Since August, it has been in a state of depression, and on the eve of a big fall, there is a demonic coin that does not look as bright as the big one, and it has risen up to over 130 degrees, which is true of the ETC. There are rumours that when the ETC explodes, it is usually the prelude to a big fall, and it seems to be quite right at the moment.
Today, I want to give you a pick of ETC's former life, what's it got to do with ETH?
Two points of conclusion, first of all.
- ETC这个币种确实没有什么价值;
- 大家熟悉的ETH确实是ETC的分叉币。
Both ETH and ETC are the same currencies associated with the V God team, with ETC first followed by ETH, but ETH is known to the public, is the second currency in the current market value, is the first to offer an intelligent contract and can quickly complete the ICO platform, and has little impact on the development of the sector of the block chain, which is unknown to many people.
What the hell's going on with ETC? What's it got to do with ETH?
2016年有个项目The DAO使用以太币来众筹,结果导致超过6000万美元的以太币被盗,当时黑客还没有使用这些币,为了不让黑客得逞,V神团队搞了一个硬分叉,把被盗的币找了回来,并且宣布硬分叉之后的ETH才是真正的以太币,分叉之前的那些币都不算数了。这样一来,矿工在旧链上挖出的“旧版”以太币几乎没有任何价值。
In 2016, a project The DAO after the hard split was the true TT$, not counting those before the split. In this way, the “old version” that the miners dug up on the old chain was of little value in TT$.
There was also a hard fork in other block chains before, when the vast majority of miners switched to new ones, and the old fork died automatically (because there was no consensus). This time, however, the hard fork in Ether was different, with some firmly believing in the old chain and some miners still holding it, and the old chain survived.
Not long ago, the world's largest e-Team trading platform, the Pnet , announced its support for the old version of the deal in taeco. To distinguish the new version from the new version, the old currency code ETH was the ETC (Etherium Classic). The ETC thus had a circulation value because it was very low and bought, and the miners continued to maintain it. The ETC survived today.
就这样以太上同时存在2条链ETC和ETH,它们的代码是相同的,历史账本也是相同的(分叉之前)。而分叉前持有以太币(ETH)的用户,在分叉后同时拥有了等量的 ETH币和ETC币。
So there are two chains of ETC and ETH at the same time, and they have the same code, as well as the same account book (before the fork). Users who hold ETH at the fork have the same amount of ETH and ETC at the same time after the fork.
One believes that ETC and ETH are more purely decentralised systems than the other, and will eventually win. The other believes that ETH is supported by the majority and by the core developer Vitalik, among others, and that ETH represents the future.
But later on, as you can see, because the V God team is committed to supporting ETH, and because it is constantly updated, iterative, well publicized, with strong community consensus, and actually making a substantial contribution to the development of the block chain industry, the ETC, while having the same code as ETH, has little or no identity and has gradually faded out of view and has barely managed to survive.
The ETC has shown that it will always be the Pow mechanism, because it will be more centralized; and the ETH will be converted from Pow to Pow+POS, which is also for faster transfers.
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