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以太币 (ETH币)今日价格行情走势分析


The Etherium is the original currency of the world's largest intelligent contract platform. The price trends are influenced by a variety of factors...









What is the Ethernom? The Ethernom is a node to run and maintain the entire block chain system in the Ethernom network. As a decentralised network, the ethernome needs multiple nodes to maintain the system together to ensure the reliability and stability of the block chain network. What are the types of ethernomies?



It is a smart contract platform and an encrypted currency. It is a second-largest block chain platform. It is a global concern for investors, especially those who want to explore new digital asset classes. Here are some of the trades in it...



It's the second largest digital currency after Bitcoin, and its value and market prospects are vast. So, many people choose to get their wealth by digging in it. It's a stable and profitable investment, but without a proper miner, you won't be able to collect it...



Whose currency is the currency destroyed in Taiwan? Among the many encrypted digital currencies, the Etherton is a highly valued one, which, as one of the pioneers of the second generation of block chain technology, provides important ideas and support for the further development of digital money. However, the amount of currency generated in the Tai Min network, which has been destroyed...



What is the Ethernom? The Ethernom is a node to run and maintain the entire block chain system in the Ethernom network. As a decentralised network, the ethernome needs multiple nodes to maintain the system together to ensure the reliability and stability of the block chain network. What are the types of ethernomies?


以太坊创始人为什么要创建以太坊?以太坊创始人 Vitalik Buterin 是一个激进的思想家,他始终认为区块链可以用来不仅仅记录货币交易,它还可以成为智能合约的基础,实现非常广泛的实际应用,从而实现人们之间自动和...

Why did the founder of Etheria create Ether? The founder of Etherium, Vitalik Buterin, is a radical thinker who always believed that block chains could be used not only to record currency transactions, but also as the basis for intelligent contracts, to achieve very broad practical applications, to achieve automaticity between people and...



What's Ether? To buy and sell Ether, you need to know what's in Taiteng. Ether is a distributed computing platform and development tool that uses block-chain technology that allows the development and operation of smart contracts and decentralised applications. Ether is a derivative of Bitcoin, but it is more focused on applications...



Where's Etherium? Etherium is a digital currency on the block chain, but it's not as well known as Bitcoin. So where it's bought, it's probably a bit difficult for some beginners. Now, however, Etherwood can be traded on many digital money exchanges, and the following is...

评分:8 评分时间:2023-05-30 02:37:16


Etheeum is one of the most popular block chains on the market today, representing not only an encrypted currency, but also a smart contract and decentralised technology support. As a common miner, if you want to be involved in Ethel mining, you need to join an Ether pond first.


The pits are similar to the concept of a “shared mine.” The miners add their own calculations to the ponds in order to dig blocks in cooperation with the other miners’ numeracy.


There are a large number of Ether pits on the market, some of which are more well-known as follows:

1. ETHPOOL:ETHPOOL是以太坊最大的矿池之一,也是少数所有矿池中的其他参与者,ETHPOOL抽取1%的费用

ETHPOOL: ETHPOOL is one of the largest ponds in the Taiku and other participants in a small number of all ponds. ETHPOOL collects 1% of the cost

2. Nanopool:Nanopool是一家隶属于Ethereum Classic开发团队的矿池,他们还提供ETC(经典以太坊)挖矿计划。费用是1%

Nanopol: Nanopol is a pond belonging to the Etheum Classic development team, which also provides the ETC (classic Ether) mining program. The cost is 1%.

3. DwarfPool:DwarfPool是一家美国公司,提供多种数字货币的矿池服务,包括以太坊。从挖掘和支付方面来看,它们都是非常稳定的。DwarfPool以DwarfPool为名抽取1%的费用

3. DwarfPool: DwarfPool is an American company that provides multi-digital pond services, including Ether. They are stable in terms of excavations and payments. DwarfPool collects 1% of the cost in the name of DwarfPool.

