随着欧洲通用数据保护条例(GDPR)的实施,基于区块链的分布式身份(Decentralized Identifiers, DID)越来越受到学术界和产业界的关注。究竟什么是分布式身份?其设计原理和实现方式是怎样的?我们可以用它来做什么呢?
With the implementation of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 为什么需要分布式身份”这个问题更加好奇。
& nbsp; is more curious about the question of 在上世纪90年代,互联网被定义为Web1.0。用户与网络的交互非常简单,网站提供的几乎都是“只读”服务,不论文字、图片还是音频内容,用户能做的仅仅是阅读或者简单的搜索,不涉及内容发布和评论对身份没有要求。可见此时的互联网,不具备有实际用途的身份体系。
& nbsp;
centralized identity data generated by the single subject is responsible for generating , , for example, accounts known to us, such as payment treasures, micro-mails.
Alliance identity offers to alleviate some of these problems but do not resolve them altogether . For example, when a user logs on a platform as a third-party account by means of a micromail or payment authorization, two types of problems arise. On the one hand, the platform will also gather additional user information to create a new independent identity system. On the other hand, because of the oligopoly of the Internet, multiple identity providers can still conspire to control the user's digital identity.
& nbsp; user-centred status has not been widely promoted in practice for various reasons, including security.
& nbsp; distributed identity fundamentally solves the above problem and does not depend on the central identity provider , , portability , gives each user the ability to control and use digital identities in a distributed setting and to protect privacy with sensitive information such as identity data. /span >
& nbsp; Web3.0 depicts a credible web world that is connected to everything, realizing the right to data authenticity and authorization, strong privacy protection, open and uncensored free data exchange. is one of the important practices of development based on DD.
& nbsp; next we will discuss what a distributed identity is and how it is designed and realized.
& nbsp; distributed technical structures include span style="collor: #e67e23;'> >b>DD /span> verifiable document agreements and thus constructed
图1. DID系统基本运转流程和使用方式图
In order to facilitate understanding of the basic operating processes and usage of the DD system, I have drawn a map (1). It can be seen that there are three main types of entities in the system, including issuer , holder holder certifier , each of which may be equipment, applications, individuals or organizations.
首先,各实体通过简单的密码学工具或者DID SDK生成完全由自己控制的身份文档(具体的数据结构我们后面再展开),并发布到区块链上完成身份的注册。DID文档中还可以包含其所能提供的服务信息,以支持企业用户多样的应用场景。例如签发者是学校A,在其身份文档中可以发布电子学历认证服务;签发者也可以是公司B,在身份文档中声明职位招聘的相关要求。
First, entities generate identity documents that are entirely controlled by themselves (the specific data structure will be rolled out later) through simple cryptography tools or DDSDK, and publish them on block chains to complete identity registration. DD documents can also contain information on the services they can provide to support the diverse applications of business users. For example, the issuer is the school A, where electronic qualification services can be published in their identity documents; the issuer can also be the company B, where the relevant requirements for job recruitment are stated in the identity documents.
& nbsp; sets up a certification system between identity and identity with a base identifier. The template for the certificate will be registered by the relevant subject to be published on the block chain and maintained on an ongoing basis. Next, the holder may initiate an application for accreditation to the issuer and obtain the certificate combination processing to complete certification to the certifying officer /span >. For example, in the following scenario, the job will need to be filled by (the holder) for post recruitment to be issued by the company B /span > (verifier) and the job will require the applicant to have this scientific history.
Finally, the business system can complete the construction of top-level applications based on the DD system.
& nbsp; is that simple!
& nbsp; knows why and what, let's go a little deeper into the details of some of the key technologies in order to make better use of them.
& nbsp; b> ID document
图2. 身份文档示意图
List a few interesting features:
- “publicKey”列表可以支持不同秘钥体制和类型的公钥。不同的公钥可用于支持不同的业务。(公钥和私钥是成对出现的两个秘钥。公钥可以公开,私钥必须秘密保存。因为加密和解密使用的是两个不同的秘钥,所以这种算法称之为非对称加密算法。)
- “controller”和”authentication”字段可以是本文档的公钥或者其他DID文档的标识、公钥。这样可以轻松扩展出强大的身份层级控制体系。
- “recovery”恢复标识可以在主控私钥丢失的情况下完成文档恢复和更新。
可验证凭证由元数据(Metadata)、属性声明集合(Claims)和证明材料(Proofs)三部分组成。关键组件及字段见图3. 可验证凭证同样具有丰富的功能和极强的扩展性,其中涉及的能力项有很多,例如生命周期管理、可信模型、零知识证明、隐私频谱、凭证安全等。此处通过介绍“凭证细粒度组合出示”帮助大家感受可验证凭证的功能特性。
and supporting documents by meta-data
图3. 可验证凭证关键组件及字段
The usual mode of use of a certificate is for the issuer to sign a summary of the entire certificate and to encrypt it to send to the holder. The holder declassifies or encrypts the certificate and presents it to the certificationer to complete the verification. Clearly, such a design would have two problems: on the one hand, the poor ability to protect privacy, would expose the user to irrelevant properties during the presentation of the certificate . On the other hand, the pattern of use of the document and the type of document issued were combined, Pedersen 承诺”(用于隐私保护属性信息)。再针对所有承诺进行“C-L签名”(起到多属性签名的聚合效果,压缩签名所占空间)。在凭证出示前,小为可以从已有身份凭证和新获得的学历凭证中挑选服务需要的几个属性公开明文,其余属性均出示密文承诺,完成职位申请。下图是小为申请工作例子的详细流程,大家可以跟着序号和描述梳理梳理。
& nbsp; certificate fine-scale combinations are presented by means of to calculate each of the attributes of the document by the issuer. to calculate the attributes in the document collection > b>Pendersen
图4. 基于分布式身份的可验证凭证使用示例流程图
& nbsp; , let's make a brief summary. . /span >. /span >
本文列举了从Web1.0到Web3.0互联网身份体系的发展变化,随着用户对主权和隐私保护诉求的不断提高,分布式身份和可验证凭证是构建未来统一身份认证体系必不可少的技术。国际上,W3C标准组织与2019年底发布了Decentralized Identifiers(DIDs)v1.0 和 Verifiable Credentials(VC)v1.0 标准规范草案,并持续扩展完善。在国内,2020年6月低分布式数字身份产业联盟(DIDA)成立。
& nbsp; lists the technologies essential for a unified identification system from Web1.0 to Web3.0 of Internet identity systems. As users' claims for sovereignty and privacy protection continue to grow, distributed identities and authenticated documents are of .
& nbsp; presents the data structure, technical architecture, key functional features and applications of the distributed identity base. But the distributed identity system covers much more than this, and he is the top-level eco-identification and certification base, which can be widely applied in the fields of digital governance, civil life, medical health, transport, digital finance. If you want to know more about it or to experience it immediately, will open up a cloud network search for DIS/span>.
华为云分布式身份服务(Decentralized Identity Service)是一种基于区块链的 分布式数字身份及可验证凭证的注册、签发、管理平台。符合W3C标准规范。为个人和企业用户提供统一的、可自解释的、移植性强的分布式身份标识,同时支持多场景的可验证凭证管理,细粒度的凭证签发和验证,有效解决跨部门、跨企业、跨地域的身份认证难和隐私泄露等问题。
is a distributed digital identity based on block chains and the registration, issuance, management platform. b> is a cloud distribution identity service . is a personal and business user ; 参考 https://www.w3.org/2019/did-wg/ https://w3c.github.io/vc-data-model/ https://www.huaweicloud.com/product/bcs/tdis.html
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