位于美国华盛顿的Coin Center是一家非盈利性质的研究和游说组织。其主要的目标是关注加密货币和比特币及以太坊等去中心化计算技术面临的国家政策问题。他们希望让更多人了解这些技术,希望帮助建立一个有助于公有区块链技术自由发展和创新的监管环境。 Coin Center, Washington, D.C., is a non-profit research and lobbying organization. Its main objective is to focus on national policy issues related to cryptographic currency and decentralised computing technologies such as Bitcoin and Ether. 抱着这一目标,该组织与一些专业的学者和专家建立联系,定期去向决策者和媒体普及区块链技术和比特币。 With this objective in mind, the organization has established contacts with a number of professional scholars and experts to regularly disseminate block chain technology to decision makers and the media, as well as Bitcoin. 去年10月,在美国国会的一场听证会上,Coin Center再次受邀就区块链和比特币相关信息进行分享。在会议中,Coin Center研究主管Peter Van Valkenburgh对比特币的定义做出了清晰易懂的解释。 Last October, at a hearing in the United States Congress, Coin Center was again invited to share information about block chains and bitcoin. At the meeting, Coin Center’s research director, Peter Van Valkenburg, defined the bitcoin as a clear and understandable interpretation. 记录Van Valkenburgh发言的这个视频近日在社交媒体上被广泛传播,也收获了一众好评。对于比特币的定义,中本聪也许在白皮书中做出了清晰的解释,而当面对一些毫无技术背景或对比特币一无所知的人来说,向他们描述比特币及其创造的价值是很难的。 This video, which recorded Van Valkenburg’s speech, has been widely disseminated in social media in recent days, and has gained a lot of appreciation. For the definition of Bitcoin, China’s Benz may have explained it clearly in the White Paper, and it is difficult to describe Bitcoin and the value it creates to people who have no technical background or know anything about it. Van Valkenburgh为我们迈出了重要的一步: Van Valkenburg took an important step for us: 委员会的各位们,感谢你们给我这次与你们谈话的机会。我的名字是Peter Van Valkenburgh,我是Coin Center研究主管。Coin Center是一家独立的非营利组织,旨在关注涉及加密货币和公有区块链网络的国家政策问题。 Ladies and gentlemen of the Committee, thank you for giving me this opportunity to talk to you. My name is Peter Van Valkenburg, Director of Coin Center Research. Coin Center is an independent non-profit organization that focuses on national policy issues related to encrypted currency and public block chain networks. & nbsp; 那么什么是比特币呢?比特币是世界首个加密货币,其之所以能够行得通是因为世界首个公有区块链网络的存在。那么比特币能用来做什么呢?很简单。其能够允许你与来自世界任一角落的任何人完成收发资金的过程,整个过程只需要一台联网的计算机。 What's a bitcoin then? Bitcoin is the world's first encrypted currency, and it works because of the world's first network of public blocks. So what can bitcoin do? It's simple. It allows you to complete the process of receiving and receiving funds with anyone from any corner of the world. 那么为什么说比特币具有革命意义呢?因为和其他通过互联网发送资金的工具不同的是,比特币的运作过程不需要信任一个中间人。其运作过程不需要相应的企业意味着比特币是世界首个公开的数字支付基础设施。我这里所说的公开,指的是所有人都可以用,并且不为任何单一实体所有。 So why is Bitcoin revolutionary? Because, unlike other instruments that send money over the Internet, bitcoin does not operate in a way that does not need to trust an intermediary. It does not need the corresponding business to mean that bitcoin is the first publicly available digital payment infrastructure in the world. What I am talking about here is that it is accessible to all and not owned by any single entity. 我们的确也有公开的基础设施,包括针对信息、网站、邮件的基础设施,这就是互联网。但我们目前唯一的公开的支付基础设施只有现金,即纸币。现金只能在面对面交易的情况下使用。 We do also have open infrastructure, including information, websites, and mail, which is the Internet. The only open payment infrastructure we have is cash, that is, banknotes. Cash can only be used in face-to-face transactions. 在比特币诞生之前,如果你想要通过手机或者互联网进行远程支付,你不可能使用公开的基础设施。你必须依靠私有化的银行,通过他们的账本,在账本中添加借方和贷方等信息。如果交易双方使用的并非同一家银行,那么就需要涉及多家银行,开启多个账本。 Before Bitcoin is born, you cannot use open infrastructure if you want to pay remotely via mobile phones or the Internet. You have to rely on privatized banks, through their books, to add information such as borrowers and lenders to the books. If the two parties to the transaction do not use the same bank, then it is necessary to involve multiple banks and open multiple books. 有了比特币之后,账本就是公有区块链,任何人都可以使用这个账本,将自己的比特币转给别人。无论一个人的国家、种族、宗教、性别或信用记录如何,其都可以耗费零成本创建一个比特币地址,从而以数字形式接受支付。 With bitcoin, the account book is a public block chain, and anyone can use it to transfer their bitcoin to someone else. Regardless of a person’s national, ethnic, religious, gender, or credit records, it can create a bitcoin address at zero cost and thus accept payment in digital form. 比特币是世界首个全球皆可使用的公开货币。比特币完美吗?当然不是。但在1972年诞生的时候电子邮件也不完美。比特币并非是所有领域的最佳货币,也并未在全球范围内得到广泛采用,其不是常见的定价单位,且不总是稳定的保值品,但比特币真的行得通。 Bitcoin is the first open currency in the world to be used globally. Bitcoin is perfect. 比特币的运作不需要可信中介,这一点非常惊人,这代表了计算机科学的重大突破。其对于自由和人类的繁荣来说至关重要,正如互联网的诞生。 It is amazing that Bitcoin does not operate without credible intermediaries, which represents a major breakthrough in computer science. It is essential for freedom and human prosperity, just as the Internet was born. 责任编辑:唐婧 (Coin Center研究主管Peter Van Valkenburgh,图片来源:YouTube)
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