4. F2Pool:F2Pool是中国开发的矿池,有多种数字货币矿池服务,包括以太坊矿池。它提供最快最稳定的以太坊矿池服务, 此外其收费也是1%

4. F2Pool: F2Pool is a developed pond in China, with a variety of digital money pond services, including Ether. It provides the fastest and most stable Ether pit service, with a charge of 1%.


These ponds are one of the biggest and most popular ones in the community. Participation in these ponds will provide you with a steady profit from mining.


In any case, joining an Ether pond is the first option for participating in Ether mining.


The Currency Network is a very useful digital money information platform. It provides up-to-date digital currency profiles, real-time news and in-depth analysis. Please note that this application does not provide transactional functions, but only digital money information and news.

评分:7 评分时间:2023-05-30 02:33:10


Ethel, a digital currency based on block chains, is one of the most popular digital currencies among the major encrypted currencies after Bitcoins. As a classic and powerful block chain technology that evolves to smart contracts and dapps, the market has developed rapidly and has received widespread commercial and financial attention.


It's very important for investors who need to hold on to Eth to choose a reliable Eth wallet. So let's see what Eth's wallets are.

1. Trezor硬件钱包

1. Trezor's hardware wallet


Trezor is a hardware wallet that helps users to safely save their digital assets. It is a very secure wallet, and its password security is well guaranteed, because only those who have the master password have access to the password stored on the hardware wallet. It also supports multiple encrypted currency deposits and can be safely backed up and restored at any time.

2. MyEtherWallet(MEW)


MyEtherWallet is one of the most widely used Ether Wallet wallets that helps users to easily manage multiple types of encrypted monetary assets. It provides a user-friendly set of functions, including the creation and management of multiple wallets, fast transactions, etc. In addition, it provides an autonomous cold wallet storage and instantaneous transactions function to meet user security needs.

3. MetaMask


MetaMask is an Eth wallet used in browsers, as it is easy and fast without downloading and installation. It helps users manage multiple encrypted monetary assets and provides a human management interface and easy-to-use operations. In addition, it provides an extended wallet plugin that can directly use the Web3 protocol on browsers and supports fast-track transactions and security backup and restoration functions.

4. Ledger Nano S硬件钱包

4. Ledger Nano S hardware wallet

Ledger Nano S是一种带密码锁的智能卡,可安全地存储多种加密货币资产,并随时进行安全备份和恢复。它的设计不仅轻便便携,而且非常安全,确切保证了交易中的财产安全。

Ledger Nano S is a smart card with a password lock that secures a wide range of encrypted monetary assets and carries out a secure backup and recovery at any time. It is designed not only to be portable, but also to be very secure, which ensures the security of the property in the transaction.




These are the top wallets of Eth, all of which have very secure encryption protections, easy-to-use management interfaces, and fast-track transactions. You can choose one of your favorite wallets according to your personal needs and preferences.


To learn more about digital money, as well as to view real-time transactions, please download the currency border APP.

评分:8 评分时间:2023-05-30 02:22:55


Etherno is the second-largest encrypted currency in global circulation and one of the most active electronic currencies in the current market. ETH can be obtained through mining, and the ponds are where many miners use computers to co-excuse encrypted money. Some of the ETH's ponds are described here.

1. Ethermine


Ethemine, one of the largest ETH mining ponds in the world, pays daily on the basis of the PPS (in shares). Most of the transaction fees are also allocated to miners.

2. F2Pool


F2Pool, one of the largest bitcoin mining ponds in the world, also supports ETH mining. F2Pool pays on an hourly basis using the PPS+ (share plus transaction fees). In addition, F2Pool provides 24/7 support. It costs 2.5%.

3. SparkPool


SparkPool is another major ETH pond and one of the largest ETH ponds in the world. It uses the PPS payment mode and pays at 4 p.m. at UTC+8 every day. SparkPool costs 1%.

