buys the secret for thousands of dollars
"He came back, not to live, to continue his boss' dream."
In the eyes of Yao's army, Chen was upset. In the 1980s, he and Chen were both working at a business office, with jobs that others envy. Eight years later, two people left for work without pay. They were still working in restaurants, renovation companies, and had tens of thousands of dollars in 1992 at the time of Chen's accident. In each case, Chen was one year earlier than Pan Shih-yeong's arrival in Hainan.
Chen has been told by his classmates that he will be a master of the family. The opportunity to do business has finally arrived, except with his family, in Chen's eyes.
Wang Wanjun still remembers the day after Chen's release from prison, he did not return to Sichuan and suddenly said to Wang Wanjun, sitting side by side, “I go back to the company and start a business.” Wang Wanjun was surprised to tell him not to rush back and get used to it.
之后没多久,陈满又对王万琼说,“王律师,我要开公司了,请你当我的法律顾问,一年给你20万”。 王万琼回答,“哪个要你的钱哟,你要投资决策时来找我,我帮你把把关。”他当时满口答应,但是并没做到。
And not long after that, Chen Man said to Wang Wanjun, “Lawyer Wang, I'm going to open the company, so please be my legal adviser and give you $200,000 a year.” Wang Wanjun replied, “Who wants your money, come to me when you want to invest in decision-making, and I'll help you with the lockup.” He said, “I'm going to open the company and I'm going to give you $200,000 a year.” But he didn't do it.
Chen's family and friends and classmates devised a four-step path for him: to spend time adapting to society first; to address the concerns of old age, such as social security, housing, looking for a target; to buy some bank property, buy a shop and rent; and, finally, to find an interesting job and take care of it slowly.
Chen Man, age 54, whose classmates have social relations everywhere, everyone wants to help him. Chen Man, who wants to start a business and become a boss.
“No job, no business, start a hammer!” A classmate was angry when he interviewed a reporter from the Young People's Kitchen newspaper.
Yao Jun introduced Chen's work with Chengdu's friend's real estate company, “starting at the grass roots” and failed to respond. One of his classmates was afraid that he would have trouble with the social security process, had an acquaintance, he was late and did not call. Some of his classmates had a business head, took him to the teahouse, and made an analysis of which segments of the road were well laid and could be bought, and he was not interested in it. In fact, Chen's search for all kinds of work, Chen Man did not respond. On the contrary, Internet + open companies were being mentioned more and more frequently in his mouth.
Chen has also spoken to friends about his intention to set up a cultural creative company, not to rent a shop, but to buy a house improvement company in Chengdu, which was not implemented at the end of the day.
After that, Chen was very serious about investing in a daily cleaning company in Hunan. Yao Jun was afraid of selling it when he heard about it. Everyone was nervous and asked if Chen was paying for it or not, and Chen was not. Later, everyone heard that tens of thousands had been spent, but only tens of thousands, and his friends did not want to upset him any more.
On August 27, the father passed away, Chen paid 100,000 to buy the cemetery, and friends’ families prevented him from buying it.
The following two months, according to local custom, Chen was required to stay at home. According to my brother, Chen has been running a lot from now on, and Chen has heard that he needs tens of thousands of dollars to buy learning materials, “when he wonders, what is so expensive”, Chen has told Chen, leave it alone, the commercial secret must not be cheap.
calls late at night
"You can't do business." Before Chen's father died, he told Chen Man, but Chen Man couldn't do it. In prison, he's been looking at entrepreneurial inspiration stories like "Wanda Philosophy," "Kingdong" and "Li Ka Jinchen".
He never broke his desire for business.
Since when did Chen go to the president's class, and how did she know her name in the president's class, and how she decided to invest in Vika coin after listening to her “two and a half hours” sales?
On the night of 21 November last year, Chen Xiaoqiang called Zhou Xiaoqiang to film my new career. Zhou Qiang kept recording his life after Chen Qing's release from prison, but if there were any new moves, Chen Qin would call him. Zhou Xiang was happy to say that the next day two people were on the subway together, "Chang ́s half hour late, Chen Qiang told Zhou Qiang to talk business on time."
Manchuria, what's the new business? On the subway, Chen Quan asked. "Vicaco," Chen dragged the notes very long, and his face was mysterious: "You young man, learn slowly." Both of them got off the subway and hit another drop to the Sanctuary on the outskirts of Chengdu.
Zhou, who witnessed Chen's talk with each other about Vikaco's investments, felt that those people were acting like a marketing organization, and then went on to say, “The first is the report of the Guangdong police against the Vikaco criminal gang.” On his way back, he showed Chen the results of the search and said, “You look only at the bad news, you don't see the good news.”
“I persuaded him several times that he had prior research, invested more than 400,000 dollars, and that I had no long-term vision, so I couldn't be rich.”
In the afternoon, Zhou Qiang told the other documentary director that they were working with Chen Man. Chen was impatient to tell you, “This is all I have to vote for, and you don't know anything about business”.
