幸的,但是它們和 Bitcoin 被駭毫無關係,也不意味著 Bitcoin 中有先天瑕疵;就像銀行被搶劫并不意味著美元是危險的。然而,更准確地說,用一套完整的良好措施和直覺的安全解決辦法來保護用戶的錢、降低一般的被盜和丟失的風險是必須的,在過去幾年中,這樣的安全功能已經得到迅速發展,像錢包加密、線下錢包,硬體錢包還有多重簽署交易等等皆屬此類。

These incidents are unfortunate, but they have nothing to do with Bitcoin being hacked and do not mean that Bitcoin has a natural flaw; just as bank robbery does not mean that the dollar is dangerous. More precisely, however, a complete set of good measures and intuitive safety solutions are necessary to protect the user’s money, reduce the risks of theft and loss. In the past few years, such security functions have been rapidly developed, such as the encryption of wallets, offline wallets, hard wallets and multiple signed transactions.

改變 Bitcoin 協議是不可能那麼容易做到的。任何不遵守同樣規則的 Bitcoin 客戶端是不能把自己的規則強加給其他用戶的。依據現在的規範,在同一個區塊鏈中重複花費是不可能的,而且在沒有一個有效的簽署的情況下花費比特幣也是不可能的。所以,不可能憑空產生不受控制的數量的比特幣,也不可能使用別人的資金,腐敗這個網路或像這樣的事情也不可能發生。

Changing the Bitcoin agreement is unlikely to be easy. Any Bitcoin client who does not follow the same rules cannot impose its own rules on other users. It is not possible, under current rules, to duplicate costs in the same chain, and it is not possible to spend extrabits in the absence of a valid signature. So it is not possible to generate uncontrolled amounts of bitcoins, to use other people’s funds, to corrupt the network or something like this.

然而,大部份的挖礦者可以任意地選擇阻礙或取消最近的交易。大部份的使用者也可以施加壓力來促使一些改變被接受。因為 Bitcoin 只有在所有的用戶都取得一個完全的共識的時候才能正常運行。改變協議是非常困難的,它需要絕大多數的用戶接受所作的改變。如果這樣的話,其他的用戶幾乎別無選擇只好遵從這些改變。作為一條一般規則,很難想像任何 Bitcoin 用戶會接受可能會危及他們的錢的任何改變。

However, most miners can choose to block or cancel recent transactions at will. Most users can also exert pressure to induce some change to be accepted. Because Bitcoin can only function normally if all users have a full common understanding. It is very difficult to change agreements, and it requires most users to accept the changes. If so, other users have little choice but to follow them. As a general rule, it is hard to imagine that any Bitcoin user would accept any change that could endanger their money.

是的,大部份依賴加密技術的系統一般都會,包括傳統的銀行系統。然而,量子計算器還不存在,而且可能也不會那麼快就存在。如果量子計算會對 Bitcoin 造成巨大的威脅,這個協議可以升級成使用後量子算法的。鑒於這種升級的重要性,可以安全地期待它會被開發人員高度評審并被 Bitcoin 的用戶們接受。

Yes, most systems that rely on encryption techniques generally include traditional banking systems. However, quantum calculators do not exist, and may not exist so soon. If quantum calculators pose a great threat to Bitcoin, the agreement could be upgraded to after-use quantum algorithms. Given the importance of such upgrades, it can safely be expected that they will be highly criticized by developers and accepted by Bitcoin users.

您可以在資源社群 頁面或Wiki 常見問題中找到更多資訊和幫助。

You can find more information and help on the and communities pages or .




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