1. ETH can do point-to-point transactions without third parties. The Taiwan network operates some of the largest and most popular decentralisation (DeFi) agreements, d
It is in the process of transforming its consensus mechanism into POS, a process commonly referred to as “consolidation”, which will enhance the efficiency and expansion of the Etheria block 99.95% of the chain. Once completed, users can choose to pledge ETH and thus receive an incentive.
4.只需简单操作,用户就可以在欧易交易所上购买ETH,选择 注册账户 在欧易交易所中注册账户并完成验证后,即可使用VISA、MasterCard或app
With a simple operation, the user can purchase ETH on the ELEX Exchange and select the registered account after the registration and validation of the account in ELEXE, either VISA, MasterCard or app/a>lepay credit card for the purchase of ETH.
2.BTCC 是一家注册成立于塞舌尔的区块
, registered in Seychelles,
3.Xstar 2020年7月22日,品牌全面升级,中文名正式启用。 On 22 July 2020, the brand was fully upgraded and the Chinese name was officially launched. 主体为Technology Inc.,服务全球,在加拿大,、、香港等多个国家和地区均设有独立的交易业务和运营中心。 The main body is Technology Inc., which serves the world and has separate trading operations and operations centres in a number of countries and territories, including Canada, Hong Kong and others. 4.人人 4. Everyone 通过数字资产与传统金融的结合,引领数字资产的生态
By combining digital assets with traditional finance, lead digital assets
5.9158交易所 Exchange 5.9158 也是一家老牌交易平台了,不过由于运营推广做的一般,现在已经被同时期的等远远甩在后面,现在已近沦为3线平台。不过平台主流币种的交易深度还算不错,上线至今也没有爆出大的安全漏洞,单纯从交易的便捷性和安全性上看也还算不错,资金量不大的情况下也是可以参与一下的。 It is also an old trading platform, but it has now become a three-line platform, far behind, owing to the general nature of the operation’s outreach. But the platform’s mainstream currency is still well advanced in terms of the depth of its transactions, it has so far not opened up a large security gap, it is good in terms of the speed and security of the transactions alone, and it is possible to participate in the event of a modest amount of money. 6.Swerve 虽然是国际版,但是它还解决了现在交易所存在的一些痛点问题,所以还是有很大区别的。 Although it is an international edition, it also addresses some of the painful aspects of the current exchange, so there is a great difference. 1、涉及法币交易(面临政策风险) 1. Transactions involving French currency (subject to policy risk) 目前大多数交易所都涉及到法币交易对,也就是说你可以用人民币购买比特币,要是国家开始监管,将会承担更多的政策风险。 At present, most exchanges involve transactions in French currency, which means that you can buy bitcoins in renminbi, and if the State starts to regulate it, it will take additional policy risks. 将以 BTC、ETH 作为基础交易货币(后续可能会添加 EOS、DGX),仅支持区块链资产交易对,不会涉及到任何法币交易。 BTC, ETH will be used as the currency of the underlying transaction (subsequently adding EOS, DGX), supporting only block chain asset transactions and not involving any French currency transactions. 初期预计提供以下交易品种,如果你想买的话,就只能用 BTC 等基础货币购买,无法用人民币购买了。 Initially, the following types of transactions were expected to be available, and if you wanted to buy them, they could only be purchased in basic currencies such as BTC and could not be purchased in renminbi. 2、无法证明公平 2. Failure to demonstrate fairness 绝大多数交易所没有做到账务公开以及 100% 保证金,更别说如何证明公平,这将使交易所作恶成本很低,即使是挪用资金、暗箱操作,也无从追查。 The fact that the vast majority of exchanges fail to make accounts public and 100 per cent of deposits, not to mention how fair they are, makes the transaction costly and untraceable, even if it involves misappropriation of funds and undercover operations. 对此,将坚持「不作恶」的运营理念,实行 100% 准备金,通过多种方式保证用户资金安全,将在资产安全以及如何证明公平方面,成为行业标杆。 In this regard, the concept of "no evils" will be upheld, 100 per cent reserves will be put in place, user funds will be secured in a variety of ways, and the safety of assets and how equity can be demonstrated will become industry poles. 3、资产安全隐患 3. Asset security risks 经常听到有交易所的数字资产被盗,这让我们十分不放心。不过从 2014 年运行至今,口碑比较好,从未出现过被盗事件,一直是交易所的一股清流,到现在都没有什么丑闻,这一点还是让人挺放心的。 也将承袭的运营理念,力争成为全球最具安全性的交易所。 But it is reassuring to hear often that the exchange’s digital assets have been stolen. From the beginning of 2014 to the present, the slogans have been better, there has never been a theft, and there are no scandals in the exchange, and it is reassuring that the concept of operations will also be inherited, seeking to become the most secure exchange in the world. 另外,承诺公开平台所有区块链资产的冷、热钱包
In addition, there is a commitment to make public the cold and hot
