
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:98 评论:0
今天是以太坊创始人维塔利克·布特林的24岁生日,转发此文章到朋友圈,你的微信钱包就会多出1枚价值7000多人民币的以太币。我已经试过了,是骗人的。文 / 九月Man / & nbsp; September “生命虹吸都没了,术士还...



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文 / 九月

Man / & nbsp; September



In 2010, 16-year-old Vitalik angryly removed the World of Monsters client, as snowstorms had just removed the magician's skill of “life insinuation” in 3.10 patches and transformed it into a gift.



Vitalik protested at the official snowstorms forum, but did not receive any official response. He realized the evils of "centralizing management" in online games — the game owners are snowstorms, and they can change the game without asking their players for advice.


So he decided to abandon the game, even though he had spent three years with his magicians.


Vitalik, who said goodbye to the beast, began to study bitcoin, a decentralised digital currency, which had just emerged.


A few years later, Vitalik published his first edition of the Etherno White Paper and obtained initial start-up money through the ICO. He was 19 years old this year.


Today, Vitalik’s new identity is that of the founder of the Taiku, known as “God V” by many digital money followers, often matched by the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. Vitalik’s account is in Rio with half a million Ethers, equivalent to the RMB 3.6 billion at today’s market value.


Twenty-four years ago, on 31 January (and indeed today's birthday), Vitalik Butrin was born in an IT family in Russia, and his parents worked in computer science at a university in Moscow, which gave him access to high-tech technology from an early age.


When he was 4 years old, his father gave him his first computer in his life, and his favorite toy became Excel.



After attending primary school, Vitalik's talent in mathematics began to show that he had been able to calculate many complex calculations at more than twice the speed of his peers, and immediately after reaching third grade, he was assigned to a cutting-edge class designed for gifted children.


At that time, Vitalik had begun to try to develop his own game program, which included a small program to simulate the trajectory of bouncy balls in a room, a modified version of Space Invaders, and a chess game on a century-long miraculous theme.


But in 2007, like many of his peers, he was fascinated by a snowstorming online game, The World of Monsters, all day long.


His role is that of a magician with a master of the magic of the devil, accompanied by his devil, who has played from the old classics to the wrath of the Lord of the Witches.


During this period, Vitalik's father talked to him about Bitcoin, but the latter apparently did not raise any interest in it.



And then there's the beginning of the story: Vitaly's complete farewell to the monster and his exposure to encrypted digital money. As Vitaly's knowledge of Bitcoin developed, he began to have a strong interest in the system of decentralization – the result of the "centralization" of the snow removal of the life rainbow.


Vitalik, who is still in high school, intends to do something and earn a few bits of his own.


He began to pay the cost of writing a copy of a book log on a website whose theme was Bitcoin, with five bitcoins per piece — less than US$ 4 at the time.


For a technologist, Vitalik, it is a very easy job to write a science-type blog, and so there are more and more articles on the website, Vitalik Butrin. He starts adding his own bitcoin wallet address to the end of the article and claims that he will continue to write the next article once he receives enough donations.


This move allowed him to reap a large amount of bitcoin, although the bitcoin was not very valuable at the time.

业界声望逐渐提升的维塔利克找到了几位志同道合的伙伴,创办了行业杂志《Bitcoin Magazine》(比特币杂志),继续以撰稿人身份维持着对比特币的研究。

Vitalik, whose reputation has been rising, has found several like-minded partners, created the industry magazine Bitcoin Magazine (bitcoin magazine) and continues to maintain its research as a contributor.



At the time of writing, Vitalik went to Waterloo University. But after more than six months, he found himself unable to balance his studies with his studies in Bitcoin. Vitalik chose an old path that many IT leaders had taken: dropping out of school.


As a result of dropping out of school, he also received a modest amount of money: $100,000 in cash from the Ter scholarship.


The Ter Scholarship is a very special foundation that annually selects 20 to 25 young people who have dropped out of school for more than two years, giving them a large bonus to encourage entrepreneurship.


Vitalik was already very rich at that time. In addition to the $100,000 scholarship, more assets came from bitcoin that had been saved during the writing period: the value of bitcoin in 2013 had risen sharply from less than $1 at that time to nearly $1,000 apiece.


