1. All countries are treated with friendship, with the exception of the Thulari, who pay 100 talants
2、银币为纯银铸造,直径三寸半,不分正反面,一面是小布什的肖像,一面是戈尔的肖像,每枚订购价79美元。 2. silver coins
3、今天418,一股财运旋涡袭来!将刮起12级幸运风暴,随之金条倾盆而下,伴短时银币冰雹,财富暴涨千丈,请做好爆发心理准备! Three, today, 418, a confluence vortex is coming! We're going to have a class 12 lucky storm, and we're going down with gold bars, and we're going to be ready for an eruption. 4、位面基地银币规格样式由郑义设定,花齿圆边,正面S花体字,背面盛开牡丹花,边缘中央分别印有数字版、简体版、繁体版、篆体版“一圆”。 4. Side base silver
5、今天418,一股财运涡旋气流已绕道你处,对流强烈!将刮起12级幸运风暴,随之金条倾盆而下,伴短时银币冰雹,财富暴涨千丈,请做好爆发心理准备! Today, 418, a financial vortex has bypassed you, and the flow is strong! There will be a 12-degree lucky storm, followed by a gold stump, with a short period of time the silver hails/span'span'. 6、一切顺利,不过天下没有免费的午餐,许枫付出了五枚银币,而且路上食宿自理。 6. Everything went well, but there was no free lunch, and the maple paid five
7、军团生产,可以产出阅历、银币、功勋、军资、和贡献。 7- Legion production, which can produce a calendar,
8、采用扫描电镜、能量色散谱和俄歇电子能谱检测方法,对银币表面缺陷进行了分析。 The surface defects of the silver currency
9、八个金币,七个银币,还有四五个铜币,金晃晃银灿灿的出现在张猛的手心。 Nine, eight gold coins, seven
10、铸币厂在宾夕法尼亚的费城开始铸造铜币、银币和金币。 10, the foundry started to make coins in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
11、即使那些行为并不坦白正直的人也会承认坦白正直地待人是人性的光荣,而真假相混则有如金银币中杂以合金一样,也许可以使那金银用起来方便一点,但是把它们的品质却弄贱了。弗兰西斯·培根 Even those who act unconscionablely admit that it is an honour to be honest with human beings, while the false mix is like gold /span >, which may make it easier to use, but it devalues their quality. Francis Bacon. 12、大大都的珠宝加工物品需要珠宝加工工具来制造,这珠宝加工冲级是个你可以在险些所有的贸易物品商那里以8个银币买到的贸易物品。 12 or more large jewellery processing items require jewellery processing tools that you can buy in eight
13、孙中山先生像嘉禾银币,为民国十八年天津造币厂试铸样币。 13- Mr. Sun Nakayama, like KARO silver
14、一次偷了十万银币的那个小伙子,从此可以诚实地度过一生了。 14, the young man who stole 100,000 silvers at once and can live an honest life. 15、潇洒哥被大哥安排蹲守在村口抡人,东西爆光等级爆废,事后居然还从那倒莓蛋身上诈取50铜币,如此一来这倒莓蛋也就奉献了一个多银币了。 At the end of the day, he took 50 coins from that berries egg, so the berries egg gave more than one silver coin than / span. 16、好,若是完整之皮,当值得1个金币,只可惜要切掉一部分,那价就不好卖了,这样吧,除去加工费用,我再给小哥出60银币如何? Well, if it's a whole piece of skin, if it's worth a gold coin, and if it's a part of it, then it's a bad price. How about I give my brother 60
17、德国双立人菜刀,锋利20耐久15,售价10银币。 17, German double cleaver, 20 dynasty, 15 dynasty, 10 silver
18、他把衣服一赎回来便立即往看露丝,路上忍不住在口袋里拨拉着几块银币叮当作响。 18: As soon as he redeems his clothes, he looks at Ruth, and on the way he pulls a few bits of silver in his pocket
19、中秋月儿圆,人间庆团圆。月宫住神仙,虔诚拜月娘。香案摆当院,果蔬齐登场。香烛生光焰,元宝银币全。妇女孩童拜,祈福保平安。 19- Mid-Autumn moon full, and we celebrate together. The Moon Palace lives in the gods and worships the Moon. In the courtyard, the fruit and vegetables are present. The candles are glowing, and the silver coin
