數字人民幣“上榜”央行今年“工作單” 專家預測試點將在更大范圍內鋪開

资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:31 评论:0
原標題:數字人民幣“上榜”央行今年“工作單” 專家預測試點將在更大范圍內鋪開   本報記者 昌校宇 見習記者 楊 潔Reporter, Chang School, see reporter Jan Ji...



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原標題:數字人民幣“上榜”央行今年“工作單” 專家預測試點將在更大范圍內鋪開

  本報記者 昌校宇 見習記者 楊 潔

Reporter, Chang School, see reporter Jan Jie.


The “digital renminbi” is again “on the list.” The Chinese People's Bank Working Session of 2021, launched on 4 January, deployed its top ten jobs in 2021, which called for a “stable roll-out of the digital renminbi test” in terms of upgrading financial services and management.


On August 14, 2020, the Ministry of Commerce issued a circular on the Ministry of Commerce's programme to publish a comprehensive and intensive programme for new development sites, which, in the context of the comprehensive deepening of services and the creation of new development opportunities, and the development of physical initiatives and a division of responsibilities, referred to “the opening of digital banking standards in Kyuzin, the Long Triangle, the Grand Bay of Hong Kong and the Middle and Western parts of China” as “the opening of digital currency test sites” and “the opening of a policy safeguard for the People's Bank”, which began with the launch of the People's Democratic People's Bank in October 2020, and the launch of the People's Democratic People's World Bank's Bulletin, which was launched in October 2020, and the launch of the People's World Bank's Bulletin for the month of December 2020, which was launched by the United People's National People's Bank, the People's Bulletin for the month of July 21, and the People's Bulletin for the month of September 21, which was launched by the People's World Bank.


Tung Jun, the chief economicist in China, said to the Reporter of the Voucher Daily that a digital currency test would be conducted, and that, at the same time that the popular currency is used for the development of the population's digital currency, it would also provide a positive incentive to consume during the epidemic and to boost internal demand, providing a new tool for the government to use it. It is expected that this year's digital currency test will be opened in a larger context, covering more consumption-paying sites, and that, in the same time, under the policy direction of expanding internal demand, it is expected that the digital renminbi will become one of the most important tools for generating local consumption.


“As a public currency, however, the full opening of the renminbi requires not only problems relating to the acceptance and use of specific groups, but also the international accounting of the yuan, as well as the potential key security problems associated with such super-measurement as quantum calculations.” The Director of the Institute of Financial Development Studies of the University of South China analysed it to Reporters of the Certificate Daily.


The central bank’s current positioning of the renminbi is a digital replacement for traditional renminbis, i.e. M0 instead of M1, M2 (bank deposits), and the current payment treasure, micro-credit, is a payment using commercial bank deposits. With the spread of online payments such as micro-letters, payment bonds, etc., residents’ use of traditional renminbis is now rare, and the number of renminbis has dramatically increased the ease with which they use “cash” but has not changed in any way compared to the existing means of on-line payments.


“The issuing of digital renminbi will effectively reduce the costs of cash development and circulation compared to the traditional renminbi, and will enable the timely adoption of aggregate currency creation, accounting, movement etc., which will enable the government to conduct an in-depth analysis of the flow of cash through technical means such as big data, which will be beneficial to the government in improving its timely management of the dynamics of the economy, and will provide useful references for currency policy formulation and economic regulation.” Dong Chong Yun states.




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