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Protocol & #xff1a; CC BY-NC-SA4.0

这是 区块链快速参考,一本旨在全方位介绍新手进入区块链世界的书籍。它带你进入令人激动的区块链技术世界,旨在为那些希望完善其对区块链生态系统各支柱的现有知识的人提供帮助。

This is block chain quick reference xff0c > ; a book designed to provide a full view of newcomers entering the block chain world. It takes you into the exciting block chain technology world xff0c. It aims to help those who want to improve their existing knowledge of the pillars of the block chain ecosystem.

本书是你学习如何应用原则和理念以改善生活和业务的不二选择。在研究它们如何工作之前,你将涵盖架构、首次代币发行ICO)、代币、智能合约和术语。开始学习区块链技术只需有一颗好奇心。一旦你掌握了基础知识,你将探索以太坊的组成部分,比如以太代币、交易和智能合约,以构建简单的 Dapp。接下来,你将学习为什么 Solidity 特别用于基于以太坊的项目,然后通过易学的例子探索不同类型的区块链。所有这些都将帮助你应对挑战和问题。此外,你还将学习区块链是如何在物联网和机器学习方面进行革新,以及它如何影响业务流程。

This book is about how you learn how to apply principles and concepts to improve life and business. Before you study how they work, , you will cover architecture, & #xff08; ICO & #xff09;, tokens, smart contracts and terminology. Learning about block-chain technology requires only one curiosity. Once you have the basic knowledge & xff0c; you will explore the components of the talisman xff0c; xff0c ; xff0c ; building simple Dapps. xff0c; then you will learn why Solidity is specifically used for tele-project #xff0c; and then explore different types of district chains through easy-to-learning examples. All this will help you to address challenges and problems.


At the end of this book xff0c; you will not only solve current and future problems related to block chain technology xff0c; you will also be able to build efficient decentralised applications.

本书是为那些对区块链感兴趣,但在这个领域的突然爆炸性增长所感到不知所措的人而写的。区块链技术不再仅限于比特币,已经渗透到许多领域和大量不同的技术中。这本书主要面向希望了解该技术、它是如何工作的、目前市面上的主要区块链类型以及在组织中使用它或计划发行 ICO 时能得到一些帮助的商务人士。

This book is written for those interested in the block chain xff0c; but this is an area in which the sudden explosive growth is felt. The block chain technology is no longer limited to bitcoin xff0c; it is already permeating in many fields and many different technologies. The book is aimed primarily at businessmen who want to know how the technology works, the type of main block chain on the market today, and who can get some help when the organization uses it or plans to issue ICO.


The book is intended primarily for business users and developers considering projects based on block chains. It will help you to understand the current block chain world xff0c; introduce major software projects and packages xff0c; and present some of the current legal contexts that affect this area.

第一章, 区块链 101,解释了什么是区块链技术以及它们如何工作。我们还介绍了分布式分类账的概念。

Chapter I, block chain 101, explains what block chain technology is and how they work. We also describe the concept of distributed ledgers.

第二章, 区块链的组件和结构,深入了解了区块链的技术基础,并探究了一个区块是什么以及链是如何创建的。

Chapter II, The components and structure of the block chain & #xff0c; provides an in-depth understanding of the technical basis of the block chain xff0c; and explores what a block is and how the chain was created.

第三章, 去中心化与分布式系统,涵盖了不同类型的去中心化和分布式系统,并介绍了它们之间经常被忽视的区别。

Chapter III, decentralised and distributed systems & #xff0c; covered different types of decentralized and distributed systems xff0c; and described often overlooked differences between them.


Chapter IV & #xff0c; encryption and block chain principles & #xff0c; explores the basics of encryption systems that are essential for the proper functioning of all block chains.


Chapter V xff0c; bitcoin xff0c; in-depth study of Bitcoinxff0c; first block chain xff0c; and its specific mechanisms.


Chapter VI & #xff0c; & #xff0c > describes the major non-bitcoin encrypted currency projects that have been popular over the past few years.


Chapter 7 & #xff0c; reached consensus & #xff0c; explored different ways in which block chains can help achieve consensus. This is one of the most important aspects of block chain behaviour.


Chapter 8 & #xff0c; advanced block chain concept & #xff0c; details of interactions between block chain technology, privacy and anonymity & #xff0c; and some legal side effects of block chain technology.


Chapter IX xff0c; encrypt currency wallet xff0c; different wallet solutions to keep encrypted currency secure are presented.

第十章,备选区块链,检查了像 Tendermint 和 Graphene 等区块链创建技术,以及其他非货币类区块链技术。

Chapter X & #xff0c; optional block chain & #xff0c; examined block chain creation technology such as Tendermint and Graphene & #xff0c; and other non-monetary block chain technology.

第十一章,Hyperledger 和企业级区块链,检视了面向企业和公司使用的 Hyperledger 分布式账本技术系列。

Chapter XI xff0c; Hyperledger and enterprise block chains, reviewed the Hyperledger Distributed Books Technical Series for use by businesses and companies.

第十二章,以太坊 101,深入了解如今第二大主导区块链技术——以太坊。

Chapter XII xff0c; Etheria 101& #xff0c; in-depth knowledge of the second leading block chain technology today — Ether.

第十三章,Solidity 101,介绍了以太坊编程语言 Solidity 的基础知识。

Chapter XIII & #xff0c; Solidity 101 & #xff0c; presentation of basic knowledge in the user-programmed language of Solidity.


Chapter 14 & #xff0c; smart contracts & #xff0c > describes smart contracts that are realized in different ways by different block chain technologies.


Chapter XV & #xff0c; Etheria Development & #xff0c; presentation on the development of applications for Etheria block chains.


Chapter XVI & #xff0c; in the Taiwan account and & #xff0c in the Taiye account; this chapter will explore the mechanism of #xff0c in the Taiye account; and the currency in the Taiyepan system.


Chapter XVII xff0c; decentralisation application xff0c; comprehensive discussion of decentralization application xff0c; including those applications that operate independently of or in synergy with block chain technology.


Chapter XVIII & #xff0c; dig & #xff0c; explain how block chains are mined and how they are used to secure protected area blocks & #xff0c; different types of hardware used in mining and related different agreements.

第十九章,ICO 101,讲解了如何发行首次代币发售或首次代币提供的基础知识。

Chapter XIX & #xff0c; ICO 101 & #xff0c; explains the basic knowledge of how to issue the first currency for sale or the first for sale.


Chapter XX xff0c; creates your own currency xff0c; we will talk about how to create an encrypted digital currency based on block chains.


Chapter XXI xff0c; extensions and other challenges & #xff0c; covers the difficulties and constraints faced by current block chain technology.


Chapter XXII xff0c; The future of the block chain xff0c; we will explore possible future developments in the industry in terms of technical, legal and social aspects.

  1. 摆脱炒作,真正试图理解区块链的功用和局限性。

    Get rid of #xff0c; real attempt to understand the utility and limitations of block chains.

  2. 查看所提及的项目,并看看哪些适用于你的计划。你可能会省下很多工作。

    Look at the items mentioned & #xff0c; see what works for you. You might save a lot of work.

  3. 思考去中心化如何可能帮助或阻碍你的目标。

    Thinking about how decentralizing might help or hinder your goal.

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:表示文本中的代码字词、数据库表名、文件夹名、文件名、文件扩展名、路径名、虚拟 URL、用户的输入以及 Twitter 用户名。这里是一个例子:“通过使用 命令来检查各种选项和命令。”

& #xff1a; represents code words in text, database tabs, folder names, filenames, file extensions, path names, virtual URLs, user input and Twitter user names. This is an example of & #xff1a; "check options and commands by using commands."


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Warnings or important notes are shown here.


The tips and techniques are shown here.

自 2008 年成立以来,区块链一直是金融、技术和其他类似产业中所有人的关注话题。除了为记录保存和共识带来新的概览外,区块链在大多数行业中都有巨大的颠覆潜力。初期采用者、爱好者,现在甚至包括政府和组织都在探索区块链技术的用途。

Since its inception in 2008, xff0c; block chains have been a subject of concern for all in finance, technology, and other similar industries. In addition to bringing a new overview to record-keeping and consensus, xff0c; block chains have enormous destabilizing potential in most industries. Initial adopters, fans xff0c; and now even governments and organizations are exploring the use of block chain technologies.


In this book xff0c; we will discuss the basis for financial transactions in statutory currency xff0c; create encrypted currency xff0c based on xff0c; and in the process xff0c; try to cover topics around most of the block chains. We will discuss other exciting topics based on e-portal block chains, super-account items, wallets, replacement currency xff0c; these are all necessary to understand the function and potential of block chains.


In this chapter xff0c; we will discuss the following xff1a;

  • 金融交易

    Financial transactions

  • 财务分类账

    Financial ledger

  • P2P 网络

    P2P Network

  • 区块链的一般要素

    General elements of a block chain

  • 区块链的用途和好处

    Useability and benefits of block chains

  • 各种类型的区块链

    Various types of block chains

  • 引入共识系统

    Introduction of a consensus system

  • 区块链网络面临的挑战

    Challenges facing the block chain network


Let us begin by discussing the themes outlined above and other important details around them.


Before we delve into block-based transactions xff0c; it would be helpful to know how financial transactions actually took place and how the legal currency worked.


The legal currency depends entirely on economic credit xff1b; by definition xff0c; it is the legal currency declared by the government. There is no government guarantee xff0c; the legal currency is worthless.


The other currency is the commodity currency of and #xff1b; it originates from the goods used to make good money. For example, xff0c; if silver currency is made xff0c; its value will be measured by the value of silver xff0c; not the defined value of currency. xff0c; commodity currency is a form of trade facilitation. xff0c; it is prone to large price fluctuations.


Commodity currencies have been shown to be difficult to carry xff0c; therefore, the Government has introduced a printed currency xff0c; they can be converted from government banks into real goods xff0c; even so, xff0c; this is also difficult for government administration xff0c; then it has introduced a statutory currency xff0c; or a faith-based currency.

法定货币在其时间内产生了许多第三方共识;这有助于从系统中消除欺诈行为。有必要有一个严格的共识过程,以确保在系统内保持进程和隐私. 下图描述了基于信用卡的支付过程:

There is a need for a rigorous consensus process & #xff0c; to ensure that processes and privacy are maintained within the system... The chart below describes the credit card-based payment process & #xff1a;


Credit card-based payment processes and the need for multiple third-party reference points to maintain trust.


The ledger is a record of economic transactions xff0c; it includes cash, receivables, inventories, fixed assets, accounts payable, accruals, liabilities, equity, income, costs, wages, salaries, costs, depreciation, etc. In short xff0c; books kept in the accounts are referred to as ledgers . It is the primary record used by banks and other financial institutions to reconcile account balances. All borrowers and lenders during the accounting period are calculated to balance the ledgers.


Financial statements of banks, financial institutions and enterprises are prepared using classified accounts.

在使用法定货币进行金融交易时,我们有一个维护有关每笔交易信息的第三方分类账。其中一些第三方信任系统是 VISA、万事达卡、银行等等。

Some of the third-party trust systems are VISA, MasterCard, banks, etc.


The block chain changes the pattern of this untrusted system by making each person part of the ledger. Thus, xff0c; it is sometimes referred to as distribution book


Further explanation xff0c; block chains do not actually eliminate trust xff1b; what it does is minimize the amount of trust xff0c; and distribute it evenly in the network. Various rules are used to define specific agreements xff0c; they automatically encourage sponsors according to the rules followed. We will discuss this in depth in the following sections.

2008 年,比特币的创始人或一群创始人称为中本聪的白皮书描述了比特币作为纯粹的点对点电子现金的版本。区块链是随比特币一起引入的。在最初阶段,区块链仅用于比特币的比特币金融交易。

2008 & #xff0c; the White Paper by the founder of Bitcoin or by a group of founders called Nakamoto describes Bitcoin as a purely point-to-point version of electronic cash. The block chain was introduced with Bitcoin. In the initial phase & #xff0c; the block chain was used only for Bitcoin financial transactions.


The block chain is not only limited to Bitcoin’s financial transactions xff0c; it is also generally xff0c; any transaction between the two parties that is maintained by an open, decentralised account. The most important is xff0c; this basic technology can be separated and other applications can create xff0c; thus triggering a surge in the number of experiments and projects associated with it.


Many of the projects inspired by the block chain have started xff0c; e.g. Etheria, Superbooks, etc. xff0c; and currency xff0c; e.g., Letco, Name, Rapid Currency, etc.


The block chain is essentially a distributed and decentralised open ledger xff0c; it manages and updates various consensus agreements and protocols by cryptography between its equivalents. People can exchange transaction values xff0c; there is no need for any third party to participate xff0c; and the power to maintain the ledger is distributed between all participants in the block chain or the nodes of the block chain xff0c; it makes it a truly distributed and decentralized system.


Some of the industry areas in which the block chain is used are as follows xff1a;

  • 加密货币:比特币是其中的最佳案例。除此之外,还有各种替代加密货币,如以太坊,莱特币,比特币等。

    Encrypted Currency: Bitcoin is the best example of this. In addition to this, there are a variety of alternative encrypted currencies xff0c; e.g., Etheria xff0c; Letcoin #xff0c; Bitcoin, etc.

  • 网络安全:有各种公司和项目利用区块链的分布式特性来创建大规模使用的特殊认证协议。

    network security: various companies and projects use the distributed characteristics of block chains to create special authentication agreements for large-scale use.

  • 医疗保健:可扩展性是区块链的最佳催化剂之一;许多项目正在安全地存储数据,并使用分析来找到完美的解决方案。提供分散式的病人记录和认证已经在各种设施中得到应用。

    health care: scalability is one of the best catalysts for block chains xff1b; many projects are safely storing data xff0c; and using analysis to find perfect solutions. The provision of decentralized patient records and certification has been applied in various facilities.

  • 金融服务:许多保险和金融机构正在利用区块链来维护广泛的银行数据,如财务记录,分类账,担保,债券等等。

    financial services: many insurance and financial institutions are using block chains to maintain extensive bank data xff0c; e.g. financial records xff0c; ledger xff0c; guarantees xff0c; bonds, etc.

  • 制造业:供应链,样机和概念验证,以及商品的跟踪和追踪正以最佳效率利用区块链。

    manufacturing : supply chain & #xff0c; prototype and concept validation & #xff0c; and commodity tracking and tracking are using block chains in the most efficient manner.

  • 治理:许多政府都在争相成为世界上第一个以区块链为动力的国家。区块链正在被应用于大多数政府部门,不仅仅局限于公共安全,交通,健康和运输等领域。

    Governance: many governments are competing to be the first country in the world to be driven by a block chain. Block chains are being applied in most government departments & #xff0c; not only in the areas of public safety & #xff0c; transport #xff0c; health and transport.

  • 零售:许多初创公司和项目旨在引入无中间人的开放生态系统;一些正在研究忠诚度系统和使用区块链衍生礼品卡系统。

    retail : many start-ups and projects aimed at introducing open ecosystems without intermediaries xff1b; and a number of ongoing research on loyalty systems and the use of block chain derivative gift card systems.

  • 媒体:唱片公司可以使用区块链来保护其所有权网络和知识产权。

    media & #xff1a; record companies can use block chains to protect their ownership networks and intellectual property rights.

  • 旅行:有一些项目正在开展,以引入和革新车辆租赁,搭车共享等与旅行相关的问题。

    travel : a number of projects are under way xff0c; to introduce and innovate vehicle rental xff0c; travel-related issues such as car-sharing.

  • 法律:区块链可以带来透明性,并解决当前复杂的法律体系中的规模问题。

    law: block chains can bring transparency xff0c; and solve problems of size in the current complex legal system.


In addition xff0c; we will discuss various other elements of the block chain, as well as other issues that could be addressed in the block chain.


The time has come to discuss the general elements of the block chain xff0c; starting with its basic structure xff0c; and its composition and further details.


This is a network type where all counterparts can communicate with each other and have equal rights xff0c; there is no need for central coordination of the server or host. In the traditional network xff0c; the system is connected to a central server xff0c; this server serves as the central point of inter-system communication. On the other hand xff0c; in the peer network xff0c; all systems are equally connected xff0c; there is no central authority in the system.


Image differences between client-to-server network and peer network

区块是区块链的最小单元;第一个区块称为创世区块。每个区块包含批量的经过哈希和编码的交易。区块以 Merkle 树形式存储。每个区块都包括链中上一个区块的哈希,将所有区块链接在一起。在比特币中,一个区块平均包含 500 多个交易。一个区块的平均大小约为 1 MB。一个区块由头部和交易列表组成。

blocks are the smallest unit of the chain of blocks xff1b; the first block is called . Each block contains a bulk of transactions via Hash and coded transactions. Blocks are stored in the form of Merkle trees. Each block consists of Hashi #xff0c of a block in the chain; all blocks are linked together. In Bitcoin xff0c; one block contains, on average, more than 500 transactions. The average size of a block is about 1 MB. One block consists of a head and a list of transactions.