20、在十七世纪时英国政府对金属硬币征收高额关税,使得几尼金币估价相对银估价过高,从而使得银币从市场上消失。 In the seventeenth century, the British Government imposed high tariffs on metal coins, leading to overvalued monetary coins relative to silver, and thus to the disappearance of silver coins from the market. 21、一金币可是10银币,算起来1000铜币啊,刚刚得到的10金币就丫的被他这么刷出去了,可不恨的爱钱如命的夏翎牙痒痒么。 21, a gold coin is 10 /span', counting 1,000 coins. 22、杨云上次刷雪狼平原整整刷了52银币39铜币出来,所以买下这套装备还是没有问题的,不过杨云可不想花这种冤钱。 The last time Yeung Yun brushed the snow wolf plain, he was able to take out the silver currency of 52 39 coins, so there was no problem buying the equipment, but the Yang Yun didn't want to spend that kind of money. 23、中国对黄金的狂热追捧,促使该国央行今年对熊猫金银币的发行量大幅扩容. 23, China's enthusiasm for gold has prompted the central bank to significantly expand its circulation of panda gold silver > /span > this year. 24、雨水打在窗户上,发出“嘀嗒,嘀嗒”的声响。这天空好似一个大筛子,正永不疲倦地把银币似的雨点洒向大地。远处,被笼罩在雨山之中的大楼,如海市蜃楼般忽隐忽现,让人捉摸不透,还不时亮起一丝红灯,给人片丝暖意。 24, rain hits the window with the sound of a ticking, ticking sound. The sky is like a big sift that never tires of pouring rain like
25、渥金莫属,所有国度流通的银币金币,魔币一面刻有渥金左脸,另一面刻着本国旗帜。 25, Volkin, silver coins
26、“你最好再拿上一个银币,”他一边说着,一边赶紧吹燃纸捻去点烟袋。 26, "You'd better get another
27、宅向师表示,窗户所在的方位为西北位,是张女士的贵人位,此方位不宜摆放杂物,应收拾整洁,然后摆放一个瓷器,并在瓷器内放一些银币。查字典 造句https : //www.cha z idia n.com 27, the mansion said that the window was located in a northwest location, where Ms. Zhang's VIP position was not suitable for scavenging, cleaning up and then setting up a china and putting in the china some silver . 28、犹他州现在允许使用金银币作为法定货币,且不征收任何赋税。 Utah now allows the use of gold silver
29、1997年3月,在上海首届近代银币拍卖会上,一枚1929年发行的“孙中山开国纪念币”,拍至155万元高价成交。 In March 1997, at the first recent Shanghai auction silver , a “Sun China Shan Monument” issued in 1929 was awarded at a high price of $1.55 million. 30、中最基本货币为铜币,10枚铜币兑换一枚达安币,100枚达安币兑换一枚银币,60枚银币兑换1枚金币。 30, the most basic currency is copper currency, 10 coins for one d'Ann currency, 100 d'Ann for one silver currency , 60 silver notes silver currency /span' for one gold currency. 31、这短发汉子典型就是个穷鬼,身上除了几个银币,便一无长物,相对来说,这个叫三哥的,收藏倒是不少。 31. This short-haired man is typically a poor man, with few but silver coins
32、路七41耶稣说,一个债主有两个债户,一个欠五百银币,另一个欠五十银币. 32, seven hundred and forty-one says Jesus says that one debtor owes two debtors, one owes five hundred dollars, and one owes'cred', and the other owes fifty. 33、他对古玩没半点研究,直接让营业员领到钱币柜台,大大小小的刀币、铜钱、金银币和各色纪念币,整齐地码放在柜台中,在白色的灯光照射下,倒是很有美感。 He's not doing much research on the ancients, he's going to let the operators get to the money counter, and it's beautiful to have the money and the money, big and small, and the money, and the money, and the money, and the silver, and the silver, and the silver, and the silver, and the white light, on the counter. 34、一个金币,相当十个银币,一百个铜子儿,一个贫民家庭,一个月只需要五个银币,就能勉强维持下来,算是不少的赏赐了。 34, a gold coin of ten
35、事实上,清末民初机制银币历来在集币圈里有很深的收藏底蕴。 In fact, the Qing Dynasty Mechanism has traditionally had a deep collection base in the currency collection. 36、图瓦卢在抨击该协定时,把其中提供的资金比作加略犹大背叛耶稣收到的“30个银币”。 In criticizing the agreement, Tuvalu compared the funds provided in it to the “30 silver
37、现用天平秤银币,找出不合格的银币,且在最坏情况下秤银币的次数最少。 silver > >
