胡安预测fil三年后的币价靠谱吗 3年后fil币多少一只

资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:83 评论:0
胡安预测fil三年后的币价靠谱吗 3年后fil币多少一只币圈2023到2024唯一的机会一定是4年一次的减半行情,根据减半的顺序合理布局相关币种即可 依次DASH,LTC,BCH,BSV,BTC,ETC,ZEC,做好仓位低买高买 币圈...



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胡安预测fil三年后的币价靠谱吗 3年后fil币多少一只币圈2023到2024唯一的机会一定是4年一次的减半行情,根据减半的顺序合理布局相关币种即可

next to DASH, LTC, BCH, BSV, BTC, ETC, ZEC, ten ways of buying a warehouse low and earning a currency ring
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胡安预测fil三年后的币价靠谱吗 3年后fil币多少一只—应广大币圈朋友的要求,为了给各位新手入门的朋友一个交流的平台,也为了扼制那些在币圈收费割韭菜或者卖教程的行为,特建了一个币圈交流群,方便大家没事学习、交流,免费入群,纯粹技术交流。想进群的加管理员微信:【见文章底部联系栏】,十年币圈经验,一线资源、独家情报、想了解币圈赚钱方法,加我微信【见文章底部联系栏】

胡安预测fil三年后的币价靠谱吗 3年后fil币多少一只


how do you get the point of sale as a ring of coins?"


Will the 2023 coin ring be back?


Writing time: 11 February 2023

首先,明确结论:近期的一波上涨,虽然涨幅较大,走势很强,但绝不是牛回来,它只是熊市中若干个反弹的一个。2019年中的那波反弹,大饼从低点到高点翻了300%,接着又下跌50% …… 熊市并不会平静如镜。

First of all, it is clear that a recent wave of upswings, though larger and strong, is by no means the return of cattle, but it is just one of several rebounds in Bear City. In mid-2019, the Big Bread went from low point to high point by 300%, and then fell by 50%... Bear City is not going to be calm.


I. Factors affecting the currency circle


Now that the market value of the currency ring is more than 100 times larger than that of the previous two rounds of the bull market, and even after a recovery of 60 per cent from its peak of $3 trillion in 2021, there are still $1 trillion, and given the large volume of traditional capital inflows required, the traditional financial situation has led to a move away from the right and left, and the currency circle is no longer independent from the financial environment, but is highly influenced by it, such as the interest hike in the United States, the shrinkage (water collection), the SPX index (approach 500) and so on. Look at figure 1, the trend of the latest year between SPX and BTC, which is extremely high.


Figure 1: Trends associated with SPX and BTC


Although in the three indexes of the United States, the link to the currency circle is much greater, I think SPX has more professional discussion in the traditional financial world, so I suggest referring to SPX for comparison. The currency circle can be seen as a high-risk technology unit with higher volatility. For example, if looking at its Kline is meaningless, rather than studying the Kline of SPX, it is much larger than the size of the cake, and the BTC is moving along with SPX.


In figure 1, we see that the rebound in mid-June 2022, and the rebound that began in early January of this year, are highly relevant to SPX. But there are exceptions, like early November 2022, when BTC and SPX moved in the opposite direction, because of the influence of FTX, which would have been a rebound had it not been for FTX.

总体而言,你只要留心观察一下,就会发觉影响币圈走势的因素很多,大的主要有以下三个:金融环境、币圈事件、以及 币圈庄家。币圈事件主要是各种暴雷 或 名人带货 等突发性的,庄家主要是指鲸鱼群体或部分机构炒家。三者中,影响权重优先级排序是:币圈事件 > 融 > 庄家,意思是,如果币圈内发生了特别事件,则币圈会短暂脱离SPX而独立波动,当事件消化后,又会重新与SPX接轨。当SPX走势沉闷、币圈事件又较少时,庄家可能出来兴风作浪,或在个别小币上作妖。

In general, if you look carefully, you will find a number of factors influencing the growth of the currency circle, mainly three: the financial environment, currency-ring events, and currency-ringers. Currency-circumstance events are mostly sudden-onset, such as thunderstorms or celebrity-carrying events, which refer mainly to whale groups or parts of institutions. In three cases, the priority ranking of influence weights is as follows: currency-circumstance & gt; melting & gt; and estates, which means that if a special incident occurs within the currency circle, the currency-circumstances will move away from SPX for a short period of time, and, when the event melts, they will be reconnected with SPX. When SPX is in a state of disarray and currency-circumstance is less frequent, the bankers may come out, or act as a demon in a small currency.


The frequency of currency-circumstance events is not high. Five or six of them are remarkable in the year. For example, in 2021, Mask brought goods, Tesla bought bitcoin, 517 China bans, and in 2022, Luna, FTX, etc., were major fluctuations in currency circles.


Long-line trends: looking at the financial environment


Midline movement: look at the currency circle incident


Short-line movement: look at the dealer


Why can't it be a cow market in 2023 and 2024?


This falls within the range of medium- and long-line projections, depending on whether the ring is back or not, and whether the dollar is back or not.


