1. 币安 (Binance) :目前全球最大的加密货币交易平台,日均交易量超过11亿美元,提供了多种交易对,手续费为0.1%。
1. Currency security: The current world's largest encrypted currency trading platform, with an average daily transaction volume of more than $1.1 billion, provides multiple transaction pairs at a fee of 0.1 per cent.
2. 币安智能链 (Binance Smart Chain):日均交易量超过1.5亿美元,手续费为0.1%。
2. Currency security smart chain (binance Smart Chain): an average daily transaction volume of more than $150 million and a fee of 0.1 per cent.
3. FTX: 专注于加密货币衍生品交易,日均交易量达到7.5亿美元,手续费为0.07%。
3. FTX: Focused on trade in encrypted currency derivatives, the average daily volume of transactions amounted to $750 million at a fee of 0.07 per cent.
4. Okex: 总日均交易量超过6亿美元,手续费为0.1%。
4. Okex: The average daily volume of transactions exceeds $600 million and the handling fee is 0.1 per cent.
5. Coinbase Pro: 总日均交易量达到3.8亿美元,手续费为0.5%。
Coinbase Pro: Total daily transactions amounted to $380 million and fees amounted to 0.5 per cent.
加密货币交易平台的安全性直接影响着用户的交易安全、登录安全以及存储安全。目前,有多个私人机构以及政府机构对加密货币交易平台的安全性进行了排名。以下是两项权威排行榜和其中的TOP3。1. CER (Cryptocurrency Exchange Rating):该机构基于9大指标对100家加密货币交易平台进行了安全性评估,其中TOP3是:BitMEX、Coinbase、Bitfinex。
CER (Cryptocurrence ExchangeRating): The agency conducted a security assessment of 100 encrypted currency trading platforms based on nine indicators, including: BitMEX, Coinbase, Bitfinex.
2. CryptoCompare:该机构基于四大维度对100家交易所进行排行:市场透明度、安全性、交易手续费以及流动性,其中TOP3是:BitStamp、Coinbase、Bitfinex。
CryptoCompare: It ranks 100 exchanges based on four dimensions: market transparency, security, transaction fees and liquidity, of which TOP3 is BitStamp, Coinbase, Bitfinex.
加密货币交易平台的用户体验也是数字货币交易者的重要考虑因素。以下是我们选出的三家用户评分较高的加密货币交易平台:1. 币安 (Binance):该平台提供了业内领先的交易引擎、高速撮合技术,同时提供了多种平台交易工具,符合不同的数字货币爱好者的需求。
1. Currency (Binance): The platform provides a leading trade engine in industry, high-speed matchmaking technology, as well as a variety of platform trading tools that meet the needs of different digital currency fans.
2. Coinbase:该平台用户界面相较于其他的平台较为简洁易懂,新手用户可较快上手。
Coinbase: The platform's user interface is simpler and easier to understand than the other platforms, and newer users can do so more quickly.
3. Kraken:该平台对交易货币的支持较广泛,在交易所接口、定制价格提醒等层面也做得相当好。
Kraken: The platform has broad support for traded currencies and has done quite well at the level of exchange interfaces, custom price alerts, etc.
总之,对于数字货币交易者而言,选择一个好的加密货币交易平台是非常重要的,需要考虑交易量、安全性、流动性、用户体验等多重方面,此外,时时关注交易所动态,积极更新自己的交易技能,才能在数字货币市场上获得更高的收益。注册有任何问题请添加 微信:MVIP619 拉你进入群