On September 15, at 2 p.m., the historic “combined” of the Ether district block chain was successfully integrated with the PoS Consensus beacon chain, which was considered one of the most significant events in the history of crypto-currency. After the merger, Ether succeeded in transforming its workload certificate into a pro-equity mechanism, thus leaving behind the era of large-scale mining.
“合并”后大幅削减能源消耗根据 OKLink 数据,以太坊网络在区块高度 15537393 触发合并机制,并产出首个 PoS 区块,由此正式转向权益证明机制。这次升级为以太坊带来了显著的变化,其中包括能源消耗减少了 99.95% 和 ETH 发行量减少了 90%。以太坊实时价格约为 1590 美元,24 小时内下跌约 1.11%,随后收复了 1600 美元大关,市值达到了 1900 多亿美元。
According to OKLink data, the ETA network triggered the merger mechanism at block height of 15537393 and produced the first PS block, thereby officially turning to an equity certification mechanism. This upgrade brought about a significant change in ETA, including a 99.95 per cent reduction in energy consumption and a 90 per cent reduction in ETH distribution. The ETA real-time price was about $1590, a 1.1 per cent decline in 24 hours, and a subsequent recovery of $1,600 at a market value of more than $19 billion.
告别大规模矿机“挖矿”时代作为一个公共区块链平台,以太坊在过去几年中吸引了大量的矿主购买高性能显卡进行挖矿。然而,在新的权益证明机制下,以太坊网络将不再支持传统的工作量证明挖矿。全球最大的以太坊矿池 Ethermine 已宣布终止工作量证明相关服务,也不会跟进任何工作量证明分叉。因此,那些专注于以太坊挖矿的传统矿工面临着转型升级的压力。
As a public block chain platform, Ether has attracted a large number of miners over the past few years to purchase high-performance cards for mining. However, under the new proof-of-interest mechanism, the network will no longer support traditional workload mining.
矿工失业危机?以太坊的“合并”会导致大量矿工失业吗?据 Messari 估算,价值 190 亿美元的 POW 挖矿从业者需要寻找新的出路。尽管矿工可以把部分 GPU 算力用于 Web3 协议,但这些协议很难承载全部算力。据统计,除了 ETH 以外的 GPU 可开采代币总市值仅占 ETH 市值的 2%,而 ETH 挖矿收益占 GPU 矿工日收入的 97%,这意味着大部分现有的以太坊矿工难以在市场上找到具有相同经济效益的替代品。
According to Messari, Pow diggers with a value of $19 billion need to find new ways. Although miners can use part of GPU for Web3 agreements, it is difficult for these agreements to carry all of them. According to statistics, the total market value of GPU mineable coins other than ETH is only 2% of ETH’s market value, while ETH diggers earn 97% of GPU miners’ daily income, which means that most of the existing TP miners find it difficult to find alternatives in the market that have the same economic benefits.
以太坊自今年 4 月起就开始进行一系列的测试,直到最近才顺利完成合并。这个历史性时刻让许多业内人士感到兴奋,但对于中国的相关产业链来说,它意味着什么呢?
Ethio has been running a series of tests since April of this year, and it was not until recently that the merger was successfully completed. This historic moment excites many practitioners, but what does it mean for China’s relevant industrial chain?
据欧科云链研究院高级研究员孙宇林分析,显卡市场可能会受到一定影响。一部分矿工表示将转向以太坊经典继续挖矿。此外,以太坊合并也为 Staking 市场创造了机遇,部分以太坊矿池因此推出与 Staking 相关的转型方案。
According to the analysis of Sun Woolin, a senior researcher at the Okoyun chain institute, the card market is likely to be affected. Some miners say they will turn to the Ether Classic to continue mining.
在过去,随着区块链的崛起,华强北的电脑商家纷纷转型为矿工,享受了一段暴利时期。然而,“潮水”退去后,显卡价格暴跌,矿工不得不转战偏远地区。同样受到影响的还有矿机生产商,例如 NVIDIA 在 Q2 财报中披露,与 CMP 相关的挖矿芯片业务收入同比下滑了 66%。
In the past, with the rise of the block chain, China’s northern computer merchants have been transformed into miners, enjoying a period of heavy profits. However, when the tides retreated, card prices plunged and miners have had to fight in remote areas. Also affected are mine producers, such as NVIDIA, who revealed in the Q2 financial report that revenues from mining chips associated with the CMP have fallen by 66 per cent.
A former block chain miners recalled: “The end of the era of digging in a block chain with the talisman merger.” He had been out of the industry for two years, but he still remembered the tumultuous scene and the miners who worked hard in the airport in pursuit of wealth.
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