Technology needed to develop the public chain (public chain system development)
Public chains are referred to as “public chains” and are meant to be shared; public chains are those in which all people can read, send, trade and have effective confirmation of the transaction, or participate in the process of consensus. Thus, in general, public chains are considered to be “totally decentralized” such as the Taiku, BSC, Solana, etc. A fully decentralized public chain encourages participants to compete through consensus mechanisms and token incentives, i.e. mining, and jointly preserves the security of the data on the chain.
公链项目在区块链领域为底层项目, 是整个区块链的底层协议,相当于区块链世界的“操作系统”。公链项目能利用加密算法保证网络安全,通过共识机制和激励机制实现节点网络的正常运行,也能提供API接口供DApp开发者调用,进而在公链平台上开发出满足其业务需求的应用。
The public chain project, which is the bottom of the block chain area, is the bottom of the block chain, which is equivalent to the “operational system” of the block chain world. The public chain project can use encryption algorithms to secure the network, achieve the proper operation of the node network through consensus mechanisms and incentives, and provide an API interface for DApp developers to call, thereby developing applications to meet their business needs on the public chain platform.

The present report will select the main public chain projects from the top 100 market values, as well as the public chain projects that have made significant progress in the recent past, and provide a comparative analysis of the status of each public chain projects by comparing the basics of the individual public chain, the technology, the community and the market.
The public-chain platform project requires not only a very strong technology development team, but also a large community and technological community to support the development of a stable ecology and promote application development and landing. This report focuses on the analysis of the current mainstream sector-chain platform type projects in the market, conducting a comparative analysis of the public-chain projects from a variety of angles, such as the technological architecture, market heat, and the state of ecological development, with the aim of integrating the development and operation of the objects of the 3D demonstration.

Brief description of the public chain project
This part consists mainly of a brief analysis of the basics of the public chain projects listed above, including project profiles, team presentations, progress in development, , financing status and market performance.
Project Introduction
Ether is a worldwide computer that anyone can access and build applications, and all status and data are distributed and publicly accessible. Ether supports smart contracts, in which developers prepare codes for the transmission of digital values. Through its original encrypted currency 团队信息 Team Info Vitalik Buterin(V神)、Gavin James Wood、Jeffrey Wilcke等 Vitalik Buterin, Gavin James Wood, Jeffrey Wilcke, etc. 发展阶段 测试网(2015年5月)→Frontier(2015年7月)→Homestead(2016年3月)→Metropolis(2017年10月)→Serenity(2020年11月) Test Network (May 2015) Frontier (July 2015) Homestead (March 2016) Metropolis (October 2017) Serence (November 2020) 当前进度 当前处于宁静阶段 We're in a quiet phase. 主网上线时间 Mainline Time 2015年7月 July 2015 共识机制 Consensus Mechanism PoW→PoS 融资状况 2014年7月24日以太币预售,募集3万多枚比特币,当时价值超过1800万美元。 