4. Nanopool


Nanopol is one of the largest ETH ponds in Europe, with more than 100,000 miners. It uses the PPS payment model and pays at 0 points per day at UTC time. It costs 1%.

5. MiningPoolHub


MiningPoolHub is a multi-encrypted-currency pond that supports ETH mining and can also dig up other digital currencies. Using the PPLNS payment model (to pay a total of the most recent N shares), it distributes incentives to contribute more miners. The cost is 0.9%.


In general, choosing a good pond is even more important for ETH miners than choosing a miner. Different miners choose different ponds because of the cost, the method of payment, and the type of money they support.


If you want to get more digital money and the latest encrypted currency dynamics, you can download the currency grid APP, where you can get real-time information and market developments, as well as up-to-date news and analysis of digital money. The currency border network is an in-depth and interesting encrypt currency community, and we look forward to your joining!

评分:7 评分时间:2023-05-30 02:00:23


Etheeum is one of the most popular platforms in the area of the current block chain. Its extensive application scenes, as well as the functionality of programmed smart contracts, make Etheeum a platform of developers and business choices.

首先我们需要知道,什么是分叉(Fork)?在区块链中,分叉可分为软分叉(Soft Fork)和硬分叉(Hard Fork)两种。

First of all, we need to know what is fork? In the block chain, the fork can be divided into soft fork and hard fork.

软分叉(Soft Fork):是一种协议级别的软件更新,当某些矿工开始提前更新到协议的最新版本后,其他的矿工可以选择继续使用老版本,但是新版本的一些特性和功能将会被矿工们所忽略。

Soft Fork: This is a protocol-level software upgrade, and when some miners start to update the latest version of the agreement in advance, others can choose to continue using the old version, but some features and functions of the new version will be overlooked by miners.

硬分叉(Hard Fork):是一种破坏性的更新。在这种情况下,协议的规则发生了改变,这就意味着在升级之前和之后的节点之间将存在不兼容性。

Hard Fork: This is a destructive update. In this case, the rules of the agreement are changed, which means that there will be incompatibility between the nodes before and after the upgrade.


Here's what happened in the Etheum fork. The most famous Etheeum fork was the July 2016 DAO. DAO is an autonomous organization that invests through smart contracts and decides on the outcome of the vote. Yet DAO's smart contracts are flawed, leading hackers to steal large amounts of ETH in a special way of assault.

面对此事件,Ethereum社区必须采取一些措施来解决这个问题。最终社区决定进行硬分叉,以防止被黑客窃取的资金继续被使用。最终硬分叉发生在2016年7月20日,名为“Ethereum Classic”的代币也从此诞生。

In the end, the community decided to make a hard fork to prevent funds stolen by hackers from being used. The final hard fork took place on July 20, 2016, when a token named “Etheum Classic” was born.

在2017年10月份,Ethereum又发生了一次硬分叉。最终导致这次分叉的原因是要升级以太坊的EVM(Ethereum Virtual Machine,以太坊虚拟机)版本,以提高智能合约的性能。然而,一小部分社区成员反对这次升级所带来的数据存储和同步问题,于是社区决定进行硬分叉。

In October 2017, Etherum experienced another hard split. The final reason for the split was to upgrade the EVM version of the Taiyeum Virtual Machine to improve the performance of the smart contract. However, a small number of community members opposed the data storage and synchronization problems that the upgrade caused, and the community decided to make a hard break.

2019年初,以太坊的主网即将升级到以太坊2.0,这将会导致以太坊从PoW(Proof of Work)共识机制向PoS(Proof of Stake)共识机制进行重大转型。PoS机制将使用新的虚拟机集成,这与以前的EVM不同。因此,为了兼容新的共识机制,以太坊主网将会发生另一次硬分叉。

Early in 2019, Ether’s main network was about to be upgraded to Ether 2.0, which would lead to a major transformation of Ether’s consensus mechanism from the PoW of Work to the Pos’ consensus mechanism. The PoS mechanism would be integrated using a new virtual machine, unlike the previous EVM. So, in order to accommodate the new consensus mechanism, another hard split would occur on Ether’s main network.


