排名 |
币种名 | 美元价格$ | 24H涨跌幅 |
流通市值$ |
初始发行价 |
24h最高价 |
24h最低价 |
1 |
ETH 以太坊 |
$3,519.41 | -1.13% | 4226.2亿 | $0.308044 | $3,643.81 | $3,493.07 |
The Etherium is the original currency of the world's largest intelligent contract platform. The price trends are influenced by a variety of factors...
What is the Ethernom? The Ethernom is a node to run and maintain the entire block chain system in the Ethernom network. As a decentralised network, the ethernome needs multiple nodes to maintain the system together to ensure the reliability and stability of the block chain network. What are the types of ethernomies?
It is a smart contract platform and an encrypted currency. It is a second-largest block chain platform. It is a global concern for investors, especially those who want to explore new digital asset classes. Here are some of the trades in it...
It's the second largest digital currency after Bitcoin, and its value and market prospects are vast. So, many people choose to get their wealth by digging in it. It's a stable and profitable investment, but without a proper miner, you won't be able to collect it...
Whose currency is the currency destroyed in Taiwan? Among the many encrypted digital currencies, the Etherton is a highly valued one, which, as one of the pioneers of the second generation of block chain technology, provides important ideas and support for the further development of digital money. However, the amount of currency generated in the Tai Min network, which has been destroyed...
What is the Ethernom? The Ethernom is a node to run and maintain the entire block chain system in the Ethernom network. As a decentralised network, the ethernome needs multiple nodes to maintain the system together to ensure the reliability and stability of the block chain network. What are the types of ethernomies?
以太坊创始人为什么要创建以太坊?以太坊创始人 Vitalik Buterin 是一个激进的思想家,他始终认为区块链可以用来不仅仅记录货币交易,它还可以成为智能合约的基础,实现非常广泛的实际应用,从而实现人们之间自动和...
Why did the founder of Etheria create Ether? The founder of Etherium, Vitalik Buterin, is a radical thinker who always believed that block chains could be used not only to record currency transactions, but also as the basis for intelligent contracts, to achieve very broad practical applications, to achieve automaticity between people and...
What's Ether? To buy and sell Ether, you need to know what's in Taiteng. Ether is a distributed computing platform and development tool that uses block-chain technology that allows the development and operation of smart contracts and decentralised applications. Ether is a derivative of Bitcoin, but it is more focused on applications...
Where's Etherium? Etherium is a digital currency on the block chain, but it's not as well known as Bitcoin. So where it's bought, it's probably a bit difficult for some beginners. Now, however, Etherwood can be traded on many digital money exchanges, and the following is...