The head of a block in Bitcoin contains metadata on the block. Consider the following xff1a;

  • 比特币版本:此字段包含比特币版本号。

    Bitcoin : this field contains Bitcoin version numbers.

  • 上一个区块哈希:创建新区块哈希所需的上一个区块的哈希。

    : Hash & #xff1a; Hash, the last block needed to create the new Hash.

  • Merkle 根:这是当前区块交易的 Merkle 树根的哈希。

    Merkle root: this is Harshi of the Merkle root of the current block trade.

  • 时间戳:这是 UNIX 中的区块时间戳。

    time stamp: this is the block time stamp in UNIX.

  • 挖矿难度:挖矿是比特币区块链生态系统的一个关键部分。在头部中提到了挖矿的难度目标。

    difficulties in mining & #xff1a; mining is a key part of the Bitcoin block chain ecosystem. The difficult target for mining is mentioned in the head.

  • Nonce:区块链在每个区块中添加偏差;这些称为随机数。看一下这张图表:

    Nonce: block chains add deviations xff1b to each block; these are referred to as random numbers. Take a look at this chart xff1a;

区块头的形成以及 Merkle 根和 Merkle 树的组成

The formation of blocks and the composition of merkle roots and merkle trees

地址是用于在区块链上的交易中向另一个地址发送数据的唯一标识符;在比特币的情况下,地址是用于发送或接收比特币的标识符。比特币区块链地址已经从时间到时间演变。最初,IP 地址被用作比特币地址,但是这种方法容易受到严重的安全漏洞的影响;因此,决定使用 P2PKH 作为标准格式。 P2PKH 地址由 34 个字符组成,其第一个字符是整数 1。从字面上理解,P2PKH表示支付到公钥哈希。这是基于 P2PKH 的比特币地址的一个示例:1PNjry6F8p7eaKjjUEJiLuCzabRyGeJXxg。

The address is the only identifier used to send data to another address in a transaction on the block chain xff1b; in the case of Bitcoin xff0c; the address is the identifier used to send or receive bitcoin. The Bitcoin block chain address has evolved from time to time. The initial xff0c; IP address is used as the Bitcoin address #xff0c; but this method is vulnerable to serious security gaps xff1b; xff0c; decides to use P2PKH as a standard format. P2PKH address consists of 34 characters xff0c; the first character is integer 1.

现在,有另一种高级的比特币协议用于创建P2SH地址,这意味着支付到脚本哈希。 P2SH 地址与 P2PKH 地址的一个主要区别是,它始终以整数 3 开头而不是 1。

Now xff0c; another advanced bitcoin protocol is used to create the address P2SH and #xff0c; this means that is paid to the script Hashi. A major difference between the P2SH address and the P2PKH address is xff0c; it always starts with integer 3 instead of 1.


The wallet is a digital wallet used to store public or private keys and transactional addresses.


The following is a list of the various types of wallets according to their function xff1a;

  • 软件:此钱包安装在实际计算机上;私钥访问由安装钱包软件的机器的所有者拥有。

    software: this wallet is installed on the actual computer xff1b; private key access is owned by the owner of the machine that installed the wallet software.

  • 网络钱包:这些钱包基于云,并且可以在任何地方访问。私钥与钱包服务共享。

    web wallets : these wallets are cloud-based #xff0c; they can be accessed anywhere. Private keys are shared with wallet services.

  • 纸钱包:该钱包的私钥被打印在纸上。

    Wallet & #xff1a; the private key of the wallet is printed on paper.

  • 硬件:这些是物理钱包,小巧便携。每个钱包的硬件用户都拥有私钥。

    Hardware: these are Physics Wallet & #xff0c; Portable. The hardware user of each wallet has a private key.


It is important to understand the functionality of the various wallets and the need for each wallet.

交易是将数据从区块链中的一个地址转移到另一个地址的过程。在比特币中,它是指将比特币从一个地址转移到另一个地址。所有在区块链中发生的交易都从链的开始到当前时间都被注册;这些信息在网络和所有 P2P 节点之间共享。交易由矿工确认,他们会因为他们的工作而得到经济补偿。

transactions are the process of moving data from one address in the block chain to another. In Bitcoin xff0c; it means moving bitcoin from one address to another. All transactions in the block chain are registered xff1b from the beginning of the chain to the current time; this information is shared between the network and all P2P nodes. The transaction is confirmed by the miners xff0c; they receive financial compensation for their work.


Each transaction in the block chain requires a certain number of confirmations xff0c; they are consensus on the transaction. xff0c is not confirmed; no transaction can be verified.


nodes are part of the block chain network xff0c; and perform the functions assigned to them. Any device connected to the Bitcoin network can be called nodes . The node is called full node as an active part of the network and validated all block chain rules. Another type of node is called supernodes


Block chains perform various functions. Here we will briefly discuss each function & #xff0c; and then we will give details about xff1a;

  • 安全性:由于其共识结构和多个失败回退点,故障的可能性最小。其分布式性质提供了更好的安全性和可靠性。

    security: due to its consensual structure and multiple failure retreat points xff0c; with the lowest probability of failure. Its distributional nature provides better security and reliability.

  • 更快的结算:传统的银行协议非常耗时,并且产生相当大的外汇费用;另一方面,基于区块链的比特币提供了几乎即时的速度,为整个金融行业节省了时间和成本。

    faster settlement: traditional banking agreements are very time-consuming & #xff0c; and generate considerable foreign exchange costs xff1b; on the other hand xff0c; bitcoin based on block chains provides almost instant speed xff0c; and saves time and costs for the financial sector as a whole.

  • 透明度:由于其分散性质,无需第三方,因为区块链与所有拥有钱包的人共享,使其成为一个透明的、可信赖的系统。

    Transparency: due to its decentralized nature xff0c; without the need for a third party xff0c; because the block chain shares xff0c with all wallet holders; makes it a transparent and trusted system.

  • 经济性:没有第三方,账本由所有人共享,这意味着没有开销或审计费用。

    is economic xff1a; there is no third party xff0c; the account book is shared by all xff0c; this means that there are no expenses or audit costs.


The following graph shows the difference between centralized, decentralized and distributed networks xff1a;


Because the block chain has distributed properties & #xff0c; it provides many open box functions & #xff0c; e.g. high stability, security, scalability and other functions previously discussed.

考虑到区块链的发展方式,我们可以将区块链分类为多种类型;这些类型定义了区块链的进程,并使其超越了 P2P 货币的使用范围。以下图表显示了当前可用或提出的不同类型的区块链网络。

Taking into account the way the block chain is developed xff0c; we can classify the block chain into multiple types xff1b; these types define the process of the block chain xff0c; and extend it beyond the use of the P2P currency. The chart below shows the different types of block chain networks currently available or proposed.


We will now discuss each type of block chain network in detail.


The public block chain is a block chain in which anyone can become a trading process node. Encrypted economic incentives may exist xff0c; they may not exist. It is a fully open public ledger system. The public block chain can also be called an unlicensed ledger .

这些区块链由加密经济学保护,即采用 PoW 或 PoS 或任何其他共识机制的经济激励和加密验证机制。这种区块链的一些流行例子包括比特币、以太坊、莱特币等。

These block chains are protected by encryption economics & #xff0c; i.e., economic incentives and encryption certification mechanisms using Pow or PS or any other consensus mechanism. Some popular examples of this block chain include Bitcoin, Etheria, Letco, etc.


Semi-private block chains are usually run by individual organizations or groups of individuals xff0c; they grant access to any user xff0c; they can be direct consumers or used for internal organization purposes.


In the private block chain, xff0c; writing rights are owned by an organization or a group of individuals. Read rights are open to the public or are limited to a large number of users.

私有区块链的一些典型例子包括 Gem Health 网络、Corda 等。

Some typical examples of private block chains include the Gem Health Network, Corda, etc.


In this type of block chain xff0c; as its name indicates xff0c; the right to consensus is limited to a group of people or nodes. This is also known as the private block chain . Due to fewer nodes xff0c; in these types of block chain xff0c; trading times are fast. Economic returns from mining are not available in these blocks.

一些以联盟为基础的区块链的例子有德国交易所和 R3(金融机构)。

Some examples of union-based block chains are the German Exchange and R3( financial institutions & #xff09;


This is one of the classic problems of various computer networks that have come up with definitive solutions in the near future. The problem is known as the issue of General Byzantine & #xff08; BGP & #xff09; the problem is rooted in a question of consensus & #xff0c; it is due to mistrust of the network nodes.


Let us assume that various generals are directing the Byzantine army & #xff0c; planning to attack a city & #xff0c; every general has his own army. They must attack simultaneously in order to win. The problem is that one or more generals may be unfaithful & #xff0c; and sending the wrong message. & #xff0c; therefore, an effective solution must be found xff0c; in order to communicate seamlessly xff0c; even in the case of fraudulent generals.

这个问题是由卡斯特罗和利斯科夫解决的,他们提出了实用拜占庭容错性PBFT)算法。后来,2009 年,通过发明比特币并开发 PoW 作为实现共识的系统,第一个实用的实现得以实现。

The problem was solved by Castro and Liskov xff0c; they proposed functional Byzantine misbehaviourPBFT) algorithm. xff0c; 2009xff0c; by inventing bitcoin and developing PoW as a system to achieve consensus xff0c; and the first practical realization was achieved.

我们将在后面的章节详细讨论 BGP。

We'll discuss BGP in more detail later in the chapter.


Consensus is the process of reaching general agreement between nodes within the block chain. When it is a distributed network xff0c; and when a value is required to be agreed xff0c; there are various algorithms available.


Consensus mechanism: each block chain must have a mechanism xff0c; various nodes in the network can be addressed. The main consensus mechanism for some block chains is xff1a, as shown below;

  • 工作量证明PoW):这是最常用的共识机制,也是第一个加密货币比特币使用的机制。这种算法已经被证明最能抵抗 Sybil 攻击。

    workload attests to ( PoW) xff1a; this is the most commonly used consensus mechanism xff0c; and the first mechanism used for encrypted currency bitcoin. This algorithm has proved to be the most resistant to Sybil attacks.

  • 权益证明PoS)这使得那些拥有最多加密货币的人更容易挖掘新的区块。

    certificate of interestPos) this makes it easier for those with the most encrypted currency to dig new blocks.

  • 委托权益证明DPOS)与 PoS 相比的一个小变化是,每个拥有权益的节点都可以通过投票将交易的验证委托给其他节点。

    Commission Certificate of Interests( DPOS) a minor change from PoS is xff0c; each node with an interest may delegate the authentication of the transaction by voting to other nodes.

  • 重要性证明POI)旨在节能,并且也可以在相对较低功率的机器上运行。它依赖于权益以及代币的使用和流动来建立信任和重要性。

    is important as proof of poI) xff0c; and can also operate on machines with relatively low power. It relies on equity and the use and movement of tokens to build trust and importance.

  • 时间过度证明PoET)这是由英特尔创建的一种区块链算法,使用可信执行环境TEE)来在保证等待时间的情况下实现随机性和安全性。

    time overproven ( PoET) this is a block chain algorithm created by Intel & #xff0c; use of credible enforcement environment TEE) to achieve randomness and security while ensuring waiting time.

  • 燃烧证明PoB)这主要用于将一种加密货币引导到另一种加密货币。其基本概念是矿工必须证明他们已经销毁了硬币,也就是说,他们已经将其发送到一个可验证的不可花费的地址。

    The basic concept is that miners must prove that they have destroyed the coin xff0c; xff0c; they have sent it to a verifiable, non-costed address.

  • 活动证明PoA):在这种算法中,从整个网络中随机选择一个节点来签署一个必须是防篡改的新区块。

    campaign attests to ( PoA) xff1a; in this algorithm xff0c; random selection of a node from the entire network to sign a new block that must be tamper-proof.


All previous algorithms, as well as a large number of algorithms already available or under study, ensure a perfect state of consensus xff0c; and there are no possible security threats on the network.


The time had come to discuss the benefits of block chain technology and the challenges or limitations of xff0c; and the measures being taken by the community as a whole.


If everything is about trust and security xff0c; even if everything is already highly secure and private xff0c; do we really need a trusted system xff1f; let us look at the major problems faced by each of the limitations xff0c that exist in the existing ecosystems; and where the block chain fully matches.


Records retention and ledger maintenance in the banking sector is a time-consuming and resource-consuming process xff0c; it is still prone to errors. In the current system xff0c; transfers of funds within states are easy xff0c; but when we need to move funds across borders xff0c; the main problems are time and high costs.


Even though most funds are only a record in the database xff0c; it still generates high foreign exchange costs xff0c; and it is very slow.


Even with electronic records & #xff0c; records management, validation and transmission problems worldwide are difficult to apply in practice. There is no generic third party & #xff0c; many records are paper-based & #xff0c; and they are vulnerable to damage or loss.


In epidemiological cases xff0c; there is a need to access and excavate medical records of patients with a particular geographical location. In this case xff0c; the block chain is a great evangelical xff0c; because if medical records are stored on the block chain xff0c; then these records can easily be accessed xff0c; and they are safe and private to users who need them.


Any government agency is required to process a large volume of records in all its sectors xff1b; to make new filings on the block chain xff0c; and to ensure that data remain secure throughout the distribution system.


The transparency and distribution of data storage leaves the system free of corruption xff0c; the consensus ensures that participants in the block chain use the required standards when needed.


Copyright and creative records can be secured xff0c; control copyright abuse and licensing.

其中一个主要例子是 KodakCoin,这是基于区块链的面向摄影师的加密货币,旨在用于支付许可摄影作品。

One of the main examples is KodakCoin,, an encrypted currency for photographers based on block chains xff0c, designed to pay for licensed photographic works.


Validation, authentication and inspection are difficult. There is a high risk of theft and abuse. Block chains can provide semi-private access to records & #xff0c; ensuring digital signatures use the chain of blocks to obtain the required standards.


Progressive recording of degrees and achievements will facilitate the efficient use of resources xff0c; and the availability of appropriate allocation and inspection processes.


With the exception of Bitcoin and alternative encrypted currency xff0c; these are just examples of block chains. In the next chapter xff0c; we will discuss these points in more detail.


Like any technology, there are challenges and limitations to block chain technology. There is a need to address these challenges & #xff0c; and to propose more robust, reliable and resource-rich solutions. Let us briefly discuss each challenge and its solutions.


Block chains are complex xff0c; however, they are easy to implement.


However, xff0c; with widespread awareness and discussion xff0c; this may become easier in the future.


It would be difficult if the block chain did not have a solid network of nodes & #xff0c; maintaining the block chain and providing a clear consensus for ongoing transactions.


Although transactions based on block chains are very fast xff0c; and are cheaper than any other traditional method xff0c; however, as the volume of transactions in each block decreases xff0c; this becomes difficult xff0c; and the speed is slower.


In terms of cost xff0c; the need for a large amount of hardware xff0c; this in turn leads to huge network costs and the need for intermittent networks between nodes.


Communities have proposed a variety of extension solutions. The best way to do this is to increase the size of blocks to achieve more transactions per block & #xff0c; or to use a dynamic block size system. & #xff0c; and various other solutions & #xff0c; to maintain speed reduction and cost control.

这是对区块链网络的一种攻击方式,即给定一组硬币在多个交易中被花费;比特币创始人在推出时提到的一个问题是51 攻击。在这种情况下,如果某个矿工或矿工组控制了超过一半的区块链计算能力,由于区块链的开放性质,任何人都可以成为节点的一部分;这会触发 51 攻击,在这种情况下,由于对网络的主导控制,该人可以确认一个错误的交易,导致同一硬币被花费两次。

This is an attack on the block chain network xff0c; i.e. a given set of coins is spent in multiple transactions xff1b; one of the questions mentioned by the founder of Bitcoin at the time of its launch is 51 attack. xff0c in this case; if a miner or miner group controls more than half of the block chain computing capacity xff0c; because of the open nature of the block chain xff0c; if anyone can be part of the node xff1b; if this triggers 51 attacks xff0c; in this case xff0c; because of the dominant control of the network xff0c; if that person can confirm an erroneous transaction xff0c; leading to the cost of the same coin twice.


Another way to achieve this is to fast-track two conflicting transactions in the block chain network xff0c; this can be avoided if a large number of confirmations xff0c are obtained.


There are other functions that will be discussed in the next chapter xff0c; it is worth noting xff0c; all these functions exist in existing systems xff0c; but taking into account active community support xff0c; all these limitations are being mitigated at a very high rate.

