
资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:38 评论:0



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In the past year, block chains have emerged as rain-fed, whether in the fields of traceability, electronic record-keeping, or medical health, or networking. At the same time, there are only a few block chain projects that can host the Internet at this stage, and there are too few block chains that can be physically located.


Wang Peng Fei, founder of TAC


The main online line is here.


As an enterprise that advocates the use of block-chain technology for the real economy, the TAC traceability chain combines object networking, two-dimensional code, and RFID technology to deliver billion- and 10-billion-grade goods. Using the industry-based public chain of the traceability chain, it is oriented towards global solutions for the information management and traceability of the supply chain from the earliest raw materials to production, warehousing, logistics, distribution, door-to-door, terminal, etc.


On the application scene, the TAC traceability chain has a wide range of applications in commodity-related areas, covering food, medicine, mother and child, tobacco and alcohol, luxury goods, cosmetics, publishing, IP derivatives, and art collections.


The team advantage of the TAC traceability chain is evident. First, the core founding member has eight years of traditional retrospective experience, and the founder, Wang Peng Fei, is a continuous entrepreneur. Prior to the creation of the TAC traceability chain, he created the Fast Film Federation (a new three-board 835101), which led a team to provide technical services in the (traditional) traceability of goods for leading companies such as Concubine, Kennan Spring and others, building up eight years of practical industrial experience and human resources.


TAC (trace chain) product system


Second, the core founding members have not only many years of experience at the end of service B, but also a wealth of C-end operating experience, which is essential for developing the TAC (trace chain) ecology from zero to one. “TAC traceability teams have done two entrepreneurship projects over the past 15 years, the first EAP only has 20 million, and the second entrepreneurship project, the APP of 80 million users, has run over the period of quick filming.” Wang Peng Fei said.


Changes in market value before and after the main web line of the well-known block chain project


In the business model, the TAC traceability chain chooses the Open Platform model. According to Wang Peng Fei, “not competing with a technology service company, but sharing it through a platform that is open to sharing, with a platform as a gateway.” TAC traceability is completely free of charge to a technology service provider, which uses the TAC traceability interface to fast-track a commodity traceability system for its branded business customers; a technology-powered branding firm can also fast-track its commodity traceability system through an open interface in the TAC traceability chain.


Data show that at present there are no more than 20 block chain projects in the country's main web line. According to the Global Audit Big Deloitte report, The Technological Evolution of the Block Chain: Perspectives from the GitHub Platform, in 2017, the number of newly created block chain projects on GitHub reached nearly 25,000, almost equal to the number of new block chain projects in 2016.


TAC (trace chain) Token economic model


At present, the TAC traceability main network has been measured, and the main network will be officially launched on 30 June 2018. At the same time, DAPPs, wallets, and block-chain browsers in the TAC traceability chain will be online for the same period. In addition, journalists have learned that two of the technical features of the TAC traceability chain are coding internationalization and cross-chain technology, and that the cross-chain has been tested successfully and multiple functions based on cross-chain technologies will be rolled out after the main web line.


With regard to the integration of cross-chain technologies, according to the TAC Reciprocal Network technology joint R & D unit, the chief architect of the paper-based Precious Block Chain, Wang Jun, at this meeting, it was revealed that “cross-chain technologies are actually a chain and an extra-linking process. Cross-chain technologies are realized through atomic planning, notary mechanisms, inter-linkage mechanisms. Why cross-linkages? Through such a mechanism, chains and coins can be separated. At the same time, in the retrospective landscape, different things can be supported and complex applications achieved.


Applying landfalls to solve block chains


According to the information received, the meeting also invited the founder of TokenSky, Wang Yi, Deputy Director General, Technical Research Department, China's Centre for Product Coding, Dr. Liu Peng, Associate Research Fellow, China Institute for Standardization, Fan Hongfan, Co-founder of Beijing-Twento-Technology Ltd., and the General Manager of Beijing-Technology and Technology Ltd., to share their themes on the block chain in Oceania, to discuss the problems faced by the block chain in terms of industrial layout, technological innovation, bottlenecks breakthroughs, etc.


Referring to the point of pain in the block chain, Dr. Liu Peng, Deputy Researcher at the Chinese Institute of Standardization, analysed that there were several important considerations in the narrow sense of the true block chain. The first was the authenticity and validity of commercial information; the second was the authenticity of information, which required standardized methods to circumvent or reduce the occurrence of false information; and the large market size and complexity of the information in the food industry, which required different techniques for different types of food products.


The Deputy Director-General of the Technical Research Department of the China Material Coding Centre, Wang Yi, in sharing the theme "Commodity 2D code and global traceability system construction" said: “Reliable data exchange is the ultimate realization of the chain of blocks on a retroactive basis, with operational partners saying that the ultimate realization of the chain of blocks on a retroactive basis is a credible data exchange and seamless data sharing among business partners. The most common system of traceability is the GS1 retroactive system, which currently has a standard system supported by static data exchange and dynamic data exchange.

SH BW Supply Chain Management Co. LTD创始人MR. Jason徐在探讨区块链实际当中如何落地时分析认为,关键是经济模型如何设计,怎样保证各个参与方有相关利益合理分配,建立一个自循环的经济模型,这是一个目前2018年开始未来五年内全世界范围内,每一个做区块链落地和项目的合作方还是技术方来说,需要花更多时间来考虑的问题。

The founder of the SH BW Summer Management Co. LTD, MR. Jason Xu, in his exploration of how the block chain actually landed, analysed how the key was how the economic model was designed, how the interests of the various players could be reasonably distributed, and how a self-cycled economic model would be established, a matter that would take more time to consider throughout the world in the next five years, beginning in 2018, for every partner or technical partner working on the block chain and project.


The insights of the guests clearly push the on-site atmosphere to a climax. The TAC traceability chain, which serves as a professional research block chain, also gives some insight.


Wang Jun states that the application needs are coupled with reality. The biggest problem in the early stages of the block chain is how to inform and digitize real-life issues, allowing applications to flow online, for example, by endorsing authoritative institutions from the chain to the bottom.


In his view, the three components of efficiency, upper chains, and customer demand are the three key points of application. From a client’s point of view, a market-based approach to the true size of customers should be an important factor in solving the problem.


Finally, referring to later developments, Wang Peng Fei said: “In 2018, TAC's traceability chain was primarily in the food field, including red wine, and wanted to use block-chain technology to solve many of the market pains.” Wang Peng also stressed that “cross-chain technology is important for the application of traceability and for the TAC's traceability chain. It has been tested and tested that the following links will be made with AION, nebula, small ant, and a cloud to achieve real-time connectivity between products and assets.”





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