38、外来的商人除了鸭片、毛皮与檀香木这些货物,几桶西班牙银币,一股想跟中国人做生意的渴望之外,没有带上其他东西。 A few barrels of Spanish
39、除用金币和银币外,任何一州不得允许他物为偿债之钱币. 39, with the exception of gold and
40、12枚银币、堆叠在一起的镶银硬币、两个金烟盒和一个铜滑轮。 40, 12 silver , stacked silver coins, two gold smoke boxes and a copper roller. 41、所谓币制改革,简单来说,即是以金圆券替代市场上流通的法币和东北流通券,人民所有黄金、白银、银币和外币,也必须限期兑换成金圆券。 41. The so-called currency reform, in short, the replacement of the French and north-east vouchers in the market with gold vouchers, must also be converted into gold vouchers for a limited period of time for all gold, silver,
42、现今王国初建,百废待举,处处需要用钱,因此龙毅离开王国,身上不过仅仅带了十几枚银币而已。 At the beginning of the kingdom, where money was needed everywhere, Yong-yung left the kingdom with only a dozen silver coins. 43、说完,约翰分出二十一个银币,有将半块残币放在上面推过来。 43, done, John split twenty-one pieces of
44、蓼蓝草是长在蓝草涧的一种药草,采一筐可以卖一个银币。 The blue herbs are a herb that grows in blue herbs and sells a basket of silver
45、在接到记者传真过去的“半两”银币图文介绍后,现居住于云南的全国著名古民族研究专家侯岭庆先生,对银币铸文为“哥巴文”的说法表示赞同。 Having received a fax from a journalist from the past “half” silver silver /span's casting 46、标准纯银币或银币的英国货币制度,标准纯度为银币0.500,金币0.91666. 46, Standard Pure British Monetary System . Standard purity is
47、能量色散谱和俄歇电子能谱检测方法,对银币表面缺陷进行了分析。 An analysis of the surface defects of the silver currency
48、另外还有徐世昌、冯国璋,以及各路枭雄如张作霖、李景林、褚玉璞、陆荣廷、谭浩明等,也都先后将自己的肖像铸上银币。 In addition, Xu Shichang, Feng Kuo-chung, as well as Luang Yu, Li Qing Lin, Yu Yu, Luang Yong-tin and Tan Ho Ming, have made their portraits /span'. 49、金银币曾经是美国的流通货币。 49, Kim silver
50、三贤人可能得到金、银币作为报酬,也可能得到珍贵的香料和其它珍宝作为赏赐。 50, the San sages may be rewarded with gold,
51、一个漂亮的珐琅彩瓷盒盖子上绘饰着西班牙国王查理三世的肖像,母模可能来自于一枚银币。 51, a beautiful porcelain box cap with a portrait of King Charlie III of Spain, whose model may come from a silver coin
52、虽然三眼毒蟾突然改变了其攻击,但“银币”。 52, although the triple eye tyrannium suddenly changed its attack, “”. 53、买“袁大头”不如买熊猫银币。 53, buy the "Yuan head" instead of the panda /span'. 54、来到药店,张天看了一眼蓝药水的价格,不由得微微咂舌,一瓶中红、蓝药水竟然高达50银币,一瓶小红、蓝也需要10枚银币,也就是一金币才能够买上10瓶红药。 When I came to the pharmacy, I looked at the price of blue water, and I couldn't help but look at it, and a bottle of medium-red and blue water was as high as 50
55、我用魔法将缕缕寒风变成白花花的银币,将朵朵梅花变成红艳艳的宝石,再将银币和宝石变成温暖的立冬祝福送给你,愿你的财运像冬天的炉火,越烧越旺。 I give you the blessing of turning the cold wind into a white flower silver , and then turning the silver coins /span' and the gems into warm winters. May your fortune be as the fire of winter, and your wealth be burned. 56、开国纪念银币两侧偏上还有“五角星”和“六角星”的区别。 There is also a difference between the pentagon and the hexagon on the two sides of the silver coin 57、大陆上的钱币分为铜币、银币、金币和魔币。 57, the currency on the mainland is divided into coins, , gold coins and magic coins. 58、就在他干掉的第二个精英山贼消失的地方,地上有一个黑漆漆的东西还有几个银币,赫炫过去一股脑儿的捡了起来。 58, just where the second elite bandit he killed disappeared, there was a black thing on the floor and a couple of
59、银币有些苦涩,镍币有些血腥,当我伸出舌头去舔舐纸币,才发现那是世界上最好的美味,“统治吧,不列颠,两个六便士就是一先令……”老爸总是唱着这歌逗我,我也全都相信。吉尔·道森 59,
