劉 鵬
關鍵詞:傅增湘 捐書檔案 題字 藏園先生七十歲小像 詩作
傅增湘先生(1872-1949)是民國藏書大家,其藏書的精華,多歸于今日之國家圖書館,傅氏祖孫三代(傅增湘、傅忠謨、傅熹年)更與國家圖書館(包括其前身京師圖書館、國立北平圖書館、北京圖書館)結下了長達數十年的深情厚誼[1]。“藏書大家”的身份之外,傅先生清末曾入袁世凱幕,後點翰林(1898),任直隸提學使(1908);民初任教育總長(1917—1919),之後則以藏書、校書爲樂,暇則文酒詩宴,優游山水,交游廣闊,更是一位京津名宿。今值先生150周年誕辰(1872-2022),後學特檢出歷年瀏覽所及且時賢論著未涉及之先生捐書檔案、題字、書前畫像、詩作數種,并敬加考釋,以爲心香之瓣祝。 Mr. Fu Jin-seok (1872-1949) is a national treasurer, whose collection is popular, most of whom is located in the National Library of Today's State, and Mr. Cheok-hoon, who is the founder of the National Library (1908), the General Director of Education (1917-1919), followed by a book of treasures, books of school pleasure, a book of wines and wines, an English trip to mountain waters, a popular tour, and a Kyun-jin residence. 一、藏園捐書檔案 strong i; book collection file /strong> (一)1947年捐書檔案 1947年5月,傅先生“决意先將生平手校群書捐贈北京圖書館,除早年流散和零星校在大型叢書中者外,家中只留三數種傳示子孫,其餘全部在內”[2]。經北平圖書館專案呈請,行政院及教育部分别于1948年1月6日、1月15日批准頒給“有功文獻”匾額及象征性獎金四千萬元。行政院訓令節文及教育部訓令全文已見于《北京图书馆馆史资料汇编(1909-1949)》[3]、《中国国家图书馆馆史资料长编(1909-2008)》[4],但國圖藏平館呈文及獲獎後致傅先生函[5]則未見披露。平館呈文爲藍色複寫抄件,全文如下(括號內爲筆者改字):
國立北平圖書館呈 三十六年五月十六日 附捐贈書籍清冊
事由:呈報點收傅增湘先生捐贈手校各種書籍請轉呈行政院優加褒獎并酌給養老醫藥等費。 Subject: Mr. Tianjin, the recipient of the report, donated books at the school and requested that they be forwarded to the Executive for an award and, where appropriate, medical care. 案查江安傅沅叔增湘先生以國學之耆宿,作士林之楷模。平生收藏宋元古本書籍,名聞海內,間(閒?)居酷好校勘群籍,前後垂四十年,無時或輟。近爲慶祝抗戰勝利,國土重光起見,特將手校各書三七三種、四二六九冊分裝三十二箱,全部捐贈本館。當于五月五日派員前往點收,擬即專室庋藏,永存紀念。茲查是項書籍均經傅先生搜集各種古本,以朱墨筆恭楷校勘,篇末并繫以跋語,以志原委。其中最負盛名者,首推《冊府元龜》及《文苑英華》。二書通篇以宋刻本或明鈔本詳校,訂訛補闕,不可勝計。二書卷帙浩繁,魯魚亥豕,觸目皆是。先生露鈔雪校,繼續十年之功,始克藏(蕆)事,其有功于文史之研究,匪可言宣。此外,以宋本校者有《一切經音義》《周易正義》《群經音辨》《考工記解》《周易要義》、前後《漢書》、《宋書》《北齊書》《隨書》《五代史》《大唐六典》《通典》《高麗圖經》《輿地廣記》《咸淳臨安志》《資治通鑒》《南華真經》《五百家播芳文粹》《攻媿集》《黄勉齋集》等,以元本校者有《韓詩外傳》《十一經問對》《馬石田集》等。其校以明鈔、明刻、影宋元鈔本或迻録何義門、黄丕烈、顧千里諸名家校語,爲數尤屬眾多。至唐詩、宋詞百數十種,反覆詳校,至于數四,不憚其煩。所見古本之多,當代已無出其右者。凡所據校之書,除自藏之本外,多假自上海涵芬樓及其他藏家,而各該原本在今日或以兵燹摧毀不存,或物主推移,流亡散佚。今後承學之士,須賴此批校本,方知古書本來面目,致力既勤,厥功尤偉。頃據專家估計,全書書價按時價約在三億元以上,連城之珍所不能及。似此慷慨捐施,急公好義,有功文獻,足資楷模,除將原書鄭重珍藏外,擬懇由鈞部轉呈行政院,特予優加褒獎,以示政府篤念耆儒,獎勵文化之德意。伏候裁詧施行,實爲公便。謹呈教育部。 Student Anfu 附傅先生捐贈手校書籍清冊[6]。
這份呈文不僅體現出平館對傅先生手校本價值的充分認識,其中“以國學之耆宿,作士林之楷模”“耆儒”等褒語之外,“所見古本之多,當代已無出其右者”之説,更是對傅先生作爲藏書家和校勘學家極崇高而又貼切的評價。根據前引傅熹年先生文章所云,此次捐贈“當時點交清冊”爲337種,3581冊,與呈文中373種,4269冊之説相差不小(種數少10%,冊數少20%)。傅熹年先生認爲“校本各書數字參差是因對子部集部一些叢書計算方法不同所致”,然種數之歧異猶可因統計方法不同使然,冊數之徑庭則不可解。惜檔案中未見清冊,俟尋訪有得,或可再加探討。 This submission does not merely reflect an adequate understanding of the value of Mr. Fu's handiwork, which, in addition to the phrases “in the country's study, as a model for the Slim”, “a great deal of ancient books has been seen, and there is no right”. According to Mr. Fu, “the number of books in this book is due to differences in the methods used to calculate books in the book collection”, the difference between the donation of 337,3581 and 373 copies of the paper, and the lack of information in the files of 4269 (an amount of 10% and 20%). Mr. Fuyun believes that “the number of books in this book is due to differences in the methods used to calculate books in the book collection of the son of the son of the mother of the mother of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the mother of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of the father of 呈文與訓令中還有一處細節值得一提。“專家”(實際上應當即是館中趙萬里等先生)爲全部校本估價三億,半年後行政院以“養老醫藥等費”所發獎金爲四千萬,表面上爲估價13%,本爲象征性獎勵。而鑒于半年中內戰愈演愈烈,經濟惡化,物價飛漲,不僅這批校本的“市價”增加以數倍計,四千萬元“巨款”獎金的購買力也大幅度降低,不過相當于1948年初大學教授数月之薪金或几十袋面粉。此消彼長,只能説是聊勝于無,很快就不敷使用。側面的例證是,1948年,“因經濟困難”,傅先生分兩次向平館出讓約79種明刊本及名家抄校本;1949年末,爲還傅增湘先生喪事用款,傅忠謨先生復以“宋本《新唐書》等77種讓歸北京圖書館”[7]。 