
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:94 评论:0
一、腾讯区块链 i. Stretch block chain近日,腾讯发布了2019腾讯区块链白皮书,这是腾讯自2017年以来发布的又一份白皮书。In recent days, the White...



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i. Stretch block chain


In recent days, the White Paper on the Tweets Chain of 2019, another published since 2017, has been released.


Personally, I think the white paper is excellent and detailed. It has both theoretical depth and case interpretation. I suggest that interested friends can look for it. I spent a lot of time studying it, and I learned a lot. This white paper is the biggest difference from the 2017 white paper.


The White Paper on the Chain of Blocks of the Circulation lists several examples that have already been implemented and is very representative:


is the financial platform of the “micro-business chain” developed with partners to open up, open up the financial platform of the supply chain of micro-enterprises, to introduce financial resources such as financial management, banking, private fund-raising, insurance companies, to expand the operations of financial institutions, and to make them more secure. It has been successful in working with more than 10 core businesses, such as Save the Wire, McDonald's and Digital Broad East. In May of this year, the non-debtor-specific abbs project was approved, with a total of 44,000 bills a day and an invoice amount of $3.9 billion.


In addition, there are a large number of certificate storage projects, games, block chain networking projects, and so on.

看完腾讯的区块链白皮书,我其实有点担心市场上的公链。腾讯链链的发展(当然,不仅是腾讯Band Stand,而且阿里巴巴的Ant BooStand、百度的超级链等)都是如此的好,它将对现有的公共链项目的发展产生很大的影响。

I'm actually worried about the public chain in the market after reading the white paper on the grid. The development of the tether chain (not only Band Stand, of course, but Ant BooStand of Alibaba, 100-degree superlinks, etc.) is so good that it will have a great impact on the development of existing public chain projects.


For example, as one of the most well-known public chains, eos has recently been heavily criticized. In recent days, an article entitled “Discussion Block” has suddenly caught fire.


There is a huge contrast between the coldness of the public-chain project and the fire in the tether block chain. We wonder if there is a future for the public-chain project under the powerful attack of the tether block chain. What is its direction? Will the tether block chain become mainstream in the future?


II. Comparison of the tether block chain with the public chain


In fact, think about it.


These big Internet players have sufficient capital advantages. Their capital size goes beyond many traditional public chains.


Personally, it seems to me that, at this stage, the traditional public chain cannot be compared with the distributional accounting of the tether block chain if one compares briefly the type of block chain that is to be implemented first. For example, the tbaas service, which is to be launched, is built on the cloud. Those who want to use the tbaas service only need to register and even download the client. Moreover, the tether sector chain has many business connections with the organization that uses the service. Neither the technology, the product nor the user experience, these public chain projects can be compared to the tether block chain.


We used to laugh at these tether chains, saying that they could not be called block chains at all, that they were private chains and chains of alliances, that they were distributed accounting items, that there were no “blocks” at all. But, in fact, even though they were distributed accounting items, partners could actually solve problems and play a role as long as they could use this distributed accounting system architecture to pass through the last kilometre of cross-centre information transmission, and that they could cooperate in a distributed way within that framework.


essentially what the tether block chain can do, and the public chain is not currently able to compete with the tether block chain; the only opportunity for the tether is the part of the tether block chain that can't be done.


In this contrast, the public chain projects seem to be lagging behind in every aspect. It seems that the public chain projects have no chance at all. Is it true?


III. Public chain advantage


I don't think it's so pessimistic either. Although the tether blocks are leading in these distributed accounting projects in terms of money, technology, talent, ecology and government relations, one of their most deadly weaknesses is the inability to connect to digital money.


cannot be connected to digital money, which means that they are largely unable to complete all of the items associated with digital money. cannot do bitcoin-related projects, projects related to the Tails, projects related to the EOS, and projects related to the USDT. If the Libra will land in the future, they will not be able to do anything related to the Libra.


is a very significant structural flaw in the tether block chain chain and distributed accounting project, as well as an advantage and an opportunity for the public chain project. such advantages can be broken down into many specific areas, such as:


i. Payment fields


In the area of digital currency payments, for example, the tether block chain is not in a position to intervene.


The central function of digital money is payment, especially cross-border payments. Since there are no distributed bookkeeping items, it is not possible to achieve payment functions, but public chain items can.


