2008年11月1日,中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)发表了一篇名为《比特币:点对点电子现金系统》的文章,从此掀起了一场史无前例的互联网技术革命。以比特币(Bitcoin)为代表的虚拟货币迅速进入了人们的视野,并成为热捧的对象。据统计,全球已有39000余台虚拟货币ATM机,虚拟货币市值已突破8300亿美元,其中比特币市值已达5300亿美元,占63%。目前全球有94个国家允许虚拟货币的正常交易活动。那么,在我国可以自由买卖虚拟货币吗?
On November 1, 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto published an article entitled Bitcoin: Point-to-Point Electronic Cash System, which led to an unprecedented Internet technology revolution. Virtual currency, represented by Bitcoin, quickly became visible and popular.
In September 2008, the State Administration of Taxes made it clear in its "Appropriation for the collection of personal income tax on the income of individuals who buy and sell virtual currency via the Internet" that income from the sale of virtual currency should be collected in accordance with the item “Access to the transfer of property.” In 2013, the People's Bank of China, in its Circular on Protection against the Risk of Bitcoin, specified the attributes of virtual currency as a virtual commodity and the freedom of citizens to participate in it, subject to their own risk. The above-mentioned documents do not prohibit citizens from buying and selling bitcoins.
While characterizing virtual currency as a virtual commodity, the country, while taking into account its anonymity, trans-territoriality, decentralisation, etc., explicitly prohibits financial institutions and payment agencies from engaging in business activities related to Bitcoin, and the use of bitcoin for money-laundering, fund-raising fraud, and other criminal activities. At the same time, virtual currency activities such as Bitcoin, Ether, Tedar, Ripco, Leitco, etc. are emerging, protagon financing is prevalent, and web-based “mining” activities once appear to be governed by a white-hot state.
Therefore, it is possible to buy and sell virtual currency, such as bitcoin, among our citizens, while at the same time being vigilant about controlling risks and engaging professionals when necessary.
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