本章介绍了区块链。首先,讨论了分布式网络、金融交易和 P2P 网络的概念。然后,我们讨论了区块链的历史和各种其他主题,如区块链的元素、区块链的类型和共识。

This chapter presents the block chain. First xff0c; discusses the concept of distributed networks, financial transactions and P2P networks. Then xff0c; then we discuss the history of the block chain and various other topics xff0c; e.g. elements of the block chain, type of block chain and consensus.


In the next chapter xff0c; we will discuss in more detail the block chain xff1b; we will discuss the mechanism behind the block chain, Bitcoin. We will also know in more detail how to reach consensus xff0c; and we will explore in depth the application of the block chain xff0c; e.g. wallet, Ether, Hyperledger, and until we create our own encrypted currency.


The block chain is not a single technology & #xff0c; it is more a technology. The block chain is an architecture concept & #xff0c; there are many ways to construct the block chain & #xff0c; each variant has a different effect on the operation of the system. In this chapter & #xff0c; we will discuss all or most of the components chain technology currently in place.


At the end of this chapter xff0c; you should be able to describe the parts of the block chain xff0c; and, at the structural level, assess the ability of one block chain technology to the other.


Here are the concepts we're going to cover #xff1a.

  • 区块


  • 区块之间的链

    The chain between blocks

  • 哈希和签名

    Hashi and his signature.

  • 区块结构

    Block Structure

  • 区块矿工

    Block miners

  • 区块验证者

    Block Certifier

  • 智能合约

    Smart Contract

  • 区块链速度

    Block Chain Speed

区块链是一种特定的技术,但有许多形式和变种。例如,比特币和以太坊是工作量证明的区块链。以太坊有智能合约,并且许多区块链允许自定义代币。区块链可以通过它们的共识算法(PoS、PoW 和其他)来区分,在第七章——达成共识中有所涵盖*,*以及它们的功能集,比如能够运行智能合约以及这些智能合约在实践中的运作方式。所有这些变体都有一个共同的概念:区块。区块链技术的最基本单位是区块。想象一个基本的电子表格,可以简单地将区块视为其。在这个电子表格中,您可能会看到这样的条目:

Block chains are a specific technology xff0c; but there are many forms and variants. For example, xff0c; Bitcoin and Etheria are the chains of blocks certified by workload. There are smart contracts xff0c; and there are many block chains that allow self-defined tokens. Block chains can be distinguished by their consensual algorithms xff08; PoS, PoW and others xff09; xff0c; in Chapter VII > /em > xff0c;* and their functional collections xff0c; e.g., can run smart contracts and how these smart contracts work in practice. All of these variables have a common concept xff1a; the most basic unit of block technology is a block. Imagine a basic electronic form xff0c; it can simply be seen as a block xff0c; you may see an entry xff1a;

账号-9234222?$2,000$5,000$7,000向账号-12345678 发送资金
账号-12345678$2,000$2,0000从账号-9234222 接收资金
账号-3456789-$200$50$250向账号-68890234 发送资金
账号-68890234$200$800$600从账号-3456789 接收资金

一个区块是区块链网络中的交易条目集,存储在充当参与者的计算机上。每个区块链网络都有一个区块时间,或者每个区块表示交易的大致时间,以及一个区块大小:无论如何,一个区块可以处理的总交易量。如果一个网络的区块时间为两分钟,那两分钟内只有四笔交易,那么该区块就只包含这四笔交易。如果一个网络有 1,000,000 笔交易,那么可能有太多交易无法适应区块大小。在这种情况下,交易必须等待它们的轮次,等待一个有剩余空间的空区块。一些区块链通过网络费的概念解决了这个问题。网络费是发送者愿意支付的金额(以区块链的原生代币计量),以便将交易纳入一个区块中。费用越高,优先级越高,可以立即被纳入链中。

One block is the transactional entry in the block chain network xff0c; stored on the computer as a participant. Each block chain network has a block time xff0c; or each block indicates the approximate time of the transaction xff0c; and one block size xff1a; xff0c; the total volume of transactions that a block can handle. If a network block has two minutes xff0c; there are only four transactions xff0c within two minutes; then only four transactions xff0c; if a network has 1,000,000 transactions xff0c; there may be too many transactions that cannot be adapted to the size of the block. In this case xff0c; if a network block has to wait for their rotation xff x 0; if an empty block has left space, there are only four blocks that can be resolved through the network fee concept.


In addition to the transaction ledger xff0c; each block usually contains some additional metadata. The metadata include the following xff1a;

  • 对先前区块的引用

    Reference to previous blocks

  • 网络的元数据

    Network metadata

  • 交易的默克尔根,作为块有效性的检查

    Merkelgen #xff0c for transactions; checking as block validity


These basic knowledges usually apply to all block chains. This common pattern xff0c, which is also the essence of the chain, is used in Etheria, Bitcoin, Letco, etc. Each chain also tends to include other metadata specific to the ecosystem xff0c; these differences are discussed in subsequent chapters. Here is an example of the Bitcoin block chain xff1a;


Author & #xff1a; Nakamoto & #xff0c; http://Bitcoin.org/Bitcoin.pdf, Massachusetts Institute of Technology & #xff0c; https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid= 2442868

如果你问,Merkle 根是什么?那就引出了我们下一组关键概念:哈希和签名。

If you ask xff0c; what the Merkle root is xff1f; that leads to our next set of key concepts xff1a; Hashi and signature.

假设你有两个各 50 页长的文本文件。你想知道它们是否相同或不同。你可以使用哈希值来实现这一点。哈希(或哈希函数)是一种数学过程,它将任何输入转换为固定长度的输出。有许多这样的函数,最常见的是 SHA-1、SHA-2 和 MD5。例如,以下是一个名为MD5的哈希函数的输出,输入是两页文本:

Assuming that you have two 50-page text files. You want to know whether they are the same or different. You can use the Hashi value to do this. Hashi & #xff08; or Hashi & #xff09; is a mathematical process xff0c; it converts any input to an output of a fixed length. There are many of these functions xff0c; the most common are SHA-1, SHA-2 and MD5. For example xff0c; the following is the output of a Hashi function called MD5 xff0c; the input is two pages xff1a;



The strength of the Hashi function is what happens when I add a character at the end and run the same function xff1a;



As you see xff0c; the output is completely different. If you want to quickly prove that some data have not been changed in any way xff0c; the Hashi function is competent. In our discussions xff0c; the important parts of the Hashi function are as follows xff1a;

  • 计算机运行速度非常快。

    Computers run very fast.

  • 这个函数是单向的。你可以轻松地获得哈希值,但实际上你不能使用哈希值来恢复原始数据。

    This function is one-way. You can easily get Hashi & #xff0c; but you can't actually use Hashi to restore the raw data.

  • 它们可以被递归使用。例如,我可以取哈希的哈希;例如,MD5()变成了。

    They can be used backwards. For example, xff0c; I can take Hashi xff1b; xff0c; MD5() becomes.


The relativity of Hashi has led to the introduction of the concept of Merkel Tree xff0c; this concept is named patented. Merkel Tree is a data structure xff0c; if you draw it on the whiteboard xff0c; it is often like a tree. In every step of the tree xff0c; the root node contains its sub-node hash value. Here is the figure of Merkel Tree #xff1a.

原始插图作者为 David G?thberg,瑞典,已释放至公共领域

Original illustration by David G?thberg, Sweden & #xff0c; released to the public domain

在区块链中,这意味着存在着一个递归的哈希过程。递归哈希是指我们对哈希值进行哈希运算的过程。例如,想象一下我们有以下单词及其哈希值。这里,我们将使用 MD5 算法,因为在网络上很容易找到 MD5 哈希代码,所以你可以自己尝试一下:

xff0c in the block chain; this means that there is a rectangular Hashi process. Recursive Hash is the process by which we calculate the Hashi value. For example, xff0c; imagine that we have the following words and the Hashi value. Here xff0c; we will use the MD5 algorithm xff0c; because it is easy to find MD5 Hashi code xff0c on the Internet; so you can try it yourself xff1a;



To calculate the relativity to Hashi or Guernhashi #xff0c; we will add these Hashi values to xff0c; xff1a as shown below;



We will then proceed to Hashi #xff0c; the result is as follows #xff1a;



This process can take place over and over again. The ultimate Hashi can be used to check if any values in the tree have been changed. This is a way for data to be efficient and effective xff0c; it can ensure data consistency.


Each block contains the Guernhashi of all transactions. Because of Hashi's one-way xff0c; anyone can look at this xff0c; and compare it to the data in the block xff0c; and know whether all data are valid and unchanged. This allows anyone to verify quickly whether each transaction is correct. Each block chain has a small change in this mode xff08; store data xff09; xff0c; but the basic concept is the same.


Now we have introduced Hashi #xff0c; the time has come to introduce a related concept xff1a; digital signature . Digital signatures use the nature of Hashi xff0c; not only do they prove that the data have not changed xff0c; they also provide assurances who created the data. Digital signatures use the Hashi concept xff0c; a new concept xff1a; digital key .


All common digital signature methods use the so-called public key cryptography . In public key cryptography & #xff0c; there are two keys & #xff1a; a public key and a private key. For the purpose of creating the signature xff0c; for the first time the original data is #xff0c; for the second time the original data are encrypted with the private key. For the encryption, the Hushi xff0c; and for other information xff0c; for example, the method used for encryption xff0c; for the purpose of creating the original data xff0c; for the purpose of creating a signature.


This is where the public key works. The mathematical connection between the public key and the private key allows the public key to decrypt Hashi & #xff0c; then the data can be checked with Hashi. & xff0c; two things can now be checked xff1a; who signed the data and whether the signed data have been changed. The following are the same illustrations xff1a;

由 Engelbert Niehaus 制作,用户 Bananenfalter 制作的 SVG 色彩方案 - 使用 Bananenfalter 制作的插图的 SVG 颜色,并使用 Inkscape 进行编辑,CC BY-SA 3.0,https://en.wikiversity.org/w/index.php?curid=226250

xff0c by Engelbert Niehaus; SVG colour scheme by the user Bananenfalter - SVG colour & #xff0c using illustrations made by Bananenfalter; and editing xff0c using Inkscape; CC BY-SA 3.0, https://en.wikiversity.org/w/index.php?curid= 2262550pe


This cryptography is essential for block chain technology. The block chain can record behaviors & #xff08; the movement of tokens & #xff09; and the proof of who initiated these acts xff08; #xff09; xff09; ;

让我们举个例子,Jeremy 和 Nadia 希望互相安全地发送消息。每个人都公布了一个公钥。Jeremy 的公钥将如下所示(使用 1,024 位的 RSA 算法):

Let us give one example: Jeremy and Nadia want to send messages safely to each other. Everyone has published a public key. Jeremy's public key will be & #xff08; RSA algorithms with 1,024 bits & #xff09; #xff1a;



With this key xff0c; he will keep another private key xff0c; it looks as follows xff1a;



At the same time xff0c; Nadia will take the same steps xff0c; get the following two keys xff1a;



This is her private key #xff1a.



With these keys xff0c; Jeremy decided to send Nadia a message. He used her keys and encrypted the following messages xff1a; I loved Bitcoin xff0c; the results are xff1a, as shown below;



xff0c; no one can read this except Nadia. She uses the same algorithm xff0c; enter the data and her private key xff0c; get the following message xff1a;



We will discuss in chapter IV more about this topic xff0c; cryptography and the mechanisms behind the block chain .


In this section & #xff0c; we'll study the data structure used in block chains. We'll focus mainly on the Etherm, Bitcoin and Bitc block chains & #xff0c; we'll look at key commons and differences.

这是来自示例以太坊区块的数据,来自区块 5223669:

This is data from the Taiwan block xff0c; from blocks 5223669xff1a;


If you remember xff0c; at the beginning of this chapter xff0c; we say that there are three things that are common to the chain of blocks xff1a; the reference to the previous block xff0c; the Hashi value of the trade in the block xff0c; and the metadata specific to the network. In this block from the Ethernet xff0c; all three exist. The reference to the previous block is in the height of the block and the father Hashi value. The Hashi value of the transaction is the Hashi entry xff0c; metadata are all other elements xff0c; this will be network specific.


This is a snapshot of the bitcoin block #xff1a;

比特币和以太坊都是 PoW 链;现在让我们来看一个股权证明POS)生态系统:比特股。

Both Bitcoin and Etheria are PoW chains & #xff1b; let us now look at a equity certificate POS


These are some data from bits and blocks xff1a;