60、毕竟黄金无论是在哪个世界,都是亮晶晶的通用货币,尤其是对于某些大商人来说,相较于铜币、银币以及银角子,金币显然更是购买力和价值更为划算的货币。 After all, gold, whatever world it is, is a crystallized universal currency, especially for some large traders, which is clearly more efficient than a currency of purchasing power and value than a coin,
61、大总管,银币我这还有几个,先给这穷小子吧,也许人家在等米下锅呀。 61, Big Manager, 62、如今一个在二楼的展览里陈列了一些精美的银币和冰桶,让人追忆那个奢华的时代。 62, today, an exhibition on the second floor displays some fine ‘span style='color: red' clas='cred' silver 63、“我知道它的价钱,”父亲回答说,“一个银币六格罗申。”。 63, "I know the price of it," said his father, "A
64、挤过川流不息的人群,到药店后堂交了任务,获得了200点经验值,1银币奖励,又顺手接了采集10棵巴川草,20棵蒲公英,10只黄色蚂蚁的任务。 64. The crowd that has shrunk across the river, took up tasks in the back of the pharmacy, gained 200 points of experience, 1
65、儿子拿着斧子来到城里的一家金店,金匠验了斧头的成色,放在秤上称了称,说道:“这把斧头值四百个银币,我手里没那么多银币。”。 65, the son came to a gold store in the city with an axe, and the goldsmith examined the color of the ax and said on the scale: “This ax is worth 400 , and I don't have that many silver /span'”. 66、大清银币是真银吗?你看看就知道了!大清银元根据背后的龙纹可分:长须龙,短须龙,曲须龙,反龙,云龙等。 66, Qing
67、有一次在办公室,同事们在讨论吞银币魔术,同事甲惊叹硬币从口进去居然能从口袋出来,同事乙立刻打断了说:“这算什么,我吞了还能拉出来了”。 At one point in the office, colleagues were discussing the magic of swallowing silver
68、但纯银的质地让维奇接触硬币时的手感,光滑舒适,引动他活动开手指的关节,继续翻转半枚银制币,将目光注意上银币的装饰和图案。 68. But the pure silver quality allows Vichy to touch a coin with a sense of hand, smooth and comfortable, prompts him to open his fingers, continues to flip half a silver coin, and looks at the decorations and drawings of
69、酒店里,掌柜对衣服破旧和满身带着一丝血迹的玲珑冷淡的很,羽野从怀里掏出唯一剩下的那枚银币后,那个伙计才跑到后面去叫菜。 69, in the hotel, the handler was so cold about the clothes and the lily with a blood trail that he pulled out of his arms the only remaining one
70、有人做过这样的实验,他们给僧帽猴一些银币,并向他们演示如果他们将一块银币交给工作人员,他们将饱餐一顿。 70, some of them did this experiment, and they gave monks and monkeys some silver: red'cras='cred', silver 71、的领导者被送进城市议会,各个善神神殿的牧师也会偶有加入“五银币”。 The leaders were sent to the city council, and the priests of the temples of good will occasionally join the “Five silver
72、财滚滚,福旺旺,财神节日即将到;寄问候,传温暖,提前给你送吉祥;愿你财富数不尽,金币银币堆满仓;荷包满满腰包鼓,幸福甜蜜万年长! 72, fortune rolls, fortune rolls, fortune festivals are about to arrive; greets, warmth, give you the good news; may you have more wealth than you can count, gold full of silver; full of bread, sweet years of happiness! 73、达鲁伊:金币银币与铜币相比,的确更有价值,但只要积攒起足够的铜币,也能产生与金币一样的价值。岸本齐史 73, Darui: Gold coins are more valuable than coins, but they can be as valuable as coins if they accumulate enough. 74、在老银币收藏中,“袁大头”是最普通的一种,也是市民手中收藏最多的一种。 In the old collection of silver
75、中国历史上第一次官铸银币“承安宝货”首次公开展出。 75, for the first time in China's history, a government official casted the silver coin /span'. 76、胖叔的饭店一年到头也赚不了几个钱,这十几枚银币,差不多就是他将近一半的积蓄了。 76, Uncle Fat's hotel won't make a few bucks a year, and these 10
