In the early morning hours of Beijing time 21, the price of Bitcoins fell by $4,100, and this week's cumulative decline has reached about 30 per cent, the lowest in September last year.
比特幣年內跌幅超七成 “硬分叉”成暴跌推手
"Strong" bitcoin drops by more than 70% in the year.
礦海會COO 俞陽:現在資產還是縮水比較快的,比較厲害,最近有不少大的機構也爆倉了。
The mineral society COO Yuyang: /strong is still faster, more powerful, and there are a number of big institutions that have exploded recently.
The collapse of the bitcoins has been associated with a number of analyses of the bitcoins' “hard fork”.
The bit currency cash, which is one of the bitcoins, appears to address the less efficient transactions caused by the small size of the bitcoins.
北京大學光華管理學院金融系系主任 劉曉蕾:比如,原來一個微信群,大家都在群裡聊天,忽然分出兩個群來,在這個分裂的過程中就是一場大戰,這段時間波動非常大。
Head of the Department of Finance, Guanghua School of Management, Beijing University.
Investors fear that the bitcoin split will lead to a scarcity gap, and that the bitcoin value will be reduced. Compared to the more than $19,000 high at the beginning of this year, the bitcoin drop has reached 76% of the year.
中國人民大學國際貨幣所研究員 李虹含:數字貨幣本身目前來看,沒有產生社會利潤的這種創造,更多的來源於一種炒作,信心的減弱必然會引起散戶的拋售,也使數字貨幣市場有繼續下跌的可能性。
Researcher at the People's University of China's International Currency Institute, Lee Yonghai: The digital currency itself does not currently appear to generate such a socially profitable creation, more from a pseudo-false, and a loss of confidence will inevitably lead to the sale of the diaspora and make it possible for the digital currency market to continue to decline.
Data show that the total global market value of encrypted currency is currently $82 billion, down 75 per cent from its peak in December last year.
Miners shut down
Bitcoinmines also suffer from “mine trouble” with currency prices: part of small and medium-sized mines have been unable to sell them to clean up.
A miner with more than 2,000 mining machines said that in these days, he had dug up more than 30 bits of money, which, according to the current price, was less expensive than electricity. “It's pretty much more expensive, so just shut it down.”
Another miner, with more than 20,000 M3 miners, said that they had reported more than a million dollars in the market more than a year ago, but now, under currency prices and arithmetic, they had reached the cut-off price, so that the second-hand exclusive sale was no longer a problem, “mostly equivalent to a pile of rotten copper, more than 20,000 of them alone, at a cost of more than 100 million dollars.”
According to a number of sources, some of the small bitcoin mines have been abandoned and piled up like hills in the yard, and even sold at the price of scrap iron.
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