More than 30,000 bitcoins, valued at more than $18 million, were pre-sold in Tai currency on 24 July 2014. 项目详情: Item details: 以太坊(Ethereum)是一个开源的有智能合约功能的公共区块链平台,通过其专用加密货币 以太币(简称“ETH”)提供去中心化的以太虚拟机(Ethereum Virtual Machine)来处理点 对点合约,允许任何人在平台中建立与使用通过区块链技术运行的去中心化应用。截至目前, 以太币是市值第二的加密货币,仅次于比特币。 Etheeum is an open-source public block chain platform with smart contract functions that provides decentralised Etherium Virtual Machine (Ethereum Digital Machine) through its dedicated encryption currency, which allows anyone to create and use a decentralized application in the platform of sector chain technology
The third phase of the transition from the PoS mechanism to the Pos phase is considered a phase in which the bottom agreements have changed significantly, resulting in a hard split. This phase, because of the complexity of implementation, is divided into smaller phases, namely: (October 2017), Constantinople (January 2019),
第四阶段Serenity:日益增长的链上应用使得以太坊网络变得拥堵,同时PoW机制 带来的能源消耗迫使以太坊做出改变。从2020年12月开始以太坊逐渐向以太坊2.0转变。以太坊2.0也称为Serenity,是一次重大升级,旨在将以太坊网络 从 PoW机制转变为PoS机制,从根本上改变底层挖矿机制与货币基础经济模型,使其更快、更高效及更具可扩展性,以提升以太坊网络的整体性能。
The growing use of the chain in phase IV of
技术架构: 以太坊核心架构从上层到底层主要包括: From the top to the bottom, . 顶层应用:Solidty智能合约语言、去中心化应用DApp、普通支付交易 API接口服务:提供HTTP、TCP相关的接口RPC框架服务 API interface services: provides HTTP, TCP-related interfaces 分布式账本:包括交易、区块、区块校验工具、回执、状态数据、交易池相关信息。 Distributed Book: includes information on transactions, blocks, block verification tools, returns, status data, and the trading pool. 以太坊虚拟机(EVM):智能合约的核心执行层 ETA Virtual Machine (EVM): Core Implementation Level for Smart Contracts 共识:Fisco以PBFT为主,以太坊公链为POW机制,以太坊2.0将转向PoS机制 Consensus: Fisco, with PBFT as the Pow mechanism, will be turned to the PoS mechanism by 2.0 网络服务:点对点节点发现及链接服务,区块链同步服务 web service: point-to-point discovery and link service, block chain synchronization service 底层服务:数据库、密码学、基础算法 Bottom Service: Database, , base algorithm 币安链项目概览 项目简介 Project Introduction 币安链是币安交易所在2019年4月上线的区块链,它的存在主要是为了解决交易所的生态问题,协助更多的项目方更轻松的发行数字代币及通过链上的去中心化交易所DEX实现更轻松的代币交易流动;币安智能链于2020年9月推出,作为以太坊区块链的替代品,在操作上模仿了该平台,交易成本更低,处理速度更快。2022年2月币安宣布币安链和币安智能链合并为BNB Chain。 The money securitization chain, a block chain in which the exchange took up its line in April 2019, exists primarily to address the ecological problems of the exchange, to assist more project parties to issue digital tokens more easily and to move more easily in currency transactions through the decentralized exchange DEX on the chain; the currency serenity chain was launched in September 2020 as an alternative to the Terai block chain, and the platform was reproduced operationally, with the transaction costs of 主网上线时间 Mainline Time 2019年4月币安链上线,2020年9月币安智能链上线。2022年2月合并 In April 2019, the money chain was lined up, and in September 2020, the money chain was lined up. 共识机制 Consensus Mechanism PoW+PoSA 特点 Features 优点是币安背书,天然流量,技术成熟,项目较多。缺点是中心化程度较高 The advantages are endorsements, natural flows, technological maturity, and more projects. The disadvantages are a higher degree of centralization. 项目详情: Item details: 币安链是一个去中心化程度较低的区块链,主要承载着去中心化交易所Binance Dex,币安链有着高吞吐量和高性能的底层匹配引擎,可以同时迅速的支持和处理大量交易。其缺点是不够灵活性,无法支持许多复杂的DApp。 The value chain is a less centralized block chain with a major decentralized exchange, Binance Dex, with a bottom-level matching engine with high throughput and high performance, that can support and process a large number of transactions at the same time quickly. The disadvantage is that it is not flexible enough to support many of the complex Dapps. 