百倍杠杆做空比特币爆仓超一亿,大佬自杀,年仅42岁! 近期的币圈似乎又开始变得不平静了。前不久有大佬花了3000万跟巴菲特吃饭;昨晚,又有消息公布币圈大佬去世,年仅42岁。事...

资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:39 评论:0
来源:雪球App,作者: ipo观察,(https://xueqiu.com/8964897071/128107715)近期的币圈似乎又开始变得不平静了。the recent currency ring seems to be starti...



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来源:雪球App,作者: ipo观察,(https://xueqiu.com/8964897071/128107715)


the recent currency ring seems to be starting to get restless again.


Not long ago, the big man spent 30 million to eat with Buffett; last night, news came out that the big guy in the ring died and was only 42 years old.


In fact, the ringer didn't just die, but committed suicide.


The founder of Digital Money Market Analysis, Huixiang, died on 5 June 2019, and his former partner, Zhang, confirmed this information in a communication from the “EMAA27 Group of Officials of the Yangtze River”.


“From May 2018, he invited me to join his start-up company, Bitley, to leave in August 2018, for a short period of three months, but I saw his integrity, goodness and wisdom, his passion for life, his work forever, his clear-mindedness and his full sense of thought”.




According to public sources, Huixiang graduated from the Chinese University of Science and Technology in 2003 as EMBA, a senior product manager at IBM Chinese research centre, 比特易是什么?

what's a bit easier?


Indeed, a lot of people don't know about the product of this currency ring. After all, this company is not very well known. The only thing that's so bad is that they got their investment in silver and blue last year.


However, a follow-up figure in the Microsoft and Silver community responded that Bitley was not a soft and silver Chinese investor. “Betley is a proposed investment that was approached by the soft and silver China last year, but as early as the end of last year, the soft and silver China finally abandoned its investment plan and did not actually do so.”


According to the Network, Bitley is a segmental market data analysis and service platform that provides digital money investors with specialized market analysis tools, data indicators, and risk management strategies to help them effectively control the risk of digital money investment. At the same time, it also provides regulatory agencies and industry research institutions with market data monitoring, project risk monitoring, and specialized services such as detection and surveillance of illegal transactions.


Bitley App shows that it is a block chain market data analysis tool, with products including smart K-lines and token investment tools that match services such as small currency, mainstream currency, leverage contracts, etc., and that the project itself does not involve the issuance of tokens.


It's possible that a 100-fold lever was used to empty the warehouse and cause the explosion.


According to the micro-letter dialogue screen, Huixiang suspected of using 100-fold leverage as an empty bitcoin to cause an explosion or a huge loss, and this screen matched 1,600 bitcoins, which, based on average prices in May, amounted to around 50 million yuan.


has escaped P2P mines and A shares.


Before entering the area of block chains, Huixiang was involved in Internet finance, and his second entrepreneurial project, the P2P Internet lending platform, was one of the two most heavily mined areas of the company in the past year.


Before the creation of the Queen was rich, Huixiang was a “celebrity” in the Internet financial world. According to the data, from 2014 to 2015, Huixiang was the founder of the Flower Fruit Finance Consortium and took up the post of CEO (currently the Flower Fruit Finance has exploded).


However, when the P2P market is the hottest in the country, Huixiang chooses to exit fruit finance. “The boom of the market does not match reality, and I guess the risks will come out in June and July of this year, before it gets too early.” Over the past year, he has found it too simple to be “successful” in this industry.


Apart from this “unreliable” scheme of success, Huixiang is puzzled by the fact that there is no normal exit mechanism in the P2P industry. “All platforms add up to about 5,000, which, according to the law, may be about 500 in three years. Most are about to die, and there is only one way to die: running. A restaurant can be turned off to people, and P2P is a way to die.”


At 4800, he cleared the stock. So far, there's a screenshot of his conversation with his friends: "Let me run when I can." "No, no, no, no, no." "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no."


When the incident broke out, his friends gave him the title “Away from the Top Man.” After three to four months, Huixiang went to the Yangtze Business School.


When the Yangtze Business School was charged, Huixiang came back. Then he started his "Golden and Rich" net lending.


The elixir was officially on the line in January 2016, when the platform’s investment project was dominated by the financing of major shareholders in the companies listed above. But in 2016, when Internet finance began to be heavily regulated, the P2P heat began to decline.


According to public information, fairies have close financial ties with the P2P platform, and Guo Chiuzhou, founder of the P2P platform, served as an adviser to the Committee for the Management of Monument’s Fiscal Council; and at the time, the Consumable Financial Assets on the Monument platform were provided by the Monument, which also offered repurchases for the assets it supplied.


On 21 August 2018, the legal entity of Shanghai Kwai Financial Information Services Ltd. submitted a case on behalf of Guo Fao, on behalf of the Huang Po Public Security Division, in which he reported on the criminal act of illegally absorbing public deposits through an online financial platform with high interest rates.


Although Huixiang entered the block chain in 2017, it was only on 16 August 2018 that Huixiang withdrew.


It's not like he's ever been able to escape the leverage of virtual money.


Bitcoin had gone crazy in the last two years, rising nearly 20 times in a year and falling by 80% in a year. In 2019, the total market value of Bitcoin had broken by $150 billion for the first time. At that time, Bitcoin had a bid of $8,739 per metre.


Since late April 2019, Bitcoin has experienced a wave of surges, from about $4,000 to over $8,000.


In the case of Huixiang's 100-fold leverage to make an empty bitcoin deficit, it is likely that this round will rise in the wrong direction, with a phased high-leveraging void, resulting in a huge loss.


Whether true or false, the lesson we learn is the same: the greater the temptation, the greater the risk!


On the morning of 11 June, the Beijing Premium Data Services Ltd. (BitleyAPP parent company) closed its doors and was empty. The next-door company said that “they were probably closed last month”, while the relevant property officials said that “the necessary data had been sealed” but did not inform it of the reasons for the sealing.


Photo source: Daily Economic News


As of the early morning of 11 November, the latest update of the community message on the Bitcomb mobile application was 46 days ago, and the market profile data for the data column were not available.


On January 8, Bitley launched its first “User Fund” returns, with a three-month final gain of 79%, and shows that a new fund is about to open. The platform’s operations are suspected of being linked to the investment of users’ virtual assets.


For example, if you have 10 BTCs, you can borrow 20 BTCs from the trading platform, with 30 BTCs, thereby multiplying the gains or losses. The market for encrypted currency markets is much more volatile, especially 24 hours a day, and there is a lack of sound regulatory mechanisms, which make it easier to build up the funds.


And in an interview with the media in April 2018, Huixiang said, “The bigger question is how to help and protect middle players in a market that is more speculative and more like a casino, and to make investors more rational, is what we need to do now. What Bittel is easy to do is to become an encrypted currency market


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