 image transfer failure of the external chain, possibly with a chain-control mechanism, suggesting that the image be kept directly up by the station</p> 
<p>尽管架构完全不同,但基本原理仍然存在:对先前区块的引用,默克尔根和网络元数据。在比特股中,您还可以看到有一个见证签名。作为 PoS 区块链,比特股有验证者(它们被称为见证人)。在这里,我们看到负责计算此区块的计算机的见证和签名。</p><p>Although the structure is completely different xff0c; the rationale still exists xff1a; references to previous blocks xff0c; Merkelgen; and web metadata. In the Bit Unit xff0c; you can also see a witness signature. As a PoS block chain xff0c; the Bit Unit has a certifier xff08; they are called witnesses xff09; here xff0c; we see the witness and the signature of the computer responsible for calculating the block.</p> 
<p>区块链技术的一个关键特性是它可以作为一个可信任的全局状态。有许多应用场景中,可信任的全局状态是重要但困难的,比如金融技术和物流。</p><p>A key feature of block chain technology is that it can be a trusted global state. There are many applications & #xff0c; trusted global state is important but difficult & #xff0c; for example, financial technology and logistics.</p> 
<p>例如,几年前,我在线订购了一些摄像机设备。几天后,我回家时惊讶地发现我的设备已经到货了。我非常感激,因为那些昂贵的设备没有被偷走。直到第二天我才收到卖家发来的一封邮件,提醒我包裹已经发出。</p><p>For example, xff0c; xff0c; I ordered some camera equipment online a few years ago. A few days later xff0c; I came home surprised to find out that my equipment had arrived. I am very grateful xff0c; because the expensive equipment was not stolen. I did not get an email from the seller xff0c; remind me that the package had been sent.</p> 
<p>这里清晰地列出了全局状态的细节。事实上,摄像机已经在一辆卡车上了,但我和货运商都没有妥善地存储这些信息。如果我的摄像机设备从我门口被盗走了,那将会很难发现发生了什么。</p><p>The details of the situation are clearly set out here. In fact, xff0c; the camera is already on a truck xff0c; but neither I nor the freight forwarder has properly stored this information. If my camera equipment was stolen from my door, xff0c; it would be hard to find out what happened.</p> 
<p>如果卖方、物流公司和我都从区块链中写入和读取数据,这将是不可能的。当物流公司登记货物时,物体的状态会发生变化,一旦下一个区块被确认,卖方和我都会立即知道。</p><p>If the seller, the logistics company and I write and read the data from the block chain xff0c; that would be impossible. When the logistics company registers the goods xff0c; the state of the object changes xff0c; once the next block is confirmed xff0c; the seller and I will know it immediately.</p> 
<p>正如之前讨论的,每个区块链都有一个<strong>区块时间</strong>和一个<strong>区块大小</strong>。每个网络可能具有非常不同的值和处理区块时间的方式。例如,在比特币中,区块时间是 10 分钟,而在以太坊中,区块时间是 20 秒。在恒星网络中,区块时间约为 4 秒。这些区块时间是由运行网络的代码确定的。对于比特币、莱特币和以太坊等网络,区块时间实际上是一个平均值。因为这些是 PoW 网络,一旦矿工解决了挖矿难题,他们就可以证明该区块已完成。在这些网络中,难题的难度会自动调整,以便平均达到所需的区块时间。</p><p>As discussed earlier, xff0c; each block chain has a block time of </strang> and a block of <strang> size of </strang>. Each network may have very different values and a way of processing block time. For example, xff0c; xff0c in bitcoin; block time of 10 minutes xff0c; block of xff0c; block of xff0c; block of xff0c; block time of 20 seconds; block of xff0c; block of xff0c; block time of about 4 seconds in star network. These blocks are determined by the code of the operating network.</p> 
<p>区块大小是每个区块中可以存储的最大信息量。对于比特币来说,这是价值 1 MB 的交易数据。对于以太坊来说,限制实际上是以 GAS 为单位衡量的,GAS 是一种特殊的计量单位,用于衡量处理能力(因为以太坊具有智能合约)以及存储。与比特币不同,每个区块的 GAS/存储限制不是固定的,而是由矿工动态调整的。</p><p>Block size is the maximum amount of information that can be stored in each block. For bitcoin & #xff0c; this is transaction data with a value of 1 MB. For bitcoin & #xff0c; restriction & #xff0c; GAS is actually a special unit of measure & #xff0c; measure processing capacity & #xff08; because it has an intelligent contract & #xff09; and storage. Unlike Bitcoin xff0c; GAS/storage limits for each block are not fixed #xff0c; they are adjusted by the dynamics of the miners.</p> 
<p>需要注意的是,区块中只包含可能的信息,直到被网络确认为止。例如,可能会发生 1000 笔交易,但如果只有 500 笔被记录在下一个区块中,那么只有这 500 笔交易是真实的。剩余的交易将继续等待被包含到未来的区块中。</p><p>What needs to be noted is xff0c; blocks contain only possible information xff0c; until confirmed by the network. For example, xff0c; there may be 1,000 transactions xff0c; if only 500 transactions are recorded in the next block xff0c; then only 500 transactions are real. The remaining transactions will continue to await inclusion in the future block.</p> 
<p>区块链矿工和区块链验证者(见下面的部分)都与共识有关,这将在第七章 <em>实现共识</em> 中深入探讨。通常,区块链矿工与区块链相关联。PoW 链通过让矿工的计算机竞争执行证明链中的区块所需的工作来运作。目前,唯一主要的 PoW 区块链是比特币、莱特币和以太坊。大多数其他系统使用 PoS 共识的变体,我们将在下一节 <em>区块链验证者</em> 中讨论。我们将在第十八章 <em>挖矿</em> 中详细介绍挖矿的工作原理。</p><p>Block chain miners and block chain certifiers & #xff08; see section #xff09 below; all relevant to consensus & #xff0c; this will be explored further in chapter VII <em > to achieve consensus </em >. Usually & #xff0c; block chain miners are linked to block chains. The PoW chain functions by allowing miners' computers to compete to perform the work required to prove blocks in the chain. & xff0c; the only major Pow block chain is Bitcoin, Letco and Etheria. Most other systems use the PS consensus variants #xff0c; we will discuss in the next section <em > serial certifiers </em >. We will elaborate on the principles of mining in chapter XVIII <em> mining </em >.</p> 
<p><strong>区块链验证者</strong>被 PoS 系统使用。 PoS 系统通过要求希望参与网络的计算机拥有<strong>股份</strong>(大量代币)来帮助区块链运作。与 PoW 算法不同,计算机不能加入网络并期望在共识中发挥任何作用。相反,他们必须通过代币所有权来<em>购入</em>。根据网络的不同,验证者的命名约定可能不同。Tendermint 有验证者,Steemit 和 Bitshares 有见证人,Cardano 有股东等。验证者是允许参与网络并这样做的具有正股份(代币数量)的计算机。每个链都有自己的规则来解决这个问题,这将在第七章*,* <em>实现共识</em>中更加深入地讨论。</p><p><strong> sector chain certifier</strung> is used by the Pos system. Pos system can help the block chain by requiring <strong> shares in computers wishing to participate in the network </strong> & #xff08; large number of tokens & #xff09; different from the Pow algorithm xff0c; computers cannot join the network and expect to play any role in the consensus. xff0c; they must purchase <em> through proxy ownership. Each chain may have its own rules to address this issue.</p> 
<p>一些区块链被称为具有智能合约,当它们能够根据链的变化执行操作和行为时。这将在第十四章 <em>智能合约</em>和第十七章 <em>去中心化应用程序</em>中深入讨论。</p><p>Some blocks are called smart contracts & #xff0c; when they can operate and behave according to changes in the chain. This will be discussed in depth in chapters XIV <em > smart contracts </em > and XVII <em > decentralised applications </em >.</p> 
<p>区块链系统的一个持续关注点是性能。公共区块链是全球性系统,其系统资源同时由全球所有用户共享。由于用户基数庞大,资源约束是一个真正的问题,并且已经导致了真正的问题。例如,一个名为<strong>CryptoKitties</strong>的热门游戏在以太坊上推出,导致网络拥塞。其他应用程序几乎无法使用,因为来自 CryptoKitties 的负载使网络不堪重负。</p><p>A continuing focus of the block chain system is performance. The public block chain is a global system xff0c; its system resources are shared by all users worldwide. Resource constraints are a real problem xff0c because of the large user base xff0c; resource constraints are a real problem xff0c; they have caused real problems. e.g. xff0c; a popular game called <strung>CryptoKittys</strang> is being launched in the Pacific xff0c; resulting in network congestion. Other applications are almost impossible to use xff0c; the network is overburdened by loads from CryptoKittys.</p> 
<p>计算区块链吞吐量的快速粗略方法如下:</p><p>The quick and rough method for calculating block chain throughput is as follows: xff1a;</p> 
<p><img src=

对于比特币,交易吞吐量约为7tx/second。这是因为区块相对较小,而且区块时间非常长。以太坊具有较短的区块时间,但区块非常小,因此最终达到约14tx/second。像 Stellar、Bitshares 和 Waves 这样的区块链可以达到每秒超过1000tx/second的速度。

For bitcoin, transactional throughput is about 7tx/second. This is because blocks are relatively small xff0c; and blocks are very long. The district has a shorter block time xff0c; but blocks are very small xff0c; thus eventually reach about 14tx/second. Block chains like Steel, Bitshares and Waves can exceed 1000tx/second per second.

VISA 是全球首要的支付处理网络。在公司的一篇博客中,透露 VISA 每秒可以处理超过 40,000 笔交易。这是峰值容量,除了在诸如圣诞节之类的时候,它通常不会处理这么多交易。然而,应清楚地看到,区块链在能够与 VISA 相媲美的规模上处理全球支付之前还有很长的路要走。然而,像 EOS 和 COSMOS 这样的新网络正在尝试,通过创新的多线程设计和分段区块链区域。

VISA is the leading payment processing network worldwide. In a company blog & #xff0c; revealed that VISA can handle more than 40,000 transactions per second. This is a peak capacity & #xff0c; it usually does not handle so many transactions except at such times as Christmas. & #xff0c; however, xff0c; clearly see xff0c; block chains have a long way to go before they can handle global payments on a scale comparable to VISA. However, xff0c; new networks like EOS and COSMOS are trying xff0c; through innovative multi-twice design and segmental chains.

现在你应该理解了区块链的基本组成部分。区块是一组被聚合在一起的交易,并充当区块链的基本单位。在 PoW 区块链上,矿工是创建新区块的计算机。在 PoS 区块链上,验证者,也称为见证人和其他名称,是创建区块的计算机。数字签名由公钥和私钥组成,并利用数学来证明数据的作者。

Now you should understand the basic components of the block chain. Blocks are a set of transactions that are brought together xff0c; they are the basic units of the block chain. On the Pow block chain xff0c; miners are the computers that create new blocks. On the PS block chain xff0c; authenticator xff0c; also known as witnesses and other names xff0c; they are computers that create blocks. Digital signatures are made up of public and private keys xff0c; they use mathematics to prove data authors.


The key idea for Hashi is to use a mathematical function to map any data to a single, easy-to-process value. Any change in the data will make the final value very different.

  • 从哈希值构造原始数据基本上是不可能的,但从原始数据创建哈希值却很容易。

    It is virtually impossible to construct raw data from Hashi values xff0c; however, it is easy to create Hashi values from raw data.

  • 你可以利用这些属性来证明数据未被更改。

    You can use these properties to prove that the data are not changed.


In the next chapter, xff0c; we will learn what these systems are xff0c; and how the block chain has both. We will learn how to distinguish the two systems xff0c; and why these concepts are so important to the block chain.


One of the biggest misunderstandings in the area of block chains is the difference between distributed systems and decentralised systems. In this chapter xff0c; we will discuss how these two types of systems xff0c; why they matter xff0c; their similarities xff0c; their differences xff0c; and how block chain technology applies to both categories.


At the end of this chapter xff0c; you should be able to do the following things xff1a;

  • 定义分布式系统

    Define Distributive System

  • 定义去中心化系统

    Define decentralised system

  • 了解分布式系统的优缺点

    Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of distributed systems

  • 了解去中心化系统的优缺点

    Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of decentralised systems


distribution system means that applications and their structures are distributed between a large number of machines and preferably physical locations. & xff0c; distribution system refers to multiple subsystems whose objectives are distributed in different locations. This means that multiple computers must be coordinated in multiple locations to achieve the goals of the system or application as a whole. This is different from a single application xff0c; a single application binds all content.

让我们以一个简单的 Web 应用程序为例。基本的 Web 应用程序会在单个 Web 服务器上运行处理、存储和其他所有内容。代码往往以单体形式运行——所有内容都捆绑在一起。当用户连接到 Web 应用程序时,它会接受 HTTP 请求,使用代码处理请求,访问数据库,然后返回结果。

Let us take the example of a simple Web application. Basic Web applications run processing, storage and all other content on a single Web server. Codes often run in a single form -- all of which are bound together. When the user connects to the Web application & #xff0c; it accepts HTTP requests & #xff0c; uses code to process requests xff0c; access databases xff0c; then returns the result.


The advantage is that it is easy to define and design. The disadvantage is that the system can only be extended to a certain extent. To add more users xff0c; there must be additional processing capacity. As load increases xff0c; system owners cannot simply add additional machines xff0c; because the code is not designed to operate on multiple machines simultaneously. On the contrary xff0c; owners must buy stronger and more expensive computers to keep up with. If the user comes from around the globe xff0c; there is another problem — some users close to the server will get a quick response xff0c; and there will be some delay for more distant users.


xff1f; the answer is that the whole system collapses. For these reasons xff0c; businesses and applications are becoming more distributed. Distribution systems are usually divided into client-server, three layers, multiple layers or point-to-point basic structures. Block chain systems are usually xff0c with point-to-point; so we will discuss this here.


Distributive systems have a number of advantages xff0c; xff1a, as shown below;

  • 弹性:如果系统的某个部分出现故障,整个系统不会失败

    flexible xff1a; if a part of the system fails xff0c; the whole system does not fail

  • 冗余性:系统的每个部分都可以构建备份,以便在出现故障时可以使用另一个副本,有时可以立即使用

    Redundancy: each part of the system can build a backup xff0c; another copy xff0c can be used in case of failure; sometimes it can be used immediately

  • 并行性:工作可以有效地分割,这样就可以使用许多廉价的计算机而不是一个昂贵的快速计算机

    parallel : work can effectively divide xff0c; so many cheap computers can be used instead of an expensive fast computer


Flexibility is the ability of the system to adapt and continue to work to meet changes and challenges. Flexibility can only be discussed in the context of the type of event in which the system is resilient. The system may be flexible in closing down some computers xff0c; but it may not be flexible in nuclear warfare.


elasticity can be broken down into different subcategories & #xff1a;

  • 容错:系统处理无效状态、错误数据和其他问题的能力

    tolerance error: ability of the system to handle invalid state, error data and other issues

  • 故障隔离:系统的一部分出现问题不会影响到系统的其他部分。某处出现的错误数据或系统故障不会导致其他地方出现问题

    failure isolation: problems in one part of the system do not affect the rest of the system.

  • 可伸缩性:在高负荷下能够提供额外容量的可伸缩系统对负载具有弹性

    scalable: scalable systems capable of providing additional capacity at high loads are flexible for loads

  • 复杂性管理:一种有办法管理复杂性的系统有助于使其对人为错误有弹性

    Complexity Management & #xff1a; a system with an approach to managing complexity helps to make it resilient to human error


Now we will discuss in greater detail the question of tolerance.


xff0c; systems that can still operate are considered to be faulty. Usually xff0c; tolerance is a dependency issue xff1a; the failure level of subcomponents is either partially offset by other parts of the system xff0c; or it is gradually degraded rather than absolutely closed. The failure may occur at many different levels xff1a; software, hardware or networks.

在区块链中,个别硬件层面的容错是通过每个功能的存在多个重复计算机来处理的-比特币或工作证明系统中的矿工或 PoS 和相关系统中的验证者。如果计算机出现硬件故障,那么它要么不会有效地签署与网络一致的交易,要么它将停止充当网络节点——其他计算机会接管。

In block chains & #xff0c; individual hardware-level tolerance errors are handled through multiple duplicate computers that exist for each function - bitcoin or miners in the certificate of work system or certifications in the PS and related systems. If a computer has a hardware failure & #xff0c; it either does not effectively sign a transaction consistent with the network & #xff0c; or it will stop acting as a network node - other computers will take over.


One of the most important aspects of the block chain is the concept of consensus. We will discuss in Chapter VII the different ways in which the block chain can achieve consensus xff0c; to achieve consensus . For the time being, xff0c; understand that most block chain networks have protocols xff0c; allow them to function as long as two-thirds to slightly more than half of the computers on the network are operational xff0c; it is enough to work properly xff0c; although each block chain network has different ways to ensure this xff0c; this will be introduced in future chapters.


In most block chains xff0c; each computer as a full participant in the network xff0c; a complete copy of all transactions that have taken place since the network started. This means xff0c; xff0c even under catastrophic pressure; a complete backup exists as long as a small number of computers in the network remain operational xff0c; a complete backup exists.

在 PoS 链中,通常会有更少的全参与者,因此备份和分布的数量要少得多。到目前为止,这种减少的冗余级别还没有成为问题。

In the Pos chain & #xff0c; there are usually fewer full participants & #xff0c; so the number of backups and distributions is much smaller. & #xff0c; so far, this reduced redundancy level has not been a problem.

正如之前的章节中所讨论的,区块链上的哈希和所有交易和行为的 Merkle 根允许轻松计算一致性。如果区块链上的一致性被打破,将会立即被注意到。区块链被设计为永远不会不一致。但只因数据一致,并不意味着它正确。这些问题将在第二十一章《可扩展性和其他挑战》中讨论。

As discussed in previous chapters, xff0c; Hashi on the block chain and Merkle root on all transactions and behaviours allow easy calculation of consistency. If the consistency on the block chain is broken xff0c; it will be noted immediately. The block chain is designed to never be inconsistent. But it does not mean that it is correct. These issues will be discussed in chapter XXI, Extendableness and Other Challenges.

今天大多数使用的计算机系统都是客户端-服务器。一个很好的例子是你的网络浏览器和典型的 web 应用程序。你打开 Google Chrome 或其他浏览器,访问一个网站,你的计算机(客户端)连接到服务器。系统上所有的通信都是在你和服务器之间进行的。任何其他连接(比如在 Facebook 上与朋友聊天)都是由你的客户端连接到服务器,然后服务器再连接到另一个客户端,服务器起到中间人的作用。

Most computer systems used today are client-servers. A good example is your web browser and typical web application. You turn on Google Chrome or other browser xff0c; you access a website xff0c; your computer xff08; your client xff09; you connect to the server. All communications on the system are between you and the server. Any other connection xff08; chat with friends ff09 on Facebook, for example; they are connected by your client to the server xff0c; then the server connects to another client xff0c; the server acts as an intermediary.


Reciprocal systems are about filtering out servers. In peer systems & #xff0c; your computer and your friend's computer will be connected directly & #xff0c; there is no server in the middle.


The following is a map illustrating the peer structure & #xff1a;


All decentralized systems must be distributed. But distributed systems are not necessarily dispersed. This is confusing for many. If a distributed system is distributed between many computers, locations, etc. xff0c; then how can it be centralized xff1f;

这种差异涉及到位置和冗余与控制。在这种情况下,集中化涉及到控制。一个很好的例子来展示分布式和分散式系统的区别是 Facebook。Facebook 是一个高度分布式的应用程序。它在全球范围内拥有服务器,运行着数千种的软件变体进行测试。它的任何数据中心都可能出现故障,但大部分网站功能仍将继续运行。它的系统是分布式的,具有容错性、广泛协调、冗余等等。

This difference relates to location and redundancy and control. In this case xff0c; centralization involves control. A good example of the difference between distributed and decentralized systems is Facebook. Facebook is a highly distributed application. It has a server xff0c worldwide; it runs thousands of software variants for testing. Any data centre could fail xff0c; but most website functionality will continue to operate. Its system is distributed xff0c; it is faulty, extensive coordination, redundancy, etc.

然而,这些服务仍然是集中化的,因为在没有其他利益相关者的参与的情况下,Facebook 可以改变规则。数百万小型企业使用并依赖 Facebook 进行广告。迁移到 Facebook 的群体可能会突然发现他们的旧信息、工作和连接能力被撤销,而且没有追索权。Facebook 已经成为其他人依赖但没有相互依赖协议的平台。对于所有依赖 Facebook 平台的群体、企业和组织来说,这是一个可怕的情况,部分或全部地依赖 Facebook 平台。

However, xff0c; these services are still centralized xff0c; since rules can be changed without the involvement of other stakeholders xff0c; Facebook. Millions of small businesses use and rely on Facebook for advertising. Groups that migrate to Facebook may suddenly discover that their old information, work and connection capabilities are withdrawn xff0c; and there is no recourse. Facebook has become a platform for others to rely on but not on interdependency agreements. xff0c for all groups, businesses and organizations that rely on Facebook platforms xff0c; this is a terrible situation xff0c; some or all of them rely on Facebook platforms.

