Now what's the craziest thing on the Internet? So it's called block chains, and the digital currencies headed by bitcoin have made a lot of people so drunk that they can't describe this technology as the next technological revolution (in fact, everyone who preaches digital money wants to cut vegetables). The numbers are block chain technologies, which are so good that all the major technology companies are involved in developing and applying them. Can you imagine that Intel, with its big eye, has developed a variety of block chain technologies, and is using them on seafood -- through a sector chain platform that they have created, fishermen can correctly trace information about seafood, including location, temperature and other characteristics?
Behind this is the fact that seafood products in the United States are not all correctly identified, and that about 20% of labels are false, easily false or rare, and that endangered animals are being eaten. Conservation believes that these false labels will have a significant impact on the economy, global health, and protection.
来自区块链杂志的消息称,Intel公司2017年创建了一个名为Hyperledger Sawtooth的区块链项目,这个项目可以记录被捕捉的海鱼的位置、温度及其他特征,从海洋到餐馆的过程中将使用IoT物联网技术进行跟踪。
According to reports from block chain magazines, Intel created a block chain project called Hyperleder Sawtooth in 2017, which records the location, temperature and other characteristics of caught sea fish and will be tracked using IOT object networking technology from sea to restaurant.
The WWF World Wide Fund for Nature also went online in January this year on a block chain project, with some similarities to Intel, recording information on seafood products through block chain technology to protect endangered animals and ensure that consumers buy marine products that can be legally exploited.
The block chain project also introduced Fishcoin, a public utility token that sends messages to restaurants and grocery stores when fishermen catch marine products, creating a smart contract whereby fishermen receive a certain amount of fish coins in their encrypted wallets, a process that is recorded by transparent and unchangeable information, which is a reward for fishermen.
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