Base 掀起 Onchain Summer 熱潮,其中有哪些機會和風險?

资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:121 评论:0
Beosin 也將持續關注 Base 鏈上的安全風險,為整個 Base 生態保駕護航。Beosin will also keep an eye on the safety risk...



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Beosin 也將持續關注 Base 鏈上的安全風險,為整個 Base 生態保駕護航。

Beosin will also keep an eye on the safety risks associated with the Base chain in order to ensure the safety of the entire Base ecosystem.

近期的 Web3 市場上,Base 可謂佔據著頭條。

In the recent Web3 market, Base could be called the headline.

8 月 9 日,Coinbase 正式推出 Base Network 的主網。 作為一條新的 Layer2 網路,Base 繼承了乙太坊的安全性的同時為使用者提供更快更便宜的交易服務。 為了支援此次主網發佈,Coinbase 舉辦了為期數周的 Onchain Summer Web3 Festival 活動,Coca cola,Nouns DAO 等專案均在 Base 上發行 NFT。 此外,DeFi 應用和社交類應用  也非常火熱,吸引了超過 1.9 億美元的資金跨入 Base。

On August 9, Coinbase officially launched the main network of Base Networks. As a new Layer2 network, Base inherited the safety of Ether House by providing faster and cheaper trading services to users. In support of the launch of this network, Coinbase organized a weeks-long Onchain Summer Web3 Festival campaign, Coca cola, Nouns DaO and others launched NFT on Base. DeFi and social applications & nbsp;

As you can see, the discussion about Base has been high, but in this hot wave, we also find that the security incidents on the Base chain are increasing, and that the Rug Pull layers of  picture

Base  是基於 OP Stack Bedrock 版本構建的 Layer2 網路。 由於 Bedrock 是模組化的網路架構,分為六層,Base 的架構也是如此,只是與 Optimism 略有區別:

& nbsp; it's Layer2 network based on OP Stack Bedrock version.

擴展閱讀:行業研究 | 一文詳細解讀 Coinbase Layer2 網路 Base 與 OP Stack

Extended reading:

1. 資料可用層(Data Availability Layer)

1. Data Available Layer (Data Availability Layer)

Base 的數據可用層與 Optimism 一樣,都是使用的乙太坊網路模組。 目前,Base 可以調用乙太坊的 calldata 和事件,未來將支援調用 EIP-4844 的數據 blob。

Base’s data is available on the same level as Optimism, which is used as an Etherm network module. At present, Base can use the Ether’s calldata and events, and will support the call of EIP-4844 data global.

2. 索引層(Sequencing Layer)

2. Index layer (Sequencing Layer)

Base 的索引層是單排序器(sequencer),即目前 Base 網路上只有 Coinbase 是唯一的排序器。 這意味著 Coinbase 是唯一在網路上驗證,執行和排序交易的實體。 這也是 Coinbase 在 Base 網路上的主要收入來源。 Base 主網上線后的這段時間,Coinbase 已從排序器中獲得約 260 萬美元的收入。

Base’s index layer is single sorter, which means that only Coinbase is currently the only sorter on the Base network. This means that Coinbase is the only entity that verifies, executes, and sorts transactions online. This is also the main source of Coinbase’s income on the Base network.

3. 推導層(Derivation Layer)

3. Driver

Base 和 Optimism 的推導層基本一致。 推導層定義了如何處理數據可用層的原始數據,可以根據執行層中當前系統的狀態來解析原始的輸入數據。

Base and Optimism have basically the same layer. The layer defines how to process the raw data of the available data layer, which can be deconstructed according to the current state of the system in the running layer.

4. 執行層(Execution Layer)

4. Executive Layer

Base 和 Optimism 的執行層基本一致,由 op-geth 負責執行交易。 op-geth 是經過 Optimism 團隊修改過的 EVM 執行模組,主要增加了對在乙太坊網路發起的 L2 交易的支援和在乙太坊上發佈交易所需 gas 的計算。

Base and Optimism’s executive level are basically identical, with op-geth running the transaction. op-geth is an EVM implementation module that has been modified by the Optimism team and increases mainly the amount of support for the L2 transaction launched on the Etheria network and the gats required to launch the transaction on Ether.

5. 結算層(Settlement Layer)

5. Setlement Layer

Base 和 Optimism 的結算層目前都採用的單次 Attestation-based 欺詐證明,在未來會換成 Optimism 開發的 Cannon 交互欺詐證明,進行多輪鏈下交互解決爭議。

Both Base and Optimism have now adopted a single version of the Atlas-based fraud certificate, which will be replaced in the future by the Openmism-developed Cannon interactive fraud certificate, which will be used for multi-wheeled interactive resolution of disputes.