币安智能链的设计思路着重强调两点:一是保障高性能、低转账费率;二是兼容以太坊虚拟机EVM 及其生态系统下的应用与工具,开发人员可以轻松实现以太坊DApp的迁移与部署。 The design thinking of the currency security smart chain highlights two things: the guarantee of high performance and low transfer rates; and the compatibility of EVM and its applications and tools under the Etherworld virtual machine and its ecosystem, where developers can easily migrate and deploy Ether Dapp. BSC借助以太坊庞大的生态,让其上的开发者可以迅速接入BSC,促进BSC生态快速崛起。目前BSC 原生代币BNB总流通市值已超过600亿美元,成为仅次于以太坊的第三大加密货币,?是公链赛道的后起之秀。 The BSC, with its vast ecology, allows its developers to quickly access BSC and contribute to its rapid rise. is now BSC's original ingenuity BNB's total market value 相较于以太坊,BSC最大不同是共识机制的创新。以太坊上高额的交易费用导致开发人员与用户开始在寻找性价比高的替代品,以太坊的第一大替代品就是BSC。 The biggest difference between BSC and Etheria is the innovation of the consensus mechanism. The high transaction costs of have led developers and users to start looking for alternatives that are more cost-effective, and the first such alternative is BSC. BSC在共识算法上有一定的创新,采用权益权威证明(PoSA)共识机制,结合了委托权益证明(DPoS)与权威证明(PoA)机制的功能,建立在21个验证节点的网络上,可以实现低交易费用、高吞吐量与快速出块,牺牲了一定程度的去中心化来实现高可扩展性与吞吐量。 BSC has been innovative in its consensus algorithms, using the Proprietary Authority (POSA) consensus mechanism, combining the functions of the Proprietary Probatives and Probatory Probatives (POA) mechanism, building on a network of 21 validation nodes that can achieve low transaction costs, high throughput and rapid output, at the expense of a certain degree of decentralization to achieve high extenuability and throughput. 币安链和币安智能链的跨链通信架构图如下: 近一年BNB市场行情: 共识机制: Consensus mechanism: 币安链采用PoW共识机制,而BSC将POA和POS结合,引入了PoSA,即权益权威证明。区块由有限的验证者生成;验证者以POA的方式产生区块;验证者基于权益质押的链上治理选出和淘汰。验证者节点人数为21人。在创世时一些受到信任的节点被选为初始的验证者运行,出块后所有候选人都可以参与竞选。在24小时内,前21个质押最多的节点会成为下一批的验证者。每24个小时选举和淘汰一次。验证者赚取区块交易中的手续费,以平台代币BNB来支付。 The currency chain uses the PoW Consensus mechanism, while BSC brings POA and POS together into PoSA, the certificate of ownership. Blocks are generated by a limited number of certifying officers; the certifying officers produce blocks in the POA manner; the certifying officers govern and phase out the chain based on an equity pledge. The number of certified persons is 21. A number of trusted nodes are selected at the time of creation. Some of the trusted nodes are run as initial certifying officers, and all candidates can run. In 24 hours, the top 21 pledge nodes become the next group of certifying officers. Each 24-hour election and phase-out takes place. Solana项目概览 项目简介 Project Introduction Solana是 一个基于历史证明(PoH)的开源区块链项目,是一个具有高性能、无需许可、去中心化、开发中友好等特点智能合约平台,其独创的PoH机制可以将验证时间的时间编码排序输入到去中心化账本中,随后利用权益证明(PoS)共识机制来确认由PoH顺序的一致性,任何违背网络利益的验证人都将受到惩罚。 Solana, an open-source block chain project based on historical proof (PoH), is a platform for high-performance, non-licensing, decentralizing, development-friendly, etc. smart contracts, and its original PoH mechanism allows time coding of authentication times to be inserted into decentralised accounts, and then uses the PoS consensus mechanism to confirm consistency in the PoH sequence, and any certifier against network interests will be punished. 团队信息 Team Info Anatoly Yakovenko、Rgj Gokal、Greg Fitzgerald 主网上线时间 Mainline Time 2020年3月 March 2020 共识机制 Consensus Mechanism PoH+PoS 融资状况 2021年9月私募轮融资3.14亿美元,a16z、Polychain Capital领投。 