Investors may be shocked by the double-digit increase in Bitcoin since this year, but in fact the liquidity of the crypto-currency market remains depleted.
Kaiko分析师Conor Ryder总结了做市商订单两侧价格2%范围内的买盘和买盘,并指出,衡量比特币买卖难易程度的一个指标已跌至10个月低点。流动性下降的原因是买卖加密货币的公司无法使用美元支付系统。
Kaiko analyst Connor Ryder summarized the purchases and purchases within 2 per cent of the price on both sides of the market order and noted that an indicator of the ease with which Bitcoin was traded had fallen to a low of 10 months. The decline in liquidity was due to the inability of companies buying and selling encrypted currency to use the United States dollar payment system.
“As a result of concerns about the banking sector, the liquidity of the United States Exchange and the dollar-linked encrypted currency was particularly hit,” Ryder said, “It appears that one of the main reasons for the recent price increases in Bitcoin is insufficient liquidity and, when depth is low, less support is not only down but also upscaling”.
最近几周,与加密行业有着深厚联系的Silvergate Capital Corp.(SI.US)和Signature Bank(SBNY.US)倒闭,导致流动性下降,市场观察人士对任何额外的影响或动荡都感到不安。许多数字资产公司都在这些银行开设了银行账户,而交易所则依赖它们的服务进行实时支付等。
In recent weeks, the collapse of Silvergate Capital Corp. (SI.US) and Signature Bank (SBNY.US), which have strong links to the encryption industry, has led to a decline in liquidity, and market observers are troubled by any additional impact or volatility. Many digital asset companies have bank accounts in these banks, and exchanges rely on their services for real-time payments.
According to Ryder, “Until things become clear in the United States, we may expect more volatility in the short term until we get the liquidity injections we need in the market”.
The banking crisis coincided with a sharp rise in the price of encrypted currencies. Bitcoin rose by about 70% this year, as did other currencies.
This is an old version of Bitcoin, and although not everyone believes that this is the main reason for the increase in crypto-currency, it is true that Bitcoin has returned in recent weeks.
K33的Torbj?rn Bull Jenssen、Bendik Schei和Anders Helseth在本周的一份报告中写道:“比特币在银行倒闭和担忧蔓延的背景下飙升。”然而,这三人补充道,目前尚不清楚比特币是被视作一种避险资产,还是“只是对潜在的低利率预期做出反应”。
K33, Torbj?rn Bull Jenssen, Bendik Schei and Anders Helseth wrote in a report this week that “bitcoin surged against the backdrop of bank failures and fears.” However, the three add that it is not yet clear whether Bitcoin is regarded as a risk-free asset or “only reacts to potential low interest rate expectations”.
However, they indicated that Bitcoin's movement was still like a high beta risk asset — for example, Nasdak 100 indexes have also increased in recent weeks.
After the collapse of the FTX, the volume of encrypt currency transactions collapsed, and investors were terrified by the collapse of one of the previously respected companies in the industry, leaving the market. This year, as prices rose, the volume of transactions recovered, but far from its record level.
不过,Moneta首席信息官Aoifinn Devitt表示,加密货币市场也可能容易出现更大的波动,因为比特币的持有往往集中在相对少数的投资者身上。
However, Aoifinn Devitt, Chief Information Officer of Monteta, stated that the crypto-currency market could also be prone to greater volatility, as Bitcoin holdings tended to be concentrated in a relatively small number of investors.
She said, "There's more concentration of ownership, so when you don't have extensive ownership, you may have more volatility. The same thing can happen on stocks. Some large system traders have become triggers for increased volatility."
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