过去十年间,出现了大量高度分布但高度集中的平台公司——Facebook、Alphabet、AirBnB、Uber 等,它们为同行之间提供了一个市场,但几乎完全不受其用户的约束。由于这种情况,人们越来越希望去中心化的应用和服务。在去中心化系统中,没有中央压倒性的利益相关者有能力在没有其他网络用户许可的情况下制定和执行规则。

xff0c over the past decade; a large number of highly distributed but highly concentrated platform companies — Facebook, Alphabet, AirBnB, Uber and others & #xff0c; they provide a market among peers xff0c; but they are almost completely unconstrained by their users. As a result of this xff0c; there is a growing desire to decentralize applications and services. In decentralized systems xff0c; there is no central overwhelming stakeholder with the ability to develop and implement rules without the permission of other network users.


Like distributed systems, xff0c; decentralisation is more a sliding ratio xff0c; not an absolute state. There are many factors to be taken into account to judge the degree of decentralisation of a system xff0c. We will consider factors that are particularly relevant to the application and organization of block chains and decentralization. These are xff1a below;

  • 开放式访问

    Open access

  • 非层次化


  • 多样性


  • 运作透明

    Transparency of operations


By definition xff0c; any physically or logically closed system is at least to some extent centralized. A closed system automatically concentrates on previous actors. As with all other aspects of decentralised systems xff0c; this is not binary /No xff0c; it is more like a sliding scale of possibilities.


The early Internet is seen as part of a revolutionary xff0c; partly because of its open access nature and by anyone xff08; with computers, time and access xff09; with access to the Internet and the ability to start exchanging information. The same is true for xff0c; xff0c so far; block chain technology has remained open for innovation and access.


Tier structure systems are usually prevalent in companies and organizations. People at the top of the hierarchy have the overwhelming power to guide resources and events. The hierarchy has different extremes. In one extreme xff0c; you may have a system in which arbitrators have absolute power. In another extreme xff0c; you may have a system in which each member of the system has the same direct power xff0c; control is thus achieved through influence, reputation or some other form of organizational currency.


In the block chain area xff0c; there are several forms of non-hierarchical structure. First, in the workload proof mining system. All miners are basically equal participants in the block chain xff0c; but their influence is proportional to the computational resources they provide to the network.

在 PoS 区块链系统中,权力是基于特定协议的投资/股份水平分布的。在这种情况下,去中心化是通过大规模采用以及与其他链的竞争实现的。如果一个链变得过于集中化,没有什么可以阻止用户迁移到另一个链。

In the PS block chain system xff0c; power is distributed at the level of investment/equity based on a particular agreement. In this case xff0c; decentralization is achieved through large-scale adoption and competition with other chains. If a chain becomes too centralized xff0c; nothing prevents users from migrating to another chain.


The extent to which these systems will remain decentralised over time is an open question.

开放访问自然而然地导致去中心化系统的另一个特性:多样性。多样性系统与单一文化相对立。在技术上,单一文化是单一系统的压倒性优势,比如在美国企业界长期存在的 Windows 的主导地位。

Open access naturally leads to another feature of decentralised systems xff1a; diversity. Diversity systems are opposed to monoculture. Technically xff0c; monoculture is the overwhelming advantage of a single system xff0c; for example, the long-standing dominance of Windows in the United States business community.

在一个系统中,权力集中的一种方式是通过信息主导,即一个系统中的某一组参与者拥有比其他参与者更多或更大的信息访问权。在大多数当前的区块链技术中,链上的每个参与者获得相同数量的信息。也有一些例外。比如,Hyperledger Fabric 有能力让参与者隐藏信息。

In a system xff0c; one way to centralize power is through information-led xff0c; i.e. a group of participants in a system has more or more access to information than other participants. In most of the current block chain technology xff0c; each participant in the chain receives the same amount of information. There are also exceptions. xff0c; Hyperledger Fabric has the ability to enable participants to hide information.


The ability to have full mandatory transparency is one of the drivers of interest in block chain systems. There is a clear practicality in logistics and legal records by creating transparent and unforgettable records & #xff0c; records on block chains & #xff0c; ensuring that data are not altered. Transparent blocks chains also ensure a level of fairness — participants can be sure xff0c; there is at least one shared level of truth for all xff0c; and that this level does not change.


Decentralization systems are not without their shortcomings. The following are some of the key issues of decentralization systems associated with block chains xff1a;

  • 速度


  • 抗审查性


  • 混乱/非确定性


集中化系统和去中心化系统在处理某些类型事件时往往会更快或更慢。区块链是分布式的记账系统。理解基本区块链,比如比特币,可以认为它是一个仅能追加的数据库。比特币每秒可以处理大约七笔交易。相比之下,Visa 和 MasterCard 是分布式(但不是去中心化)的交易处理系统,每秒可以处理超过 40,000 笔交易。区块链系统的速度继续增加,但通常以一定程度的中心化或对访问的限制作为交换。一些 PoS 系统,如 Tendermint 或 Waves,理论吞吐量超过 1,000 tx/秒,但仍远远低于其传统对应系统的峰值容量。

Centralization and decentralization systems tend to be faster or slower in dealing with certain types of events. Block chains are distributed accounting systems. Understanding basic block chains & #xff0c; e.g. Bitcoin & #xff0c; it can be considered a mere additional database. Bitcoin can handle about seven transactions per second. Compared to xff0c; Visa and MasterCard are distributed xff08; not to centralize xff09; transaction processing systems xff0c; more than 40,000 transactions per second. Block chain systems continue to increase xff0c; but are usually exchanged with a certain degree of centralization or limitations on access. Some PoS systems #xff0c; e.g. Tendermint or Waves #xff0c; theoretical throughputs more than 1,000 txxxff0c; still far below the peak capacity of their traditional counterpart systems.

去中心化系统由于缺乏中央权威机构进行审查而往往更难以审查。对于言论自由和信息自由的纯粹主义者来说,这一点根本不被视为缺点。然而,一些信息(儿童色情、仇恨言论、制造炸弹的指令)被视为危险或不道德的公开传播,因此应该被审查。作为一种技术,一旦包含该信息的区块完成,写入区块链的任何内容都是不可变的。例如,Steemit 是一个基于区块链的社交博客平台,每篇帖子都保存在链上。一旦每个区块被最终确定,数据就无法删除。系统的客户端可以选择不显示信息,但信息仍然存在,供想要查看的人使用。

Decentralization systems are often more difficult to review because of a lack of central authority. This is not considered to be a disadvantage at all for purists of freedom of expression and freedom of information. However, , some information & #xff08; child pornography, hate speech, bomb-making directives & #xff09; perceived as dangerous or immoral public dissemination & #xff0c; should therefore be reviewed as a technology xff0c; once a block containing this information has been completed xff0c; anything in a block chain is immutable. e.g. #xff0c; Steemmit is a social blog platform based on a block chain #xff0c; each post is kept on the chain. Once each block is finally identified xff0c; data cannot be deleted. The client of the system can choose not to display the information xff0c; information still exists xff0c; for those who want to see it.


The desire to review extends to self-censorship. The content of the block chain is immutable xff0c; even for its authors. For example, xff0c; financial transactions through bitcoin can never be hidden from the authorities. Although bitcoin is anonymous xff0c; once a person is connected to bitcoin wallet xff0c; it can easily trace every transaction since the block chain began.


So xff0c; the national currency based on the block chain will allow perfect taxation - due to the perfect financial monitoring of the chain. xff0c; therefore the anti-censorship character is dual.


Decentralization systems are often more confusing than centralized systems xff0c; this is their nature. In decentralization systems xff0c; each participant acts according to his or her own will xff0c; instead of being required by a comprehensive authority. xff0c; decentralization systems are difficult to predict.


In this chapter xff0c; we discuss the distinction between distributed and decentralised systems xff0c; and we present some key features. You should now understand that each decentralized system is also a distributed system xff0c; and some key aspects of each concept.


In the next chapter, xff0c; we will begin to study how these things work in practice.


The use of block chains depends on cryptography. Numeric cryptography can be seen as a recent invention xff0c; past passwords rely on exchange of words and letters. As we will see xff0c; modern cryptography is a very powerful tool xff0c; it is used to protect communications xff0c; and xff0c; it is very important for our theme xff0c; and it is important to determine the origin of digital signatures and the authenticity of digital assets.


This chapter will cover the following themes xff1a;

  • 安全原则

    Security principles

  • 历史视角 - 古典密码学

    Historical Perspective - Classical cryptography

  • 密码签名

    Password Signature

  • 散列



cryptography protects three principles of information security & #xff0c; memory & #xff1a through memory equipment CIA and #xff08; CIA

  • 保密性:确保信息与适当的方当共享,并且敏感信息(例如,医疗信息,某些财务数据)仅在适当方的同意下共享。

    Confidentiality: ensuring that information is shared with appropriate parties xff0c; and sensitive xff08; e.g. xff0c; medical information xff0c; certain financial data xff09; shared only with the consent of the appropriate party.

  • 完整性:确保只有授权方可以更改数据,并且(根据应用程序的情况)所做的更改不会威胁数据的准确性或真实性。这一原则可以说是与区块链最相关的,尤其是公共区块链。

    integrity: ensuring that data xff0c; xff08; xff09; changes made according to application do not threaten the accuracy or authenticity of data. This principle can be said to be the most relevant to the block chain xff0c; especially the public block chain.

  • 可用性:确保授权用户(例如,持有代币的用户)在需要或想要时可以使用数据或资源。区块链的分布式和去中心化特性极大地有助于实现这一点。

    The availability of : ensuring the authorization of users & #xff08; e.g. xff0c; currency holders xff09; using data or resources when needed or desired. The distribution and decentralisation of block chains greatly contributes to this.


The relevance to block chains and encrypted currencies is immediately apparent xff1a; e.g. xff0c; if the block chain does not provide integrity xff0c; if the funds or tokens the user tries to spend xff0c for typical application of block chains xff0c; where the chain may hold title to real estate or securities xff0c; data integrity is indeed very important. In this chapter xff0c; we will discuss the relevance of these principles to the block chain and how to secure elements such as integrity by encryption.


cryptography means any method or technology used to protect information or communication xff0c; in particular, research used to secure communication methods and protocols. Previously xff0c; cryptography means encryption xff0c; this is the technology used to encode information.

在其最基本的形式中,加密可以采用替换密码的形式,即根据双方预先共享的代码,对消息中的字母或单词进行替换。经典示例是凯撒密码,其中个别字母根据它们在字母表中的位置索引,并向前移动给定数量的字符。例如,字母A可能会变成字母N,密钥为 13。

In its most basic form xff0c; encryption can take the form of replacement passwords xff0c; i. e. replace letters or words in messages according to the pre-shared code xff0c. The classic example is Caesar's password xff0c; the individual letters are indexed according to their location in the alphabet xff0c; and a given number of characters can be moved forward. For example xff0c; the letters A may become letters xff0c; key is 13.

这种具体形式的凯撒密码被称为 ROT****13,它可能是唯一继续定期使用的替换密码——它为用户提供了一种轻松可逆的方式来隐藏粗言秽语或静态网站上的谜题解答(当然,同样的功能也可以非常简单地用 JavaScript 实现)。

This specific form of Caesar's password is known as ROT****13, it may be the only replacement password that continues to be used on a regular basis — it provides users with an easy and reversible way to hide xff08; of course xff0c; the same function can be very simple to use JavaScript to achieve xff09;

这个非常简单的例子介绍了两个重要概念。第一个是算法,它是对具有可预测、确定性结果的特定计算的正式描述。取消息中的每个字符,并在字母表中向前移动 n 个位置。第二个是密钥:在这个算法中 n 是 13。在这种情况下,密钥是一个预共享的秘密,一种双方(或更多)已经同意的代码,但正如我们将看到的,这并不是唯一的密钥类型。

This is a very simple example of two important concepts. The first is the algorithm xff0c; it is a formal description of a particular calculation with predictable and definitive results. Each character in the message xff0c; and moving forward to n in the alphabet. The second is the key xff1a; in this algorithm n is 13. In this case xff0c; the key is a pre-shared secret xff0c; a combination xff08; or more xff09; the agreed code xff0c; but as we will see xff0c; this is not the only key type.

密码学主要分为对称加密和非对称加密。对称加密是指密钥是预共享或协商的加密方式。AES、DES 和 Blowfish 是对称加密中使用的算法的示例。

Cryptography is divided mainly into symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption. Symmetric encryption refers to encryption where the key is pre-shared or negotiated. AES, DES, and Blowfish are examples of algorithms used for symmetric encryption.

大多数精通计算机的用户都熟悉 WEP、WPA 或 WPA2,这些是 Wi-Fi 连接中使用的安全协议。这些协议存在的目的是防止无线连接上传输的数据被截取和篡改(或者换句话说,为无线用户提供保密性和完整性)。现在的路由器通常都会在上面打印无线密码,这是一个非常直接的预共享密钥的例子。

Most computer-sophisticated users are familiar with WEP, WPA or WPA2, these are security protocols used in Wi-Fi connections. These protocols exist to prevent data transmitted on wireless connections from being intercepted and tampered with xff08; or xff0c; provide confidentiality and integrity for wireless users ff09; and the routers now usually print wireless passwords xff0c; this is a very direct example of pre-shared keys.


The algorithms used in symmetric encryption are usually very fast xff0c; xff0c compared to asymmetric encryption; generate a new key xff08; or use it to encrypt/declassify data xff09; and require relatively little computing capacity.


Asymmetric cryptography xff08; also known as public key cryptography xff09; two keys xff1a; one public key xff0c; widely shared xff0c; one private key xff0c; keeping secrets. The public key is used to encrypt the data of the private key holder. It is then decrypted using the private key.


Developments in public key cryptography have allowed things like e-commerce online banking to develop xff0c; and have complemented a large part of the economy. It has given e-mail a certain level of confidentiality xff0c; and it has made financial statements available through the web portal. It has also made e-tax declarations possible xff0c; and it has enabled us to share our most intimate secrets with people who may be completely unfamiliar — you might say it has brought the world closer together.

由于公钥不需要保密,它允许诸如证书颁发机构和 PGP 密钥服务器之类的东西存在——发布用于加密的密钥,只有持有私钥的人才能解密使用该发布密钥加密的数据。用户甚至可以发布加密文本,这种方法会享有一定程度的匿名性——将加密文本放在新闻组、电子邮件邮件列表或社交媒体上的群组中会使其被众多人接收,而任何窃听者都无法确定预期的接收者。这种方法在区块链世界中也会很有趣——成千上万个节点镜像着一个没有已知接收者的密文,也许永远,无法撤销,而且接收者绝对否认。

Because the public key does not require confidentiality xff0c; it allows things such as a certificate issuer and a PGP key server to exist - release the key for encryption xff0c; only a person with a private key can decrypt the data encrypted by the release key. Users can even publish encrypted text xff0c; this method would enjoy some degree of anonymity — placing encrypted text on newsgroups, e-mail mailing lists or social media groups would make it accepted by a large number of people xff0c; and no listener can identify the intended recipient. This method would also be interesting in the block chain world — thousands of nodes mirrors with a password that has no known recipient xff0c; perhaps xff0c; cannot be withdrawn xff0c; and the receiver absolutely denies it.

公钥密码学比对称密码学的计算成本更高,部分原因是使用的密钥大小巨大。美国国家安全局目前要求商业应用中密钥大小为 3,072 位或更大,这是公钥密码学的主要用途。相比之下,128 位加密通常被认为对大多数加密应用足够了,256 位是美国国家安全局对保密性的标准。

Public key cryptography is more expensive to calculate than symmetric cryptography xff0c; partly because the size of the key used is huge. The US NSA currently requires that the size of the key in commercial applications be 3,072 bits or greater xff0c; this is the main use of public key cryptography. Compared to xff0c; 128 bit encryption is usually considered sufficient for most encryption xff0c; 256 places are US NSA standards for confidentiality.


In most cases xff0c; while public key algorithms alone can be used xff0c; but the most common use of public key cryptography is to negotiate symmetries for the rest of the session. In most cases, xff0c; symmetrical keys will not be transmitted xff0c; thus xff0c; if the attacker takes one or two private keys xff0c; they will not be able to access the actual communication content. This feature is referred to as forward confidentiality.