6. 治理層(Governance Layer)

6. Governance Layer

Base 的治理層採用的是多簽合約,而 Optimism 採用的是多簽合約與治理代幣 $OP。 目前 Base 網路的升級由一個 2/2 的 Gnosis Safe 多簽合約(0x2304CB33d95999dC29f4CeF1e35065e670a70050)決定。 該多簽合約的 2 個擁有者又分別是兩個多簽合約:一個 5/7 的多簽合約(0x28EDB11394eb271212ED66c08f2b7893C04C5D65)和一個 3/6 的多簽合約(base:0xd94E416cf2c7167608B2515B7e4102B41efff94f),以保證 Base 網路的安全性。 未來 Base 作為 OP 超級鏈之一,將根據 Optimism 提出的 “Law of Chains” 治理框架,把多簽治理許可權轉移到分佈在全球各地的社區成員所組成的安全理事會,由理事會負責 OP 超級鏈的升級。

The two owners of the additional contract are divided into two more contracts: a 5/7 contract (0x28 EDB 11394eb271212ED66c08f2b7893C04C5D65) and a 3/6 contract (base: 0xd94E4C416cf2c2c76B2515B4e4ff94fffffffffff) to secure the safety of the network.

Base 的架構總結如下:

The structure of Base is summarized as follows:

Source: Beosin

目前,Base 生態專案的數量已超過 100 個,包括但不限於 DeFi、跨鏈橋、錢包、預言機、節點供應商等,其中 Base 原生 DeFi 項目佔據了很大比重的鎖倉量和成交額。

At present, the number of Base bioprojects exceeds 100, including but not limited to DeFi, Translink Bridge, Wallet, Prophecies, Node Providers, etc., where Base original DeFi items account for a large proportion of locks and shares.



1.  BaseSwap

BaseSwap 目前是 Base 上鎖倉額最高的 DEX,目前 TVL 超過 5000 萬美元,為使用者提供兌換、流動性挖礦和 NFT 交易。  但 BaseSwap 尚未被 Base 官方生態網頁收錄,使用者需注意參與風險。

BaseSwap is currently the highest lockup DEX in Base, and currently TVL is over $50 million, providing users with swaps, mobile mining and NFT transactions. & nbsp; but BaseSwap has not yet been recorded on Base's official web page and users need to be aware of the risks involved.

2.  Alien Base

Alien Base 目前是 Base 上鎖倉額第二高的 DEX,目前 TVL 超過 2100 萬美元。 Alien Base 的流動性挖礦計劃允許使用者提供流動性和質押 LP 代幣來賺取 ALB 代幣和平臺收入。 Alien Base 同樣尚未被 Base 官方生態網頁收錄,使用者需注意參與風險。

Alien Base is currently the second-highest locked DEX in Base, and currently TVL is over $21 million. Alien Base’s mobile mining program allows users to provide fluidity and LP tokens to earn ARB money and peace table revenues. & nbsp; Alien Base is also not included in Base’s official web page, and users need to be aware of the risks involved.


1.  是 Base 網路的明星專案,僅正式啟動 2 星期就已有超 10 萬使用者使用。 的定位是將使用者的影響力代幣化,用戶可以購買其他使用者的 “Shares” 以獲得和其他使用者直接交流的許可權。 目前 Shares 的交易量已超過 3400 萬美元, 以及圍繞 構建的周邊產品值得關注。

is a star project of the Base network that has been officially activated for just two weeks and has been used by over 100,000 users.

同時需要注意的是 的隱私安全問題,8 月 21 日下午, 因自身 API 設計問題,導致 101,183 位使用者的錢包位址和推特帳戶關聯信息洩露,Beosin 之前已詳細分析該資訊洩露的危害和避免措施。

At the same time, attention needs to be paid to the issue of the privacy of, whose exposure of 101,183 users to their wallet addresses and Twitter links was caused by their own API design in the afternoon of August 21, and Beosin has analysed the risks and avoidance measures of the leak in detail.

2.  Cyber Connect

Web3 社交應用 CyberConnect 宣佈 CyberAccount 已在 Base 上線,將 ERC-4337 支援的帳戶抽象引入 Base 網路。

Web3 social application CyberConnect announces that CyberAct is online in Base, introducing ERC-4337-supported accounts into Base network in abstract.

