央行进驻三大交易平台 比特币应声暴跌投资者无法登陆

资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:37 评论:0
  每经记者 肖 乐   2017年开年,国内比特币市场似乎正在重演2013年底暴涨暴跌的历史。1月5日,比特币价格最高涨至8895元,但随后急转直下。昨日(1月11日)17:00左右,相关平台被央行约谈的消息得到证实后,比特币更是从64...



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  每经记者 肖 乐



Yesterday, both the Central Bank's Beijing Department of Management and the Central Bank's Shanghai headquarters announced that they would join the local financial sector to form an inspection team to sit on platforms such as the Sign currency Network, the Currency Bank, and the Bitcoin China, to conduct credit, payments, currency exchange and other related operations without permission or license; to engage in market manipulation; to implement the anti-money-laundering regime; and to conduct on-site checks. As of yesterday afternoon at 6 p.m., 24-hour exchanges between the country's three former Bitcoin trading platforms, the Currency Bank, the Bitcoin China, and the Currency Network had reached 2.2, 1.49 and 1.18 million, respectively.


It is worth mentioning that, at the end of 2013, the Central Bank specified that third-party payment agencies should not be required to provide payment and liquidation services to trading sites such as Bitcoin and Lightcoin. On 10 January 2017, the Chinese Securities Journal reported that “regulators would continue to meet with businessmen in the near future to discuss the establishment of a third-party Bitcoin hosting platform to ensure the security of Bitcoin transactions.”


However, when the Daily Economic News reporter asked questions about third-party custody in Bitcoin, people close to the Central Bank’s inspection team told the journalist that there had been a check-up yesterday, but did not respond to the hosting. The professor at the Central National University School of Law and the Internet finance research expert, Deng Jianping, told the journalist that there was a certain moral risk that Bitcoin investors’ funds and bitcoins were kept in the accounts of trading platforms.


There is also an analysis that suggests that there is some confusion in the Bitcoin industry, which does not preclude the possibility of some extraordinary measures to be taken in the future at the regulatory level. Journalists note that the risk is further magnified by the fact that the current Bitcoin trading platform is generally leveraged to enable investors to finance the currency’s melting.


Investors: Unable to land in a fall


“Unfortunately, before the fall of 5 January, many people used leverage to trade.” Bitcoin investor Li Ming (aliased) told the Daily Economic News journalist that Bitcoin investors were able to borrow money from the platform in a multi-air, two-way operation. The reporters learned that the system would be forced to level the leverage risk rate, i.e., when the total asset/leveraging line (with a fee) was less than 110 per cent, at a rate of 0.1 per cent per day, at the current rate of up to five times that of the gunnet and the currency line.


According to Deng Jianjun, the current profit model of the Bitcoin trading platform is mainly to charge a fee for money-cutting services, with an annual interest rate of 36%, which is a high risk. Some are not qualified investors, but also to finance the coins, and if they fall, they are likely to be forced down and all the principals may be lost.


In addition, the immaturity of the Bitcoin trading platform has placed unnecessary risks on investors. Li Ming told reporters that his account had been forced down because it was impossible to access the platform in the afternoon of 5 January.


“On 5 January, at around 1700, my gun money APP was unable to log in, and I was reminded at 1730 that the market value of my account was almost below the leverage level. But after trying various ways, the account was still not able to log in.” Li Ming said, “As leverage was used, it was urgent to prevent the charge from being forced down. But it was already past 1800, and I looked at the details of the money transaction and found that the account was already flat.”


LEE Ming used a five-fold leverage on the gunnet, and the $30,000 invested was scaled up to $150,000. This time, LEE Ming lost $21,000.


Because of the speed with which Bitcoin is going up and down, investors tend to plan transactions and set cut-off points in order to prevent losses from falling. Li Ming states that his own planned transactions failed that same day, and that “the usual planned transactions worked, but they didn’t work at all when the 5th of January fell.”


Another Bitcoin investor, Yang Gwang (aliasing) told reporters that, in the past, when there was a big ups and downs, there was also a lack of access to and trade in Carton at the end of the gunnet, or at the APP. He said that on January 7, there was again a non-tradable, but for a relatively short period of time.


In response to the above, the gunnets indicated that the platform was in trouble because of the large influx of new investors. The gunnet data showed that at 1 a.m. on 5 January, bitcoins broke the historic maximum price of $8,000, and 13 p.m. on that day the price rose to a historic maximum of $88995. On the same day, after media reports, the number of registered users and the number of login on the gunnets reached an all-time high.