有些协议,比如 SSH,用于远程访问计算机,非常积极主动。在一个会话期间,SSH 会定期更改密钥。SSH 还展示了公钥密码学的基本属性——可以将您的公钥放在远程服务器上进行身份验证,而不会有任何固有的保密问题。

Some protocols & #xff0c; e.g. SSH, for remote access to computers & #xff0c; very proactive. During a session & #xff0c; SSH regularly changes keys. SSH also shows the basic properties of public key cryptography - it is possible to place your public key on a remote server for identification & #xff0c; there will be no inherent confidentiality problems.


Most encryption techniques used today are not impregnable xff0c; as long as there are vast xff08; or unlimited xff09; however xff0c; algorithms applicable to the protection of data requiring confidentiality are considered unlikely to be calculated xff0c; computing resources required to decipher encryption do not exist xff0c; and will not exist in the near future.


Noteworthy is xff0c; while encrypting the data to a particular recipient xff0c; decrypting xff0c using a private key; but it can normally be carried backwards. For encryption signature xff0c; generating a signature using a public key issued to a given user xff08; authenticating xff09; authentication. This public key encryption counter-diversion allows the user to publish the message explicitly xff0c; highly convinced that the signatory is the person who wrote the message xff0c; this again leads to the concept of integrity if the user's private key signs xff0c; message xff08; or transaction xff09; can be assumed to be true.


Multiple signature wallets are now quite common xff0c; in this case xff0c; transactions are most often signed by multiple users xff0c; then broadcast xff0c; either xff0c on a network interface to host wallet services; or in local clients. This is a fairly common example in software projects with distributed teams.


Unlike encryption concepts xff08; and exists in many encryption mechanisms xff0c; e.g. encryption signatures and authentication xff09; Hashi xff0c; it refers to a determinative algorithm xff0c; string used to map data to fixed sizes. xff0c; encryption Hash must have several other features xff0c; this section will describe these features.

正如我们将在接下来的部分看到的那样,哈希函数必须难以反向操作。大多数通过高中代数的读者会记得被因式分解折磨过。乘法是一个容易完成的操作,但是很难反向操作——找到一个大数的公因数需要更多的努力,而不是将该数作为乘法的乘积创建出来。这个简单的例子实际上享有实际应用。适当大的数,它们是两个质数的乘积——被称为半素数或(较少见的)双质数——在 RSA 中得到了应用,这是一种广泛使用的公钥密码算法。

As we will see in the next part, the xff0c; the Hashi function must be difficult to reverse. Most readers through the high school algebra will remember to be tortured by decomposition. Multiplication is an easy operation xff0c; but it is difficult to reverse it — finding a large public factor requires more effort xff0c; rather than creating it as a multiplier. This simple example actually enjoys practical application. The appropriate number xff0c; they are the multipliers of two prime numbers — known as semi-quantules or xff08; less visible xff09; binary numbers — has been applied in RSA xff0c; this is a widely used public key cryptography.

RSA 是公钥加密中的黄金标准,使得 SSH、SSL 和诸如 PGP 等电子邮件加密系统成为可能。基于这样的操作——单向容易,反向非常困难——才使得加密技术如此强大。

RSA is the gold standard in public key encryption & #xff0c; makes it possible to encrypt SSH, SSL and e-mail encryption systems such as PGP. Based on this operation -- easy one-way & #xff0c; very difficult in reverse -- it makes encryption technology so powerful.

坚固的哈希算法的一个理想特征称为雪崩效应。输入的微小变化应导致输出的剧烈变化。例如,使用输出重定向和大多数 Linux 发行版中都有的 GNU 实用程序,以下是三个示例:

An ideal feature of the solid Hashi algorithm is called avalanche effect. The minor changes entered should lead to drastic changes in the output. For example & #xff0c; GNU practical applications using output re-direction and most Linux distributions xff0c; the following are three examples xff1a;



Changing a word to a completely different word is the same as changing a letter xff1a; each Hash is completely different. In the case of the code Hash, xff0c; this is a very desirable attribute. A malicious hacker cannot approach it xff0c; and then tries to align it with a similar code. xff0c; we will see xff0c in the next chapter; Hash is not perfect.


The ideal Hash function does not occur collisions . Collisions are cases in which two inputs produce the same output. Collisions weaken the Hash algorithms & #xff0c; because the wrong input may lead to the expected results. Because Hash algorithms are used for root certificates digital signatures, password storage and block chain signatures xff0c; a Hash function with many collisions may allow malicious hackers to retrieve passwords xff0c; and thus access other accounts. A weak Hash algorithm with many collisions may help middlemen attack xff0c; enable the attackers to cheat perfectly on the safety net #xff08; SSL& ff09; certificate.

MD5,上面示例中使用的算法,被认为不适用于加密哈希。区块链幸运地大部分使用更安全的哈希函数,如 SHA-256 和 RIPEMD-160。

MD5, the algorithm used in the example above xff0c; is considered not to be suitable for encryption. Most of the block chains are fortunate to use a safer Hashi function xff0c; e.g. SHA-256 and RIPEMD-160.

在 PoW 系统中,向区块链添加新条目需要计算哈希值。在比特币中,矿工必须对块中的当前交易计算两个 SHA-256 哈希值,并且其中包括上一个块的哈希值。

xff0c in the PoW system; adding a new entry to the block chain requires a Hashi value. In Bitcoin xff0c; miners must calculate two SHA-256 Hashi xff0c in the block; and include the Hashi value of the previous block.


xff0c; this is quite simple for the Hashi algorithm. Let us briefly reiterate xff1a; the ideal Hashi function accepts the expected input xff0c; and then exports the only Hashi value. It is definitive. There is only one possible output xff0c; and the different input is not available for the output xff08; or it is almost impossible to calculate xff09; these properties ensure that miners can handle a block xff0c; and that each miner can return the same result. It is through Hashi #xff0c; the block chain has two attributes xff1a; fragmentation and non-variability.


Linking the current block to the previous block and to a certain extent to make the block chain a growing trading chain xff08; providing it with a non-changeable attribute xff09; one of the reasons for this xff0c; determining properties of the Hashi algorithm enabling each node to achieve the same result xff08 without problems xff09; providing it with fragmentation xff09;

除了工作量证明外,PoS 和 DPoS 也利用哈希,而且在很大程度上是出于相同的目的。已经有大量讨论专门讨论 PoS 是否会取代 PoW 并阻止我们运行数千台计算机执行耗费巨大的碳足迹的繁琐哈希计算。

In addition to the workload certificate, xff0c; PoS and DPOS also use Hashi xff0c; and to a large extent for the same purpose. There has been much discussion about whether PoS will replace Pow and prevent us from running thousands of computers to carry out costly carbon footprints.

尽管 PoW 系统的功耗和环境影响相当大,但似乎仍然存在。可以说,其原因是非常简单的经济学原理:矿工有动机通过计算哈希来验证交易,因为他们可以获得新产生的代币中的一部分。对于权益证明或分布式权益证明的更复杂的代币经济方案,通常不经得起检验。

Although the power and environmental impact of the Pow system are quite significant xff0c; it still seems to exist. It can be said that xff0c; that it is due to very simple economics xff1a; that miners are motivated to verify transactions xff0c by calculating Hash; that they can get a portion of the newly generated tokens. The more complex xff0c economic options for proof of interest or distributional equity are usually untested.

举个例子,股票照片区块链项目的想法——我们称之为 Cannistercoin。用户向股票照片网站贡献照片,作为回报他们会收到代币。这个代币也可用于从网站购买股票照片,并且该代币在交易所上交易。

For example, xff0c; the idea of the stock photo block chain project -- what we call Cannistercoin. Users contribute photos to the stock photo website xff0c; they receive tokens in return. This token can also be used to purchase stock photos from the website xff0c; and the coin is traded on the exchange.

这样看起来似乎可行,而且是一个完整的市场——Cannistercoin 已经确定了买家和卖家,并且有一种机制来匹配它们,但也许这不是一个功能性的市场。这里的准入壁垒很高:买家可以使用任何普通的股票照片网站,并使用他们的信用卡或银行账户。在这个模式中,买家需要注册一个交易所,并交换加密货币以换取代币。

This seems feasible xff0c; and it is a complete market — Cannistercoin has identified buyers and sellers xff0c; and there is a mechanism to match them xff0c; but this may not be a functional market. Access barriers are high xff1a; buyers can use any common stock photo site xff0c; and use their credit cards or bank accounts. In this mode xff0c; buyers need to register an exchange xff0c; and exchange encrypted currency to exchange replacement currency.


To really decentralize xff0c; this economic model lacks an important component -- that is, the incentive system. What motivates witnesses or certifications to run their machines and verify transactions?


You can give them a share of the tokens xff0c; but why don't they sell them immediately to recover the cost of running the machine xff1f; you can reasonably expect xff0c; this constant selling pressure will lower the price of the tokens xff0c; this is a matter of regret. In terms of capacity, xff0c; probative systems are usually more elegant xff08; xff09 at the expense of better economic models.


Equity certification & #xff08; or other mechanisms & #xff09; likely to still occupy the world & #xff0c; but anyway & #xff0c; there is a certain expectation that the encrypted world will do a lot of Hashi calculations.


The world of block chains and encrypted currencies has largely benefited from innovations in cryptography in the last century. We have introduced the concept of cryptography and specific encryption operations xff0c; especially the Hash operation xff0c; and it plays a huge role behind the block chain.


In the next chapter, xff0c; on this basis, we will introduce bitcoinxff0c; this is the first xff08; this is also the most notable xff09; block chain application.


In earlier chapters & #xff0c; we discussed in detail the block chain, its components and its structure. We also discussed encryption & #xff0c; the mechanisms behind the block chain & #xff0c; and how the block chain changes the network world. In this chapter & #xff0c; we will discuss the origins of Bitcoin.


We will discuss Bitcoin's introduction & #xff0c; its history and how it has become one of the biggest revolutions in financial history in a very short time. We will also look into other aspects of Bitcoin & #xff0c; such as its coding system & #xff0c; the course of the transaction & #xff0c; the network node & #xff0c; and we will give a brief overview of Bitcoin's mining process.


The topics to be covered in this chapter include the following xff1a;

  • 比特币的历史

    History of Bitcoin

  • 为什么比特币如此波动

    Why is bitcoin so volatile?

  • 密钥和地址

    Keys and Addresses

  • 交易


  • 区块


  • 比特币网络


  • 钱包


比特币是区块链技术的第一个也是迄今为止最成功的应用程序。比特币是在 2008 年推出的,由中本聪编写的一篇名为《比特币:一个点对点的电子现金系统》的论文中首次提出的。()。

Bitcoin is the first and most successful application of block chain technology to date. Bitcoin was launched in 2008 in xff0c; first presented in a paper entitled Bitcoinxff1a; an electronic cash system for a point-to-point. xff08; &#ff09;


Bitcoin was the world's first decentralised encrypted currency xff1b; its launch heralded a revolution xff0c; it took only about 10 years xff0c; it proved its strength xff0c; it had enormous community support and widespread adoption.

自 2010 年起,一些全球企业已开始接受比特币,除了法定货币之外。许多货币交易所成立,让人们可以用法定货币或其他加密货币兑换比特币。 2012 年 9 月,比特币基金会成立,以加速比特币的全球增长,通过标准化、保护和推广开源协议。

Since 2010, xff0c; a number of global enterprises have begun to accept bitcoin, in addition to statutory currency. Many currency exchanges have been set up xff0c; people can exchange bitcoins in legal or other encrypted currencies. xff0c in September 2012; xff0c in the Bitcoin Foundation; xff0c in order to accelerate Bitcoin’s global growth xff0c; and open-source agreements through standardization, protection and promotion.

许多支付网关(如 BitPay)开始帮助商家接受比特币作为支付方式。流行服务 WordPress 于 2012 年 11 月开始接受比特币。

Many payment gateways & #xff08; e.g. Bitpay) start helping merchants accept bitcoin as a way of payment. Popular Services WordPress began accepting bitcoin in November 2012.

比特币一直以来作为全球支付中的首选支付方式不断增长,尤其是企业对企业的供应链支付。 2017 年,比特币在金融公司和政府组织中获得了更多合法性。例如,俄罗斯合法化了包括比特币在内的加密货币的使用;挪威最大的银行宣布启动了比特币账户;日本通过了一项法律,允许比特币作为合法支付方式。 全球最大的自由经济区迪拜已开始向公司颁发交易加密货币的许可证。

Bitcoin has been growing as the preferred mode of payment in global payments xff0c; especially business-to-business supply chain payments. xff0c; Bitcoin gained more legitimacy in financial companies and government organizations in 2017. xff0c, for example; Russia legalized the use of encrypted currencies, including Bitcoin xff1b; Norway’s largest bank announced the launch of Bitcoin account xff1b; Japan adopted a law xff0c; and allowed Bitcoin as a legitimate payment method.

2017 年 8 月 1 日,比特币分裂为两种衍生数字货币;一种保留了传统的名称比特币,另一种有着 8MB 区块大小的被称为比特币现金(BCH)。之后,在 2017 年 10 月 24 日,又发生了另一次硬分叉,产生了一种名为**比特币黄金(BTG)的新货币。然后,在 2018 年 2 月 28 日,又发生了另一次硬分叉,产生了一种名为比特币私人(BTCP)**的新货币。原本还有一个硬分叉预计在 2017 年 11 月发生,但由于缺乏社区共识而取消了。

1 August 2017 xff0c; Bitcoin split into two derivative digital currencies xff1b; one retained the traditional name bitcoin xff0c; another, known as bitcoin cash xff08; BCHxff09; . After that xff0c; 24 October 2017 xff0c; another hard split xff0c; a new currency bitcoin gold xff08; BTG xff09; ; then xff0c; 28 February 2018 xff0c; another hard split xff0c; a new currency known as bit private xff08; BTxfff; and a new currency 09 0x6xu; a new currency forecast for November.


However, xff0c; the promoters of Bitcoin have a major concern about price volatility and the slowdown in transactions due to the need for substantial confirmation before transactions can be approved.

当我们说比特币是波动性时,指的是比特币的价格波动。各个交易所的比特币现货价格每时每刻都在变动,并且运行 24/7。因此,任何比特币的用户或社区成员都会受到比特币价格的不断变化而困扰。以下图表显示了过去一个财政年度比特币价格的波动情况:

When we say that Bitcoin is volatile xff0c; refers to price fluctuations in bitcoin. Bitcoin spot prices in various exchanges change every minute xff0c; and run 24/7. xff0c. So xff0c; any user of bitcoin or member of the community will be troubled by changing bitcoin prices. The following graph shows the price fluctuations in bitcoin in the past fiscal year xff1a;


Bitcoin volatility is the most discussed topic xff0c; xff0c since the start of the Bitcoin exchange; has been a concern for investors, miners and Bitcoin supporters. Some of the main causes of this phenomenon are xff1a;

  • 安全漏洞:一直以来,比特币价格波动的主要问题之一就是安全漏洞;每当交易所端存在安全漏洞的消息传出时,比特币价格就会受到冲击,因为这会让投资者开始对某个交易所或比特币网络产生怀疑。

    security breach: xff0c; one of the main problems of price volatility in bitcoin is security gapxff1b; xff0c; Bitcoin price is hit whenever information of a security gap at the end of the exchange comes out xff0c; because it causes investors to begin to question an exchange or Bitcoin network.

  • 法律问题:全球立法者对比特币价格提出了许多疑虑,甚至试图将比特币定性为非法实体。政府的各种声明也影响了比特币的价格。

    Legal : Global Legislators raise many doubts about the price of bitcoin #xff0c; even try to characterize bitcoin as an illegal entity. Government statements also affect bitcoin prices.

  • 心理上的适应变化:尽管比特币得到了迅速的采用和支持,但它依然是一种新型的货币,与之前的任何货币都非常不同;这就让人们对采用它感到谨慎。而且任何负面新闻直接影响了比特币的采用情况,有时会导致价格出现下行螺旋,直到出现关于比特币的正面新闻。

    psychological adaptation changes: although Bitcoin has been rapidly introduced and supported xff0c; it is still a new currency xff0c; it is very different from any previous currency xff1b; this makes people cautious about its adoption. And any negative news has had a direct impact on the adoption of Bitcoin xff0c; sometimes it leads to a downward spiral of prices xff0c; until positive news about Bitcoin appears.


The above points are only some of the main factors contributing to the volatility of the Bitcoin market. There are many other factors that play a crucial role in the formation of the price of the bitcoin at different times.


Bitcoin is held as a pure digital currency xff0c; it can be retained or stored in a file or bitcoin wallet. The address is used to transfer bitcoin from one wallet to another xff0c; and the key is used to secure the transaction.


