
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:129 评论:0
最早听到Web3.0的概念还是在19年波卡的活动上,但当时由于相关知识储备匮乏,所以Gavin Wood的主题演讲听的云里雾里,之后工作便进入了垄断性的互联网平台化,离Web3.0越来越远,直到最近的Internet Computer的H...



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最早听到Web3.0的概念还是在19年波卡的活动上,但当时由于相关知识储备匮乏,所以Gavin Wood的主题演讲听的云里雾里,之后工作便进入了垄断性的互联网平台化,离Web3.0越来越远,直到最近的Internet Computer的Hackathon又让我再次遇到Web3.0,借此机会也搜集了大量的Web3.0的资料,试图建构起自己对于Web3.0的系统化认知,以此作为根基来探索Web3.0中的机会,希望能在未来蓬勃发展的Web3.0之中分一杯羹。

The concept of Web3.0 was first heard of the 19-year Poca event, but Gavin Wood's keynote speech was cloudy because of the scarcity of the relevant knowledge, and work then moved into monopolistic Internet platforms, further away from Web3.0, until the recent Internet Computer Hackathon brought me back to Web3.0 and took the opportunity to gather a great deal of Web3.0 information, trying to build up its own systematic understanding of Web3.0 as an opportunity to explore Web3.0 as a platform for exploring Web3.0, hoping to have a share of the Web3.0 that will flourish in the future.


Before we talk about Web3.0, talk about some of our own platformed perceptions of the physical and digital worlds.


In the physical world, the ocean, where mountains used to be geographical boundaries, was no longer an obstacle to the ocean as human technology evolved. Theoretically, if we wished, we could go to any part of the world, but the reality was otherwise. The emergence of States led to the creation of borders, the recruitment of military guards, the formation of a barrier, and the geographical cutting of the world.


When the digital world was first formed, it was a network built by a series of communications agreements, such as TCP, IP, but roads in our physical world, with access to it, that I could access anywhere in the digital world. But it was simply based on TCP, IP, where basic communicators such as Cisco could be profitable and no one could benefit from it. Then Web1.0, Web 2.0, when people began to think about building more innovative construction on TCP, IP, creating business models, created better access to information, Facebook, etc., which, because of its platformed monopoly advantage, brought together the largest number of users, would be rich enough to have enough users and money to buy small companies on a continuous basis or, by copying, would kill competitions in the middle, the platform would prosper and the company would gradually become too effective.


The platforms in the Internet are so similar to the shape of the country that, for the benefit of a few, gather groups, and then indoctrinate them with various philosophical values, ultimately depriving them of their interests and maximizing their personal interests. First, they are for users, for people’s ultimate sake, or for people’s sake, and for politics.


Every once in a while, there seems to be a resurgence of communism, as wealth slowly gathers among the few in the country for a variety of reasons, the quality of life of the majority of the population falls or falls short of expectations, does not want to continue to satisfy the country's rent-seeking, does not want to continue to live here, and then marches to protest against demonstrations for more freedom and rights in their lives, and the Internet platform has emerged for more than 20 years, and Web3.0 seems to be such a wave of thought. Credible calculations, decentralization, community autonomy, etc., seem to be pointing to vested interests for a redistribution.


So, we can say that Web3.0 is a communist thought wave in a digital world that is consistent with history, or that most people lose a collective resistance to rising paths after the digital world platform monopolizes. Li Dae-jung and Chen Xiu-soo watched China’s labor workers suffer, vowed to create a new China for 40,000 fellow Chinese citizens, while the leaders who are active in Web3.0 are watching a big Internet platform come to me, and the public finds nothing but entertainment every day.

现在讲Web3是什么,无疑是在问外星人是什么样的。一个还在萌芽期的树苗,我们无法预知它未来的形态会是一棵参天红杉还是一棵驼背小槐树。对于Web3.0是没有明确定义的,但是所有在做Web3的人是带着一些共识去做的。 最基础的共识就是,在平台化垄断的今天,我们想让互联网变的更美好。这是非常空,非常宏观的想法,如同让世界更美好一样,但是怎么让世界更美好呢?原有的平台化垄断存在什么问题呢?Web3又准备用什么样的问题去解决呢?