The so-called easing of interest rates in the US is in fact three steps: 1; reduction of interest increases; 2; cessation of interest hikes; 3; start of interest cuts; and we are now on the first step, the recent SPX rebound, which has shrunk expectations and needs new expectations to continue to rise. In the second half of this year, the US is likely to be on the verge of a recession, possibly a slight or moderate recession, with a relatively low probability of a serious recession in terms of recent robust economic data.


Second, the Fed’s schedule (water collection) has only just begun, with $95 billion a month, and two and a half years before it is projected to recover a total of $3-4 trillion in liquidity by 2025. This is a plan announced by FED in early 2022, which has been implemented as planned and has not stopped. Ask, how venture assets (the currency ring) will rise in the face of increasing liquidity.


Figure 2: Federal Reserve liability table released a total of $3 trillion between 2008 and 2020 and $5 trillion in the two years following the 2020 epidemic


It's all about money. Before the epidemic, the total market value of the currency ring was 200 billion, the US released $5 trillion after the epidemic, pushing the market value of the currency ring up to $3 trillion, and there are still $1 trillion left, and the money that has run out will not come back in the short term unless the next water release cycle begins.


The Fed’s water collection program starts late and lasts longer than the interest increase, but the advantage is that it is more predictable than the interest rate is adjusted to the dynamics of economic data. It is important for long-line partners to focus on debt tables and short-liners on interest rate trends.

第三、2022年的关键字是“通胀”,2023年的关键字是 “衰退”。 通胀导致加息,加息导致经济活动降温,美股下跌,最终币圈下跌。同样,衰退会导致上市公司盈利下跌,导致美股下跌。通胀可能告一段落,但衰退还没来,现在才年初,它会不来吗?不会!除非有奇迹。经济衰退周期结束,底部才会出来。在衰退过程中,几乎大部分风险资产都会急跌。很不幸,加密货币还不是避险资产属性,而是妥妥的风险资产,并且是高风险资产,尤其在LUNA和FTX爆雷之后,更强化了机构资金的这种看法。

The key word for the third, 2022, was “inflation”, and the key word for 2023 was “recession.” Inflation led to interest hikes, cooling economic activity, falling United States stock, and eventually falling currency circles. Similarly, the recession led to a fall in profits for listed companies, leading to a fall in United States stock.


When are we going to get a copy?


This is the most interesting topic. The discussion is about the bottom, which means the bottom, and the bottom, which means the bottom, which is hard to guess. I'm not going to give you a specific spot in public, leaving you a way to look at it, or going back to the history of SPX:


Figure 3: Relationship of major bear markets to interest rates on several occasions in the history of the United States


As can be seen from figure 3, several times in the history of United States shares have fallen in the course of interest cuts. You may wonder why interest rates continue to fall, and the stock market does not rise and goes down. That is because interest rates are always lagging because of the recession, stock yields fall, and stock prices fall before they trigger interest cuts.


So the point of inflation is not the starting point for the cow, the point of interest reduction is not the starting point for the cow, but only if interest is kept to a minimum, it can be the toe of the cow!


IV. The advent of a new era


People often complain that central banks are producing banknotes in an uncontrolled fashion, causing French currency to depreciate and depreciate. Now that the past is good, the times of low interest and financial easing are over, and we are about to usher in a new financial era:


1. Don’t expect inflation to cool down easily, and inflation, once it has exceeded 5%, has historically become stubborn, especially when it is difficult to come down, such as rent and labour, and only a recession can calm down. That is why interest rates must be raised to the point where the recession is too high. The Fed’s 2% inflation target will not be met easily, at least not this year, which means that there is little room for interest reduction.


Figure 4: The Chairman of the Federal Reserve believes that there will be no reduction in interest rates this year.


2. Don’t expect a long period of low interest rates, which for the last decade or so have been caused by the financial storm of 8 and the new crown epidemic of 20 years, and which will not be seen unless there are still major future thunders. The Fed will also be slow to reduce interest rates next year, fearing a rebound in inflation, and will not drop to zero, as it was before, and it is expected that the next 1-2% will be low interest rate levels.


3. Don’t expect no more low-cost and cheap money, which will have a significant impact on the valuation of risk assets. Will the next coin-coated cow pie still be high? Words are limited, and the next topic will be clear.

那利率什么能见底?目测要到2024年底甚至2025年、2026年才会看到 ……

What about the interest rate? Visibility won't be seen until the end of 2024, even in 2025, 2026...

胡安预测fil三年后的币价靠谱吗 3年后fil币多少一只





SHA-256 is the encryption algorithm used for digital currencies such as bitcoin. However, it uses a great deal of computing capacity and processing time, forcing miners to build mining ponds to reap the benefits.


smart contracts (SmartContracts)


Smart contracts encode operational rules in programmable languages to blocks and are implemented by network participants.


public chain (Publicblockchain)


The public chain is decentralized and unsovereignized. Anyone can make a (effective) transaction on the block chain, and all records of the transaction are publicly available.


Private Chain (Privateblockchain)


A trusted operator controls the port of the block chain, and only an authorized person can access or trade on the block chain. These block chains are usually considered to be “centralized.” The typical case of private or union chains is Ripper Ripple.