Private fund-raising was $314 million in September 2021, a16z, Polychain Capital. 特点 Features 优点是高性能、低费用、高度可拓展 The advantages are high performance, low cost, high expansion. 项目详情: Item details: Solana创立于2017年,三位主要创始人都曾就职于高通公司,致力于将Solana打造为:一条根据摩尔定律扩容、为大规模应用提供高性能与低费用的公链。Solana自2020年3月起发行其原生代币SOL。与 BSC类似,Solana是一个高度可扩展的智能合约区块链平台。 Solana was founded in 2017, and three of its main founders were employed by Hightower, working to build Solana into a public chain that provides high performance and low cost for large-scale applications, based on the Moor Law . Solana has issued its original currency SOL since March 2020. Similar to BSC, Solana is a highly scalable smart contract block chain platform. 然而,Solana在没有牺牲太多的去中心化的基础上,实现了吞吐量与性能的增强。Solana公链在技术上有多项创新,采用了独特的PoH(工作历史证明)机制,允许每个节点生成本地的时间戳,无需等待整个区块链网络来同步更新数据状态,这极大地减少了区块在同步上所消耗的时间。 However, Solana achieved an increase in throughput and performance without sacrificing too much decentralisation. Solana’s public chain has many technological innovations, using a unique PoH mechanism that allows each node to generate a local time stamp without waiting for the entire block chain network to keep the data up to date, greatly reducing the amount of time that blocks spend synchronizing. 同时Solana还有伸缩内存解决方案Cloudbreak,使用PoH优化的PBFT共识算法等创新、促使 Solana成为出块延时少、确认速度快、网络难拥堵的当下最高效的公链之一。 At the same time, Solana also has a condensed memory solution, Claudebreak, which uses innovations such as the PoH optimized PBFT consensus algorithm to make Solana one of the most efficient public chains at the moment, with fewer delays, fast confirmations and hard network congestion. Solana的突破性创新使其链上的DApp规模化拓展,而且无需牺牲去中心化或安全性。目前 Solana原生代币SOL总流通市值约为300亿美元,全球排第8名,Solana的受欢迎程度 已经证明了自身是被认可的高性能与低成本公链。 Solana’s breakthrough innovation has scaled up the Dapp on its chain without sacrificing its centralization or security. Solana’s original currency SOL is now worth about $30 billion, ranked eighth in global ranking, and Solana’s popularity has proved itself to be a recognized high-performance and low-cost public chain. 近一年Solana市场行情: Solana Market Situation: Solana生态发展简况: Eco-development profile of Solana: Solana生态目前已经相当完善,目前共有1580个生态项目,涵盖从钱包、去中心化交易所、借贷到NFT等多个板块。如DeFi应用Orca、Serum,借贷应用Apricot Finance、Solend,NFT交易平台Metaplex、Solanart等。 Solana Ecology is now well developed, with a total of 1,580 eco-projects covering a variety of plates, from wallets, decentralized exchanges, and lending to NFT. For example, DeFi uses Orca, Serum, Apricot Finance, Solend, NFT trading platform Metaplex, Solarart, etc. Cardano项目概览 项目简介 Project Introduction Cardano是一个开源的智能合约平台,通过分层设计提供多种功能。它的模块化最终将允许网络委托、侧链和轻客户端数据结构。Cardano使用一种称为Ouroboros的权益证明(PoS)来保护网络和管理区块生产流程。Cardano网络原生代币被称为ADA的原生代币,该代币让质押人可以根据其持有量按比例获取新发行代币的份额,并允许用户支付交易费用。 Cardano is an open-source smart contract platform that provides multiple functions through layered design. Its modularization will eventually allow network commissioning, side chains, and light client data structures. Cardano uses a certificate of interest called Ouroboros (PoS) to protect the network and manage block production processes. Cardano’s original intergenerational currency, known as ADA, allows the grantor to receive the share of the new issuer in proportion to its holdings and allows users to pay transaction costs. 团队信息 Team Info 创始人Charles Hoskinson、Jeremy Wood曾是以太坊核心成员,并且有三个组织共同推进发展,分别为卡尔达诺基金会,IOHK,EMURGO。 