A further detail is worth mentioning. “Experts” (which should be Mr. Chovanli, etc.) are estimated at 300 million dollars for the entire school, and half-years later, the Administrative Council will award 40 million dollars for the “medication of old age” – apparently 13% – as a symbolic reward. And considering the intensification of the war in the course of six months, the deterioration of the economy, the price of the goods, not only the increase in the market price of the school's books, but also the substantial reduction in the purchase of the $40 million “gold money” award, just as in early 1948, the university professor's salary for months or dozens of bags of flour. 平館于1948年1月20日由文書股股長王祖彝擬稿,22日繕發的“謝贈手校本古書”函稿全文云: printed by Wang Joo, Chief of the Books Unit, 20 January 1948, and the full text of the letter “Thanks for the ancient school book” dated 22 January 1948: 沅叔先生惠鑒: 上年五月承惠贈手校本古書三九一種,四二六七冊[8],移鄴架之秘義,益鴻都之寳笈,高情稠疊,雅誼慇懃。業經各數拜登,備供揅討。復經專案呈請教育部轉請行政院明令褒揚,并題給匾額一方,獎金四仟萬元,用彰殊績。茲將收到各書開列詳單,備函奉達,并致謝忱。即希台詧是荷。專此,順候
附鈔部令一件,清冊一份。 A copy of the banknote order, one copy. 此函種數、冊數又與1947年5月16日呈文所述有異,種數又增加18種,冊數反少2冊。函稿種、冊數有修改痕迹,應是最新統計數字。如此則捐書之數竟有三種説法,仍須覓得清冊原件,與館藏一一比對,方可釋疑。 This function, the number of books, is different from that described in the submission of 16 May 1947, adding 18, the number of books is an inversely two. The number of letters, the number of books, is the most recent statistical number. This means that the number of contributions has three formulations, the originals of which must still be clear, and the library must be matched by one. (二)1930年代捐書檔案 此外,館藏檔案中還曾見幾則十九世紀三十年代傅增湘先生將所藏、所刊書籍乃至友人著作贈予平館之記録,今亦附贅于此。 In addition, Mr. Fu Jin-ho, in the archives of the 19th and 30th centuries, has presented the collection of books, books, and even friends, which are attached here. 1931年6月25日,北平圖書館在北海之畔文津街舉行盛大新館(即今國家圖書館古籍館所在地)落成儀式,傅先生也在嘉賓之列。次日,傅先生即致函館長蔡元培、副館長袁同禮,檢贈藏書,以表祝賀。函云: On June 25th, 1931, the Bei Ping Library opened a ceremony in Manzin Street, North Sea. Mr. Fu is also among the guests. Next day, Mr. Fu sent a letter to Mr. Choi Won-bae and his deputy, to examine the collection of the book as a token of congratulations. 孑民、守和先生閣下: 昨日新館落成,獲觀盛典,私衷抃頌,莫可名言。茲檢奉正統《道藏》本書籍四種送呈,聊表祝賀之忱。伏惟哂納是幸。專此,敬候 Sunday's new house was inaugurated, celebrated, private and unfathomable. I hereby present four forms of the book "Torco" for congratulations. . 台祺!
傅增湘拜啓 六月二十六日[9] 26 June[9] 又如1933年3月14日,傅先生將藏園新印清李光地《榕村語録續集》贈送平館。函云: and as on March 14th, 1933, Mr. Fu sent the new Qing Qing Qing Qingjii Qui Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Quan Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que Que à < < /span < /span > 敬啓者:
人近刊《榕村語録續集》二十卷,乃有清安溪李文貞公未刊著作之一。其中“國朝人物”“國朝時事”兩門爲正集所無,且所述當時朝政、黨局多有奇聞秘事爲各家傳記所不載。即論治、論學各卷,亦貫徹今古,識論明通,洵講求清代國史與文學者不可不讀之書。茲特奉贈一部,敬希詧入,以備閱覽爲荷。此上 Twenty volumes of the recent `Hong Kong language series' are one of the most unpublished books of Li Wenzheng of Qing An Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing Qing', where the `Dynasty Man's' `Dynasty of the Nation's Times' were both unattainable, and many of the Qing Dynasty and Party Bureau secretaries mentioned at the time were not included in the family's memoirs. > This is also an ancient volume of the Anarchy, the Acquaintings, the Acquainting of the Books, the Inquisition of the History and the Literature of the Qing Dynasty. 北平圖書館。 the North Pyramid Library. 傅增湘拜啓 三月十四日[10] 14 March [10] 今日國圖古籍館藏有兩部1933年傅氏藏園刻朱印本《榕村語録續集》(書號7692、7693),均爲六冊(與平館接收檔所記冊數相同),惜不知孰爲藏園所贈,且如何又有兩部。