Also, the China Securities Journal reported that, at 1 a.m. on 9 January, the money-bank website had broken down and transactions were suspended for more than 10 minutes. In response, the assistant president of the bank said to the daily economy journalist that the suspension of transactions was due to system upgrades and the need to upgrade the system as a result of the surge in the number of users. In addition, she said that leverage operations would normally be suspended when price volatility was relatively high.


There's a chain-of-custody system.


Journalists noted that on the day following the sharp rise and fall of Bitcoin prices (6 January), the central bank's Beijing battalion management department and the central bank's headquarters in Shanghai met with the principals of the trading platforms, such as the coin net, the currency bank, and the Bitcoin China, respectively, to learn about the platform's operation, to point out possible risks and to demand that the platform conduct its own checks and clean up accordingly.


A few days later, new developments have taken place. Yesterday afternoon, the Central Bank’s network of officials from the Beijing Barracks Department announced that it had formed a joint unit with the Beijing Finance Bureau, among others, to set up, on 11 January, a platform for currency exchange, currency lines, etc., to conduct on-site inspections on the implementation of foreign exchange regulations, anti-money-laundering and related financial laws and regulations, as well as on the management of trading sites.


At the same time, the Central Bank's Shanghai headquarters, together with the Shanghai Financial Office and other units, has conducted on-site inspections of the Shanghai Joint Inspection Unit in Bitcoin, China, focusing on whether the enterprise is operating in excess of scope, whether it is carrying out related operations such as credit, payment, exchange, etc. without permission or licence, whether it is involved in market manipulation, the implementation of the anti-money-laundering regime, the risk of financial security, etc.


According to Daily Economic News, following the announcement of the Central Bank’s on-site inspection of several large bitcoin trading platforms, the price of the coin’s network’s bitcoin jumped. As of the same day, at 21:22, the price of the coin’s network’s bitcoin fell to $5155.


According to the data, since 2016, with the heat of the block chain, Bitcoin has emerged from a wave of “Cow City” developments, rising from about $2,300 at the beginning of 2016 to about $8,800 on 5 January 2017, with an increase of up to 280%. Among the many assets, it has performed badly. At the same time, however, questions about Bitcoin exchange, money laundering, have remained unsettled.


In response to the above-mentioned questions, Coo Ju Jiave of the Sensor Network has stated to journalists that it is almost impossible to achieve a large exchange of bitcoin, which is difficult to exchange through bitcoin and entails the risk of price fluctuations. In overseas platforms, especially the United States Bitcoin trading platform, KYC’s policy is more stringent than in China, and the cash withdrawal process is more complicated and costly.


Experts: third-party trusteeship is not available for the time being


According to the Chinese Securities Bulletin of 10 January, the regulatory authorities will continue to meet with businessmen in the near future to discuss the establishment of a third-party Bitcoin hosting platform to ensure the security of Bitcoin transactions.


According to Daily Economic News journalists, none of the Bitcoin trading platforms currently has a third-party hosting of funds. At present, both the money network and the bank are able to charge remittances through the bank card, while the gun money APP is also able to do so through payment of treasure money.


According to some Bitcoin industry sources, the establishment of a third-party trusteeship would be a major benefit for the industry, but the Central Bank had clearly stated that third-party payment companies could not provide services to Bitcoin. According to the information, at the end of 2013, the Central Bank had interviewed the relevant heads of more than 10 third-party payment agencies, specifically demanding that they should not provide payment and liquidation services to their trading websites, such as Bitcoin and Lightcoin.


When the Daily Economic News journalist asked questions about the issue of third-party trusteeship in Bitcoin, people close to the Central Bank Inspectorate also told the journalist that there had been a check-up yesterday, but that it had not responded to the trusteeship.


“In the short term, it is unlikely that a third-party trusteeship will be established.” Deng Jianpan told journalists that “under the Central Bank’s 2013 regulations, it is difficult for the Bitcoin platform to find a financial institution to hold, or to hold a bank account or a hard disk, with both customer funds and bitcoin on a company account or on a hard disk, that many techniques and criteria are involved and that it will take longer to set up; until then, the regulatory body will have to put in place a certain normative document identifying which institution to hold, which is not yet possible, and which is unlikely to happen for six months to one year”.


“Now the Bitcoin trading platform is actually a business exchange model similar to the one in hand and the one in the bottom.” Deng said, “A domestic exchange requires the approval of the provincial government, but now there is no regulation, and the platform is operating itself. Regulatory authorities need to first endorse this mode of trading, and then monitor its risks.”


One of the heads of the block chain platform agreed that it was unlikely that the Bitcoin third-party hosting would be introduced at the present time, and that the regulatory requirements for the Bitcoin platform would still adhere to anti-money-laundering, counter-brushing, counter-exploitation of the renminbi and counter-monetization of the bitcoin.




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