is a block-based network xff0c; aims to make it easier to create applications that are not managed or controlled by an entity. xff0c; they are managed by code.
当以太坊网络于 2015 年推出时,它成为第一个通过引入允许人们创建自己的数字代币和自我维持、自主应用程序的独特技术来扩展区块链用例的项目。这项创新为广泛的市场铺平了道路,包括去中心化金融 (?DeF?)、初始代币发行 ( ICO? )、GameFi和不可替代代币 (?NFT?)。
it became the first project to expand the block chain by introducing unique technologies that allow people to create their own digital coins and self-sustaining applications. net:2626;
but the problem is xff0c; xff1f;
智能合约 (SmartContract)
Let's get smart contracts from starts #xff0c; they're the focus of the taupules.
Smart contracts are only programmable protocols running on the block chain. The technology allows users to digitize the relationships and interactions between the two parties involved in the transaction. Once these conditions are programmed and used as smart contracts to start xff0c on the block chain; they automatically execute xff08; xff0c; xff0c; as long as the predefined conditions are met xff0c; they start and complete a set of transactions that they manage xff09; .
例如,只有当 Bob 存入价值 2,000 美元的以太币作为抵押品时,Alice 才决定向 Bob 借 1,000 个 Tether (USDT)。使用智能合约,Alice 可以独立定义验证该交易的条件,而不是信任将促成交易的中间人。如果操作正确,这样的智能合约将在 Bob 存入并锁定 2,000 美元作为抵押品后自动向 Bob 释放 1,000 USDT。此外,当 Alice 偿还贷款时,智能合约将释放抵押品并将其发送回 Bob。
因此,智能合约提供了一个无需信任的系统,Alice 或 Bob 无需担心交易对手风险。它还消除了对中间商的需要。在这里,Alice 和 Bob 无需向中介或托管服务支付额外费用,就可以进行点对点交易。
and thus xff0c; smart contracts provide a system without any need to trust xff0c; Alice or Bob need not worry about the risks of their counterparties. It also eliminates the need for middlemen. Here xff0c; Alice and Bob do not need to pay extra fees for brokering or hosting services xff0c; point-to-point transactions can be made.
The interesting thing is xff0c; Them is the first block chain to discover and implement smart contracts as part of the function of the block chain. xff0c; then xff0c; this innovation unlocks more block chains xff0c; eventually leads to explosive growth in decentralised applications.
区块链 (blockchain)
The talisman and bitcoin have some similarities; it relies on block chains to store and protect transactions.
note , blocks chain is a chronologically arranged block chain containing confirmed transaction data. It is considered to be a ledger of all activities carried out in the network or platform. xff0c; the ledger is public xff0c; this means that network participants and even external personnel can easily track its contents. xff0c; copies of the ledger are distributed in a global computer network called “nodes”. These nodes perform various tasks on the network xff0c; including validation and recording of transaction and smart contract data. /span>
but xff0c; the difference between xff0c and Bitcoin is that xff0c; nodes need not only to verify and record transaction data xff0c; they also have to track the "state" of the network. In this state is the current information on all applications on board xff0c; includes the balance of each user, all smart contract codes, all storage locations and any changes made.
共识机制(Consensus mechanism)
以太坊和比特币的另一个共同点是他们的交易验证方法。目前,以太坊仍然使用与比特币相同的共识协议来验证数据并将其添加到区块链中——称为工作量证明(PoW)。这涉及使用能源密集型机器相互竞争的采矿节点,以赢得将下一个区块添加到区块链的权利。这大约每 10 分钟发生一次。
and another thing in common with Tai and Bitcoin is their method of authentication of transactions. xff0c; at present xffc; The same consensus agreement with Bitcoin is still used to verify data and add it to the chain of blocks - known as (PoW). This involves mining nodes competing with energy-intensive machines xff0c; to win the right to add the next block to the chain of blocks once every 10 minutes.
然而,以太坊目前正在进行名为“以太坊 2.0?”的重大升级,整个网络将从工作量证明迁移到权益证明区块链?(PoS)。
span style= "background-collor:#ffffffff; >xff0c; the entire network will move from the workload certificate to to the chain of proof of interests? .
新的 PoS 系统不需要采矿节点运行昂贵的设备来发现新区块,而是要求用户存入并锁定 32 个以太币——以太坊的原生加密货币(见下文)——以成为网络验证者。
the new PoS system does not need expensive equipment running mining nodes to find new blocks xff0c; instead, the user is required to deposit and lock 32
the transition has three main advantages xff1a;
以太坊的新 PoS 区块链支持新“分片链”的实施。这些将是 64 个较小的区块链,每个区块链都将处理自己的数据批次,从而允许以太坊每秒处理更多的交易。
据报道,新的以太坊区块链将比目前使用的能源减少 99.95%? 。
以太坊虚拟机 (EVM)
EVM是 Etherum的原生处理系统,允许开发人员创建智能合约并让节点与它们无缝交互。以太坊开发人员使用 Solidity 编写智能合约,Solidity 是一种类似于 Javascript 和 C++ 的编程语言。这些用 Solidity 编写的智能合约可以被人类读取,但不能被计算机读取。因此,它必须转换为低级机器指令——称为操作码——EVM 可以轻松理解和执行这些指令。
重要的是要知道每个以太坊节点都有自己的 EVM。
当一个人向部署在以太坊上的智能合约发送交易时,每个节点都通过自己的 EVM 运行智能合约和交易。在这个模拟环境中,每个节点都可以看到最终结果是什么,以及结果是否产生了有效的交易。如果所有节点都达到相同的有效结果,则进行更改并将更新的以太坊状态记录在区块链上。
on the block chain.
在以太坊上做任何事情都需要以太币,当它被用来在网络上执行智能联系人时,它通常被称为“?gas?”。需要支付的 gas 数量取决于您计划执行的交易类型和等待验证的以太坊交易数量。交易越复杂,gas费用越高。
xff0c; xff0c when it is used to execute an intelligent contact on the web; it is commonly referred to as gas. The number of transactions to be paid depends on the type of transaction you plan to carry out and the number of transactions to be verified in the house; the more complex the transaction is xff0c; gasgas >
合约账户:这些单独的账户是持有智能合约的账户,可以由来自 EOA 的以太交易或其他事件触发。
As noted above , some users interact with Etheria via nodes. In other words xff0c; they must pass through their system xff08; known as "client" xff09; downloading block chain software on board to connect their computers to Ether. xff0c, the user of the tha-thong software selected by you, may need to download a full copy of the thong block chain. /span>
or xff0c; you can simply generate a private key and create a wallet address to start interacting with the block chain. xff0c; wallet means a digital or physical storage device designed for encrypted currency. Each box has a unique identifier xff0c; a wallet address xff08; these are random strings for alphanumeric characters xff09; .
note xff0c; xff0c; whenever you execute a transaction in a tavern or trigger a smart contract; you must pay the cost in tasers.
What's Ether? #xff1f;
The Taipan is the second largest encrypt currency project in the world based on market value xff0c; and is the first project to introduce smart contract functions to industry.
What's the Ether #xff1f;
The Chinese currency is the second largest encrypted currencyxff0c; more transactions are processed than any other digital asset.
什么是以太坊 Gas 费?
What's Etherroom Gas & #xff1f;
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