The founders, Charles Hoskinson and Jeremy Wood, were core members of the Taiku and three organizations worked together to advance development: the Caldano Foundation, IOHK, EMERGO. 主网上线时间 Mainline Time 2018年6月 June 2018 发展阶段 Cardano 网络的发展阶段包括 Byron (基金会)、Shelly (去中心化)、Goguen (智能合约)、Basho (扩容)、Voltaire (治理)五个阶段。 The development phase of the Cardano network includes five phases: Byron (Foundation), Shelly (Decentralization), Goguen (Intelligent Contract), Basho (Extension), Voltaire (Governance). 当前进度 目前处于智能合约阶段 We're in the middle of an intelligent contract. 共识机制 Consensus Mechanism PoS 特点 Features 优秀的扩展性、安全性 Excellent expansion, security. 项目详情: Item details: Cardano公链有如下特点: 采用分层的生态体系设计,实现高拓展性:分层区块链生态,是Cardano的里程碑式概念。将整个体系划分为结算层和计算层两个层次,分别来解决货币和智能合约两个层面的问题。Cardano结算层与计算层分开运行的方式,可以针对不同的分层进行有针对性的部署和升级。 uses stratified eco-system design to achieve high outreach: stratified block chain ecology is a landmark concept for Cardano. Splits the entire system into a clearing layer and a layer of computing to address the two dimensions of the monetary and smart contract respectively. Cardano is operated separately from the layer in a manner that allows targeted deployment and upgrading of different stratifications. 针对结算层,可以通过软分叉对数字货币交易中遇到的问题进行升级和换代,而对于计算层,则可以根据DAppS的运行需求进行针对性的拓展和改良。 For the clearing layer, problems encountered in the digital currency transactions can be upgraded and replaced by soft splits Charles Hoskinson is currently expressing the hope that this package will be turned into a fully automated computer protocol in the near future. It is currently being tested in February 2021 to add the original asset to Cardano and turn it into a DeFi platform. User-defined tokens can run like their original ADA. This means that in adding the original asset to the Cardano chain, the transaction between the original asset and the ADA will not incur transaction costs, making 近一年ADA市场行情: ADA market developments in recent years: Cardano于2020年9月正式完成阿朗佐硬分叉升级,Cardano正式进入“智能合约时代”,Cardano生态项目和用户终于可以在 Cardano 上实现和运行智能合约。 Cardano officially completed the Alonzo hard fork upgrade in September 2020, and Cardano officially entered the “intellectual contract era”, and the Cardano eco-project and users can finally realize and run the smart contract on Cardano. Avalanche项目概览 项目简介 Project Introduction Avalanche是一个高性能、可扩展、可配置和安全的区块链平台,旨在开发特定应用的区块链、可扩展的去中心化应用程序和复杂的数字智能资产。 Avalanche is a high-performance, scalable, configurable and secure block chain platform designed to develop block chains for specific applications, scalable decentralized applications and complex digital intelligence assets. 团队信息 Team Info Ava Labs 主网上线时间 Mainline Time 2020年9月 September 2020 共识机制 Consensus Mechanism PoS 融资信息 Finance Information 累计融资超过2.9亿美元,投资机构包括a16z、Polychain、Galaxy Digital、Three Arrows Capital等。雪崩协议开发商Ava Labs将以52.5亿美元的估值融资3.5亿美元。 The cumulative financing exceeded $290 million, with investment institutions including a16z, Polychain, Galaxy Digital, Three Arrows Capital, among others. Ava Labs, the avalanche agreement developer, will finance $350 million in valuations of $5.25 billion. 特点 Features 独特的共识机制 Unique consensus-building mechanism 据彭博社4月15日报道,雪崩协议开发商Ava Labs准备进行新一轮融资,预计融资3.5亿美元,估值超过50亿美元。 Bloomberg reported on 15 April that Ava Labs, the avalanche agreement developer, was preparing a new round of financing, with an estimated $350 million and an estimated value of over $5 billion. 