What we're talking about is what we're talking about, no doubt, about aliens. A seedling that's still in the bud, we can't predict whether its future shape will be a redwood or a humpback tree. There's no clear definition of what we're talking about, but all those who are doing Web3 are doing it with some consensus.

  • 平台化垄断。平台化垄断所带来的的问题就是导致创新很难产生,比如在房屋装修上,原有一个好好住,百度照抄了一个产品加大流量推广,等到一家独大之后,负责产品的人可能还是最初那些人,负责产品稳定即可,创新如何产生呢?反垄断法不无道理,只有通过权力的制衡和竞争才能促进最好的创新。
  • 数据稳定性。通过一个中心化的存储方式,数据容易被攻击泄漏,同时中心化平台可能会出现一些开发上的事故,导致数据出现丢失等问题。
  • 数据主导权。对于中心化的机构,特别是一些抽奖活动之类的,涉及平台利益的,公司可以随意的对数据进行篡改,用户完全无法感知。
  • 隐私售卖。采集了用户的信息之后,通过各种方式对外售卖,用户的隐私完全在裸奔。对于国家层面也将会自上而下的进行主导对于个人隐私的保护。个人隐私的大批量泄漏可能会威胁到一个国家的利益和群体的利益。
  • 数据孤岛割裂。阿里的数据,腾讯的数据,每家公司都是一个数据孤岛,数据完全没办法进行更高效更高价值的使用。如果数据自由流通起来,可能会有我们想象不到的创新应用产生。


For businesses, data is the firm’s core asset. The platform becomes the gatekeeper for Internet databases, they control the key to the Internet database, they have the key in their hands, and only by their rules, they can choose how to show you the data and what kind of data they see.


The bottom of Bitcoin is an account book, but it can also be seen as a database for recording transactional information, which is no longer managed from the top to the bottom, as traditional companies do, but is built from the bottom up, in a decentralized way. Everyone is a gatekeeper, so there are no doorkeepers, and it creates an efficient incentive for those involved in the gatekeepers to get incentives while ensuring the operation of the database’s credible storage.


The question of trusting the currency from the very essence of Bitcoin – money’s orthopaedicity and endorsement depends not on human institutions, but on mathematical guarantees. Its credible storage has given us great insight into the question of the supremacy of the doorman in a centralized database, and whether data management on the Internet can do the same.


This is followed by a much more enlightening and credible calculation. By using the community’s smart contracts, we can make a credible calculation. And it can be done by calculating and storing a program in a decentralised way, and we can see that a credible and secure Internet is given to users in the future on the Internet.


Based on some of the insights into the existing problems of Web2 and block chain technology, a16z is cited here for some general definitions of the characteristics of Web3.


  • Web 3.0 必须是开放的。任何人都可以加入作为其中的一个节点参与进来。
  • Web 3.0 必须是安全的。因为开放,且安全,所以必须用到密码学技术,因为不再通过人为的方式来决定结果 也就是说不再基于信任,而是基于事实,所有对于安全性要求将会极高,否则因为安全问题所导致的后果将无法挽回。
  • Web 3.0 必定是去中心化的或者叫分布式的。开放协议,必定造就去中心化 Web 3.0 的平台和应用必定具有原生通证,因为去中心化需要通过通证自动结算各方的利益分配,同时通过去中心化的方式也实现了存储,计算的可信。
  • Web 3.0 会在生产关系上产生巨大的突破。由于底层的分布式与密码学的应用,为了集体协作分工与收益提供了更好的结算方式,DAO的形态将会成为Web3.0中常见的组织形态。


  • 平台的代码(协议)是开放的;未来将会出现类似于现在四大会计所类似的公司来审计一个公司的代码,就像现在审计公司的财务一样。
  • 不是一家企业独自掌控平台,而是一个社区拥有这个平台;公司的形态将不再是传统形态,用户就是员工,员工就是用户。
  • 平台的利润,不再是不透明的,不可预测的,优先流向大股东的(大股东可能为追求更高的巨额利润来对平台的策略进行修改)。而是按规则的,可计算的,可预测地分配给所有平台中价值的创造者;
  • 平台的商业模式仍然能容纳 Web 2.0 的成熟的商业模式,比如广告、会员服务、游戏等; - 平台可能催生新的商业模式;
  • 平台不会像 Web 2.0 一样,因为其主体公司的倒闭而关闭,一个参与节点的关闭不影响 Web 3.0 平台整体的运行。