The keys in Bitcoin are used in pairs. One is the public & #xff0c; the other is the private key. The private key needs to be securely kept & #xff0c; it controls a wallet. These keys are stored and controlled by the Bitcoin wallet.

地址是用于从一个钱包发送或接收比特币的字母数字字符串。地址大多以Base58Check的形式编码,使用 Base58 数字进行地址转录。比特币地址也编码为 QR 码,用于快速交易和共享。

The address is the alphanumeric string used to send or receive bitcoin from a wallet. Most addresses are encoded xff0c in the form of Base58Check


Bitcoin has a widely used measurement unit system & #xff0c; it can be used as a unit of Bitcoin. The smallest unit of Bitcoin is called Satoshi, it is named after its creator. The following table shows the unit of Bitcoin & #xff0c; it ranges from the smallest unit Satoshi to megabit and #xff1a;

这些是包含可读地址的有效地址。例如: 是包含可读单词(Bingo)的有效地址。生成虚荣地址需要创建和测试数百万个私钥,直到找到所需的 Base58 字母地址。

These are valid addresses with readable addresses. For example, xff1a; is a valid address with readable words xff08; Bingoxff09;. Generating vanity addresses requires the creation and testing of millions of private keys xff0c; until the required Base58 letter address is found.


vanity addresses are used for entertainment & #xff0c; and provide the same level of security as any other address.

这种编码将二进制字节数组转换成人类可读的格式。该字符串是通过使用一组 58 个字母数字字符创建的。

This code converts binary byte arrays to readable formats for humans. The string is created by using a group of 58 alphanumeric characters.

与 Base58 不同,也可以使用 Base64,但那可能会导致一些字符看起来相同,从而导致相似的数据。比特币中使用的 Base58 符号表是比特币特定的,仅在比特币创建时使用。以下表显示了 Base58 编码中的值和相应的字符:

xff0c different from Base58; Base64, can also be used; but that may result in some characters that look the same xff0c; leading to similar data. The Base58 symbol table used in Bitcoin is a bitcoin-specific xff0c; used only when Bitcoin is created. The following table shows the values in Base58 code and the corresponding characters xff1a;



This is the main part of the Bitcoin system. Transactions are not encrypted xff0c; because Bitcoin is a public ledger. Any transaction can be viewed publicly on the block chain xff0c; any online block chain browser is used. As addresses are encrypted and encourage the use of the only address xff0c for each transaction; tracking users becomes difficult.


Blocks in Bitcoin comprise xff1b of transactions viewed by block chain browsers; each block contains the most recent transactions. Each new block is located at the top of the block chain. Each block has a high number xff0c; the next block is one at a higher height than the previous block. The consensus process is commonly referred to as on the block chain browser and confirms .


There are various types of scripts that can be used to manage the transfer of value from one wallet to another. Some standard types of transactions xff0c are discussed here; to understand clearly the difference between addresses and transactions.


Most transactions on the Bitcoin network are conducted using this method.



Sign the script as xff1a;



These strings are linked together for execution.

支付至脚本哈希P2SH)过程用于向脚本哈希发送交易。使用脚本哈希支付的地址必须以 3 开头。脚本如下所示:

pays to script HashP2SH) process is used to send transactions to script Hash. The address for payment using script Hash must start with 3.



The signature looks like this #xff1a;


与 P2PKH 一样,这些字符串也被连接在一起以创建脚本签名。

Like P2PKH xff0c; these strings are also connected to create script signatures.


The transaction data are recorded in the document xff0c; these documents are called block. Blocks are stacked over each other xff0c; the nearest block is located at the top. The following table describes the size of the elements in the block structure and in the block xff1a;


Each block in the Bitcoin network has almost the same structure xff0c; and each block is linked to the latest block. These are the field of the block xff1a;

  • 幻数:此数字是区块链网络的标识符。其值始终为0xD9B4BEF9。它确认区块的开始并验证数据来自生产网络。

    hallucinations: this number is the identifier of the block chain network. The value is always 0xD9B4BEF9. It confirms the start of the block and validates the data from the production network.

  • 区块大小:这表示区块的大小。

    block size & #xff1a; this means block size.

  • 区块头:头部包含区块的元数据。它包括多个数据项,如比特币版本、上一个区块哈希、默克尔根、时间戳、挖矿难度和随机数。

    block head: head includes metadata of blocks. It includes multiple data items xff0c; e.g. Bitcoin version, previous block Hash, Merkelgen, time stamp, difficulty in mining and random numbers.

  • 交易计数器:它是区块中交易的计数。

    trade counter: this is the count of transactions in blocks.

  • 交易列表:它存储该区块中交易的哈希。

    list of transactions: it stores Hashi for transactions in the block.

创世块是比特币区块链中的第一个块。 创世块的创建标志着比特币的开始。 它是区块链中所有块的共同祖先。 它在比特币客户端软件中静态编码,无法更改。 比特币区块链中的每个节点都确认创世块的哈希和结构,其创建时间以及其中包含的单个交易。 以下是比特币源代码中编写的静态代码片段,描述了使用静态参数、、、、和创建创世块的过程。 这是比特币存储库中此代码的片段:

is the first in a bitcoin chain. The creation of the creation block marks the beginning of Bitcoin. It is the common ancestry of all of the pieces in the block chain. It is static code xff0c in the Bitcoin client software; it cannot be changed. Each node in the Bitcoin block chain confirms the Hashi and structure xff0c; it was created at the time of creation and the individual transactions contained therein. The following is the static code segment xff0c in the Bitcoin source code; describes the process of using static parameters, and #xff1a in the Bitcoin repository.


网络基于点对点P2P)协议。 各种节点在此网络中交换交易和区块。 比特币网络中的每个节点都被视为平等的。 这样做的一个优点是,每个节点都有选择在比特币网络中扮演不同角色的选项,具体取决于每个人对如何参与比特币网络的偏好。

The network is based on point-to-pointP2P) protocols. Various nodes are exchanged in this network for transactions and blocks. Each node in the Bitcoin network is considered to be equal. One advantage of this is xff0c; each node has an option to play a different role in the Bitcoin network xff0c; depending on the preference of each person for participating in the Bitconet network.


Before discussing the type of node & #xff0c; let's discuss the main functions of some node execution & #xff1a;

  • 钱包


  • 挖掘


  • 完整的区块链

    Complete Block Chain

  • 路由


在比特币网络中,主要有两种类型的节点。 我们现在将简要介绍每种节点的一些详细信息。

In the Bitcoin network xff0c; there are mainly two types of nodes, and we will now briefly provide some details of each node.

完整节点由钱包、矿工、完整的区块链和路由网络组成。 这些节点维护区块链的完整最新记录。 完整节点验证区块链网络上的每笔交易。

The complete nodes consist of wallets, miners, complete block chains and circuit networks, which maintain complete up-to-date records of the block chain. The complete nodes verify each transaction on the block chain network.

轻量级节点在区块链上执行交易。 它们不包含整个区块链,而只是区块链的一个子集。 它们使用称为简化支付验证SPV)的系统来验证交易。 这些节点有时也被称为SPV 节点

They do not contain the entire block chain & #xff0c; they are only a subset of the block chain. They use systems called simplified payment authenticationSPV) to verify transactions.

比特币网络中还有各种其他节点,每个节点执行比特币网络提供的一组特定功能中的特定功能集。 有些节点只包含区块链和路由功能。 有些节点仅作为矿工工作,不包含钱包。

There are also a variety of other nodes in the Bitcoin network & #xff0c; each node performs a specific set of functions in a specific set of functions provided by the Bitcoin network. Some nodes contain only block chains and route functions. Some nodes work only as miners & #xff0c; they do not contain wallets.

还有其他非标准节点称为池协议服务器。 这些节点使用诸如stratum 协议之类的替代协议。 stratum 协议使用 TCP 套接字和 JSON-RPC 在节点之间进行通信。

There are other non-standard nodes called pool protocol servers . These nodes use alternative protocols such as stratum protocols . strotum protocols communicate between nodes using TCP combinations and JSON-RPC.

比特币中的网络发现在任何节点第一次启动时都是必需的; 节点必须发现网络中的其他节点才能参与区块链。 在节点启动时,它必须与网络中至少一个现有节点连接。

The network in Bitcoin found that was necessary at the first start of any node xff1b; Nodees must find other nodes in the network in order to participate in the block chain. xff0c at the start of the node; it must be connected to at least one existing node in the network.

为此,节点通过 TCP 协议建立连接,在端口上进行或如果有其他端口,则在其他端口上进行。接下来,通过传输某个消息来执行握手。该消息称为 版本消息,其中包含基本的识别信息。

For this purpose xff0c; node to create connection xff0c through TCP protocol; on ports or, if there are other ports xff0c; on other ports. Next xff0c; handshake by transmitting a message. The message is called version message #xff0c; it contains basic identifying information.

节点主要通过两种方法在网络中找到。一种是通过查询 DNS 使用 DNS 种子,这基本上是提供比特币节点 IP 列表的 DNS 服务器。另一种方法是比特币核心尝试连接到的 IP 地址列表。另一种早期使用的方法是通过 IRC 向节点播种,但由于安全问题而停止使用该方法。

node is found mainly in the network through two methods. One is a DNS server that uses the DNS feed, this is basically a DNS server that provides a list of bitcoin node IPs. The other method is an IP address list that Bitcoins tried to connect to. Another early method is to sow seeds to nodes through the IRC xff0c; this method is discontinued because of security concerns.

DNS 种子是包含 IP 地址列表的服务器。这些种子是 Berkeley Internet Name DaemonBIND)的定制实现,并返回由比特币节点收集的随机子集。大多数比特币客户端在尝试建立第一组连接时使用 DNS 种子进行连接。最好有各种种子存在,以便客户端与网络中的节点建立更好的连接。在比特币核心客户端中,使用 DNS 种子的选项由 参数控制,默认设置为 。以下是比特币源代码的文件中表示 DNS 种子的方式:

DNS torrents are servers that contain IP address lists. These seeds are Berkeley Internet Name Daemon( BIND) customization , and return random subsets collected by bitcoin nodes. Most Bitcoins clients use DNS seeds to connect when trying to create the first set of connections. It is best to have a variety of seeds present xff0c; so that the client can better connect with the nodes in the network. In bitcoin core customers xff0c; options for using DNS seeds are controlled by parameters #xff0c; default settings. The following is the way DNS seeds are indicated in the file of the currency source code #xff1a;



The above seeds are currently being used in the Bitcoin core in xff0c; used to connect to the seed client xff0c; to establish connections to the first node.

这些是静态的 IP 地址列表。如果比特币客户端能够成功连接到一个 IP 地址,它将能够通过共享该节点的 IP 地址连接到其他节点。命令行参数用于连接到一个节点。连接到种子节点后,客户端将使用该种子自身发现新的种子。

These are static IP address lists. If a Bitcoin client successfully connects to an IP address & #xff0c; it will be able to connect to another node by sharing the IP address of the node. The command line parameter is used to connect to a node. When you connect to a feed node & #xff0c; the client will use the torrent itself to find new seeds.


Bitcoin Wallet is an important function of Bitcoin node xff1b; they contain private and/or public keys and Bitcoin addresses. There are various types of Bitcoins Wallet xff0c; each provides different levels of security and functionality xff0c; as required.

有一个常见的误解,即电子钱包可以包含比特币,但比特币钱包只能包含密钥。每个比特币都记录在比特币网络的区块链上。比特币钱包包含密钥,这些密钥授权使用与密钥相关联的比特币。用户或钱包所有者使用钱包中的密钥签署交易,证明他们拥有比特币。实际上,这些比特币以的形式存储在区块链上,表示为 交易输出

There is a common misunderstanding xff0c; i.e. an electronic wallet can contain bitcoinxff0c; but a bitcoin wallet can only contain keys. Each bitcoin is recorded on the block chain of the Bitcoin network. Bitcoin wallet contains keys xff0c; these keys authorize the use of bitcoins associated with the key. Users or wallet owners use the key in the wallet to sign the transaction xff0c; to prove that they have bitcoins.


There are two main types of wallets & #xff0c; this depends on whether the key contained in the wallet is related.


This is a wallet type xff0c; all keys are derived from a single master key called seed. All keys in this wallet are connected to each other xff0c; they can be easily regenerated with seeds. In some cases xff0c; the torrent allows the creation of a public key address without knowing a private key. In most cases xff0c; the torrent has been sequenced into a human readable word xff0c; referred to as the help word phrase.


Several key derivative methods xff0c have been used in the determinative wallets; these methods are described in the following subsections.


A determinative wallet saves a private key derived from a common seed. A one-way Hashi function is used for this purpose. In a determinative wallet xff0c; such a sub is necessary to restore all derivative keys xff0c; a backup at the time of creation is sufficient. The chart below shows how a single torrent is connected to all keys generated by the wallet xff1a;

HD 钱包是确定性钱包的最先进形式之一。它们包含从树结构派生的密钥,因此主密钥可以具有多个一级密钥,进一步可以包含多个深度无限的二级密钥。以下图表显示了种子如何生成主密钥,进而以分层形式创建多个密钥:

HD wallets are one of the most advanced forms of definitive wallets. They contain keys derived from tree structures & #xff0c; so the main key can have multiple first-level keys & #xff0c; they can further contain multiple depthless secondary keys. The following chart shows how the torrents generate the main key & #xff0c; and then create multiple keys #xff1a in layered form;


In this type of wallet xff0c; each key is generated independently from a random number. There is no connection between the key generated in this wallet. It is difficult to maintain multiple unrelated keys xff0c; it is therefore very important that these keys are backed up on a regular basis and protected against theft or loss.


In this chapter xff0c; we discussed the basic knowledge of Bitcoin xff0c; its history and pricing in comparison with the legal currency. We also discussed the Bitcoin address, their codes, their type of transactions and blocks. xff0c; we discussed the Bitcoin network and the types of nodes it contains.


Now we have discussed in this chapter the world's first encrypted currency & #xff0c; in the next chapter & #xff0c; we will discuss various other encrypted currencies inspired by bitcoin & #xff0c; also known as the strong alternative currency.* We will discuss the alternative currency & #xff0c; sometimes also known as the strong alternative currency.


xff0c after Bitcoin was released; there has been a large community supporting encryption money. And xff0c; xff0c because bitcoin and block chains are open source xff0c; many people in the community are starting to create their own encrypted currency xff0c; providing similar services xff0c; but providing different consensus methods xff0c; compared to Bitcoin.

由于比特币是第一个且迄今为止最主导的加密货币,所有其他加密货币被称为另类币山寨币。第一个山寨币是Namecoin,于 2011 年推出。之后,许多山寨币被推出;其中一些很受欢迎,也开始被用作主流货币,而其他一些则不那么受欢迎。截至目前,已经存在超过 1500 种加密货币。另类加密货币领域有两个广泛的类别。如果要创建一种另类区块链平台,则通常称为另类链,但如果硬币的目的是引入一种新货币,则可以称为山寨币

Since Bitcoin is the first and hitherto most dominant encrypted currency xff0c; all other encrypted currencies are known as alternative currencies or mountain coins . The first is Namecoin, launched in 2011. After xff0c; many mountain coins have been introduced xff1b; some are popular xff0c; others are also being used as mainstream currency xff0c; others are less popular. As of now xff0c; there are already more than 1,500 encrypted currencies. There are two broad categories of encrypted currency.


Many of these coins are split directly from the bitcoin source code xff0c; some are written from scratch. The coins are designed to address some of the Bitcoins’ limitations xff0c; for example, consensus methods, mining limits, block time, distribution, privacy xff0c; or sometimes even add functions to the coins.


The subject matter to be covered in this chapter is as follows xff1a;

  • 介绍山寨币

    I'd like you to introduce me to the mountain coins.

  • 讨论代币和各种代币平台

    We're talking about tokens and a variety of money platforms.

  • 另类货币和广泛使用的另类货币简介

    Introduction to alternative currencies and widely used alternative currencies

  • 如何获取加密货币

    How to Get Encrypted Currency

现有超过 1600 种流通中的加密货币;它们每一种都提供比特币的改进或修改。有各种在线交易所可以在其中交换加密货币或与法定货币(如美元、欧元、英镑等)交换,类似于货币交易或股票交易门户。以下是一些热门山寨币的列表:

There are more than 1,600 encrypted currencies in circulation xff1b; each of them provides an improvement or modification of bitcoin. There are various online exchanges in which encrypted currency or legal currency xff08; xff09, e.g., United States dollar, euro, pound sterling, etc.; xff0c; similar to currency transactions or stock trading portals. The following is a list of popular mounds xff1a;

  • 莱特币

    Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!

  • 以太坊


  • 零币


  • 达世币


  • 瑞波币


  • 门罗币


  • EOS

  • IOTA

  • 波场


  • 泰达币


  • 以太坊经典

    It's an Ether Classic.

