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Etheeum is a decentralised platform based on block chain technology that supports the operation of smart contracts and decentralised applications (DApps). The safety and performance of the eBay depends on the computing power provided by its network, the miners involved in the validation of transactions and the packing of blocks.


However, Etherm’s ability to calculate is not static, but is influenced by a variety of factors, such as the price of Ether, the difficulty of mining, mining revenues, mining equipment, competitive currency, and the policy environment. This paper will analyse changes in ethermology and their effects.


According to Ethercan, the historical trend of ethernomy can be divided into the following stages:

2015年7月至2016年2月:以太坊刚刚启动,算力较低,平均在1 TH/s左右,随着ETH价格的上涨和挖矿难度的下降,逐渐增长到10 TH/s左右。

July 2015 - February 2016: The Etherpau has just started and has a low arithmetic capacity, averaging around 1 TH/s, gradually increasing to around 10 TH/s as the prices of ETH rise and the difficulty of mining are reduced.

2016年3月至2017年6月:以太坊进入快速发展期,算力呈指数增长,从10 TH/s增长到300 TH/s,主要原因是ETH价格的暴涨和ICO热潮的刺激,吸引了大量的矿工和投资者加入。

March 2016-June 2017: Etheria entered a period of rapid development with exponential growth from 10 TH/s to 300 TH/s, mainly because of the surge in ETH prices and the ICO boom, which attracted a large number of miners and investors.

2017年7月至2018年2月:以太坊遭遇挑战期,算力出现波动和下滑,从300 TH/s下降到150 TH/s,主要原因是ETH价格的回落和市场泡沫的破裂,导致部分矿工退出或转向其他币种。

July 2017 to February 2018: During the challenging period in Etherpaya, there were fluctuations and declines in arithmetic power, from 300 TH/s to 150 TH/s, mainly due to the fall in ETH prices and the bursting of market bubbles, which led to the withdrawal or transfer of some miners to other currencies.

2018年3月至2019年12月:以太坊进入稳定期,算力保持在150 TH/s至200 TH/s之间,随着ETH价格的波动而小幅上下调整,主要原因是市场进入冷静期和理性期,矿工和投资者更加谨慎和长期化。

March 2018 to December 2019: Etheria entered a stabilization period, with a power of between 150 TH/s and 200 TH/s, with minor adjustments as the prices of ETH fluctuated, mainly because the market entered a cool and rational period and miners and investors became more cautious and long-term.

2020年1月至2021年5月:以太坊迎来爆发期,算力再次呈指数增长,从200 TH/s增长到600 TH/s,并在2021年5月达到历史最高点873 TH/s。主要原因是ETH价格的创新高和DeFi热潮的推动,激发了矿工和用户的参与度和信心。

January 2020 to May 2021: During the break-up period with the Taiwan, the arithmetic rose again exponentially, from 200 TH/s to 600 TH/s, reaching an all-time high of 873 TH/s in May 2021. The main reason was the innovation in ETH prices and the impetus of the DeFi boom, which stimulated the participation and confidence of miners and users.

2021年6月至2021年10月:以太坊面临转型期,算力出现下降和震荡,从873 TH/s下降到600 TH/s左右,并在2021年10月回升到800 TH/s左右。主要原因是中国政府对加密货币挖矿的打击和以太坊从PoW向PoS转变所带来的不确定性和影响。

June 2021 to October 2021: Etheria faced a period of transition, with a decline in arithmetic power and shock, from 873 TH/s to around 600 TH/s, and recovered to about 800 TH/s in October 2021. The main reason is the uncertainty and impact of the Chinese government’s strike on encrypted currency mining and the shift of Ether from PoW to PoS.

