国内冷国外热 去中国化之后比特币价格再次暴涨

资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:32 评论:0
比特币 资料图。   比特币 疯涨背后的危机{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The crisis in the back.   比特币在多国监管政策的变动下,价格在经历上蹿下跳的行情后,向着5万元人民币径直而去。...



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比特币 资料图。
比特币 资料图。

  比特币 疯涨背后的危机

{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The crisis in the back.


Bitcoin, in the wake of changes in multinational regulatory policy, has gone up and down to 50,000 yuan. Recently, news of bitcoin has also been heard. Although the country’s three main Bitcoin trading platforms have all stopped trading since 1 November, the Chicago Commodity Exchange, the world’s largest exchange, has announced that it will launch bitcoin futures in the fourth quarter of 2017, and is currently awaiting regulatory review.


People lamented the resilience of Bitcoin and the speed of its rise, while regretting that it had missed the myth. What would happen to the fate of the cold and hot bitcoin?

  看不懂的比特币 内冷外热

{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}


Since the second half of 2017, the market has continued to sound much earlier and harder than expected. On 4 September, seven ministries, including the Central Bank of China, issued a bulletin on the risk of preventing the issuance of funds in currencies, and the ICO trading platform was completely shut down; on 14 September, Bitco, China, announced the cessation of all digital currency transactions on the platform; and by 30 September, all users were about to stop virtual currency transactions and would phase out all digital assets against the renminbi.


The investment platform for the rapid withdrawal, the tearless investors in the micro-credit herds, the valedictorian who was busy selling it became the currency ring.


The constant release of Li Qin has convinced most Chinese that you are Bitcoin or whatever, that it is all over, and that the price of the Bitcoin transaction is continuing to jump as expected.


Who would have thought that, after more than a month, when the situation was suddenly reversed, when the policy was stunned and China withdrew from the Bitcoin market, the price of Bitcoin rose again?


There's a lot of people in the active currency circles who wonder if there's a show or not.

  币圈“大撤退” 国内短期没戏

/strong's short term.


Regardless of what's going on in the country, it's definitely going to be over in the short term. The domestic bitcoin deal is officially over. The regulators are real.

  “币圈的人都在往海外撤,现在他们主要在海外活动了”,区块链专家、北京大学新一代信息技术研究院金融科技研究中心主任董宁告诉科技日报记者。董宁早年在IBM从事区块链研究,是IBM Blockchain社区发起人,他告诉记者,随着这些年政策的分层和形势变化,链圈、币圈逐渐泾渭分明,身在链圈,币圈的风云变幻已是看不懂。“现在他们主要在海外活动,就更看不清了。”董宁说。

“All the people in the currency ring are withdrawing abroad, and they are now operating mainly abroad.” Tung Ning, an expert in block chains and director of the Centre for Financial Science and Technology Studies of the New Generation of the Institute of Information Technology of Beijing University, told the science and technology daily journalist. Tung Ning, who was working on block chains in IBM earlier in the year, was the founder of the IBM Blockchai community, told journalists that, as the layers and situations of policy changed over the years, the chains and currency circles became more distinct, in chains and in circles, and the wind and clouds of the currency circles became less clear.


In an interview with the daily Science and Technology Journal, the President of the Institute of Financial Law of the Central University of Finance and Economics and the President of the China Institute of Internet Financial Innovation (CIFI) said that the country's main Bitcoin trading platform had recently begun to relocate its main business abroad.


He suggested, however, that caution should be exercised, saying that since research on the foreign Bitcoin trading market was not thorough and well prepared, China's Bitcoin trading platform would also need site research and communication on related issues abroad, and would not be able to venture out in order to avoid unnecessary dilemmas.

  上涨有理由 不排除人为因素


The earthquake was one of the country’s leading experts in Internet finance, and Bitcoin had a long history of attention and research. In his view, there were reasons behind it, whether it was cold or hot abroad.


The location of domestic bitcoin is essentially a virtual currency with only investment value, which is completely cut off from the chain of blocks, which has an application value to encourage development, but which is completely banned. But abroad, there is varying degrees of convergence between block chains and digital money, and official attitudes are relatively tolerant.


It is worth mentioning that the currency excesses in recent years in Western countries have led to a great loss of confidence in the real currency, allowing Bitcoin to create considerable market size and public opinion influence over these years. The yellow earthquake suggests that by now, Bitcoin is not banned by a single country or a few countries, and that it will continue to exist in monetary form.


The Senior Digital Currency Researcher Shaw argued that it was significant that the Chicago Commodity Exchange was on-line with Bitcoin, because futures were a very dominant global variety of transactions, and if they joined the futures market, they would be accepted by mainstream financial markets, and more financial institutions or larger hedge funds would enter the Bitcoin market and speed up the movement of bitcoin.


Once upon a time, it was firmly believed that the surge in Bitcoin was due to Chinese participation, but this time after the de-Chinaization of the market, it was felt that, in addition to the factors mentioned earlier, it did not preclude a segment of the population from influencing the market.

  各国有差异 命运难预测

There are differences between countries and fate is difficult to predict


In the course of the development of digital currencies, there are persistent differences in their perception in different countries, and these differences also contribute to some extent to differences in the policies of countries with respect to bitcoin.


The characterization of digital currency is virtual, with central banks taking the lead in the issuance of digital currency, which is strictly prohibited for all kinds of indignities, such as popular bitcoins. But, in the case of block chains, the government is extremely encouraging.


“I think there is some legitimacy in the approach taken by the government.” The earthquake says that because of the increased use of the block chain, it is important for the development of the financial sector. As to whether Bitcoin is no longer viable in our country after that, he considers it difficult to say at this point that “at the key point of financial regulation of the Internet, the policy is relatively stringent, and it is uncertain whether the policy will be adjusted in the light of the changing situation in the future.”


However, the earthquake stressed that in an era of digital change, the financial impact of either block chains or bitcoin has only just begun, and that we need to look at new things from a development perspective, take bitcoin seriously and follow its course.

  本报记者 李 艳

Reporter Lee Yan.




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