While some community members may take different positions in the fork, the fork may also lead to better upgrading and development. It is hoped that Etheum will continue to maintain its position in the future and contribute more to the development of block chain technology.


Finally: In order to learn more about the various digital currencies, it is possible to download the currency network APP and view the latest digital money in real time, as well as the latest news.

评分:5 评分时间:2023-05-30 01:58:19


As the encrypt currency market continues to develop, Ether is one of the hottest currencies. If you want to buy Ether, the following are some of the platforms that can help you achieve this.


First, Coinbase, an encrypted currency trading platform in the United States, supports not only transactions in bitcoin, Letco, etc., but also transactions in other encrypted currencies such as the Taiku. Coinbase provides secure purchasing, selling, and trading services, and is the preferred platform for many starters.


By extension, Binance is a global-famous, encrypted currency trading platform where users can buy and sell hundreds of encrypted currencies, including Etheria. Binance provides an excellent trading experience of lower transaction costs, support for multinational languages and currencies, and speed of transactions, which attracts a large number of users from around the world.


KuCoin is also a global, encrypted currency exchange platform, and one of the other currencies in Taiku. Kucoin is characterized by lower transaction costs, faster transactions, more support for multiple currencies, and more advantage for experienced traders.


Of course, the platform described above is only part of it, and there are many other trading platforms that provide trade services in encrypted currency, such as the Tai shop. In selecting the platform, attention must be paid to the security and reliability of the platform, as well as to the details of the services and costs provided by the platform.


Finally, if you want to keep abreast of the latest developments and price changes in Ethio, you can download the currency network APP, view the currency in real time, read the professional analysis articles, and get the latest information on the currency circle.

评分:9 评分时间:2023-05-30 00:57:05


The Eth currency is one of the most popular digital currencies based on block-chain technology, and its full name is TTH. Unlike Bitcoin, it is not just a currency, but also a platform for products and services. Next, we will introduce the various types of ETH currency.

1. ERC-20代币

The ERC-20 token
ERC-20 is an intelligent contractual agreement for the Ether (ETH) block chain, which allows the representative to track the currency standard for transactions in the Ether currency and its application.

2. ERC-721代币

ERC-721 is very different from the ETA, which is a non-symmetrical token, whereas ETM is a homogenous token. Non-symmetrical token is the uniqueness of each of the separate tokens, each of which has its own number, such as a collection of digital collections with inherent digital ownership rights. This makes each ERC-721 a unique and unique collection.

3. ERC-1155代币

ERC-1155, is an intellectual contract standard that supports multiple currencies (e.g. casting instruments of games, marked assets, various types of tokens, etc.). The coin is a single contract (equivalent to the integration of the functions of the tokens) with multiple cases of coins, which can be well integrated with other applications.

4. dApp代币
dApp代币代表Decentralized Application,即去中心化应用程序的缩写。这些代币代表了构建在以太坊上的dApp的价值,它们可以被用来购买在dApp上的功能和服务。

dApp tokens
dApp for Decentralized Application, which is the acronym for decentralised applications. These tokens represent the value of dApps built on the etherm, which can be used to purchase functions and services on dApp.


Overall, there are many categories of ETH currencies, each of which has different characteristics and uses. As the Etheraya ecosystem continues to develop, more Etheraya currencies are emerging.


If you are a fan of digital money and want to track real-time and up-to-date information about ETH currencies, then come to the currency network APP! The currency network APP is the APP for digital money, news and social networking platforms; besides providing real-time ETH monetary intelligence, it also provides valuable market analysis and professional reviews that allow you to better see market trends and trends. Welcome to download the currency network APP and share with us a secure, professional and comprehensive digital monetary ecological platform.

