
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:32 评论:0
Web 3.0 的概念是由以太坊联合创始人 Gavin Wood 在 2014 年提出的,指基于区块链的去中心化在线生态系统,它代表了下一代互联网时代。目前 Web...



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Web 3.0 的概念是由以太坊联合创始人 Gavin Wood 在 2014 年提出的,指基于区块链的去中心化在线生态系统,它代表了下一代互联网时代。目前 Web 3.0 仍处于起步阶段,但是发展非常迅猛,其去中心化、抗审查等特点使得人们更容易建设一个开放的网络生态。

The concept of Web 3.0 is proposed in 2014 by Gavin Wood, a co-founder of the Etherpentry, & #xff0c; refers to decentralised online ecosystems based on block chains & #xff0c; it represents the next generation of the Internet. Web 3.0 is still in its infancy & #xff0c; however, development is very rapid & #xff0c; its decentralization, anti-censorship features make it easier to build an open network ecology.

1989 年,Tim Bernes-Lee 撰写了一篇题为“Information Management: A Proposal”的论文,其中他将“网络”一词描述为一个由超文本链接相互连接而成的信息系统网络,这就是 Web 1.0。Web 1.0 发生在 1990 至 2004 年间,Netscape、谷歌、Yahoo、Amazon、eBay、Java 和 AOL 等公司凭借其浏览器和搜索引擎主导了互联网,这些平台是 Web 1.0 时代的内容创造者,而上面的绝大多数用户是内容的消费者。

1989 xff0c; Tim Bernes-Lee wrote a paper entitled “Information Management: A Proposal” & #xff0c; in which he described the term “network” as an information system network with hyperlinks & #xff0c; this is Web 1.0. Web 1.0 occurred between 1990 and 2004 xff0c; Netscape, Google, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay, Java and AOL led the Internet with their browsers and search engines; these platforms were created by the web 1.0 era #xff0c; and most users were consumers of content.


随着社交媒体平台的出现,Web 2.0 时期开始于 2004 年。在 Web 2.0 时代,用户能够上传自己的文本、图片和视频等内容到平台上,不再是内容的被动接受者,而是可以创造内容并与其他人进行交流。在 Web 2.0 时代,人们变成各种应用程序的用户,并在这些产品上创造大量的内容,这些数据被一个中心化的平台所掌控。

The period of social media platforms xff0c; Web 2.0 began in 2004. In the Web 2.0 era xff0c; users can upload content such as text, pictures and videos to the platform xff0c; they are no longer passive recipients of content xff0c; they can create content and communicate with others. In the Web 2.0 era xff0c; people become users of various applications xff0c; and they create a lot of content on these products xff0c; these data are controlled by a centralized platform.


Web 3.0 的概念是由以太坊联合创始人、 Polkadot 创造者 Gavin Wood 在 2014 年提出的,代表了下一代的去中心化互联网,并赋予了个体价值。Web 3.0 关注的是通过区块链等去中心化技术形成的“谁创造,谁拥有”的关系价值。

The concept of Web 3.0 is proposed in 2014 by Gavin Wood, the co-founder of the Etherms and creator of Polkadot; xff0c; xff0c, representing the next generation of decentralized Internet xff0c; and gives individual value. Web 3.0 is concerned with the value of the relationship “who creates xff0c; who owns” through decentralized technology such as block chains.


以太坊官网对 Web 3.0 主要特点的总结如下:

The following is a summary of the main features of Web 3.0 by the Taiwan Network: #xff1a;

  • Web3 is decentralized:?instead of large swathes of the internet controlled and owned by centralized entities, ownership gets distributed amongst its builders and users.

  • Web3 is?permissionless?:?everyone has equal access to participate in Web3, and no one gets excluded.

  • Web3 has native payments:?it uses cryptocurrency for spending and sending money online instead of relying on the outdated infrastructure of banks and payment processors.

  • Web3 is?trustless?:?it operates using incentives and economic mechanisms instead of relying on trusted third-parties.

Web 2.0 开发范式:

Web 2.0 Development Model & #xff1a;

  • 需要开发登录、注册功能,让用户绑定邮箱、绑定手机,需要搭建数据库来存储用户注册信息以及用户交互数据

    Requires the development of login, registration functions & #xff0c; allows users to bind mailboxes, bind cell phones & #xff0c; requires a database to store user registration information and user interactive data

  • 使用前端代码语言(JavaScript, HTML, CSS)来开发页面逻辑,需要搭建一个服务器来部署前端页面

    Use the front end code language (JavaScript, HTML, CSS) to develop page logic & #xff0c; a server needs to be installed to pre-deployment the end page

  • 使用后端代码语言(像 Node.js, Java, Go 等)来开发业务逻辑,并需要搭建一个服务器来部署后端服务,并需要运维服务

    Use backend code language xff08; e. g. Node. js, Java, Go et al. xff09; develop business logic xff0c; require a server to deploy backend services xff0c; require a transport service

  • 所有代码、数据都部署在中心化的服务器上,所有控制权归开发者

    All codes, data are deployed on a centralized server & #xff0c; all control rests with the developer

Web 3.0 开发范式:

Web 3.0 Development Model #xff1a;

  • 不需要用户绑定邮箱,绑定手机,可以直接通过钱包登录,也不需要存储用户信息

    User-bound mailbox & #xff0c need not be tied; mobile phone & #xff0c need to be tied; direct access to wallet & #xff0c need not be stored

  • 可以不需要搭建前端服务器,用户可通过 IPFS 或 arweave 存储前端页面,并进行访问

    A front-end server xff0c is not required; users can store front-end pages xff0c through IPFS or anarweave; and access

  • 不需要搭建后端服务器,后端逻辑是用智能合约编写的,运行在 EVM 上的

    No backend server & #xff0c is required; backend logic is written with smart contracts & #xff0c; running on EVM

  • 不需要搭建数据库,历史数据与数据库操作通过 TheGraph 来实现

    No database & #xff0c is required; historical data and database operations are done through TheGraph




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