此函後尚有粘貼附頁一張,爲傅先生致袁同禮副館長函。全文云: A copy of the pamphlet is attached to this letter for Mr. Fu to send a message to the Deputy Director of Yin Yin. 友人涂子厚[11]君新撰家譜印成,特奉貽貴館一部。茲專价送呈,祈詧收見復是幸。此請守和先生台安。 Friends are painted in a pamphlet printed by a new writer, a special museum. I'm happy to receive it. 弟傅增湘拜啓 六月廿二日 按此函實作于1930年。證據有三:其一,函中所云涂氏“新撰家譜”,即涂鳳書(子厚)所纂《雲陽涂氏族譜》二十一卷,成書于民國十九年(即1930年)。其二,1929年7月至1930年6月《國立北平圖書館館務報告》附《贈書人名録》載傅先生贈“《吴郡通典》一冊、《雙鑒樓善本書目》三冊、《雲陽涂氏族譜》八冊”。其三,此函背面隱約透出“採訪部採字第二□第三卷 民国廿年”字迹一行,當爲收到贈書後歸檔之記録。 is based on this letter in 1930. There are three proofs: one, "New Books" in the letter, i.e., the 21st volume in the Book of Fluttershy, published in 19th year of the Nation (i.e. 1930). The second, "Report of the Office of the National Book of the Kitchen Pilgrimage from July 1929 to June 1930, attached to the report by Mr. Master, "The Book of Wu County, the Book of the Two Houses of Good Books, the Book of the Yunyang Dynasty, the 8th Book" in the letter. 二、藏園題字 strong> II > > 鮮爲人知的是,除了捐贈圖書之外,傅先生還曾爲平館題字。 1928年5月,中華教育文化基金董事會所辦之“北京圖書館”(當時北平圖書館稱“國立京師圖書館”,屬教育部)創設館刊,稱“《北京圖書館月刊》”,1卷1至4期爲佚名楷書。
1929年6月,教育部與中華教育文化基金董事會制定《合組國立北平圖書館辦法》,國立北平圖書館與北平北海圖書館合并爲新的國立北平圖書館。1929年第3卷第5期,該刊亦更名,復由錢玄同題隸書“國立北平圖書館月刊”,署“疑古玄同題(鈐白方“疑古/玄同”印)”。 In June 1929, the Ministry of Education and the Board of Directors of the China Educational and Cultural Foundation developed the "Collaborative Approach to the National Kitchen Library" and the National North Pin Library and North Ping North Sea Library were merged into the new North Ping Ping Book. Vol. 3, No. 5, 1929, the issue was also retitled and retitled after the book "The National North Pilgrim Library Monthly" by the same subject, the Ministry of Education and the Board of Directors of the China Education and Culture Foundation. 1930年第4卷第1號,該刊再次更名爲“國立北平圖書館館刊”,由沈尹默以行草書題寫,署“尹默(鈐朱方“沈印/尹默”印)”。此後數年間,刊名題字未有變化。
三、《藏園先生七十歲小像》 strang>iii, "Sink Park Mr. 70-year-old statue" 一直以來,學界較爲熟悉的傅增湘先生像,爲徐悲鴻1935年2月所繪64歲油畫像,現藏國家圖書館[12]。其實,在1941年12月,蔣兆和(1904-1986)還爲傅先生繪製了一幅他所精擅的水墨人物像[13]。 has for some time been a familiar figure of Mr. Fu Ying-chung, a 64-year-old oil painting for Xu, in February 1935, of the National Library. In fact, in December 1941, Monks and (1904-1986) also drew an image of Mr. Fu's great ink. . 畫中的傅先生,右側身而坐,身着淺色長袍,外罩黑色對襟馬甲,雙手籠于袖中。戴圓形金丝眼鏡,留花白短髮,上唇微須寸許,下頜白須稍長。目視前方,神態平和,清癯雅致。畫像上方有“藏園先生七十歲小像”篆書一行,右側有“藏園老人七十壽賜念[14]。卅年十二月,兆和”題署一行(後鈐朱橢“兆龢”印)。
此像原存傅府,《蔣兆和作品全集》[15]收入該作,標註爲“97×61 傅熹年收藏”。2020年8月,由傅熹年、傅燾年、傅萬年、傅美年、傅燕年諸先生捐贈國家圖書館(詳本刊李堅、李文潔《國家圖書館近年接受傅增湘後人捐贈古籍文物略要》一文)。其創作緣起,《全集》亦有介紹: This is the book from the original Master's Palace, the book "97x61 year collection." August 2020, donated by Mr. Fukugi, Fukugi, Fwan, Fumi, Yin Yin, and Mr. Yin, to the National Library (detailed by Li Kin, Li Wen-je, "The National Library has accepted in recent years a summary of the ancient monuments donated by post-Fashion people). 1941年,經常到蕭龍友家做客的同鄉、詩友傅增湘先生看到蔣兆和爲蕭龍友作的畫像,十分贊賞,擬請蔣兆和爲他畫一張半身肖像。蔣兆和欣然同意,極認真細緻地刻畫了傅先生的形象。1944年,蔣兆和與蕭龍友的女兒蕭瓊結婚時,曾請傅增湘先生做證婚人。 in 1941, Mr. Fu Jinxing, who used to come to Xiaolong's house as a guest, saw the portraits of Xiao Yong's and Xiao Yong's friends with great appreciation, and asked him to draw a semi-smap. , both of which agreed, painted Mr. Fu's image with great care. In 1944, Mr. Xiao Jinxing and his daughter, Xiao Yong's daughter, were asked to be a witness. 這段記載未標明史料來源,可作參考。
有趣的是,河南澤華拍賣有限公司2015年迎新年藝術品拍賣會上,上拍了一件“蔣兆和 藏園老人 立軸”(95×48cm)[16],實際上是此畫的“低仿”之作——拍品無篆書題名,右側題署則同(惟後鈐朱方“兆龢”印),但畫中人物似舊時賬房先生,面部輪廓僵硬,表情陰鬱,毫無大藏書家的高雅之致,與原作有雲泥之判。 Interestingly, Henan Zews Ltd., at the New Year's Art Fair in 2015, took a picture of "Ombuds and old people in hiding" (95 x 48 cm) [16], which is actually the "low" of this painting - it's not called a book title, but it's the same for the right (but only a "mix" stamp), but it's an old-timer, Mr. Facial Lodger, with a rigid face profile, a grumpy face, without any conceivities of the covetist, and with the original. 這幅“藏園先生七十歲小像”原作姍姍來遲,然其“化身”多種,早已隨昔日主人之珍本,什襲寶藏于國家圖書館的書庫之中。據筆者管見,國圖所藏傅增湘先生遺書中,有數種于書前附有小像之影印頁,其圖像逼肖真迹,惟鈐印作黑色,當係民國時流行的珂羅版印本[17]。