评分:9 评分时间:2023-05-30 00:55:03


ETH is a token of the Taiku, a classic token. The birth of ETH has brought about a lot of changes in block chain technology and has given rise to a lot of eth fork.

1. ETC:以太经典

1. ETC: Ether Classic


In 2016, Ether was hit by the largest hacker attack in history, leading to the theft of nearly half a million ETHs. The Etherm team then tried to “roll back” the attack using hard-fork technology. Some community users objected to the creation of the Ether Classic, which inherited Ether’s original intent and focused on decentralisation and impartiality.

2. CLO:Callisto


Callisto was born in 2018 with the main objective of enhancing the safety of the Etherm ecosystem. Callisto will continue to innovate on a classic basis to better develop the Ethermian cause.

3. ESN:Ethereum Social Network


The ESN was originally initiated by people from within the Taiwan community, with the objective of helping to make the community chain more scalable. The ESN adopted a mixed consensus mechanism, optimized in terms of consensus and smart contracts, enhancing its load balance and diversity. In addition, ESN has introduced a side-chain-based structure that plans to use most of the data flows for side-chain processing in order to reduce pressure on the main chain.

4. GETH:Go Ethereum

Go Ethereum 是一种 eth 分叉币,主要的改进在于其更快的交易速度。Go Ethereum还支持运行在多种操作系统上,包括Windows、macOS(OS X)和Linux等。

Go Etheeum is an eth fork, the main improvement is its faster pace of transactions. Go Etheeum also supports running on a variety of operating systems, including Windows, macos (OS X) and Linux.

5. Ropsten: Eth测试链

5. Ropsten: Eth Test Chain


Ropsten is a fork in the test network for ETH, published in accordance with the Etheria rules. Its existence allows developers to test and debugger block chain applications.




These are some of the representatives of the ETH splits, which play their part in their respective fields. The Eth splits, although improving in some respects, are still based on technical support from the ETH. If you want to know more about the Eth splits, you can go to the APP of the currency network to see real-time movements and updates.



APP, which focuses on providing the most authoritative digital money information and data services, supports real-time visits, access to up-to-date information, and captures investment dynamics. It makes it easier for you to understand market changes and trends. Download the APP, and start your digital currency tour.

评分:5 评分时间:2023-05-29 23:12:51


Ether is one of the most popular digital currencies in the current market and has been widely accepted and used. The market value of ETH is ranked three in the top three, and there are many well-known encrypted currency exchanges around the world.



Binance is a global trading platform based on digital currencies that provides transactions between ETH and other encrypted currencies. On Binance, users can trade transactions such as ETH/Rmb, ETH/BTC. Because of its high-speed trading engine and rich variety of transactions, Binance has become one of the world’s largest encrypted currency exchanges.



Huobi was established in 2013 as one of China’s well-known digital money exchanges, offering transactions in ETH and other major digital currencies. Huobi trading areas are divided into two main categories, namely innovation and specialization zones, and, for high-frequency traders and short-line speculators, Huobi provides more professional trading platforms and tools.



OKEx is a digital currency exchange in Hong Kong that provides transactions in more than 100 digital currencies.



Coinbase, a digital currency exchange in the United States, is one of the first to be established and one of the largest users. Coinbase, using a zero-threshold transaction, makes it easier for beginners to trade in ETH and other encrypted currencies through simple easy-to-use interfaces and user-friendly designs.



Kraken was founded in 2011 as one of the most powerful digital money exchanges in Canada and Europe. Kraken offers ETH transactions in multiple currencies, including ETH/BTC, ETH/USD, ETH/EUR, etc., making it easier for users to conduct ETC transactions in different markets.


Summing up: ETH is widely used and accepted as one of the world’s most well-known encrypted currencies. The major encrypted currency exchanges are also beginning to support transactions with ETH. This paper presents a number of well-known ETH exchanges, with different trading platforms adapted to different investment needs and levels.


Free downloads of currency online APPs are available for real-time transactions in the tatai currency, for updates on the currency.

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