While many public chains do not pay for them directly, as long as the public chain is large enough, market value is high enough, liquidity is good enough to assume a monetary and payment role, such as supporting ETH and EOS payments in many places, and many public chains have issued United States dollars in exchange, and while the public chain medals themselves cannot pay them directly, the public chain USDT can pay them directly; for example, applications in public chain ecosystems can quickly turn the public chain tokens into a payable digital currency.


When you travel abroad, we can scan our wallets directly and make transfers of digital money for coffee and bread. In terms of payments, the public chain actually has Bitcoin. Thank you, Bitcoin!


The area of payment is a significant difference between a public chain and a distributed accounting project, and is a strategic highland. For a public chain project to develop well, it is necessary to occupy this strategic highland.


2. Defi financial sector

由于腾讯区块链无法处理与数字货币相关的业务,因此无法处理数字货币的衍生业务,比如现在流行的defi finance。

Since the tether block chain is unable to handle operations related to digital currency, it is not possible to deal with derivatives of digital currency, such as the current popular defi finance.


Although defi finance is still in the early stages of development and is largely limited to simple mortgage functions, it can be expanded slowly, and public chains of defi finance are now growing and are indeed becoming progressively more functional.


As long clips say:


: “ICO is only the tip of the iceberg of virtual finance, and DEFI itself is the tip of the iceberg and the true value of the block chain to the financial sector.”


Defi finance is a very large market, and which public chains can take over the market and which public chains can live well. Defi-finance is based on the original digital currency, whereas the tether block chain has no digital currency, so whatever the future development of the defi-finance may have nothing to do with the tether block chain.


Defi finance should be seen as the second strategic area of the public chain project, and the public chain must capture it.


Three. Cross-links.


Something like that has a cross-link.


Cross-linking is built on the basis of a block chain, the central feature of which is the transformation and trade between the chains of the different blocks. It also involves digital currency, no matter how powerful the tether chain is, and no matter how much they want to be involved. We can only see that this piece is divided by traditional public chain projects, and we can only see which public chain can eventually emerge.


Cross-links are a very difficult technical issue. Now, it seems to be a “happy trouble”.


IV. Asset chain


There is one area in which we have high expectations. We believe that only a block chain can be achieved, and more specifically, only a public chain project, and the market is very large. The day the public chain takes over the market, perhaps the day when the block chain really matures. This area is called the “asset chain”.


So, is the future “assets chain” a block chain, a public chain world or a tether block chain?


In my statement, depends on the specific assets.


In the case of music copyrights, video copyrights, patents, contracts, warehouse receipts, etc., I think that there is a strong competitive advantage in the troupe chain. On the one hand, they have their own music, video, supply chains, etc., and they have original partnerships with the parties involved. At the same time, they have a chain of blocks that can be stored, and the most important asset in these categories is storage.


In fact, dollar trade is essentially the upper chain of dollar assets, but this part involves monetary sovereignty and must operate in a system with a stronger decentralized character. This is not feasible in traditional distributed accounting projects.


But there are also a large number of assets in the middle, such as securitization of assets, trust assets, and non-listed company equity claims. Are these traditional financial assets the “medium meal” of the tether chain or the “base” of the future public chain project?


Moreover, financial institutions are strong on their own and may form their own alliances. If, for example, the silver union or a securities authority is the leader in forming a special union chain, perhaps they will not consider the union chain first. By contrast, they are more likely to directly use traditional workload-tested public chain projects to ensure security.


The digitization of assets in traditional finance is a big cake. At present, many of the beneficiaries are watching the cake, but it is still in the infrastructure development phase. We do not see which party has a clear advantage or disadvantage. We need to continue to see who will die in the future.


four. Conclusion


The tether block chain and the public chain together constitute the whole block chain industry; the tether block chain is also the whole block chain industry.


The current pattern of competition is as follows:


I. In the area of end-C and non-financial operations, the public chain project is difficult to compete with the tether block chain;


2. In the area of indigenous digital money and related derivatives, it is difficult to compete for public chains;


III. In the traditional area of finance, there are opportunities for both sides, and the public chain may be somewhat superior, while at the same time both sides face the financial shock of a particular union chain.




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