
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:33 评论:0
前言:寻找写作灵感?中文期刊网用心挑选的区块链在网络舆情领域中应用,希望能为您的阅读和创作带来灵感,欢迎大家阅读并分享。 摘要:移动互联网的快速发展与普及加快了网络舆情的形成、发酵与演化,给网络舆情的监控、预警、研判和应对带来巨大挑战。...



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Summary: The rapid development and spread of mobile Internet has accelerated the formation, fermentation and evolution of web-based relationships technologies should be applied to chain technologies should be applied to


Keywords: block chains; network enthusiasts; monitoring; public opinion orientation


At present, block-chain technology is already being applied in the field of cybercirculation, but there are few practical applications and are still in the early stages of research. From the point of view of the application of block-chain technology, this paper explores how it can be combined with the use of cyber-monitoring for early warning, analytical diagnosis, opinion guidance, and response to disposal.




1. The definition and characteristics of the block chain. The block chain technology is a new form of distributed book technology that allows credible transactions with trusted intermediaries to take place in an environment of mutual distrust. It is generally accepted that the block chain has the following characteristics: first, it is decentralized, capable of recording, storing and updating data distribution; second, it is transparent, the data from the block chain system is transparent throughout the process and therefore credible; third, it is open and the data from the block chain is open to all; fourth, it is autonomous, the entire block chain is based on the principle of common consultation, and no artificial intervention can limit it; fifth, it is inexorable, all information in the process of creating the block chain system will be permanently encrypted and not subject to change after it has been systematically validated and reviewed and added to the new block chain; sixth, it is anonymous, and data and exchange from the block chain system can be carried out in an anonymous manner. These characteristics undermine the business model of the industry.


2. The definition and characteristics of cybercirculation. The definition of cybercirculation is not yet widely accepted by the industry. In the light of the work experience of recent years, I believe that cybercirculation is a central expression of public sentiment about a particular social event, social phenomenon, and the mood and attitude of social actors within a given time frame. It is generally accepted that cybercirculation is characterized by a free & & ldquo of Internet anonymity; a depressive effect & & rdquo; an objective reflection of social opinion; a suddenness, the use of mobile interconnected means of communication, and the absence of any real reference value in the dissemination of web-circulation messages themselves; a sociality, the interaction of Internet people with governments, the media and the Internet community over time, which allows for the clash and convergence of views and opinions; a multiplicity, the subject of Internet culture, the subject, the subject, the carrier, the expression and the behaviour of the network; a five-sidedness, the lack of rationalness and the absence of actual reference value from the Internet discourse itself; and a large number of data, in large data, in the context, in particular, a high volume of video and video information.


II. Application of block chain technology in the field of networking


1. Block chain technology further enhances the accuracy and security of network surveillance, early warning. The principles of decentralization and open data of block chains, based on time stamping, leave the source, platform, time, IP, transmission path, etc., of intelligence information intact, and avoids public opinion manipulation. The use of block chain technology, while encrypted, can be shared on multiple personal computers, third-party institutions can make it difficult to shield, delineate, remove or artificially alter data to ensure authenticity and security. With the support of block chain technology, surveillance is more comprehensive, accurate, reliable, and does not lead to distortions in the information and do not affect the perception of the Internet.


2. Block chain technology further enhances the value of web-based situation analysis and the predictability of development. The block chain provides an entirely new perspective and analytical methodology for analysis of individual or institutional real activity responses, attitudes and the authenticity of the information generated, particularly from the records of key points such as data occurrence, time, data trends, participation, etc. Traditional web-based situation analysis is based mainly on analysis of the content of the case, with common analytical dimensions, including the causes of dissemination, reactions to public opinion, disruptions to the situation, regions, etc. The block-chain technology is based on analysis of the situation, and is conducted from the point of view of aggregation and statistics from the point of view of the totality of the situation.


3. In this context, it is particularly important to raise the level of public opinion guidance by using it as a tool for public opinion-guiding processes. It is possible to fast-track the development of public opinion events, locate the originals, dig the hidden stories behind the data, and make it possible to refine public opinion-direction in a way that is appropriate and responsive to the needs of different platforms. It is also possible, in the light of the needs of different audiences, to produce rapidly, intelligently and in a way that enhances the relevance, effectiveness and comprehensiveness of mainstream media opinion, enhances the attractiveness, infection and performance of public opinion-led work.


4. Block chain technology further improves the effectiveness of network handling. With the rapid development of mobile interconnections, the rapid growth in the speed at which information is generated and disseminated, etc., the network response is challenging. In the context of the technological development of the block chain, the distribution of information cannot be tampered with, the situation is difficult to remove, and the traditional means of handling it will be completely ineffective. From another perspective, block chain technology can fully address the problem of fuzzy information, confusion, inaccuracies, further shortening the process of processing information verification, developing response measures, enabling more accurate point-to-point communication with the handler, and increasing the efficiency of handling. The situation in the future scenario will be a dynamic development process that will require the development of multi-dimensional approaches such as dynamic surveillance, dynamic diagnosis, dynamic guidance, dynamic disposal.

作者:朱富金 王筱 单位:山东广播电视台数据舆情中心

Mr. Chu Fujin Wang Shao Unit: Shandong Radio and Television Data Center




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