4、上架币种不受监督 4. Unsupervised currency 因为不受监督,交易所很容易就因利益瓜葛,只选择对他们利益最大化的币种,而真正有应用和投资价值的币种就石沉大海了。 Because of the lack of oversight, the exchange can easily choose, by virtue of its interests, only the currency that maximizes its benefits, whereas the currency that has a real application and investment value is sunk by the sea. 对选择币种一直很讲究,至今为止才选出了十几个币种,并且这些币的增值都非常可观,博得了很多人的称赞。 The choice of currencies has been well-known, and so far more than a dozen have been selected, and the value added of these currencies has been impressive and has been widely praised. 即将上线的不仅承袭了之前的筛选原则,还将以 ULA 方式上架区块链资产,即采用用户投票的方式参与新品种上线决策。 Not only will it follow the previous selection principles, but it will also take up the block chain assets by ULA, i.e., by using a user vote to participate in online decision-making on new varieties. 5、不支持多语种 5. Lack of support for multilingualism 区块链资产的交易是全球性的,而语言成了投资者最大的障碍,不仅投资者盯着屏幕上的火星文不知所措,交易所也因投资者的流失极大的限制了发展规模,对双方都不利,所以将提供多语言支持完善该问题。 The trading of block-chain assets is global, while language is the biggest obstacle for investors, not only because investors look at the Martian language on the screen, but also because exchanges, owing to the loss of investors, limit the scale of development to the detriment of both parties, and will provide multilingual support to improve the issue. 7.Yearn V2 是的比特币国际站,总部位于首尔,成立于2014年2月。仍然是最大的比特币交易市场,大约有76%的国内市场份额。除了运营一个加密货币平台,还运营着基于区块链的汇款服务。 Yes, Bitcoin International Station, based in Seoul, was established in February 2014. It remains the largest Bitcoin trading market, with about 76% of the domestic market share. 8.HCEX 成立于2014年2月份,是美国目前主流数字货币交易所之一,同时也是美国头部交易所,合规持牌经营的大型数字货币交易所。 Founded in February 2014, it is one of the current mainstream digital currency exchanges in the United States, as well as the leading United States exchange, which complies with the large digital currency exchange, which is licensed. 其团队都是来自微软,亚马逊等世界上知名的互联网公司,在高频交易以及金融服务行业有充足的经验。 Its teams are from Microsoft, a world-renowned Internet company such as Amazon, with sufficient experience in high-frequency transactions and in the financial services industry. 该交易所在国际上的知名度较高,并且成立至今也没有爆发过盗币事件,用户遍布全球多个国家和地区,也是一家有相当影响力的交易所。平台拥有百万级的高性能撮合交易系统,并且交易币种较多,其交易深度也非常不错,多年来口碑非常好,所以是一家靠谱的交易所。互联网科技公司,服务做的较好,并且成立这么多年,其安全性一直做的不错。目前也是美国头部数字货币交易所,在全球都有一定的知名度和影响力。 The platform has a multi-million-grade high-performance matchmaking system, and has a very good trade depth, and for many years it has a very good reputation, so it is a solid exchange. Internet technology companies, with their good service and security for so many years, have been doing well. 总体来说该交易所老牌,知名度高,交易深度不错,而且社群非常活跃,粉丝数也非常多,是一家较为靠谱的交易所。 In general, the exchange is well-established, well-known, well-traded and very active in the community, with a large number of fans, and is a more solid exchange. 9.云币网 是第三大比特币交易平台,它的日交易量相当于第二大交易所,与Korbit相媲美,仅支持主流币种,手续费:0%-0.1% It is the third largest bitcoin trading platform, with a daily transaction volume equal to the second largest exchange, comparable to Korbit, supported only in mainstream currency, with a fee of 0 per cent to 0.1 per cent. 10.欧易 由BTC King technology Utmited公司运营,是全球首家阳光交易平台,平台注册用户已超过200万,目前有近百种优质币种交易,币币交易,活期宝及定期宝理财产品,C2C交易,抵押借贷等业务已开启;期权,委托交易,钱包
Operation by BTC King technology Utmied, the world's first Sunshine trading platform, which has more than 2 million registered users, currently has nearly 100 high-quality currency transactions, currency transactions, current and fixed-term treasures, C2C transactions, mortgage lending, etc.; options, commissioning transactions, , leverage, etc., will also continue to provide users with more secure, accessible and stable digital asset financial services https://www.bangqike.com/caijing/121131.html target=_blank
目前已获得黄天威个人、创世资本、节点资本、种子资本、了得资本、FBG、 BICA、Alphacoin Fund、浅滩资本、Blockark、托马斯资本、井通SWTC公链孵化基金泉水资本等战略投资。
Strategic investments have been made in Huang Tianwei personal, creative capital, node capital, seed capital, acquired capital, FBG, BICA, Alphacoin Fund, shallow bank capital, Blockark, Thomas capital, and the spring capital of the Incubation Fund.
The exchange still has a lot of controversial information on the network, and investment requires caution.
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