77、台湾有关单位为此次邮展,专门发行了台湾珍稀鸟类帝雉的纪念邮票和纪念银币,引得现场大批民众踊跃排队购买。 77. For the post exhibition, Taiwan's relevant agencies issued commemorative stamps and commemorative stamps for Taiwan'span style= 'color: red' class='cred' silver 78、白银万两,浓情献礼!活动期间,按照顺序完成特别任务,即可领取丰厚银币奖励!活动奖励。 In the course of the event, special assignments are carried out sequentially, and prizes are given for the activity
79、金银币背面不同于龙虎四目狰狞相对的情景,2只灵兽整体造型以太极黑白回互阴阳鱼图式为主体。 79, Kim
80、结果刚走没几步就看到有人在卖功加2而且还加一个准确的青铜剑,开价只要50个银币,这下被宰大的了。 80, and as soon as I walked, I saw someone selling two plus two, plus an exact bronze sword, for 50
81、干活?也行,每天两枚银币的工钱,食宿自理,什么时候还清什么时候走人。 81, Work? Yeah, two a day, take care of your room and board, and pay off when you leave. 82、他们估计书价,得知共值五万银币. 82, they estimated the book price and learned that it was worth 50,000 silver. 83、1912年孙中山像中华民国开国纪念贰角银币金质样币。 '83, '1912 'Span style='color: red' clas='cred' silver coins 84、里面有5000枚金币和银币,还有装饰华丽的罗马阅兵用的头盔,他们在最重要的铁器时代的遗址之一被挖掘了出来。 84, with 5,000 gold coins and
85、金币和银币是主币,铜币和铜子是辅币。 85, gold and silver
86、清朝光绪元宝二十三年安徽省库平七钱二分银币。 86, Qing Dynasty Yuanbao, 23 years, 2/2 cents to Kuhei Ping, province of An Qing, Qing Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, Qing Dynasty, Qui Ping, Qing Dynasty, Qing Ping, Quan. 87、每岁收成,自百谷而外,花木果蔬,以至牛羊畜牧,胥入会,考察优劣,择尤异者奖以银币,用旌其能。 A harvest every year, from the valley to the groves, to the cattle and sheep, to the hordes, to the hordes, to the hordes, to the misperceptions, to the best of the prizes of the best:
88、银币顿时感觉一阵强烈的蜗旋充满全身。 88,
89、臣民夹道欢呼,秃黑鲁帖木儿汗站在由24名怯薛歹抬着的木台上,向下抛洒银币,与民同乐。 89, the subjects cheered and the bald Ruttem Khan stood on a wooden platform held by 24 scared Xue and threw
90、叙功,加兵部右侍郎,赉银币,世?J锦衣千户。 90, sermons, right squire in the army, span style='color: red' class='cred'' silver 91、我在羹汤中找到的,竟是一个银币? 91, what I found in the soup is a silver coin? 92、银币一再用铜币维隆来替代,实行贬值. 92,
93、不出所料,几分钟后,丹书铁契回复道:“没问题,50银币一份,不限于50份,越多越好!”。 93, as expected, a few minutes later, Dan's book paper answered: “No problem: 50 < span style=' color: red' class='cred' > one silver coin 94、铜币、银币和金币重量都是十克,一金币等于二十银币,一银币等于一百铜币。 94, coin, > 10 grams, gold = 20 , and silver > 100 coins. 95、晨风吹,阳光照。朋友店,开张了。你剪彩,我放炮。店主喜,顾客笑。和和气气待来客,钞票长腿往家跑。勤劳催开幸福花,金币银币塞满包。 95, the morning wind blows, the sun shines. A friend's shop is open. You cut the color, I'll fire the gun. The owner of the shop is happy, the customer laughs. And the customers are happy, and the money goes home with their legs. 96、1927年北伐胜利后,国民政府停铸“袁大头”银币,而改铸有孙中山头像币,即“开国纪念银币”。 After the victory of the North Warfare in 1927, the National Government ceased to forge the “Yuan head” . 97、银币和金币重量都是十克,一金币等于二十银币,一银币等于一百铜币。 97, silver > > 10 grams, and a gold = 20 > /span' > >, and a silver /span > > 100 coins. 98、研讨会上,还推介了“千古一龙”纯银银币、龙字铜雕,龙字集邮票、龙字明信片,龙字挂历等龙文化系列产品。 98 At the seminar, the pure silver “span style='color: red'crass='cred'” silver coins 99、100铜币等于1银币;1000银币等于1金币;10000金币等于1魔币。 99, 100 coins equal to 1 silver ; 1000
100、亚历山大于是给他们每个人三千德拉克马银币,并各给四只牛和一些谷粒,以供耕种。 100, Alexander then gave each of them 3,000 drachma silver
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