所見有: The original "Since the 70-year-old statue" of Mr. Tibetan is late, but its "incarnation" of many kinds has long been hidden in the books of the National Library. According to me, there are a number of copies of the essays of Mr. Shinzo Shinshi, the Tibetan Museum, which appear to have been printed in front of the book, except for a black one, a copy of which was popular when he was a citizen [17]. See: . 《唐柳先生外集》一卷,(唐)柳宗元撰,宋乾道元年(1165)零陵郡庠刻本,一册,莫繩孫跋,張允亮等觀款(書號5238)。 A volume of Mr. Tang Lew's Expiry, written by (T) Jiao Jing, en iiiiiiiiiii ( 《新刊國朝二百家名賢文粹》三百卷(存十九卷),(宋)魏齊賢、葉棻輯,宋慶元三年(1197)書隱齋刻本,七冊,袁克文、傅增湘跋(書號8594)[18]。 300 volumes (nineteen vols.) of The New Gazette of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Wei Chi Xing, Ye Xing, three years of Song Qing won (1197), oblivion, seven books, Yuan, Fu Jin Quan (No. 8594) [18]. 《忠文王紀事實録》五卷,(宋)謝起巖撰,宋咸淳七年(1271)吴安朝等刻明洪武公文紙印本,四册,紀昀題簽,傅增湘、商衍瀛跋,許寶蘅等觀款(書號11294)。 Five volumes of "The Truth of the King's Queen's Queen's Queen's Queen's Queen's Queen's Queen's Queen, thank you for your writing. < 《冊府元龜》一千卷(存二十卷),(宋)王欽若等輯,宋刻本,十一冊,李盛鐸、朱文鈞、袁克文跋,傅增湘題款(書號2353)[19]。 1000 Volumes of the Register Turtle (with 20 volumes in deposit), by Wang Jingjeong, Song Jing, 11th Book, Li Sheng-hoon, Chu Wen-chung, Yuan Kwen, Fu Tian Quan (No. 2353) [19]. 《周禮注》十二卷(存四卷),(漢)鄭玄撰、(唐)陸德明釋文,元刻本,四冊,傅增湘跋(書號7923)[20]。 12 Vols. (four volumes in deposit), (Han) Jung Gen, (Don) Ludming's release, Mt., 4th ed., Fugian Quarter (No. 7923) [20]. 《唐元次山文集》十卷、《拾遺》一卷,(唐)元結撰,明正德十二年(1517)郭勛刻本,二冊(書號2543)。 Ten Volumes of Tang Qishan, One Volume of Picking Legs, [Don] Summary, 2nd Book (No. 2543). 《日知録》八卷、《譎觚十事》一卷,(清)顧炎武撰,清康熙九年自刻本,一册,傅增湘跋(書號2524)[21]。 8 Vols. >, 1 Vol. >, >, 《騰笑集》八卷,(清)朱彝尊撰,清康熙二十五年(1686)曝書亭朱彝尊自刻本,一册,清馮登府、傅增湘跋(書號2523)。 "Funt-size" > > >. > > > >. 此外,台灣傅斯年圖書館“鎮館三寶”之一“南宋孝宗安仁趙諫議宅刊本”《南華真經》十卷十冊(書號C091)卷首亦附有此像[22]。 In addition to this, one of the “Standard Treasures of the Township” of the Taiwan Year Museum, “Son Song Xiao Jongzhong's House Book”, 10th Book of the South China Journal (C091).[22] . 【作者按:本文發表後,又發現兩種附像古籍,今亦附記於此。1.《史記》,宋元明清集配本,中國書店藏(入選《國家珍貴古籍名録》00398號),沈曾植跋,傅先生甲戌(1934)八月二十一日跋。此本先生原跋、畫像舊為陳伯達撤毀,傅熹年先生於1988年除夕以朱筆重録先生跋並重附像)。2.《摩墨亭墨考》,清抄本,山西博物院藏,傅先生癸未(1943)三、四月二跋。據跋文,約於該年重裝時附像。】
各本傅跋題署日期如下:宋刻本《南華真經》跋作于“壬午暮春”(1942年春)、“甲申人日”(1944年1月31日)[23],詩作于“甲申三月朔”(1944年3月24日),稱此本爲“鎮庫之珍”。宋刻本《唐柳先生外集》跋(不見于原冊)作于“辛巳祀竈日”(1942年2月8日),稱此本爲“鎮庫之寶書”[24]。宋刻本《新刊國朝二百家名賢文粹》跋作于“甲申二月初八日”(1944年3月2日)。宋刻明印本《忠文王紀事實録》跋作于“己卯七月中浣”(1939年8月下旬左右)[25],稱該本“傳世最稀,罕秘特甚”。宋刻本《冊府元龜》末跋(不見于原冊)作于“甲申一月二十二日”(1944年2月15日)[26]。元刻本《周禮註》跋無日期。明刻本《唐元次山文集》跋作于“乙丑十二月初五日”(1926年1月18日)[27]。清刻本《日知録》跋無日期。清刻本《騰笑集》跋作于“壬午”(1942年)。 > > > 從以上九種書之版本、題跋內容及日期,可以初步得出兩個結論: A preliminary conclusion can be drawn from the nine above-mentioned book versions, question areas and dates: 第一,附像者當爲傅先生心愛之書,但未必是“珍貴”之書。各書傅跋多有“鎮庫之珍(寶)”之説,但九種書中固然有五種宋刻,而明清本也達到三種,且先生所藏“雙鑒”(宋寫本《洪範政鑒》與宋刻本《資治通鑒》)上亦未附像,可見并非僅從“文物性”層面確定附像與否,必有它故。惟其書打動先生內心之處,一時尚不易窺見。 First, the attaché is a book of love to Mr. Fook, but it is not necessarily a “precious” book. There are five kinds of Songqings in each of the nine books, but it is clear that there are three kinds of Songqings, and that there are no images of the “double visions” (Song wrote the Hong Kong Model and Song Jingbeng Encyclopedia), which can be seen not only from the “artificial” level, but it must be. 第二,附像之舉,大致起于1942年初,至1944年4月先生患“風痺”止,期間伴隨着題跋之撰寫與重裝(有數篇跋文另外題寫于“藏園傅氏寫本”黑格箋上并裝入原書),此後先生實際上已經封筆[28]。 Second, the introduction of the image, which began in early 1942 and ended in April 1944 with a "winding" in which Mr. was accompanied by writing and reloading (a number of separate articles were written and placed in the original book of the "Hinker's Book"), has since actually been sealed. 不過,筆者考察了多部題跋于這一時期的先生舊藏,其中如元刻本《金華黄先生文集》(書號2553)、明天順五年沈琮廣州府學刻本《揭文安公文粹》(書號8518)等,玩其跋語,似乎均可附像,實則闕如。