Union Chain (Consortiumlockchain)


Union chains are between public and private chains, and union blocks are those in which consensus processes are controlled by pre-selected nodes; for example, the public can access and trade, but cannot verify the transaction or issue an intelligent contract, requiring a union licence. These blocks are usually considered to be “partially decentralized”.


main chain


Many of the new coins are now used to issue an asset token (Token) to investors in Ether after private solicitation or when the ICO is completed, and then to fire Token directly on the exchange and promise to exchange the main Internet line after 1:1:Coins.

关于“胡安预测fil三年后的币价靠谱吗 3年后fil币多少一只”的相关问答:

strong > questions and answers on “/strong Juan predicts that three years later the monetary balance of > > >. > > > questions and answers on . >


How many times did the BTC fall?


There is no rush to enter now.


The author of Rich Dads and Poor Fathers, Robert Kishizaki, wrote that he was going to write down when Bitcoin fell to $1,100.


Qingzaki in his tweets referred to rich dad's wisdom, and the losers withdrew when they failed and used it to stimulate discussion of the current market situation in Bitcoin.


Half the bitcoin countdown.


As shown in the figure above, the amount of bitcoins is halved to the next half, with 412 days remaining.


The price now stands at 24,600, which, when halved, will have a positive effect on the price.


Attention is drawn to the fact that it is now time not to rush into the field until it is halved.


Robert Kishizaki, author of the well-known financial book " Rich Dads and Poor Dads ", projected the bottom price of Bitcoin.


Rich Dad once said that the losers had quit when they failed, and that the beatcoin losers were now retreating, and that the winners had learned from their losses.


He said, ‘I am waiting for a test of Bitcoin’s progress towards the price of $1,100, and if it is restored, I will buy more.’


If not, I will wait for the loser to surrender and then buy more.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — —


How long do you think it's gonna be?


Halve production in May 2020 and cattle in 2021


Halve production in May 2024 and cattle in 2025


The bottom of this wave must be less than $1w.


The next peak in the bull market must be more than $15w.


Eth's value-added is going to be greater than btc.


I'm telling you, it's not gonna work. It's not gonna work for four years at the end of the year, it's not. It's my whole circle of friends test.


It's not the market that's stopping you from making money, it's the greed, the timidity, the smallness of the pattern, the lack of persistence, the lack of luck.


History has been repeating itself. What you need is patience.


Ps. See a lot of people collecting this answer, friendship tip:


Don't leverage it!


Don't leverage it!


Don't leverage it!


I can't hear you. I can't feel pity for selling my ass. That's what I'm talking about.


I wish I could hear it! I can still do it!


"Sincerely the heart of a true woman"

— — — — — — — — — — — — — —


bank information:

区块链板块“风口”不断 巨头陆续加入币圈


This week’s Bitcoin station was set at $9,000, one of which has been high for 13 months. Other digital currencies have also grown significantly, and the Galaxy index, compiled by Bloomberg, has doubled since this year.


In the US stock market, the block chain concept unit has recently become more heterogeneous. Analysts suggest that the trade heat of the block chain concept is expected to be passed on to the A-share market.


The giants keep coming into the circle.


On Facebook 18, a long-awaited White Paper on the Libra project was launched, and a list of 29 partners was published. The general practice of digital money projects is to issue a White Paper first, followed by a six-month to one-year-old digital currency.


As a collaborative project led by the Linux Foundation, the Hyperledger community aims to create open source standards for block chains and distributed ledger techniques. Companies involved in the project include a number of financial, technological and technological giants.


In addition, an encrypted asset-trading platform, Bakkt, which will open a trading test on July 22, could also be a new catalyst for the currency circle. Bakkt was created by the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), the parent company of Newton, in association with a number of enterprises, and, if all goes well, it will bring new standards to institutional investors to enter the currency-trading market and attract more traditional financial capital.

胡安预测fil三年后的币价靠谱吗 3年后fil币多少一只

15:09 【合众思壮于河南新设高精度科技子公司 注册资本1亿元】近日,河南海浦思森高精度科技有限公司成立,注册资本1亿元人民币,经营范围包含:导航、测绘、气象及海洋专用仪器制造;生态环境监测及检测仪器仪表制造;集成电路芯片及产品制造;集成电路芯片及产品销售等。企查查股权穿透显示,该公司由合众思壮100%控股。

15:09 In recent days, Henan Hai Haixison High Precision Technology Co. Ltd. has been established and has a registered capital of 100 million yuan and operates in the following areas: navigation, mapping, meteorology and ocean-specific instrumentation; eco-environmental monitoring and detection instrument instrument instrumentation; integrated circuit chip and product manufacturing; integrated circuit chips and product sales.

以上就是对《胡安预测fil三年后的币价靠谱吗 3年后fil币多少一只》的介绍,想进群或是想了解币圈的可以加微信或是QQ【见文章底部联系栏】,一起探讨交流,让我们一起腰包鼓鼓,一夜暴富!

Jan predicts fil three years later, how many




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