项目详情: Item details: Avalanche采用了独特的三层网络结构,将执行环境和链本身分开,分为X链(交易链)、P链(平台链)、C链(合约链)。整个Avalanche网络依赖「雪」系列共识协议运行,该系列协议结合了拜占庭共识协议和工作量证明协议,衍生出了雪崩(Avalanche)、雪人(Snowman)和霜白(Frosty)三部分协议,其中X链使用雪崩协议,P链和C链使用雪人协议。 Avalanche uses a unique three-tier network structure, X链(交易链):该链用于创建和交易链上资产,需要支付AVAX代币(Avalanche 原生代币)作为交易费用。X链使用Avalanche虚拟机(AVM),X链API允许用户在X链和其他使用AVM的链上创建和交易资产。 X chain (transaction chain): the chain is used to create and trade assets in the chain and requires the payment of AVAX tokens (Avalanche originals) as transaction costs. X chain uses the Avalanche Virtual Machine (AVM), and X chain API allows users to create and trade assets in the X chain and other chains using AVM. P链(平台链):该链用于协调验证节点,以及创建和跟踪子网。子网是Avalanche 的特色功能,用户可以通过P链创建子网,并将部分验证节点纳入到子网中,形成共识体系,以创建使用AVM或EVM的新的区块链。同一个节点可以加入并验证多个子网,由P链协调。 P chain (platform chain): this chain is used to coordinate validation nodes and to create and track . Subnets are a feature of Avalanche and users can create subnets through the P chain and incorporate some of the validation nodes into the subnets to form a consensus system to create a new block chain using AVM or EVM. The same node can join and validate multiple subnetworks, coordinated by the P chain. C链(合约链):该链用于创建和执行EVM智能合约、构建DApp,相当于Avalanche的应用层。 C (contract chain): is used to create and implement an EVM intelligent contract, to construct Dapp, which corresponds to the application layer of Avalanche. 近一年AVAX市场行情: AVAX Market Situations: Avalanche生态发展简况: Avalanche(雪崩链)的底层技术通过构建创新的共识机制,让其成为速度最快的区块链之一。雪崩链子网的自定义网络的规则,使得雪崩链拥有了被B端客户大规模商用的潜力。 Avalanche’s bottom-line technology makes it one of the fastest-growing block chains by building innovative consensus mechanisms. The rules of the avalanche network self-defined networks give the avalanche chain the potential for large-scale commercialization by B-end clients. 同时雪崩链也正在积极的推动生态和子网建设,2022年3月,Avalanche基金会宣布推出Avalanche Multiverse激励计划,总计提供价值约合2.9亿美元的400万枚AVAX Token,以推动子网增加。同时,雪崩核心开发商之一Ava Labs也为子网开发提供协助和支持。 In March 2022, the Avananche Foundation announced the launch of the Avalanche Multiverse Incentive, which provides a total of 4 million AVAX Tokens worth about $290 million to promote the growth of the subnet. At the same time, Ava Labs, one of the avalanche core developers, assisted and supported the development of the subnet. 雪崩链的机构间与生态间的合作以及激励计划,为生态内带来可观的增益。较为知名的合作案例有:同知名的运动球星卡和纪念品公司合作发行NFT;同美国数字证券发行领域的投币机构集成,以支持数字证券的发行;同有450万传统领域用户的数字支付平台Wirex合作;同德勤合作,构建高效率低成本的救灾平台等等。 Inter-agency and ecological cooperation and incentive schemes in the avalanche chain bring significant ecological gains. More well-known examples of cooperation include: the distribution of NFTs in collaboration with renowned sportsball card and souvenir companies; the integration of money-distributors in the field of digital issuers in the United States to support the issuance of digital securities; cooperation with Wirex, a digital payment platform with 4.5 million traditional users; and collaboration with to build efficient and low-cost platforms for disaster relief, among other things. 目前Avalanche链上验证节点数量已超过1200个,生态内已开发项目超过400个,DeFi、NFT、GameFi均是生态数据增长的主要动力。 Currently, the number of certified nodes on the Avalanche chain exceeds 1,200, more than 400 have been developed in the ecology, and DeFi, NFT and GameFi are the main drivers of ecological data growth. Polkadot项目概览 项目简介 Project Introduction Polkadot是一个网络协议,旨在通过连接私链、联盟链、公链、开放式 网络和预言机以及尚未创建的未来技术。