Peter Wuille 是比特币的核心开发者,也是Blockstream的联合创始人。Pieter Wuille对比特币贡献极大,他几乎一己之力把比特币重新写了一次,面对中本聪写的代码难以维护地问题,Pieter不止一次的对外说明如果由他来设计比特币,一定不会是今天这个样子。
Peter Wuille is a central developer of Bitcoin and a co-founder of Blockstream. Pieter Wuille has contributed so much that he can almost rewrite bitcoin once, and in the face of the hard-to-maintain problem of Chinese-written codes, Pieter's outspoken statements more than once would not be the way they are today if he were to design bitcoin.
如果说比特币在2017年夏天经历了它最重大和最具有争议性的改变,那么这场演变可以追溯到一个开发者:Pieter Wuille。他仍有点神秘。在一个不乏自负和咆哮的行业里,Wuille却是与众不同,他选择用他编写的代码来替他发声。
If Bitcoin went through its most significant and controversial changes in the summer of 2017, this evolution goes back to one developer, Pieter Wuille. He's still a little mysterious. In a business of ego and roaring, Wuille is different, and he chooses to speak for him by using the code he has written.
比特币的主要维护人员Nicholas Dorier认为在推动比特币发展方面,Pieter Wuille有着第六感,“可以预知行业明年将会发生什么,并将重点放在短期工作上。”据了解,Pieter Wuille正在倡导聚合签名(signature aggregation)变革,这将可能成为比特币下一个改进方向。而他正在写一个具体的比特币改进提议 (BIP) 。
Bitcoin’s main maintainer, Nicholas Dorier, felt that Pieter Wuille, had a sixth sense of what would happen in the industry next year and focused on short-term work. It was understood that Pieter Wuille was advocating a change in the composite signature, which could be the next way to improve Bitcoin. He was writing a specific Bitcoin improvement proposal (BIP).
还是如同其他开发人员和加密爱好者,Pieter Wuille认为比特币将可能创造更理想化的未来世界。“它将展示技术可以取代第三方中介,消除系统性风险。”同时,他也表示,许多人仍然不了解比特币,还没有准备好成为主流,隐私性、扩展性问题都是亟待解决的问题。如果这些问题不解决,他担心,比特币会走向毁灭。在那之前,他会不停地做好修补工作。
Or, like other developers and cryptographers, Pieter Wuille thought that Bitcoin could create a more ideal future world. “It would demonstrate that technology could replace third-party intermediaries and eliminate systemic risks.” At the same time, he said that many people were still unaware of Bitcoin and were not ready to become mainstream, and that privacy and expansion were issues that needed to be addressed.
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