在 Base 主網剛上線時,Meme 代幣 $BALD 一夜千倍,吸引了市場大部分交易者的注意力,但在之後又上演了幾秒崩盤戲碼。  當前 Base 鏈的熱度非常高,但很多項目並未披露審計報告和團隊資訊,因此產生了非常多的 Rug Pull 專案。

When Base's main network was just online, Meme dean $BALD attracted the attention of most traders in the market a thousand times a night, but then came up with a few seconds of crash code. & nbsp; used Base chains were very hot, but many items did not disclose audit reports and team information, resulting in a very large number of Rug Pull projects.

7 月 31 日,區塊鏈安全審計公司 Beosin 旗下 Beosin EagleEye 安全風險監控、預警與阻斷平臺監測顯示,Base 鏈上 BALD 代幣合約 Rug Pull。

July 31st, Beosin EagleEye security surveillance, pre-alert and interlocking station surveillance under the Beosin banner security firm showed that Base links were signed on Rug Pull.

8 月 1 日,Base 鏈上 leetswap 專案發生閃電貸攻擊,攻擊主要利用了 pair 合約中的_transferFeesSupportingTaxTokens 函數,它允許任意人使用函數讓 pair 合約中的 axlUSD 轉移,導致代幣價格上升,攻擊者可以賣出代幣進行獲利。

On August 1, the Base project broke out a lightning loan attack on

8 月 15 日,Base 鏈上 RocketSwap 私鑰洩露。 16 號,Base 鏈上 SwirlLend 項目同樣 Rug Pull。

On August 15, the RocketSwap private key leaked from Base. No. 16, The SwirLend item from Base also appears from Rug Pull.

8 月 25 日,Base 鏈上 Magnate Finance 發生 Rug Pull,涉及金額約 640 萬美元。 Beosin KYT 追蹤發現,這個部署者過去曾有兩個項目發生過「跑路」,可謂一個慣犯。 分別是 Solfire 專案 2022 年 1 月 23 日拉動 480 萬美元的 Rug Pull 騙局,以及 Kokomo Finance 專案在 2023 年 3 月 27 日拉動的 550 萬美元 Rug Pull 騙局。

On the 25th of August, the Magnate Pull incident on the Base chain took place in Rug Pull, amounting to approximately $6.4 million. & nbsp;

Base 链上 Magnate Finance 发生 Rug Pull 资金追踪

因此 Beosin 建議用戶在參與 Base 專案之前需詳細調研專案,了解專案的有關風險。 專案方在上線之前應進行完整的安全審計,以避免駭客攻擊導致資金被盜。 Beosin 目前已完成 Base 鏈上去中心化永續合約交易平臺 的審計,同時我們也建議更多的 Base 項目應該注重安全風險的規避。

Beosin therefore suggests that users need to study the project in detail before participating in the Base project, and the risks associated with the project's resolution. The project should have a complete security audit before going online in order to avoid money being stolen as a result of hacker attacks.

Base 的未來更有更多的可能性,同時也伴隨著複雜的安全挑戰。 在 Coinbase 的支援下,使目前 Base 處於有利的位置,有望對 Layer 2 生態系統產生長遠的影響。 然而,安全性、競爭壓力、社區發展和監管等方面的挑戰也在不斷加劇。

With Coinbase’s support, Base is now well positioned to have a long-term impact on the Layer 2 ecosystem. However, the challenges of security, competitive pressure, community development, and surveillance are also growing.

Base 面臨著如何應對這些挑戰並抓住機遇的重要抉擇,作為新進入者進入這個充滿活力和競爭的領域,Base 在未來都將受到加密社區和行業相關人士的密切關注,Beosin 也將持續關注 Base 鏈上的安全風險,為整個 Base 生態保駕護航。

Base faces an important choice about how to respond to these challenges and seize opportunities, and as a newcomer to enter this dynamic and competitive field, Base will be closely watched in the future by both encrypted communities and industry-related individuals, and Beosin will continue to be concerned about the safety risks associated with the Base chain and will be defending the entire Base ecosystem.

免責聲明:作為區塊鏈資訊平臺,本站所發佈文章僅代表作者及嘉賓個人觀點,與 Web3Caff 立場無關。 本文內容僅用於資訊分享,均不構成任何投資建議及要約,並請您遵守所在國家或地區的相關法律法規。

exempts from liability: , as a regional chain information platform, has nothing to do with Web3Caff, where articles are published on behalf of the authors and guests' personal points of view. The content of this paper is used only for information sharing and does not constitute any investment advice or offer, and you are asked to abide by the relevant laws and regulations of your country or region.




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