Polkadot为互联网提供便利,各个独立的区块链可以通过Polkadot的 中继链以无信任的方式交换信息和交易 Polkadot is a network protocol aimed at connecting private chains, chains of alliances, public chains, open networks and forewords, as well as future technologies that have not yet been created. Polkadot facilitates the Internet, and individual block chains can exchange information and trade in untrusted ways through the Polkadot relay chain. 团队信息 Team Info Gavin James Wood(层担任以太坊技术总监)、Peter Czaban、Robert Habermeier等。 Gavin James Wood (Standard Technical Director of Etheria), Peter Czaban, Robert Habermeier, etc. 主网上线时间 Mainline Time 2020年5月 May 2020 共识机制 Consensus Mechanism NPoS 融资信息 Finance Information 已经进行了三轮融资,总计融资2.5亿美元左右 Three rounds of financing have been carried out, totalling around $250 million. 特点 Features 可扩展性强、交互性强、专业化强、无分叉式升级 Extendable, interactive, specialized and forkless upgrades 项目详情: Item details: Polkadot的创始人Gavin Wood另一个广为人知的身份是以太坊联合创始人,以太坊黄皮书的作者。在2014年4月,Gavin Wood写出了被称为“以太坊技术圣经”的以太坊黄皮书,明确了虚拟机的概念,得以让智能合约顺利运行。以太坊的开发语言、专门面向智能合约的Solidity,也是Gavin Wood一手创建的。 Gavin Wood, the founder of Polkadot, is another well-known co-founder of Taiwan, author of Taiwan’s yellow book. In April 2014, Gavin Wood wrote an Ether’s yellow book called the “Ethio-Technology Bible”, clarifying the concept of 和以太坊等其它公链不同,波卡致力于实现跨链,其架构设计上存在着中继链(Relay Chain)、平行链(Parachain)和桥(Bridge)三个角色。其中中继链只有一个,为波卡的核心,负责整个波卡网络的安全性、共识和跨链互操作;平行链为连接在中继链上的独立的区块链,需要租赁卡槽来实现和中继链的连接(或通过即付即用的平行线程Parathread,如仅需要临时和中继链连接);桥则允许平行链和外部区块链,如以太坊、比特币网络进行交互。 In contrast to other public chains such as the Etheria, Poca is committed to cross-links, with three players in their architecture: Relay Chain, Parachain, and Bridge. The trunking chain is the only one at the heart of Poca and is responsible for the security, consensus and cross-linking of the entire Poca network; parallel chains are independent chains connected to the chain and require the leasing of a trough to achieve and connect the chain (or, through a parallel line that is immediately available, Parathread, if only temporary and relay links are required); the bridge allows parallel chains to interact with external sector chains, such as the Taiku, Bitco Network. Polkadot的技术架构中包含四种链: The technical architecture of 1)中继链(Relaychain):是波卡的主链, 负责整个网络的生态治理和安全性,实现平行链之间的跨链通讯提供的插槽,插槽需要通过竞拍才能获得。 1) Relaychain: is the main chain of Poca, which is responsible for the ecological governance and security of the network as a whole and provides a slot for cross-chain communication between parallel chains, which is obtained by competitive bidding. 2)平行链(Parachain):每个平行链都可以设计自己的架构和应用方向,也可以插入二级中继链。平行链通过竞拍拍下了波卡中继链上的专用插槽一段时间的使用权。 2) Parallel chains (Parachain): Each parallel chain can design its own structure and direction of application, or insert a secondary trunking chain. The parallel chain captures the rights to use the dedicated slots on the Boca relay chain for a certain period of time. 3)平行线程(Parathread):平行链和平行线程在技术角度很相似,不同点在于经济层面,平行线程是即插即用按需付费。 3) Parallel threads (Paarathread): Parallel chains and parallel threads are very similar from a technical point of view, with differences at the economic level, and parallel threads are either inserted or paid for on demand. 4)桥接链(Bridge):对于一些插槽应用技术不匹配的时候可以用转接头,转接桥,用桥接链接入波卡生态,主要针对成熟的公链BTC\ETH等。 (4) Bridge: For a number of slot applications that do not match the technology, a switch is used to connect the bridge to the Boca ecology, mainly for mature public chains BTC\ETH, etc. 波卡网络的治理主要有四种角色:提名者(Nominator)、验证者(Validator)、核对者(Collator)、钓鱼人(Fisherman)。 There are four main players in the governance of the Boca network: nominator, certifier, checker (Collator), fisherman. 持有DOT的用户可以以提名者的角色参与治理,通过质押代币并投票支持验证者;而验证者则负责封装波卡网络上的新区块,要成为验证者需要质押一定的DOT代币,也可以通过由提名者委托的方式当选;核对者主要帮助验证者生产有效的平行链区块,负责完全同步数据库,运营全节点(可以把验证者理解为PoW矿池,核对者理解为矿工);钓鱼者则有点类似于轻节点,主要通过发现行为不端的验证者来获得丰厚回报。 Users holding DOTs can participate in governance as nominees, by pledging money and voting in support of the certificationists; certifiers are responsible for encapsulating new blocks on the Poca network, requiring a certain amount of DOT tokens to be pledged by the certifiers, or they can be elected by way of commission from the nominees; certifiers are primarily helping the certifiers to produce effective parallel chains, are responsible for full synchronization of the database and operate the full node (the certifiers can be understood as PoW, and the certifiers are understood as miners); fishers are somewhat similar to light nodes and receive substantial returns, mainly through the discovery of unbecoming certifiers). 总的来说,波卡遵循去中心化原则主要靠链上投票。除了以上几个重要角色,波卡还成立了理事会,理事会的成员由选举产生,可以优先投票,也有权直接否决提案。 In general, Poca follows the principle of decentralisation by voting on the chain. 近一年DOT市场行情: DOT market developments in the last year: 波卡生态发展简况: 在波卡上部署项目的形式包括租赁卡槽成为平行链,注册付费成为平行线程或成为平行链和平行线程上的协议。因此,波卡生态主要围绕着平行链展开,每一个单个的平行链项目上可以搭建不同的应用,如交易、借贷等,形成一个全面的生态。同时,由于波卡支持跨链,因此波卡网络上也不乏致力于桥接波卡和外部区块链的项目。 The form in which projects are deployed on Poca includes leasing the kiosks into parallel chains, with registration payments becoming parallel or agreements on parallel chains and parallel tracks. As a result, the Poca ecology revolves around parallel chains, with different applications, such as transactions, lending, etc., forming a comprehensive ecology for each individual parallel chain project. 总体而言,目前波卡上的项目可分为几类,其中DeFi类项目占了多数,主要致力于发展DeFi全生态、流动性质押、DeFi开发工具和DeFi应用;此外,波卡上的项目还有数据和工具、隐私、跨链等基础设施类的项目。这些项目大多处于早期,生态尚未发展成熟,但项目资料和规划信息较为完整。 In general, there are currently several types of projects in Poca, most of which are in the deFi category and are mainly devoted to the development of the full ecology of DeFi, mobile deposits, the DeFi development tool and the DeFi application; in addition, there are projects in Poca that include such infrastructure projects as data and tools, privacy, cross-linkages, etc. Most of these projects are at an early stage and are not yet ecologically mature, but project information and planning information are complete. 目前与Polkadot相关的生态应用有542个,包括基于Substrate开发的项目、工具、论坛、钱包等,又可细分为资产桥、隐私、DeFi、NFT等。其中,基于Substrate开发的应用数量为185个。 There are currently 542 ecological applications related to Polkadot, including Substrate-based projects, tools, forums, wallets, etc., which can be broken down into asset bridges, privacy, DeFi, NFT, etc. The number of applications based on Substrate is 185. 如果喜欢我们的文章,欢迎大家点【赞】或留言评论! If you like our articles, you're welcome to order or comment! 免责声明:本文分享内容仅作学习交流,不构成任何投资建议。 disclaimer: This paper shares information only as a learning exchange and does not constitute any investment proposal.
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