比特币目前的格局如何?如何选择优势币种? 结合上面的比特币2小时K线图,我们先聊一下后市比特走势格局。个人认为后市比特币走势大概率是走震荡格局,震荡区间在1015...
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:45 评论:0
In conjunction with the two-hour K-line map above, let's talk about the post-bitt pattern. Individuals think that the post-city pattern is probably a shock pattern, with a shock zone between 10150 and 11150. Indeed, as mentioned yesterday, there may be suspicion among the classmates who saw it yesterday, and I think I see it again today, and I believe it for the most part. It's a bit suspicious and unheard of. The figure suggests a two-hour walk, which is only one possibility; it should be more than one, but we just need to believe that at this time the big bitcoin pattern is a full swing. With that premise and consensus, it is clear what to do at the hour level.
The point is to understand the current pattern of Bitcoin, the representative of digital assets, and the family's emphasis on sharing logic. Next, of course, is how to choose a currency, given the consensus of the Bitcoin pattern. I wonder if friends have ever had such a logic: the choice of the currency is more important than the choice of the currency at some given time, and the operation needs to be done together.
Because I'm good at graphics analysis, I can only pick a currency from this perspective. Personal point of view: in bitcoin's concussion pattern, various other currencies show up, often with unexpected pleasures, provided you choose the currency of participation.
NEO - Little ants, the powerful currency logic, the temporary advantage of such currencies, their resilience, their overall upward orientation, the confirmation of purchase points at any level, there may be a risk of continued highness and, in the absence of clarity as to the direction of the big pie, the obvious currency of such upward channels is often preferred.
The direct reason is that the structure of the rise has not been broken, and the worst is the multiplicity of tremors. For two reasons, the three drops are more complete, as illustrated by the size of the MACD column. For three reasons, there was a trending structural area of 6.4 - 8.0 in the preceding period, which supports the expectation of prices.
以上便是今天的分享,重在厘清逻辑,仅供参考,行情交流可联系aimer267,一起探讨学习。 #比特币美元# #比特币# #区块链#
is today's sharing. >(b) >aomer267
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