Under the agreement, the dealer should use cash instead of encrypt currency for actual transactions, and the corresponding value of the transaction contract is the equivalent of a specific encrypt currency. You do not have any digital assets at the time of the transaction, the encrypt currency contract can be traded on a derivative trading platform, and there are a lot of contracts on the exchange.
2、Gate.io Gate.io是一家成立了8年的全球化数字交易平台,上线的币种数量为879个,支持的交易对为1775个,总资产实力达到了2.04亿美元,拥有的用户数量超过了上百万。Gate.io创立的初心:为每一个信仰比特币的人找到放心的交易场所。 Gate.io is an eight-year-old global digital trading platform with 879 online currencies, 1775 supported transactions, with a total asset strength of $204 million, with more than a million users. Gate.io was created to find a safe place for every person who believes in Bitcoin. 3、虎符hoo 3, 虎符平台的产品功能非常多元化,包含快捷交易、C2C、现货、合约、投票、Hoo
Labs(IEO产品)、赚币(年化收益产品)、质押借币等,还有双币、HooPool、HooSwap、AMM池等流动性(农耕收益)产品,不仅如此,虎符首创全球共管钱包,支持多人或企业级用户共同管理区块链资产,多元化的功能可以按需使用。 The products of the Tigers Platform are very diverse and include fast-trading, C2C, spot, contract, voting, Hoo Labs (IEO products), currency-earning (annualized earnings), money-deposit, etc., as well as mobile (farming proceeds) products such as dual-currency, HooPool, HooSwap, AMM pools, etc. The Tigers are the first to create a global common wallet and support multiple or enterprise-level users to jointly manage block-chain assets, which can be used on an as-needed basis. 4、ftx FTX是一家数字资产衍生品交易所,现位居全球交易所排名第4位。用户可以在其中安全地交易比特币,以太坊和其他加密货币。 FTX, a digital asset derivatives exchange, is now ranked fourth in the global exchange. Users can safely trade bitcoin, in Tails and other encrypted currencies. 2021年4月,迈阿密热火队宣布它们已经与加密货币交易所FTX.us建立了长期合作伙伴关系,FTX.us成为迈阿密热火队的官方独家加密货币合作伙伴。从2021-22NBA赛季开始,迈阿密热火的主场也将被称为“FTX球馆(FTX
Arena)”。2021年7月,FTX完成9亿美元B轮融资,投后公司估值达180亿美元,系加密行业历史规模最大的融资。 In April 2021, the Miami Hot Team announced that it had established a long-term partnership with the 5、币安 5, 币安(点此注册)交易所国际领先的区块链数字资产国际站,向全球提供广泛的数字货币交易、区块链教育、区块链项目孵化、区块链资产发行平台、区块链研究院以及区块链公益慈善等服务,目前用户覆盖全球180多个国家和地区,以140万单/秒的核心内存撮合技术,是全球加密货币交易速度最快的平台之一,也是全球加密货币交易量最大的平台之一。 6、火币 6, 火币全球专业站,是火币集团旗下服务于全球专业交易用户的创新数字资产国际站,致力于发现优质的创新数字资产投资机会,目前提供四十多种数字资产品类的交易及投资服务,总部位于新加坡,由火币全球专业站团队负责运营。火币集团是一家具有全球竞争力与影响力的数字资产综合服务商,为超过130个国家百万级用户提供优质服务。在新加坡、香港、韩国、日本等多个国家和地区均有独立的交易业务和运营中心。在技术平台、产品支线、安全风控体系、运营及客户服务体系等方面,火币集团在全球均处于领先地位。 It is a global, globally competitive and influential digital asset service provider that provides high-quality services to millions of users in more than 130 countries. There are independent trading operations and operations centres in Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, and many other countries. It is a global leader in technology platforms, product feeders, secure wind control systems, operations, and customer service systems. 7、Bitget Bitget总部位于新加坡,是全球化的数字资产衍生品交易服务平台。公司业务包括期货合约、现货交易及全球OTC等。Bitget在日本、韩国、加拿大等地设有分部,目前全球累计注册用户超90万。2020年7月Bitget完成韩国顶级游戏公司SNK领投及顶级资本安澜资本跟投的千万美金B轮融资,目前估值10亿美金。 Bitget, based in Singapore, is a global platform for digital asset derivatives services. Corporate business includes futures contracts, spot trading, and global OTC. Bitget has branches in Japan, Korea, Canada, etc., and now has more than 900,000 registered users worldwide. 8、zt ZT交易所还是很靠谱的。从历史看,ZT交易所的传奇依旧在继续,ZT交易所上线至2019年7月,注册用户突破150万,已经遍布157个国家,目前日活(DAU)稳定在10000以上,日活高峰期达到20000.截至7月,ZT交易所日成交额(交易量)最高突破10亿美金。 The ZT Exchange is still solid. Historically, the legend of the ZT Exchange has continued, with the ZT Exchange going online until July 2019, with 1.5 million registered users in 157 countries and currently stable at over 10,000, with a daily peak of 20,000 to July, with the ZT Exchange reaching a peak of $1 billion. 作为可信的前提条件,安全毋庸置疑是一个交易所是必须要保证的。这也是平台交易额日益稳步增长的必要条件。ZT.交易所采用超银行级别的软硬件结合和非开源代码,打造金融级安全解决方案,以确保加密货币交易所安全。 As a credible precondition, there is no doubt that security is guaranteed by an exchange. This is also a sine qua non for a steady growth in platform turnover. 9、Bitfinex Bitfinex是全世界最大、最高级的比特币国际站之一,支持以太坊、比特币、莱特币、以太经典等虚拟币的交易,每天的成交量达30多亿人民币。提供币币交易,美元与币的交易。注册非常简单。2016年,Bitfinex大概有12万枚比特币通过社交媒体被盗。受此事件影响,当时比特币价格跌了20%。 Bitfinex is one of the largest and most senior Bitcoin international stations in the world, supporting transactions in virtual currency such as Taiku, Bitcoin, Lightcoin, and Ether Classic, with a daily turnover of more than 3 billion yuan. Offering currency transactions, dollar-dollar transactions. Registration is very simple. In 2016, Bitfinex was stolen from social media by some 120,000 bitcoins. 10、Kraken Kraken创建于2011年,是世界上欧元交易量最大的比特币交易所,圈内人喜欢称之为K网。Kraken还被媒体评为最佳和最安全的比特币交易所,虽然Kraken是一个比较老牌的交易所,但是一直到现在都没有没落,这正是因为Kraken一直在与时俱进,不断优化自己,也正因如此,Kraken深受投资者的喜爱与拥护,再加上它的属性定位很单纯,更加注重交易本身,所以它的用户也十分忠诚。
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