?虛擬貨幣騙局收割四部曲:循循善誘,請君入甕,巧取豪奪,最後。 。 。

资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:118 评论:0
在上一篇內容中,我們介紹了虛擬貨幣資金盤如何盤走你的錢,你可能也以後,他們是如何將可能對區塊鍊是什麼都不懂的普通人變成能熟練的買入USDT,又懂得充幣、買幣的受害者的呢?在今天的內容中,我們將為讀者做整個過程的介紹。In the previ...



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In the previous article, we introduced how a virtual money tray would remove your money, and you might later turn a normal person who might not know anything about the chain into a well-trained recipient of the USDT, a victim of the inflated currency. In today's content, we will introduce the reader to the entire process.



Then you can get the same value on the exchange in the same way you want to move to the renminbi. But in virtual currency economic crime, organizers often want to attract more people outside the currency circle, so they often “break the circle” and attract participants through traditional marketing channels, and then follow good-faith “universal” knowledge and teach you how to buy money.


strong >ii, please enter: induce the participant to load the USDT into the designated platform


When you buy USDT on the exchange, then you can use these USDTs, which, for fraud and distribution items, tend to follow the way in which the Church buys USDT, and then prompts you to put the USDT on your hand to the project platform, and then buys the air currency he issues on that platform.


In order for you to understand the process, we're going to choose the usual exchange to familiarize you with the process.


Usually, when you fill an exchange, which is strictly “dollar-filled”, the exchange will ask you to choose the currency and then give it an address. If you choose USDT, many exchanges may now give you a choice in three types of USDT:


The three main types of USDT include: ERC-20, TRC-20, and Omni, and what are their differences? Instead, they are USDTs issued by Tether, but technically they are different from the public chain that they choose to issue.

ERC20 USDT:基於以太坊網絡發行的USDT,它基於ERC-20協議標準發行,在以太坊地址間轉賬,每次轉鏈上賬時,需要消耗手續費IE,被稱為Gas,具體要以ETH支付。

ERC20 USDT: USDT based on the Etheria Network, which is based on the ERC-20 agreement, which provides for the transfer of accounts between the etherm address, which requires the consumption of IEs, which is known as Gas, and which is specifically paid for by ETH.

ERC20 USDT的地址是以0x開頭的42位字符串,例如:

The address of ERC20 USDT is a 42-bit string beginning with 0x, e.g.:

TRC20 USDT:基於TRON,也就是波場網絡發行的USDT,它基於TRC-20協議標準發行,在波場地址間轉賬,每次轉鏈上賬時,波場轉賬不需要手續費,因為這個特點,這一標準的USDT在近兩年發展的很快。

TRC20 USDT: Based on Tron, or USDT, issued by the Waves Network, it is based on the TRC-20 agreement, which provides for the transfer of accounts between the Spot address, and which does not require a transaction fee for each transfer, because this is a special feature, the standard USDT has been growing rapidly in the last two years.

TRC20 USDT的地址為大寫字母T開頭,例如:

The address of TRC20 USDDT starts with the capital letter T, for example:

OMNI USDT:基於比特幣網絡發行的USDT (基於Omni協議發行),除了轉賬需要比特幣作為礦工費之外,每發起一筆USDT轉賬,都會對應地生成一筆數量極小的比特幣轉賬。

OMNI USDT: The USDT (based on the Omni agreement) based on the Bitcoins network generates a very small amount of bitcoins for each USDT transfer, in addition to requiring Bitcoins to be used as mining fees.

OMNI USDT的地址為1、3或bc開頭,例如:

The address of OMINI USDT starts with 1, 3 or bc, for example:



As in the case of the exchange, the platform offered by the so-called fraudsters is dominated by the coins they issue and the USDT, which allows you to buy what they call a serial surge in the USDT, making you rich overnight in air. This is the essence of the scheme that we have revealed before, using air currency in exchange for the recognized USDT in your hands.


What we call “air currency” here is not a technical concept in itself, but rather a popular term based on its motivation, which usually refers to a lack of physical support or systematic technical direction, and a lack of market-based virtual currency of general common understanding and recognition of value, which has no value in nature, simply by marketing, using “profit” sales such as “no drop-in” sales, lurers into the field and then sell their currencies out to the investors, leaving their hands, or so-called “circumbers”.


Further, if, in the course of marketing and organizing these air moneys, there are incentives for members to make returns in a “pull-heading” way, the nature of which is to keep drawing members' money might touch the legal bottom line of “distribution”, such an air currency would become a “distribution currency” and would cause greater economic losses to the participants.


Sometimes you also hear about the concept of “platform coins” in these projects. In fact, the platform coin itself is a business model of virtual currency, a proxy for digital trading platforms, such as the OKEx exchange platform, and the BNB for the currency exchange platform.


Platform coins are usually linked to the platform's performance in some form, which is similar to shares issued by a company that allow you to share the benefits of its growth, although they do not involve equity in the profits.


In virtual currency frauds, however, the platform’s “platform coin” is merely a concept of how its platform is going to be promising, calling investors on board, but it can be defrauded or sold at first sight, from the very essence of its value to the form of the organization. Indeed, it is also a habit of virtual currency platforms, which, when new business models or concepts become popular, must be marked by frauds, such as the fire of the Defi model of going to central finance in the last year, and many frauds have also been branded by Defi.


strong > > > > > > ; counter-harvesting: full set of paths so that participants can't want to .


When you change all kinds of “air coins”, that project really can do whatever you want, so that you can do whatever you want under its rules and controls.


In terms of recent popular patterns, they will allow you to participate in what you call the “mining of mines” of the project, and the rules of enticing people, and the limitless amount of money. The essence is that only by inviting more relatives and friends to invest more money can they generate more money and increase what they call the production of mining.


The project may also take a pattern of counter-harvesting, such as opening a “exchange” of its own, allowing the air currency to be traded online, looking like a change of course, stabilizing its users, and even giving them a new incentive. Since it's the currency that it issues, and it's the exchange that it owns, the rules can be set by itself.


That's it? No, it's still a lie, like the exchange of the old currency for the new currency, the way that the mother's money is wired, the way you feel that there's no value in your hand, and the way you can dig out a new currency that might give you a chance to turn yourself over, so the participants find it hard to get back to the game without knowing that they're in the new business until the group runs out of nowhere.


So, these projects offer you new technologies, new opportunities that give you a chance to spread the wealth of the chain, teach you how to buy USDT, then lure you into their platform, then exchange your USDT with the air currency they issue, and then a process that they do whatever they want to do to reverse the harvest of the participants.


Through the above process, China wants us to invest rationally, to be vigilant, to be aware of the fraud, to report it to the police if you are unwittingly deceived, or to contact us, and through some technical means, we still have the opportunity to track the course of the counterfeit currency in time to recover the damage, and in the next article we will describe some of the work done by China and China in this regard.


If you meet this kind of fraud as an investor, or if you are dealing with such cases as a member of the Department of Justice, we will all provide comprehensive and professional services. Open the “read the original” and fill in the relevant information, and we will combine your reports and follow up and analyse them.




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