此外,各書中多鈐有“藏園秘籍孤本”“雙鑒樓珍藏印”“江安傅增湘沅叔珍藏”印,從印文即可知其寶重,但并無一印遍鈐于各書之上,《忠文王紀事實録》更未鈐一印,從鈐印角度亦無從判斷其附像規律。當日附像緣由,附像之書究竟多少,仍待進一步考察。 , however, I have looked at the possessions of Mr. Kim Wah's book (No. 2553), which are still in possession of a variety of subjects, such as the "Gang Angkor's Trek" stamp, which is known from the print, but is not printed all over the books, and the "Hong Kong Book of Truth" is not printed, nor is it judged from the point of view of the print by its approximation. 四、藏園詩作三首 strong> >. >/strong > > > 余嘉錫《藏園群書題記序》云:
江安傅先生挂冠以後,定居北平,閉户不交人事。所居有山石花木之勝,取東坡“萬人如海一身藏”之句,顏之曰“藏園”。聚書數萬卷,多宋、元秘本,及名鈔精槧。聞人有異書,必從之假讀。求之未得,得之未讀,皇皇然如饑渴之于飲食,蓋其好學天性然也。暇時輒取新舊刻本躬自校讎,丹黄不去手,矻矻窮日夜不休。凡所校都一萬數千餘卷,皆已定,可繕寫。每讀一書,輒爲題跋一首,叙板本之同異,辨字句之訛謬,燭照數計,既精且博。[29] Mr. Jiang Anfu has settled in North Ping and closed his house. There is a victory in the bouquet, with the phrase "ten thousand people are in hiding like the sea" in the east slope, and the word "hidden" in the name of "hiddens" in the name of "shelter." There are tens of volumes of books, many of them in the form of secret books, and many copies of them in the form of books. Every book that is read in the same book, it is unreadable, the Emperor is thirsty for food and drink, and it is in the nature of a good school. 1919年“五四”運動之後,傅先生辭去教育總長之職,致力于藏書與校書事業。但余《序》言其“閉户不交人事”却非實情——或者説這裏的“人事”特指政務交往——實際上,檢孫英愛《傅增湘年譜》[30],在1919年後的30年中,傅先生或就職故宮,或南北游歷,或詩酒文宴,或祭書藏園,絶非與世隔絶,而仍與同道、舊交保持密切聯繫。《藏園老人遺墨·江安傅增湘先生自書詩箋冊》[31]中,絶大部分詩作即屬上述內容。
國家圖書館所藏名家手稿中,亦見有先生未刊詩作三首(組),均爲友朋間唱和、題贈之作。今略依時代先後相次,并于題詩背景、含義加以説明。 in the collection of famous manuscripts in the National Library, Mr. Unpublished in three sets of poems is singing and writing for friends and friends. (一)《蟄園唱酬圖》題詩 春和堂裏集琴樽,臚唱如聞甲第尊。添得新圖三十幅,好將此集殿西崑。 Spring and Qing Qing Qing Xi Xi Xi Xi Xi 汐社諸賢殊少畫,梅村九友總能詩。若從[32]晚近論風雅,此是春明極盛時。 The youths of the tidal society draw very little and the nine friends of Mei Village can always write poetry. 蒓衷仁兄同年屬題。戊寅大雪,傅增湘。(後鈐白方“增湘/之印”印、朱方“沅/尗”印) > > > > > > > > > > > > > >. 詩出《蟄園唱酬圖》二冊之二,作于1938年(戊寅)12月8日(“大雪”節氣)。 Symbol of 2nd verse, December 8th, 1938 (euncil). 蟄園爲郭則澐[33]所居私家園林,位于北京東四牌樓。郭氏于1920年購入,并自記其地云:“置東四牌樓三條胡同路北宅,鐵寶臣尚書舊居也,奉文安公居之。對宇爲福文襄廢園,樓宇頹敝,而樹石頗饒,山人亦購之,稍事修葺,有松喬堂、小鄂跗堂、亞翠亭、卍雪樓、結霞閣、暖芳吟舫,皆山人自書額,集宋詞句爲楹聯,名以‘蟄園’。”[34] Ko is a private garden forest[33] located in Beijing East 4 building. Kwok bought it in 1920, and remembered his own cloud: "Kind the three houses in the East 4th building, the Tianjins are still living in the north, the Chinese are still living in Wen Wen Wen." For Wu, there's a waste park, a building, a tree, a mountain man buys it, with minor repairs, the Matsujo Hall, the Little Hall, Adritan, the Snow Shack Building, the Shai Shai Shao, the Qin family's family books, and the words are combined and named as a garden."[34] 冊一封面爲陳年(半丁)題簽,冊頁內依次爲趙椿年題端、孟梅《蟄園唱酬圖》(戊寅秋日)、陶洙《蟄園圖》(戊寅閏月)、郭則澐《蟄園唱酬圖記》(戊寅中秋後二日)、陳宗蕃(蒓衷)[35]叙(戊寅七月)。陳《叙》述《唱酬圖》之始末云:“丁丑春,蟄雲同年集同人爲七言律社,每月爲會一,爲題二,就上、下平各韻分賦之,歷時一年有奇,凡十五集而畢。與會者,前後三十人。宗蕃屬友人善繪事者每題爲之圖,而各録詩于其後,名之曰‘蟄園唱酬圖’。蟄園者,蟄雲所居也。”後附《蟄園律社題目》及《蟄園律社同人姓氏録》。《姓氏録》載30人,與陳《叙》相合,然無傅先生之名。此後至第二冊前半部分,爲歷次律社唱酬之詩及相關畫作(傅先生詩中“添得新圖三十幅”句當指此),此不贅述。
傅先生詩中典故,不離詩、畫,正切合“唱酬圖”之主題。“西崑”者,宋楊億等纂修《冊府元龜》之餘,以詩作唱和,後結爲《西昆酬唱集》。“汐社”者,宋亡後,遺民謝翱與“故老”“同志”所立文社,于吟誦唱和中抒亡國之悲,并相互激勵,正契合“蟄園律社”的遺老性質。《淑園七十壽冊》(詳後)有方兆鰲《同年陳君蒓衷七十壽》文云:“(陳宗蕃)與郭君蟄雲居相去不數百武,間日聚談,郭君慨世變之日亟,憫舊學之就衰,鋭以文學自任,聚徒講文藝。又以其間創立詩社,月有課,年有會。君則曰:‘此月泉、汐社意也。’驂靳其間,與郭君相雄長。”“梅村九友”者,清吴偉業(梅村)有《畫中九友歌》,爲董其昌、王時敏等九位文人畫家寫照。“春明”者,唐長安有春明門,故以指代京師。全詩以宋之西崑、汐社,清之“梅村九友”比之“蟄園律社”,并以其爲當時北平風雅之“極盛”,揆之當時舊體詩壇之情勢,亦不爲過譽。 Mr. Fu's poems and poems do not depart from poetry, drawings, etc. >. , (二)《秋河悵望圖冊》題詩 下桐陰夜氣深,雲階月地杳沉沉。鵲橋未駕靈槎遠,天上人間不可尋。 Down with the darkness of the night, the clouds sank. The bridge is unwieldy and untraceable.