Faced with Chen Mang's attitude, Zhou Xiang Xiang and his assistants were dragged into the micro-message that evening, on 23 November 2016, the name of the micro-message was changed to “Ten Mang's Help Programme”.
Finally, according to the Mandalay proposal, Zhou Qiang continues to follow Chen Mun. “The main consideration is to gather all the evidence before we can talk about it.” On December 8, Zhou Qiang followed Chen to the company once again and took pictures of “Sister Guo” selling Vikaco's investment.
At the same time, Chen has a growing number of phone calls at home and then bought an apple phone. “I thought he might want to use a better one, and now I think it might be a dedicated investment business for Vikaco.
Chen Man rarely took the initiative to ask his classmates to eat, and once in a while, he asked the people on the table to introduce him to her friend, “I know him, but I won't introduce him, and he's gone to be confused.” Almost all of his friends naturally blocked some of the complex business structures of society, hoping to introduce him to the most secure jobs.
Several acquaintances, including Wang Wanjung, have heard Chen's promise to them, “when I open the company to make money, I'll give you a Mercedes”.
At a party a year ago, everyone asked Chen Man what he was working on, and he mysteriously said, "You'll see, it's a secret now."
Chen Man also asked Yao Jun, do you know Vikaco? Yao Jun says, "What?" Chen Man has to laugh and say nothing.
他就像个新生儿 He's like a newborn. 2月24日,陈满到成都看望“恩人”王万琼。很久没见,王万琼问他在做什么,追问下,陈满支支吾吾说出了维卡币的事情。素来脾气直爽的王万琼抓住陈满要他说个清楚,两人略有不愉快, “这很危险”,抓狂的她最后发了朋友圈。 On February 24, Chen has come to Chengdu to see Wang Wanjun, the benefactor. For a long time, Wang Wanjun asked him what he was doing, and, after asking, Chen has told me about Vikaco. King Wanjun, who has a strong temper, grabbed Chen Man and asked him to make it clear to him that the two were slightly unhappy, “it was dangerous”, and that she finally gave a circle of friends. 消息迅速传遍网络。 The news quickly spread through the Internet. 王万琼建议陈满报警,甚至和法学教授徐昕一起与他谈,但陈满还是坚持对方没问题,“他们会退给我的,你们别操心了,人家那么大一个跨国公司”。 Wang Wanjun advised Chen to call the police and even talk to him with Professor of Law Seo Yong, but Chen has no problem insisting on each other, “They will return to me. Don't worry, they're so big as a multinational company”. 2月25日下午, 陈忆找了一位在银行的同学登录了陈满的维卡币交易平台,结果不出所料,陈满的六个账户每一个都可以操作,“但到了最后一步提现时,却始终操作不了”。继而陈忆查了陈满的银行卡账单,已全都转入私人账户。 On the afternoon of 25 February, Chen was able to find a fellow in the bank who had access to Chen Man's Vika trading platform, and as a result, Chen Man's six accounts were operational for each of them, “but they were never operational at the last step.” Chen Ming checked Chen's bank card bills, all of which were transferred to private accounts. 母亲王众一怕陈满受刺激,精神上再出问题,到时候人财两空。“我们都希望陈满能够踏实地生活。” 她对北青报记者说。 Mothers are afraid of Chen's excitement, mental problems, and then they'll be rich. “We all want Chen to be able to live on the ground.” She said to her reporter. 陈满的同学、朋友又回到了他蒙冤在狱中时的状态,只不过不是四方疾呼,而是对他苦心劝解。 Chen's classmates and friends returned to the state in which he had been charged in prison, merely not by the Quartet, but by trying to persuade him. 姚军记得2月25日一早和同学去陈满家,看到陈满一张不耐烦的脸。 “他太想一鸣惊人,却越陷越深”。从最开始投入40多万,到现在的100多万,陈满用了不到两个月时间。 Yao Jun remembers the morning of 25 February, when he went to Chen’s home with his classmates, and saw Chen Mang’s impatient face. “He wants to sound amazing, but he gets deeper.” From the very beginning, more than 400,000 people were invested, and now more than 1 million, it took less than two months for Chen to fill. 陈满的大哥说,还在等待陈满自我觉醒,即使他觉得“陈满已经走火入魔”。他宽慰自己:“23年,他离开社会太久了,他就像个新生婴儿一样。如果被骗,就当是长点教训吧”。 Chen's big brother said he was still waiting for Chen Man to wake himself, even if he felt that “Chang Man had gone mad.” He comforted himself: “For 23 years, he had been out of society for too long, he was like a newborn baby. If you are deceived, take a long lesson.” 陈满这一年:出手阔绰 曾发誓不做第二个"赵作海" This year, Chen Man-sung vowed not to be the second Zhao. 陈满的同学有的入仕途、有的做建筑生意,如今都是成功人士,陈满曾说“我要是不出事还是跟你们一样,儿孙满堂,事业有成,什么都有”。陈忆理解中,陈满心里有了落差,再加上国家赔偿的钱越用越少,便想尽快找些事情做一做。 Chen's classmates, some of them in the construction business, are now successful, and Chen has said, “If I don't do anything or if I do what you do, I'll do everything I can.” Chen has a gap in his mind, and the less money the State pays, he wants to do something as soon as possible. 【背景介绍】