2021年11月,以太坊算力仍然处于较高水平,维持在800 TH/s左右,但与历史最高点相比,仍有一定的下降空间。根据CryptoCompare的数据,以太坊挖矿的日收益率为0.0036 ETH/MH,相当于每天每兆哈希能挖出0.0036个ETH。以当前ETH价格约为4,000美元计算,每兆哈希的日收入约为14.4美元。考虑到挖矿设备和电费的成本,以太坊挖矿的利润率并不高,甚至可能出现亏损的情况。

In November 2021, it was still at a high level, at around 800 TH/s, but there was some scope for decline compared to historical peaks. According to CryptoCompare, the daily rate of return on mining in the area was 0.00036 ETH/MH, equivalent to 0.00036 ETHs per megahashi per day. The daily income per megahash is approximately $14.4 per megahaci at the current ETH price. Considering the cost of mining equipment and electricity, the rate of profit from mining in the area is not high, and may even result in a loss.

此外,以太坊还面临着来自其他币种的竞争和挑战。例如,Ethereum Classic(ETC)是以太坊的一个分叉币种,也采用了相同的Ethash算法,因此可以使用相同的挖矿设备。ETC的价格虽然远低于ETH,但其挖矿难度也相应较低,因此其挖矿收益率可能更高。根据CryptoCompare的数据,ETC挖矿的日收益率为0.0013 ETC/MH,相当于每天每兆哈希能挖出0.0013个ETC。以当前ETC价格约为50美元计算,每兆哈希的日收入约为0.065美元。虽然这个数字看起来很低,但考虑到ETC的挖矿难度只有ETH的1/1000左右,因此其挖矿效率可能更高。因此,部分以太坊矿工可能会转向ETC或其他币种进行挖矿。

In addition, the Etherium is faced with competition and challenges from other currencies. For example, Etherium Classic (ETC) is a sub-currency of the Ethash, and the same Ethash algorithm is used, so that the same mining equipment can be used. The EtC price is much lower than the Ether, but it is less difficult to dig, so its mining rate may be higher. According to CryptoCompare, EtC mining has a daily yield of 0.013 ETC/MH, which is equivalent to 0.013 EtC per mega-Hash per day. At the current EtC price of about $50, the daily income per mega-Hash is about $0.065. Although this figure appears low, considering that EtC mining is only about 1/1000 of ETH, it may be more efficient.


PoW is a consensus mechanism based on workload proof, requiring miners to obtain block incentives and transaction costs through competitive resolution of complex mathematical problems. PoS is a consensus mechanism based on proof of interest, requiring the certificationer to participate in block production and certification by locking in a certain number of tokens and reaping the benefits according to the proportion of his/her currency holdings.

以太坊计划在2022年完成从PoW向PoS转变的过程,这被称为“合并”(The Merge)。合并后,以太坊将不再需要PoW矿工提供算力,而是由PoS验证者维护网络安全和运行。这意味着以太坊算力将会大幅下降甚至消失,而以太坊持有者将会成为网络的主要参与者和受益者。

It is planned to complete the transition from PoW to PoS in 2022, known as “ merging & & rdquao; The Merge. After the merger, the PoW miners will no longer be required to provide computing power, but the PoS certification will maintain network security and operation. This means that the Etherms calculations will decline or even disappear, while the Ethermists will become the main players and beneficiaries of the network.


The merger will have many implications and benefits for the Etherm network and ecosystems. First, it will significantly enhance Ether’s energy efficiency and environmental friendliness and reduce carbon emissions and electricity consumption. Second, it will significantly increase Ether’s safety and decentralisation and reduce the risk of being attacked or manipulated. Third, it will significantly increase Ether’s capacity and performance, and increase the speed of transactions and throughput. Fourth, it will significantly increase the participation and profitability of Etherm holders and encourage more users to hold and use the ETH. Fifth, it will significantly enhance Teth’s innovative capabilities and competitiveness and promote the development and prosperity of more Dapps and DeFi projects.


The merger, of course, is not without risks and challenges. First, it is a complex and difficult technical task that requires adequate testing and validation to ensure a smooth transition and compatibility of networks. Second, it is a major economic and social change that requires extensive communication and coordination in order to gain community consensus and support. Third, it is an irreversible decision that, once completed, cannot revert to the PoW model, and therefore needs to be carefully and carefully pursued.


In short, eBay is an important indicator of the trend towards eBay network status and development. Changes in eBay computing are influenced by a variety of factors, such as ETH prices, difficulty in mining, mining revenues, mining equipment, competition currency, and policy environments.

Tag:以太坊   算力  



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