
资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:32 评论:0
本文来自微信公众号:Internet Law Review(ID:Internet-law-review),作者:Ulrich Bindseil(欧洲央行行长)、Jürgen Schaff(欧洲央行分析师),译者:互联网法律评论,原文标题:...



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本文来自微信公众号:Internet Law Review(ID:Internet-law-review),作者:Ulrich Bindseil(欧洲央行行长)、Jürgen Schaff(欧洲央行分析师),译者:互联网法律评论,原文标题:《欧洲央行行长撰文称比特币不应合法化》,头图来自:视觉中国

近几个季度,全球多家央行对加密货币的采用及交易的扩散表示了担忧。印度储备银行行长Shaktikanta Das在2022年早些时候曾表示,加密货币没有潜在价值,甚至连“郁金香”都不是(即17世纪荷兰郁金香市场的泡沫)。2022年12月1日印度刚刚启动零售数字货币试点,目的之一就是保护公民免受私人加密货币波动的影响。

In recent quarters, several central banks around the world have expressed concern about the introduction of encrypted currency and the spread of transactions. The Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, Shaktikanta Das, stated earlier in 2022 that encrypted currency had no potential value, and that even “Tulips” were not .


However, encryption money companies have many high-profile supporters. According to the survey, a number of world-renowned financial institutions, such as Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, HSBC, rich country banks, Citigroup, Bank of America, Deutsche Bank, Swift Bank, Federal Bank of Australia, Bank of Bangkok, and Wales Development Bank, are supporting one or more encryption money companies.

2022年11月30日,欧洲央行行长Ulrich Bindseil和分析师Jürgen Schaff发文警告金融行业的参与者要重新审视比特币,称比特币受到投机的推动“很少用于合法交易”,并敦促监管机构不要以创新的名义赋予其合法性。可以预见,比特币在未来将面临更严峻的监管和处罚。

On November 30, 2022, ECB President Ulrich Bindseil and analyst Jürgen Schaff warned participants in the financial industry to revisit Bitcoin, saying that Bitcoin was being pushed by speculation “less than enough for legitimate transactions” and urged regulators not to confer legitimacy on it in the name of innovation. It is foreseeable that Bitcoin will face even more severe regulations and penalties in the future.



The value of Bitcoin peaked at $69,000 in November 2021 and then fell to $17,000 in mid-June 2022. Since then, the value has fluctuated around $20,000.


For the supporters of Bitcoin, this apparent stability represents an opportunity for Bitcoin to breathe on its way to new heights. However, it is more likely that this was the last struggle before Bitcoin became “minus” – which could already have been foreseen before FTX went bankrupt and bitcoin was far below $16,000.


比特币的诞生是为了克服现有货币和金融体系的弱点。2008年,化名为中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的人发表了这个概念。从那时起,比特币就被市场宣传为一种“全球去中心化数字货币”。然而,比特币的概念和技术缺陷使其作为一种支付手段受到质疑——真正的比特币交易繁琐、缓慢且昂贵,比特币从未在任何程度上用于合法的现实世界中的交易。

Bitcoin was born to overcome the weaknesses of the existing monetary and financial system. In 2008, the concept was published by a man named Chinabone . Since then, Bitcoin has been promoted by the market as a “global decentralised digital currency”. However, Bitcoin's concept and technical flaws have called it into question as a means of payment —


In the mid-2010s, the expectation and judgment that “the value of Bitcoin will inevitably rise to new heights” began to dominate. But Bitcoin is not suitable for investment either. is neither a cash flow for real estate, nor a dividends for equity, nor for commodity production, nor for social benefits like gold. Thus, Bitcoin’s market valuation is based entirely on speculation.


Bitcoin also benefits from waves of new investors on several occasions. In the first wave of volatility, manipulations such as individual exchanges or stable currency suppliers are well documented, but there is little stability after the bubble collapse.


By the end of 2020, some companies began to be funded by companies to promote Bitcoin, and some venture capital companies continued to invest heavily. Although the “winter of encrypt currency” was continuing, the total risk investment in the encrypt currency and block chain industry had reached $17.9 billion as of mid-July 2022.



Large investors have also funded lobbyists to promote their claims to parliamentarians and regulators. In the US alone, the number of encrypted money lobbyists has almost tripled, from 115 in 2018 to 320 in 2025, a list that sometimes looks like a celebrity for US regulators.


In fact, legislators sometimes facilitate the flow of funds by supporting the so-called merits of Bitcoin, and by giving the impression that encrypted assets are just another type of asset regulation. However, the risks of encrypted assets are indisputable among regulators. In July 2022, the Financial Stability Board calls for effective regulation and supervision of encrypted assets and markets commensurate with the risks they pose - following the principle of “same risk, same regulation”.


In recent years, however, legislation on encrypted assets has sometimes been delayed in approval and implementation has often been delayed. Moreover, different jurisdictions have not moved at the same pace and ambition.


The regulation of encrypted money is currently partly due to misunderstandings — the belief that innovative space must be given at all costs — and that, since Bitcoin is based on a new technology — a distributed account technology/block chain, it should have a high potential for transformation. But first, I would like to say that these technologies have so far created limited value for society — whatever our future expectations may be; and secondly, the use of a so-called “prospective” technology by does not add much value to the technology itself.


Traditional financial industries have also been induced to make Bitcoin more accessible to customers. Not only to insurance companies and banks, but also to asset managers and payment service providers.


It is also worth noting that the bitcoin system is an unprecedented polluter. first, it consumes the same amount of energy as the economy as a whole — it is estimated that the annual amount of electricity consumed by bitcoin mining is comparable to that consumed by Austria; and secondly, it produces a mountain of hardware waste. A bitcoin trades the same hardware as two smartphones, and the entire bitcoin system produces as much e-waste as the whole of the Netherlands. The inefficiency of this system is not a “defect”, but rather its “character”. Of course, ensuring the integrity of a completely decentralized system is one of its characteristics.



As Bitcoin does not seem suitable either as a “payment system” or as a “investment form”, it should not be legalized in terms of regulation. Similarly, the financial sector should be wary of promoting long-term damage to Bitcoin investment – although they can earn short-term profits .

本文来自微信公众号:Internet Law Review(ID:Internet-law-review),作者:Ulrich Bindseil(欧洲央行行长)、Jürgen Schaff(欧洲央行分析师),译者:互联网法律评论

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Please contact hezuo@huxiu.com for authorization.

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