蟢網鍼樓舊恨生,安仁頭白尚多情。羈愁不逐銀河滅,碧海青天待證盟。 > 蒓衷仁兄同年屬題。沅叔傅增湘。(首鈐朱長“雙鑒樓”印,後鈐朱方“藏/園”印) > > > > > > > > >. 詩出《秋河悵望圖冊》,約作于1939年己卯(説詳後)。 該冊亦爲眾友人應陳宗蕃之請而題。冊前陳宗蕃詩序云:“七月七日馬夫人生朝,追念前塵,感懷曷已!乞友好繪爲左列各圖,并製一章,藉鳴積悃,敢云喤引,尚冀矜垂。戊寅七月,古閩陳宗蕃。”結合黄懋謙題簽和題端所署的“戊寅孟夏”“戊寅夏日”,則此冊始題于1938年夏。“馬夫人”者,陳氏亡妻馬毓秀(?-1934)[38]。“秋河悵望”典出唐韓偓《六言三首》其一“幽欢不尽告别,秋河怅望平明”句,秋河即銀河。七月七日既是牛女相會復相離之期,又是亡妻生日,于牛女是短暫相逢,繼之以久别悵望;于陳氏則“追念前塵,感懷曷已”,以此爲題,可謂恰切。 > > > > > > > > 陳氏詩序、題詞(《新雁過妝樓》)及題詩(絶句四首)後,依次是陶洙“銀河悵望第一圖”(戊寅五月)、夏則澐“秋河悵望第二圖”(戊寅四月)、黄孝紓“秋河悵望第三圖”、潘素“秋河悵望第四圖”(張伯駒題署,林志鈞題詩)。四圖中,月色晦暗,陰雲四合,均有一君子于中夜立(坐)于户外,仰首悵望秋河。
四圖之後,則是諸友人之詩詞題贈,依次爲:夏則澐詩、薛肇基詩、宣穎詩(著雍攝提格,即戊寅)、黄懋謙詩(戊寅六月望前)、陸增煒詩(戊寅夏日)、夏仁虎《甘州》詞(戊寅六月)、張伯駒《夜飛鵲》詞(戊寅中夏)、方兆鰲《被花惱》詞(戊寅初秋)、袁毓麐《祝英台近》詞(戊寅夏)、孝檉《浣溪沙》詞(據筆迹當爲鄭孝檉)、汪曾武《鵲踏枝》詞、黄孝平《齊天樂》詞(戊寅秋七月)、黄孝紓《風入松》詞(己卯夏日)、傅增湘[39]詩、吴錫永《浣溪沙》詞、龔元凱《鷓鴣天》詞、黄襄成《減字木蘭花》詞、楊壽枏詩、邵章《夜飛鵲》詞、關賡麟《齊天樂》詞(辛巳二月既望)、崇彝詩(癸未七月)。時間自1938年至1943年。題署人則與前《蟄園唱酬圖》多有同者。 > >, 傅先生詩首二句營造凄婉氣氛,也與各圖格調相應。詩中典故,如“鵲橋”“靈槎”“銀河”等均與七夕及牛女故事有關。“蟢(蜘蛛)網”“鍼樓”則係七夕舊俗,《荆楚歲時記》云:“七月七日,爲牽牛、織女聚會之夜。……是夕,婦人結綵縷,穿七孔針。或以金、銀、鍮石爲針,陳瓜果于庭中以乞巧。有喜子網于瓜上,則以爲符應。”[40] “舊恨生”點出喪妻之痛。“安仁頭白尚多情”用潘岳曾賦《悼亡詩》之典比陳宗蕃之深情,“頭白”則出自潘岳《秋興賦》“余春秋三十有二,始見二毛”,這裏當是寫實,因陳氏此時已年逾六旬。
(三)《淑園先生七十壽冊》題詩 相逢已恨識荆遲,汐社風流尚可追。間數齊年增舊感,每因勝事索新詩。 >The tide of the tidal society is ready to follow when it's too late to meet. Year after year, the feeling increases, and every victory brings a new poem. 坦懷彌勒情宜似,抱憾黔婁意太癡。願祝老來長作健,高吟《梁父》酒盈卮。 Tanhua-Mille likes and regrets too much. May you grow old and sing "Father of Liang" wine. 蒓衷同年七十華誕,敬賦一律,即俟吟正。年愚弟傅增湘拜祝。(後鈐白方“傅印/增湘”、朱方“沅/叔”印) in the same year of the 70th Christmas, the same gift is given to the same person, that is to say the same thing. > > >. 詩出《淑園先生七十壽冊》,當作于丁亥(1947)五月。據詩冊中陳年(半丁)題跋,本年五月廿八爲陳宗蕃(淑園)七十壽期[41]。 Sookland's 70th Anniversary Book, as in May of Dinghe (1947). 該冊爲陳宗蕃七十壽辰時友朋題贈詩畫所結成。錦面韓振華題簽“淑園七十壽冊”(丁亥初冬),次爲韓氏“以介眉壽”題端。以下題署者依次爲:方兆鰲《同年陳君蒓衷七十壽》文(丁亥仲夏)、陳季“安樂永昌”印及繪“慶祝眉壽”(丁亥夏日)、黄賓虹題詩(丁亥長夏)并繪山水(丁亥)、崇彝詩、汪溶繪花鳥、張伯駒詞、潘素繪水墨山水、徐宗浩詩(丁亥夏)并繪“三祝圖”、傅岳棻詩、陶洙繪松石(丁亥六月)、黄孝紓詩(丁亥秋日)并繪山水(丁亥秋)、黄君坦詩(丁亥夏)、傅佺繪山水、關賡麟(丁亥仲夏)詩、王雪濤繪牡丹水仙、楊秀先詞、秦浴[42]繪墨松、林志鈞詩(丁亥五月)并繪墨竹(丁亥立秋後六日)、夏仁虎詩(丁亥長夏)、李景堃詩(丁亥五月)、邢端詩(丁亥夏天貺日)、卓定謀詩、齊白石繪楊梅草蟲圖、張伯英詩(丁亥夏仲)、佚名花卉、傅增湘詩、高珍繪山水人物、商衍鎏詩、黄君坦繪山水并題詩(丁亥九月)、李健詩并繪“立雪圖”(丁亥五月)、陳宗蕃詩(丁亥五月,朱鼎榮代書)。 > > > 傅先生詩中再次點出“汐社”,足見他對陳宗蕃的定位,即是一位心懷勝朝的氣節之士。“齊年”者,或指年歲,或因科名,然傅、陳二人生年(1872、1877)、進士科第(1898、1904)并不同時。先生復自稱“年愚弟”,二人或係舉人同年[43]。“坦懷彌勒”者,言陳氏胸襟開闊;又據《蟄園唱酬圖》中陳氏寫真,其人丰頤便腹,或亦取意于此。“黔婁”爲戰國隱士,有賢妻,元稹悼亡之作《遣悲懷》其一云“謝公最小偏憐女,自嫁黔婁百事乖”,“抱憾”句或用此典。“梁父”句,諸葛亮“躬耕南陽”時“好爲《梁父吟》”,亦寄寓于亂世隱居自樂之意。
又國圖另藏無題簽壽冊一冊,內容多爲陳宗蕃七十壽辰前後友朋題贈詩畫,年月似較前冊稍後,編次稍有不倫。編目著録爲“陳蒓衷七十壽冊”。冊中亦收有傅先生手書此詩,與前內容、行款無異,惟鈐“傅印/增湘”(白方,與前詩所鈐不同)、“沅叔/七十以/後作”(朱方)印二方。 in addition to the unproblematicly signed booklets, most of which are psalms about friends after Chen's 70th birthday, which appear later in the year, with a slight discomfort. 該冊依次收録邵章詩(丁亥長夏)、惠均繪山水、林志烜詩(八月十五日、八月十七日、八月廿日、九月二日、九月十日)、陳雲誥詩、陳遵統詩(丁亥中秋後七日)、啓功繪山水(丁亥夏五)、方兆鰲《蒓衷同年暨德配馬夫人五十雙壽》序、傅增湘詩、周學煇詩、黄懋謙(丁亥夏五)、商衍鎏書小品文一則、商衍鎏詩(癸未五月)[44]、林志烜詩、張厚穀詩(己丑秋)。 The book collects hymn poems in turn (Jinghe, Changxia), Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu, Xiaozhi Lin, Xiaohua (15 August, 17 August, 20 August, 2 September, 10 September), Chen Yun, Xi, Chen, Xi, Xi, Xi, Xi, Xi, Xi, Xi, Xiang, Xi, Xiang, Xi, Xi, Xi, Xi, Xi, Xi, Xi, Xi, Xi, Xi, /span, < /span, > >. 注釋: note: [1] 相關文章有傅熹年先生《記先祖藏園老人與北京圖書館的淵源》(《北京圖書館館刊》1997年第3期)、向輝《藏園書魂永不散——傅增湘先生與國家圖書館及館藏善本書之淵源考略》(《版本目録學研究》總第4輯,北京大學出版社,2013年)。 [1] related articles by Mr. Fu Yin Yin, "The source of the old man and the Beijing Library of the Presbyterian Park" (Beijing Library Journal No. 3, 1997), "The spirit of the Tibetan Book never dissipates" - "Mr. Foont-size: 16px;" > >. . [2]傅熹年:《記先祖藏園老人與北京圖書館的淵源》。 [2] Fuyu Year: The Old Man of the Monastery and the Source of the Beijing Library. [3]北京圖書館業務研究委員會:《北京圖書館館史資料彙編(一)》,書目文獻出版社,1992年,909-910頁。 [3] Committee for Industrial Research at the Beijing Library: "The History of the Beijing Library (I)", Bibliography Press, 1992, pp. 909-910. [4]李致忠:《中國國家圖書館館史資料長編(1909-2008)》,國家圖書館出版社,2009年,388-389頁。 [4] Historic Editor of the Chinese National Library (1909-2008), National Library Press, 2009, pp. 388-389. [5]見於“國立北平圖書館接收河北平津區敵偽產業處理局遺書籍事”(國家圖書館檔案,電子檔號1948-※038-采藏10-001)檔中。 [5] in the file "Received by the National Library of North Pingjin District of Hebei Enemy Pygmies" (national library file, e-file No. 1948-038 - Collection 10-001). [6]後有檔案保管人員紅色鉛筆括註“原檔缺清冊”。 [6] followed by the filekeeper's red pencil note, "The original file is missing." [7]傅熹年:《記先祖藏園老人與北京圖書館的淵源》。 [7] Fuyu Year: The Old Man of the Monument and the Source of the Beijing Library. [8]此處原作“三七三種,四二六九冊”。 [8] used to read: "Thirty-seven, three, four, two, six." [9]《北京圖書館館史資料彙編(一)》,357頁。
[10]“傅增湘贈書”(國家圖書館檔案,電子檔號1939-※039-采藏11-003)。今按:據檔號,編目者將兩函繫於1939年,然兩函一作於1930年,一作於1933年,實不涉1939年事。 [10] "The Futain Book" (national library file, e-file No. 1939-00339 - Collection 11-003) now presses: file number, the editor links two letters in 1939, one in 1930 and the other in 1933, and none in 1939. [11] 涂鳳書(1874-1940),譜名起敦,字子厚,晚號石城山人。四川省雲陽縣雙江鎮(今屬重慶市)人,光緒二十九年(1903)舉人,後赴職黑龍江,以候補同知、交涉局總辦等銜參與中俄勘界談判。宣統三年(1911年),任龍江府知府、提學使司提學使。辛亥革命後,先後擔任黑龍江教育司司長、政務廳廳長。民國五年(1916年)入京,歷任任國務院秘書、國務院參議、高等文官甄用委員會及高等文官懲戒委員會委員、國史編纂處處長。1928年北洋政府結束後,歸隱著述。有《石城山人文集》及手抄本詩集存世。
[12] 其繪製始末,詳楊先讓《徐悲鴻爲傅增湘畫像始末》一文(《中國教育報》2010年9月12日)所引傅先生日記。 [12] at the end of its production, Mr. Fu's diary, quoted in the article , [13] 關於此畫之藝術分析,詳陳岱《從〈藏園先生像〉看山水畫造型方式在寫實人物畫中的轉化與應用》一文(《美術界》2018年第3期)。 [13] for an artistic analysis of this painting, detailing the article "The transformation and application of mountain-water drawings from "Mr. Tibetan likes" in the writing of graphics" (Arts World 2018 No. 3). [14] “某某先生賜念”似不辭,蓋畫爲蔣氏贈他人者,“某某先生賜念”之語可解作“某某先生致以挂念”(蘇軾《與程正輔》云“某到家,無恙,乞不賜念”),反似畫作爲對方關心蔣氏而贈。然此語爲上世紀三、四十年代蔣氏人物畫題署之慣例。詳參《不盡丹心 蔣兆和誕辰110週年紀念特展作品集》,安徽美術出版社,2014年,75頁、79頁、81頁、82頁、86頁等等。 . [15] 蒋兆和繪:《蔣兆和作品全集》,天津人民美術出版社,1993年,151-154頁。 [15] Chiang Moo and Paint: A Full Collection of Monks and Works, Tianjin People's Art Press, 1993, pp. 151-154. [17] 徐悲鴻爲傅先生所繪油畫像,曾以“傅沅叔先生造像”爲題在《青鶴》雜志第5卷第3期(1936年12月16日出版)刊載,或許當時也曾以珂羅版少量印刷。 [17] The painting by Mr. Xu Pao Fook was published in Vol. 5, No. 3 of the Monument (published on December 16, 1936), under the title “Mr. Fu Xiaojun”, and may have been printed in small quantities in the Coro version. [18] 按:據李紅英《寒雲藏書題跋輯釋》(中華書局,2016年,573頁-577頁)考證,此宋刻十九卷,係袁克文、傅增湘、周叔弢、國圖(內閣大庫)舊藏合璧而成。傅藏者爲卷170-176共7卷,故先生小像在卷170前。另李著釋“兆龢”署名、鈐印爲“永龢”,不確。 [18]: According to Lee Hong Ying's "The Book Book of Cold Clouds" (Chinese Book Office, 2016, pp. 573-577), the 19th volume of the Song Queue Queue, which is based on the old collection of Yuan, Fu Yung-seong, Zhou's uncle, and the map (in the Central Cabinet). The treasurer is 170-176 in seven volumes, so Mr. Xi is in front of Vol. 170. The signature of the other [19] 此書亦爲合璧本,傅先生像在卷四八二前,該冊爲朱文鈞贈予先生者。 [19] The book is also a single book, as Mr. Fu gave it to Mr. Zhu before volume IV82. [20] 此書畫像在書前傅跋之後。
[21] 此書畫像在書前傅跋之後。 [21] The portrait is behind the front section of the book. [22] 湯蔓媛:《傅斯年圖書館善本古籍題跋輯録》,“中央”研究院歷史語言研究所,2008年,18頁。此條蒙樊長遠兄見告,謹致謝忱。
[23] 《傅斯年圖書館善本古籍題跋輯録》,168-173頁。 [23] The Ancient Journal of the Forth Year Museum, pp. 168-173. [24] 傅增湘:《藏園群書題記》,上海古籍出版社,1989年,612-614頁。
