
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:49 评论:0
大家好,今天我们来聊一个技术热点:区块链。最近因为习大大在一次公开场合提到了区块链,所以区块链技术又成了一个热点话题。Hello, let's talk about a technology hotspot today: block cha...



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Hello, let's talk about a technology hotspot today: block chains. Recently, block chain technology became a hot topic because of a big public reference to block chains.


What is a block chain? What is a block chain technology? The block chain technology is not really new for many years now. Everyone knows that the block chain has a very well-known application, which is Bitcoin. What is the rationale for the block chain?


You know, many years ago, we downloaded things on the Internet, often with lightning. The net was not that fast, but it was faster when it was. Why? Because was downloaded in a very fast way by P2P.


What do you mean, P2P downloads? When we download it, we download it from the local server. If your network is not very well connected to the server, your download is very slow. 'cause you're a single point, and if there's a connection between this one point, there's a problem with the web access, and the natural speed is very slow.


P2P downloads will open up a lot of things for you, as if there were a lot of computers around your network, a lot of web access, and if you had the resources to download on these network nodes, he'd help you build a connection. So the Thunder server, which is just connecting you (and the other computers around which you have the resources to download, is not a resource server per se. So the files you're downloading are not on a thunder server, but are stored in tens of thousands of computers in the network. These computers are very well connected to your network, some very poorly connected to your network, and the Thunder server will help you pick out the good ones, and then let those servers connect to you, so you can download them. This way is called P2P downloads.


What does the fast-drawn P2P download technology have to do with a block chain? This kind of download can be seen as a block chain. means that in many computers on the network, every computer is a separate node, and every node contains a copy of the file you want to download. Do you need to worry that the file you want to download will suddenly disappear tomorrow? No. You can still download it unless all the node computer in the network is destroyed at the same time. If there are 100 computers, I can download it.


In other words, it uses a number of separate points in the network for backup. These points are called blocks, so-called block chains, which are linked by a chain that links these points stored in the computer into a chain. So you can think about whether a server like Thunder plays a role in the chain. How can you find this resource in which computers are on the network?


The block chain solves the problem. It is that connects many computers on the network, or blocks, or blocks, or nodes between them, and stores the same thing. You might think, what is the purpose of storing the same thing? What is the purpose? / strong' and is the main objective of the block chain, and what is it that we're trying to do, that's the purpose of both.


The first thing about is decentralizing . Decentralization means that there are no central nodes in my entire network, the whole chain, and all nodes are equal. Like our original client downloads of the server, if the server is off, then there is no download anywhere. The other client of the server is useless. But then, the thundering P2P downloads won't do. Even if you drop one point, I have other nodes left. I can always find one if I want to destroy this document completely, unless all the nodes are destroyed. That is going to go to the centre.


The second is irreconcilable. The incontrovertible meaning is that there's something you do that everyone knows you remember, and you can't deny it unless you take everyone out. You can think of it as a document, just like a document. It's an Internet document that, once a lot of people are on your computer, you want to rip it off, and it's hard to kill it. Because there's all the nodes in all the computers. You want to destroy it, and you have to eliminate all the nodes, and that's undeniable and decentralized.


Let's just think about it in conjunction with the features of the P2P download. The two features are very natural on the block chain. What is the use of the two? For example, two people, A and B, borrowed $10 a few days later. When B asked A for it, A said I didn't borrow your money. It's not clear. Because A borrowed it directly from B. The only thing that matters is strong A and B < strong >. There's nothing else to prove.


Imagine another scene, four men playing mahjong, and this B borrowed $10 from A. A few days later, A went to ask for money from B. Can this B deny it? No. Because when four men play mahjong, you borrow money, and there are also Cs and Ds, which are four nodes As, Bs, Cs, Ds. That's four, right? That's when it's irreconcilable, because when B makes this deal with As, Cs and Ds know it. If you want to do it, you have to find a way to kill Cs and Ds, too.


In the case of mahjong, there are only four people. If there are 40,000 people, you can't kill 40,000 people for $10. So, when there's a lot of nodes, when there's a lot of blocks, this chain of blocks can be used to achieve both decentralisation and irreconcilability.


So what do these two attributes of the block chain combine? There are two places we can combine. Why are we all talking about the block chain now? Why are we all talking about this technology? What is the use of this technology for us?


The first element is to promote the construction of our nation's credit system. You know that China's country is big and big, and many liars lie here and there. We all have difficulty knowing that he is a liar, because there are too many people to broadcast, you can't record, and you can't synchronize the information. What's the first way?


But knowing that the dollar is now hegemonic, it is difficult for the renminbi to achieve such a breakthrough. This time, if there is a centralized and indefensible electronic currency, then combined with the renminbi, it will certainly help the renminbi, achieve better international competitiveness and make it easier for people abroad to accept it.


It is for these two reasons that the development of block chain technology in our country should be vigorously pursued, because it is of great significance to our country, both domestically and abroad.


Today, because of time constraints, let's be brief. If you're interested, you can search for more information yourself to learn. If you're interested, you can leave a message on our backstage, and then we can bring you some more reading. Okay, thank you.


Why is the country focusing on the development of block chain technology_server

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