Vitalik, which is financially free, has chosen to travel the world by promoting the concept of decentralisation and block chain technology used in Bitcoin on a global scale.


It was also during this period that Vitalik realized that bitcoin had some inexorable limitations in its ingenuity design. He had proposed improvements in official forums with Bitcoin’s top management, but, like what the world of monsters had experienced, he had not received any response to his proposal.


But there was no silence in Vitalik this time. At this point, he had enough knowledge of digital money and block chain technology, and his approach was to start something else.


Vitalik published his ambitious plan in 2013 and his first edition of the Etheria White Paper, which he was only 19 years old.


In the White Paper, he affirmed the great idea of the “distributed database” of the Bitcoin network, but also pointed to its shortcomings: it was not sufficiently expansionary, with only bitcoin as a symbol. The Etherms could be regarded as a distributed computer, and anyone could upload and execute applications in the Taiku, where miners were like CPUs, which were responsible for calculating the world’s computers.


In 2014, Vitalik returned to Toronto and launched the ICO campaign with his White Paper on Ether.


Like the initial bitcoin, Ether was in the middle of nowhere in the first two years, with only a handful of eminent guests willing to take part in it, at a price of less than $1. Similar to the development of Bitcoin, which began in March 2017, when the value of the titanium rose suddenly, from a price of less than $10 to $250 in June.


Today, the Ether has become the second encrypted currency of the market, after Bitcoin, at a price of approximately $1,169 each, equivalent to RMB 7383, more than a hundred times that of a year ago.



The boom in the Ether is not a bubble, because many investors view its application in the real world.


In March 2017, more than 20 top financial institutions around the world, such as Morgan Chase, the Chicago Exchange, Microsoft, and Intel, established the Etherworld Alliance, which aims to work together to develop standards and technologies that will make it easier for businesses to use the Ether district chain code and reduce business costs. At present, the Alliance has nearly 200 members.


While the details of the meeting were not made public, one thing can be confirmed: Putin expressed a keen interest in block chain technology, which would be fully supported. The meeting was very exciting for members of the encoded monetary community – a technique that was not only a toy for the guests to entertain themselves, but was likely to be used as a new tool by banks, businesses, regulators, and even national authorities.



Opposition voices also appeared during the same period, with some extremists spreading online rumours that Vitalik had died in a car accident, an act that caused a 30% collapse in the value of the talisman that day. Only a few days later, Vitalik proved himself alive in a very extreme way: he took a selfie with a handwritten note and wrote the latest height of the immediately generated Ether block chain.


In addition to his talent in IT, he is able to use Chinese in an accessible way.


In 2016, he came to China to investigate and interacted with Chinese netizens in chat rooms on several occasions.



Unlike the bitcoin at this stage, it is generally used directly to dig mines using a card.


The root cause of this situation is the increase in the price of the talisman, the surge in global miners, and the shortage of the cards. And this is happening again: by the end of January 2018, the price of a $1060 was close to $2,500, and the AKA RX580, which is better suited for mining, was a $4,000 break.


Late in 2017, the Forbes magazine selected 30 people under the age of 30 to change global finance, a young man just over the age of 24. If
had it not been for a small move in the snow that had caused Vitalick to give up the World of Monsters, perhaps there would have been no young opinion leader in the digital-currency world, and block-chain technology would not have been put into practice so quickly.


Examples of the combination of block chains and game applications have emerged, such as CryptoKittys, which we have previously reported as a cat-breeding game.


On the other hand, because the costs of trial error are far lower than in the real world, it is also a good idea to use games to test the application of block chains in real societies — the virtual merchandise trading platform of the game, which has more than 2 million players, Gameflip, has made clear its support for the Bitcoin deal, and the electronic competition platform, based on the e-Roy platform set up by Taiku, Firstblood, is already operational.

Crypto Kitties


Back home, under the umbrella of the Taiwan Cat-raising game, big and small game companies have also expressed their interest in the block chain project: the Pony Lima game, which was marketed for the shares of the bridge that formerly owned the fishing industry, was made public as soon as the game was made public, and the Encrypted Dog, which was launched by the United States studio and engaged in interaction with Blueport, quickly joined the battlefield, with the company that played the game, which seemed to be ashamed to be present.


In 2018, we'll see if block chain technology can bring about a new technological innovation in the game and the Internet industry.



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