日前ETH价格突破4000美金冲击5000美金关口遇阻回落新高再一次把显卡挖矿送上了热门,最近几天真的越来越多人来询问显卡挖矿是什么、怎么挖矿、ETH2.0 还能不能挖矿等问题。
The recent ETH price of over $4,000 hit $5,000 at the tip of the threshold, once again putting the card mining to the fore, and in recent days more and more people have been asking about what the card mining is, how the mine is to be mined, whether the ETH 2.0 can still be mined.
So this time the editor-in-chief came up with a clear-card mining guide to wipe out all the knowledge.
挖矿通常指利用矿机生产加密货币的过程。具体来说就是通过电脑 CPU(内存)、GPU(显卡)或专业矿机参与网络记账,并根据记账形成工作量证明(POW),从而获得相应区块奖励的过程。常见的通过挖矿可以获得的加密货币有 BTC(比特币)、ETH(以太坊)、ETC(以太经典)等。
Mining usually refers to the process of using mining machines for the production of encrypted money. Specifically, it is the process of using computers, CPUs, GPUs, or specialized miners, to be involved in network accounting and to form a workload certificate (POW) based on the bookkeeping.
矿机是加密货币挖矿的前提条件,现存的矿机主要分为显卡矿机和 ASIC 矿机两类。
显卡矿机,顾名思义,是由计算机显卡组装而成。其主要硬件包含:显卡(一般是一台矿机 6 张或 8 张显卡)、主板、电源、硬盘(建议使用 60G 以上 SSD 硬盘)、CPU、内存、延长线、转接线、显示器、鼠标、键盘等。显卡矿机需要我们自己配置一台 PC 来运行挖矿程序,其中显卡性能决定了挖矿速度和算力,主板和电源很大程度上决定了矿机运行的稳定程度。 反观 ASIC 矿机(Application Specific Integrated Circuit)则采用集成电路(芯片)作为算力核心,将特定加密货币算法集成于芯片之内,从而大大提高了运算效率。通常这样的专业 ASIC 矿机只支持一种算法,只可以挖同算法的币种。
The main hardware consists of: a card (generally a miner 6 or 8 cards), a master plate, a power source, a hard disk (suggested to use SSD over 60G), a CPU, an insider, an extension line, a relay line, a displayer, a mouse, a keyboard, etc. The card miner needs us to set ourselves up a PC to run the mining process, which, by definition, determines the speed and arithmetic of the mine, which determines to a large extent the stability of the operation of the mine.
举个例子,比特大陆 S19 ASIC 矿机每块算力板上共有 77 枚芯片,三块算力板共 228 枚芯片,额定算力为 110T。而如今最好的 3090 系列显卡单张算力也就在 120M 左右,按照1T=1000G=1000,000M来换算,算力差距简直是天壤之别。 所以总结来看,专业 ASIC 矿机虽然只支持一种算法,只可以挖一种币,但是算力大,维护起来也更方便。而 GPU 显卡矿机,虽然可以挖多种币,残值也高,但是算力低,维护难度大也确实是弱项。
For example, the best 3090 series of card sheets today has a capacity of 120 M, with a power gap of 1 T=1000 G=100,000 M. So, to sum up, a professional ASIC miner, while supporting only one algorithm, can dig only one currency, but it is much more powerful and easier to maintain.
What's this about card mining? For more information about card mining, please pay attention to other relevant text from Script House!
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