Many newcomers ask, "How can we get bitcoin?" So this paper will provide you with a freshman's perspective on how to conduct digital currency transactions in the three major exchanges of the gun/OKEx/gate.io.
Note: For policy reasons, they have to split their operations into two main channels, the Coal OTC (support to renminbi transactions) and the Coche PRO (support to digital currency transactions). However, the two are identical to the Coal platform, which requires simple "stop-to-stop transfer" operations to convert three mainstream digital currencies (BTC/ETH/USDT) between different channels, thus enabling one-stop sales to be completed in renminbi.
The following are specific operational steps:
一、注册账户苹果用户需先购买一个香港地区的Apple ID,再下载火币APP;安卓用户则可在应用宝直接下载。
Apple users need to buy an Apple ID in Hong Kong before downloading the gun money APP; Andre users can download the application treasure directly.
A mobile phone number is used for registration, and small transactions can be made when registration is completed.
If the amount of a single transaction exceeds RMB 2,000, or the cumulative amount of the transaction exceeds RMB 300,000, you will need a real name certification.
Open the sign OTC's "trade center" and choose "BTC/RMB".
筛选出适合自己的 BTC 卖家,点击其详情页。
Filter out your BTC seller and click on its detailed page.
Enter the number of purchases, click "buy immediately", complete the order.
Contact the seller to obtain payment information and pay in accordance with the agreed manner, and always indicate the "payment reference number" in the payment note.
耐心等待卖家释放 BTC 到您的账户中。您可通过"我的资产"查看比特币是否已到账。如果已到账,您可以直接划转至币币账户,以便进行后续交易。
Wait patiently for the seller to release BTC to your account. You can check whether Bitcoin is in the account through "My Assets".
Open the sign OTC front page and choose "I'm going to sell."
筛选出适合自己的 BTC 买家,点击其详情页。
Filter out its own BTC buyer and click on its detailed page.
Enter the number of sales, click "sale immediately", complete the order.
Contact the buyer in real time, click on the BTC button to complete the transaction when the money is received. Please note that Bitcoin can be released only after the money has been received!
When purchasing BTC, it is important to keep the transaction and payment vouchers, and if a seller does not release Bitcoin after collection, contact the customer service in a timely manner.
When selling BTC, bear in mind that the money must be received before it is released in Bitcoin! In no case will it be possible to release Bitcoin if no payment has been received.
When a BTC is sold, the corresponding BTC in your account is frozen and cannot be transferred.
Let's hope this article will help the newcomers get into the bitcoin deal.
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