[25] 《題記》188頁署此,然原冊之傅跋并無日期一行,疑爲1941年後手錄舊跋、隱去原署日期并重裝入。 [25] Page 188 of Thems, the original registration area does not have a date line, suspected of recording the old area after 1941, concealing the date of departure and reloading it. [26] 傅增湘:《藏園群書題記》,上海古籍出版社,1989年,477頁。
[27] 傅先生借校、題跋時,書爲陶湘所藏,何時歸諸先生則不詳。
[28] 傅熹年先生在《藏園群書題記·整理説明》中已明言:“一九四四年,先祖父病風痺,書寫艱難,校勘和著述都被迫中輟。”
[29] 傅增湘:《藏園群書題記》,上海古籍出版社,1989年,《序言》1頁。 [29] Fucian: Bookbook on the Tibetan Gardens, Shanghai Ancient Press, 1989, p. 1. [30] 孫英愛:《傅增湘年譜》,碩士學位論文,河北大學中文系,2012年。
[31] 傅增湘:《藏園老人遺墨》,印刷工業出版社,1995年。 [32] “從”字原作“能”,爲先生點去。 [32] "from" to "yes", for Mr. . [33] 郭則澐(1882-1947),字養雲、蜇雲,號嘯麓、龍顧山人等,福建侯官人。光緒二十九年(1903年)進士,授庶吉士、武英殿協修。後赴日留學,歸國後官至浙江温處道、署理浙江提學使。民國初曾任銓選局局長、國務院秘書長等職。1922年後隱於京、津,以著述講學、詩酒唱酬爲樂。先後結蟄園吟社、冰社、須社、蟄園律社、瓶花簃詞社等,爲京津舊體詩壇核心人物。有《龍顧山房全集》等著作多種。
[34] 郭則澐著,馬忠文、張求會整理:《郭則澐自訂年譜》,鳳凰出版社,2018年,51-52頁。 [34] > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >, , , , , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, [35] 陳宗蕃(1877-1953),原名同善,字舜仲,後改蒓衷,號淑園。福建侯官人。清光緒三十年(1904年)進士,任刑部額外主事。後留學日本東京帝國大學,學習法政經濟。宣統二年(1910年)回國,供職於郵傳部。民國中歷任北京審計院主計、國務院統計局參事、北京大學等校講師、中華懋業銀行副總經理等職,1951年被聘爲中央文史研究館館員。著有《燕都叢考》《淑園文存》《淑園詩存》《古今貨幣通論》等。另參中央文史研究館編《中央文史研究館館員傳略》(中華書局,2001年,62-63頁)。
[36] 署名“壽鑈”,“鑈”字較草,不易辨。據所題“上行杯”詞後鈐“印丐題辭”印,知爲紹興人、近代篆刻家壽鑈。 [36] signed "silence" > > > > [37] 原詩署“庚寅長夏,蒓衷同年屬爲序。江寧夏仁虎撰書,時年六十又七”。夏氏生於1874年,六十七歲當爲1940年庚辰。且民國無“庚寅”,“庚寅長夏”爲“庚辰長夏”之誤。 [37] The original poetry agency, "Gong Changxia, is of the same order. Jiangning Xia In-ho wrote his book, 60 and 7 years old. He was born in 1874, 67 years old in 1940. [38] 陳氏夫妻恩愛之情狀及馬夫人之介紹,參肖亞男《“憶語”的殿軍——陳宗蕃與《傫然室憶語》(《古典文學知識》2013年第2期)一文。 [38] The love of Chen's husband and wife and the introduction of Mrs. Ma, Sanshoa's "Memory" Temple - Chen Jong-seong and "Tympic Memory" (No. 2 of 2013). [39] 從傅先生題詩起,箋紙由“春風圖 仿徐崇嗣本 芝蘭堂”花箋變爲十四行藍格素箋。 [39] Starting with Mr. Fu's poems, the paper was changed from "Spring Winds" to "Spring Winds like Xu Xu Xue Xieng Ben" to "Schlan Hall". [40] 宗懍著,姜彥稚輯校:《荆楚歲時記》,岳麓書社,1986年,42-44頁。 [41] 據中國傳統,七十壽者實齡六九,逆推之,則陳氏當生於1878年。然現有權威資料均言其生於1877年,此處姑存疑。 [41] Chinese tradition says 70-year-olds are 69 years old, and then Chen was born in 1878. [42] 署“秦浴”,後鈐“仲”“文”連珠印。今按當係近現代書畫家秦裕(字仲文),“秦浴”或爲“秦裕”之別寫。 [42] Department of Qin baths, followed by `other' bead seals. Today it's a recent contemporary book drawing Qin Qin Xinhu, or not `Qin Qin yu'.
[43] 傅先生1888年順天鄉試中舉,陳氏中舉之期俟訪。 [44] 此非商氏賀壽詩,詩題云:“癸未五月,癸、甲兩科集在京同年重瞻保和殿,作四十周年之會,公讌於古學院。書來索詩,長句作答。”其後林志烜、張厚穀二人詩作,亦非賀壽之詩。 [44] This non-commercial hymn, hymn: is not a hymn. 【作者简介】 刘鹏,1981年生,陕西富平人。2010年自中国社会科学院研究生院文学系获得古代文学博士学位,现就职于国家图书馆古籍馆,任研究馆员。出版有《清代藏书史论稿》(知识产权出版社2018年)、《毗陵集校注》(合著,辽海出版社2007年)等。目前主要致力于古籍版本学、清代藏书史研究。 相关链接: Links: 青年学者说文献学丨015国家图书馆刘鹏 Young scholars say literature 015 National Library Liu Peng 劉鵬丨國立西南聯合大學、國立北平圖書館合組中日戰事史料征輯會史事編年 The history of the history of Japan's war history, organized by the United States University of the Southwest and the North Ping Library of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 刘鹏丨刘季平与《中国古籍善本书目》的前期 (1975.10-1978.03)筹备工作——以国家图书馆档案中的刘季平文稿为中心 Preparations for Liu Qiping and for the Chinese Ancient Scientology Bibliography (1975.10-1978.03) - centred on the Liu Qiping script in the archives of the National Library 劉鵬:黄丕烈名號藏印釋義發微 : The Yellow Fame has a small print. “书目文献”约稿:凡已经公开发表有关文献学、古代文史相关文章,古籍新书介绍、文史期刊目录摘要等均可。来稿敬请编辑为word格式,可以以文件夹压缩方式配图(含个人介绍),发到邮箱njt724@163.com。感谢您的支持!返回搜狐,查看更多 >Book: any articles relating to literature, ancient history, etc. that have been publicly published. 责任编辑:
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