  • App 的使用体验与 Web 2.0 仍然类似或一致;
  • 用户对自己贡献的内容具有所有权,能够根据对平台的内容贡献获得一定的回报;
  • 对自己使用平台服务时产生的隐私数据,能够比较清楚的知晓这些数据的边界和用途,并对这些数据具有一定的决策权,可用其产生一定的经济收益;
  • 对平台承诺的对一些私密数据的存储有信心(因为是密码学保证且代码是开源的);
  • 用户能跨平台地拥有一些东西的所有权(这个所有权是密码学保证的,不是某个机构认证的),这样在跨平台交互的时候,能认证且自由转移这些所有权资产。


On the basis of some of the above-mentioned reasoning, we can see that Web3.0 has advantages, both in terms of its real value and in terms of changes in social relations, but it seems that it is still in a small circle, and the first of which, according to the author, comes mainly from four areas, the first of which is the most critical.



There is a need to build a value consensus about anything that requires organizing a group. How can a good value consensus be built? First, a good story needs to be told about the scarcity of the story, while stimulating community participation. NFT is good at telling stories about digital currency transactions in Web3.0, and digital gold, and digital art, have good real value anchors.



On the basis of the first point, fewer people would otherwise have been attracted, while Web 2.0 platform companies had a strong talent inhalation effect, resulting in more talent remaining in the traditional Web 2.0 enterprise, resulting in a clear shortage of human resources and a significantly lower level of skills among the relevant practitioners than the head Web 2.0 company, Level.



Web3.0 The application experience is much worse because it is achieved by means of block chains and decentralized servers are simply not comparable, while many products basically simply copy Web 2.0 applications to add more cumbersome login processes, and then add incentives that are not fundamentally different from the fun headlines, which are much worse than the worst of Web 2.0.


Web3.0底层借助与可信计算和可信存储,因此就需要使用到区块链和去中心化,但是会导致多节点重复计算效率(能耗比)低下,多节点存储冗余度极高。存储空间效率不高。由于加密以及对 Proof 的要求,区块链状态存储采用了如 MPT 之类的结构,存储空间占用比较大,经济效率不高。

The bottom of Web3.0 is supported by credible computing and credible storage, which requires the use of block chains and decentralisation, but leads to inefficient double counting of multiple nodes (energy consumption ratio) and extremely inefficient storage of multiple nodes. Storage space is inefficient. As a result of encryption and Proof requirements, block chain state storage uses structures such as MPTs, and storage space is more occupied and less economically efficient.


The existing digital currency, Bitcoin, has been well shaped in its value system, and its value-consensus base is growing. Continued digital currency as a fiscal option is a good option and Bitcoin will continue to grow in the long run.


As digital art, or as a matter of relationships and marketing within the circle, the general population would enter a relatively high threshold, while their artistic properties would lead to lower mobility efficiencies. The secondary market for digital art would be in a better direction to promote its mobility, and the second value of the NFT at the copyright level would also be worth studying. In music copyright, visual copyright, etc., the thinking direction would be to construct the value Internet as an underlying technology.


The size of the online casinos in the world, the market in Defi, at least not below its size, and its confidence-based computing capacity solves the problem of intermediary fraud, while the associated financial derivatives, such as some personal credit issues, will flourish.


The application of the innovative Web2 game that combines the credible features of Web3 would be an interesting direction.


All public chains are at the stage of agreement-making, somewhat similar to the recently completed TCP, IP protocol development and alignment, the completion of some data packs, and the construction of infrastructure above the public chain.


To mobilize friends around them, to build their own DAO organizations or to join a DAO organization, to find out how the DAO operates better in the DAO organizations as a starting point for exploration and to work together to promote more Web3.0 eco-building, with a share.




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