陈满是谁?他做了什么? Who's Chen Man? What did he do? 1988年海南建省,并成立经济特区。得知这一消息后,陈满辞去公职,和其他四名伙伴一道闯海南。陈满的老家在四川绵竹。此前,陈满在绵竹工商局上班,有一个稳当的“铁饭碗”。5人先是在海口开餐馆。餐馆倒闭后,陈满又相继进入中介和装饰行业。经过四年左右时间打拼,1992年6月,陈满在海南成立了自己的企业——冬雨装饰有限公司。 After receiving this information, Chen resigned from his post and, along with four other partners, broke into Hainan. Chen’s home was in Sichuan. Chen had previously worked at the Bamboo Chamber of Commerce and Industry and had a decent “iron bowl”. Five people opened a restaurant at the mouth of the sea. After the restaurant closed, Chen became involved in the brokering and decoration industry. After four years or so, in June 1992, Chen established his own business in Hainan – Winter Rain decorations Ltd. 1992年12月25日晚上7点过,海南省海口市上坡下村109号发生杀人放火焚尸案。被害人是四川省广元市轻化纺织股份有限公司职工、留守海口经管109号房屋的钟作宽(当年46岁)。此后,当时正在海南打拼、29岁的陈满被指控为犯罪嫌疑人。 On 25 December 1992, at 7 p.m., in Hainan Province, there was a killing and burning of dead bodies in the village of Uphill, 109. The victim was a worker of Guangwon City, Sichuan Province, Lighten Textile Company Limited, who was left behind to run house No. 109 (age 46 of the same year), after which Chenming, 29 years of age, was accused of being a suspect. 陈满被判无罪 恢复自由身 Chen Man has been acquitted and released. 经最高人民检察院提起抗诉,由最高人民法院指令浙江省高级法院再审的陈满故意杀人、放火申诉案,2月1日上午公开宣判,撤销原审裁判,宣告陈满无罪。从一审被判死缓,到再审宣告无罪,陈满等了20多年。记者从最高人民检察院刑事申诉检察厅了解到,陈满申诉案是最高检首次向最高法提请抗诉的刑事申诉案件。 After the Supreme People's Procuratorate filed a counter-claim, the Supreme People's Court ordered the Zhejiang Provincial High Court to re-examine Chen Man's complaints of intentional killing and arson, publicly pronounced on the morning of 1 February, quashed the original decision and acquitted Chen Man. From first instance, the sentence was suspended until he was acquitted and Chen Man waited for more than 20 years. Journalists learned from the Public Prosecutor's Office of Criminal Complaints of the Supreme People's Procuratorate that Chen Man's complaint was a criminal complaint brought by the Supreme Prosecutor for the first time against the Supreme Law. 陈满投资的资金从哪里来? Where's Chen Man's investment coming from? 2016年3月14日,陈满委托律师向海南省高级人民法院提出申请国家赔偿966万余元。海南省高级人民法院同日立案,3月30日,依法组织公开听证会,听取赔偿请求人陈满的意见。听证会后,海南省高级人民法院多次与陈满及其委托代理人协商解决国家赔偿问题,5月13日,海南省高级人民法院和陈满达成国家赔偿协议,向陈满支付国家赔偿金2753777.64元。 On 14 March 2016, Chen Man commissioned lawyers to apply to the High People's Court of Hainan Province for State compensation in the amount of over $9.66 million. On the same day, the High People's Court of Hainan Province opened a case in the same day, on 30 March, a public hearing was organized in accordance with the law to hear the full opinion of the claimant. Following the hearing, the High People's Court of Hainan Province held numerous consultations with Chen and its delegated agents to resolve the issue of State compensation. On 13 May, the High People's Court of Hainan Province reached an agreement on State compensation to pay Chen Shan State compensation in the amount of $2753777.64. 陈满有钱后又做了什么? What did Chen Mang do after he's rich? 2月24日上午,陈满案代理律师、四川容德律师事务所律师王万琼通过微信朋友圈,透露陈满平冤出狱一年多近况。 On the morning of 24 February, Mr. Chen Man, a lawyer representing the case, and Mr. Wang Wanjong, a lawyer at Sichuan Junde's law firm, revealed more than a year's recent release from prison through a community of friends in Weibo. 王万琼在微信中透露说:“他刚从我办公室离开,问及其近况,说在一个有海外背景的公司投资了一百多万,一年后会有九百多万的回报。目测似乎被卷入传销,苦口婆心说了半天,也不知他听进去了多少……” Wang Wanjung revealed in a letter that: “He just left my office, asked about it and how it was, said he had invested more than 1 million in a company with an overseas background, and in a year's time there would be more than 9 million returns.
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