  • 比特币现金

    Bitcoin in cash.

  • 星际币

    Interplanetary currency

  • 尼欧币


  • 新经币

    The new currency.

  • 卡尔达诺



Based on its block chain xff0c; with two broad categories xff0c; because the block chain defines the characteristics, security and other aspects of the coin.


Determining that there are so many encrypted currencies on the market and that currency exchanges mean xff0c; there are a large number of key financial and market indicators needed to distinguish between these currencies. Here are some of the key factors that need to be taken into account when discussing mountain currency xff1a;

  • 硬币的总市值

    Total market value of coins

  • 用法币购买时的硬币单价

    Unit price of coin when purchased in French

  • 流通中的山寨币总数

    Total amount of counterfeit money in circulation

  • 每小时和 24 小时周期内交易的硬币数量

    Number of coins traded per hour and 24-hour cycle

  • 硬币单位价格在小时、日和周基础上的变化

    Changes in unit prices in coins based on hours, days and weeks

  • 接受山寨币的交易所和商家

    Exchanges and merchants that accept the bogus coins.

  • 支持硬币的总钱包数

    Total wallets supporting coins

  • 任何可能影响硬币价格或声誉的最新消息

    Any updates that might affect the price or reputation of coins

Altcoin 可以有自己的区块链,也可以建立在另一个区块链之上,通常称为代币

Altcoin may have its own block chain xff0c; it may also be built on another block chain xff0c; commonly referred to as token .

建立在另一个区块链之上的 Altcoins 称为代币。代币不能独立存在,它们建立在的平台上。以下是可以创建代币的一些平台列表:

Altcoins, based on a chain of blocks, are called tokens. The tokens cannot exist independently xff0c; they are built on platforms. The following is a list of platforms that can create the tokens xff1a;

  • 以太坊


  • Omni

  • NEO

  • Omni

  • Qtum

  • Counterparty

  • Waves

  • Stellar

  • Bitshares

  • Ubiq

  • Ardor

  • NXT

以太坊是创建代币的最常用选择;基于以太坊平台的代币超过 600 种。作为公开和开源的,使得任何人都可以基于以太坊区块链创建代币;此外,由于得到庞大社区的支持,这使得任何基于加密货币的交易所更容易接受这些代币。

is the most common choice for creating a token xff1b; it is based on a platform of more than 600. xff0c, which is open and open; allows anyone to create a token xff1b; xff0c, which is based on a chain of taepan blocks; and xff0c, which is supported by a large community xff0c; this makes it easier for any exchange based on encrypted currency to accept those tokens.

在以太坊平台上构建的一些热门代币包括 EOS、TRON、VeChain 等。

Some of the popular tokens built on the Taiyet platform include EOS, Tron, Ve Chain, etc.

作为 2013 年的 MasterCoin,Omni Layer 协议是基于比特币区块链的最流行的元协议之一。Omni Layer 提供了一个类似比特币客户端的不同钱包和一个类似比特币核心的 Omni Layer。

As MasterCoin, in 2013; the Omni Layer Agreement is based on one of the most popular meta-agreements in the Bitcoin block chain. Omni Layer offers a different wallet similar to the Bitcoin client and an Omni Layer similar to the Bitcoin core.

在 Omni Layer 平台上构建的一些热门代币包括 Tether、MaidSafeCoin、Synereo 等。

Some of the popular tokens built on the Omni Layer platform include Tether, Maid SafeCoin, Synereo, etc.

NEO最初是 Antshares;它是由 Onchain 公司建立的,这是一家位于赛里斯的公司。它于 2014 年初开始提供服务于银行和金融领域。Antshares 于 2017 年 6 月更名为 NEO。

NEO was originally Antshares; it was founded by Onchain & #xff0c; it was a company based in Cyrus. It started to provide services in banking and finance at the beginning of 2014. Antshares changed its name to NEO in June 2017.

在 NEO 平台上构建的一些热门代币包括 Ontology、Gas、DeepBrain Chain 等。

Some popular tokens built on the NEO platform include Ontology, Gas, DeepBrain Chain, etc.


The platform waves, often described as the open block chain platform, is a platform xff0c; it allows not only the exchange of encrypted currency xff0c; it also allows the exchange of all types of real world goods xff0c; and it is completely decentralized for distribution and transfer.

Waves 平台上构建的一些代币包括 Wager、Mercury、Incent 等。

Some of the tokens built on the Waves platform include Wager, Mercury, Incent, etc.

Counterparty是另一层协议,实现在比特币协议层之上,就像 Omni Layer 一样,在 2014 年发布,它声称除了比特币之外还提供了各种功能,这使它成为一个有价值的代币创建平台。

Counterparty is another level of agreement & #xff0c; achieves above the Bitcoin tier & #xff0c; like Omni Layer & #xff0c; released in 2014 xff0c; it claims to provide a variety of functions in addition to Bitcoin & #xff0c; this makes it a valuable token creation platform.

Counterparty 上构建的一些代币包括 Triggers、Pepe Cash、Data bits 等。

Some of the tokens constructed on the Council include Triggers, Pepe Cash, Data bits, etc.


In addition to the tokens constructed on the existing block chain xff0c; there are alternative currencies driven by owning their own block chain and/or any other improvement or differentiation factor.

以下是 Altcoins 相对于比特币所做的一些修改的一些因素:

The following are some of the elements of Altcoins' modifications to Bitcoin & #xff1a;

  • 货币替代品

    Currency alternatives

  • 共识替代品

    Consensus alternatives

我们将详细讨论这些替代方案,然后再讨论一些广泛使用的 Altcoins 及其相对于比特币的修改。

We will discuss these alternatives in detail & #xff0c; then we will discuss some of the widely used Altcoins and their modifications vis-à-vis Bitcoin.

比特币限制在 2100 万枚,其发行速度逐渐下降,包括 10 分钟的区块生成时间,需要很长时间来确认;在进一步的币生成过程中也需要很长时间。很多山寨币修改了一些主要参数以获得升级的结果。一些修改货币参数的主要币种有莱特币、狗狗币、以太坊、NEO 等等。

Bitcoin is limited to 21 million xff0cs; its circulation rate is declining xff0c; it includes a 10-minute block generation time xff0c; it takes a long time to confirm xff1b; and it takes a long time to generate further currency. Many mountain coins modify some of the main parameters to obtain an upgrade. Some of the main currencies that modify the currency parameters are Leitco, Dogcoin, Ethio, NEO, etc.

共识机制是比特币交易的根源;比特币中使用的机制基于工作证明,使用 SHA256 算法。由于共识机制需要挖掘块,这变得非常计算密集,导致了专门用于解决比特币块的比特币挖矿硬件的创建,这就是指定的 Application-Specific Integrated Circuit ChipsASICs)。

The consensus mechanism is & #xff1b; the mechanism used in Bitcoin is based on proof of work & #xff0c; uses the SHA256 algorithm. The consensus mechanism needs to dig blocks & #xff0c; it becomes very calculated & #xff0c; it leads to the creation of bitcoin mining hardware dedicated to the Bitcoin block & #xff0c; this is the designated Application-Specific Incorporated Circuit ChipsASICs


This led to the creation of xff0c with innovative algorithms; for example, these xff1a;

  • Scrypt:这被广泛用于莱特币、狗狗币等等

    Scrypt: this is widely used in Lettco, dogbill, etc.

  • Scrypt - N:这被用于 vertcoin、Execoin 等等

    Scrypt - N #xff1a; this is used for vertcoin, Execoin etc.

  • Skein:这被用于 DigiByte、Myraid 等等

    Skein #xff1a; used for DigiByte, Myraid etc.

  • Groestl:这被用于 Groestlcoin、securecoin 等等

    Groestl and #xff1a; used for Groestlcoin, securecoin etc.

  • SHA3:这被用于 Maxcoin、Slothcoin 等等

    SHA3 #xff1a; used for Maxcoin, Slothcoin etc.

  • X1****1:这被用于 Dash、CannabisCoin 等等

    x11/strangxff1a; used for Dash, CannabisCoin etc.

  • Blake:这被用于 Netko、Trumpcoin 等等

    Blake and #xff1a; used for Netko, Trumpcoin etc.

  • X13:这被用于 Navcoin、Cloakcoin 等等

    X13: used for Navcoin, Cloakcoin etc.

  • CryptoNight:这被用于门罗币、Bytecoin 等等

    Chryptonight #xff1a; used for Monroe, Bytecoin, etc.

  • QuBit:这是 Geocoin、DGB-Qubit 等等

    QuBit and #xff1a; this is Geocoin, DGB-Qubit, etc.

  • Dagger Hashimoto:这被用于以太坊、以太经典等等

    Dagger Hashimoto and #xff1a; used for Etheria, Ether Classic, etc.

  • Lyra2RE:这被用于 Verge、Zcoin 等等

    Lyra2RE and #xff1a; used for Verge, Zcoin etc.

  • X15:这是 EverGreenCoin、Kobocoin 等等

    X15 and #xff1a; this is EverGreenCoin, Kobocoin etc.


In addition to the innovation algorithm xff0c; there are many innovative consensus types xff0c; commonly referred to as the proof type xff0c; for example, these xff1a below;

  • Proof of WorkPoW):这是最常用的证明类型;在这种证明类型中,网络节点需要进行计算来通过挖矿形成分类帐。

    Proof of WorkPoW) xff1a; this is the most common type of certificate xff1b; in this type of certificate xff0c; network nodes need to be calculated to form ledgers by mining.

  • Proof of StakePoS):这最初在 Peercoin 中使用。通过股份证明,节点不挖矿,而是持有硬币并验证所有权。通过使用算法搜索与股份大小结合的最低哈希值来预测新的块创建者。节点可以预测哪个股份将创建下一个块。在这种类型的系统中不需要挖矿。

    Proof of StakePoS) : originally used in Peercoin. Certification of shares & #xff0c; nodes do not dig mines & #xff0c; but possession of coins and verification of ownership.

  • Proof of Stake AnonymousPoSA):这是 POS 算法的一种变体,最初在 Cloakcoin 中引入;通过股份证明,交易被其他节点隐藏,这些节点因帮助过程而获得奖励。节点为交易提供输入和输出,使得无法确定指定交易的目标或来源。

    Proof of Jake AnonymousPoSA) : this is a variant of the POS algorithm & #xff0c; originally introduced xff1b in Croakcoin; evidenced by shares xff0c; transactions hidden by other nodes xff0c; these nodes are rewarded by the help process. Node provides input and output for transactions xff0c; makes it impossible to determine the target or source of the specified transaction.

  • 授权权益证明 (D****PoS):通过授权权益证明,用户充当代表,有权利从运行区块链的完整节点中赚取收益。比特股引入了这种证明类型;一些更多使用它的硬币包括 Steem、EOS、Lisk 等。

    Authorisation Certificate (D****PoS) & #xff1a; xff0c by authorizing entitlement certificate; user representative xff0c; right to gain from the full node of the running block chain. Bitt has introduced this type of certificate xff1b; some more of its coins include Steem, EOS, Lisk, etc.

  • 重要性证明 (POI):通过重要性证明,区块链上的每个账户都被赋予一个重要性评分;这个评分会影响每个节点如何收获区块链。区块链上的收获者的任务是为了一个小经济刺激而在区块链上添加交易。随着重要性评分的增加,获取奖励的机会也会增加。

    importance attests to (POI) & #xff1a; through materiality & #xff0c; each account on the block chain is given an important rating & #xff1b; this score affects how each node harvests the block chain. The harvester on the block chain is tasked with adding a transaction to the block chain for a small economic stimulus.

  • 容量证明或空间证明 (PoSpace):在这种类型的证明中,不使用区块链,而是使用存储。由于存储的通用性和存储所需的更便宜的能源成本,这种类型被认为是一种经济且更环保的选择。一些 PoC 的理论和实际实现包括 Burstcoin、SpaceMint 等。

    capacity certificate or spatial certificate(PoSpace) & #xff1a; in this type of certificate , not using block chains & #xff0c; but using storage. Less expensive energy costs due to genericity and storage xff0c; this type is considered an economic and more environmentally friendly option. Some PoC theory and practical realizations include Burstcoin, SpaceMint, etc.

  • 权益时间证明 (PoST):在这种方法中,通过引入一个权益时间组件形成共识,其中权益随着时间增加。这提供了一个激励权益过程,并增加了网络的安全性。这种证明类型的目标是避免常见的权益证明方法,其中拥有更多硬币的节点会获得更多经济奖励。

    (PoST) & #xff1a; in this approach & #xff0c; consensus by introducing an entitlement time component & #xff0c; interest increases over time. This provides an incentive process & #xff0c; and increases network security. The objective of this type of certificate is to avoid the common method of proof of interest xff0c; the nodes with more coins will receive more economic incentives.

  • 权益速度证明 (PoSV):在这种方法中,奖励是基于节点拥有的硬币数量和节点上交易活动的活跃程度来分配的。

    (PoSV) & #xff1a; in this method xff0c; rewards are allocated on the basis of the number of coins owned by nodes and the level of activity of transactions on nodes.

  • 活动证明 (POA):在这种证明类型中,采用了一种混合方法,将工作证明与基于股权的系统相结合。在这个系统中,挖矿就像在 PoW 系统中一样发生。虽然挖出的块不包含任何交易,只有头部和挖矿者的奖励地址。然后,系统切换到 PoS,在这里随机选择一组验证者;只要所有验证者签署了区块,该区块就会立即成为一个完整的区块。

    activities prove that (POA): in this type of certificate & #xff0c; using a hybrid method & #xff0c; combining work certificates with equity-based systems. xff0c in this system; excavating mines as in the Pow system. Although the excavated pieces do not contain any transactions xff0c; only head and incentive addresses of miner. xff0c; system switch to PoS#xff0c; random selection of a group of certifying officers #xff1b; as long as all verifiers sign blocks #xff0c; the block immediately becomes a complete block.

  • 燃烧证明 (PoB):在这种证明中,我们必须证明在向一个不可依赖的地址发送交易的过程中硬币被燃烧了。尽管这只适用于从 PoW 货币中挖掘的硬币。简而言之,硬币通过销毁另一种 PoW 硬币的价值来启动。

    burning certificate(PoB) xff1a; in this certificate xff0c; we have to prove that coins were burned in the course of sending a transaction to a non-dependent address. This applies only to coins excavated from a Pow currency. xff0c; in short, coins are activated by destroying the value of another Pow coin.


Because of the number of alternative currencies xff0c; because more coins are released regularly xff0c; and because it is important to understand the differences that each coin offers. It is time to discuss the various alternative currencies and what they each provide.

这是最初的另类币之一,发布于 2011 年。莱特币相对比特币的主要修改是使用脚本算法而不是比特币中使用的 SHA-256。此外,莱特币的硬币限制为 8400 万,而比特币为 2100 万。

This is one of the original alternative currencies xff0c; published in 2011. The main changes in the Leit currency relative to bitcoin are the use of script algorithms rather than the SHA-256 used in bitcoin. In addition, xff0c; Leitco's coins are limited to 84 million xff0c; and Bitcoin is 21 million.

莱特币于 2011 年 10 月由一名前谷歌工程师创建,其主要目标是将比特币的区块生成时间从 10 分钟缩短到 2.5 分钟。由于区块生成更快,与比特币相比,莱特币交易的确认速度更快。

In October 2011, a former Google engineer created xff0c; the main objective was to reduce the generation time of bitcoin blocks from 10 minutes to 2.5 minutes. Because blocks are faster xff0c; xff0c compared to bitcoin; and the confirmation speed of Letco transactions is faster.

**以太币(Ether)**基于以太坊平台,提供了脚本功能。代号为 ETH,区块时间为 14 到 15 秒。它基于使用 Ethash 算法的 PoW。流通限制建议约为 1.2 亿个币。

** Teen xff08; Ether xff09;** scripts based on Taiwan platform xff0c; code code ETHxff0c; block time 14-15 seconds. It is based on Pow using the Ethash algorithm. The circulation limit is recommended at around 120 million coins.

瑞波币(Ripple)是由一家名为瑞波(Ripple)的公司支持的加密货币,它是一个实时毛额结算系统(RTGS)。它的标志是 XRP。它采用瑞波协议共识算法(RPCA),该算法每隔几秒钟由网络中的所有节点应用一次,以维持网络的一致性。支持瑞波的组织计划创建不超过 1000 亿个瑞波。按计划,其中一半将用于流通,另一半将由公司保留。

Riboco & #xff08; Ripple & #xff09; is an encrypted currency supported by a company called Rippo & #xff08; Ripple #xff09; it is a real-time gross clearing system xff08; RTGS #ff09; . It is marked by XRP. It uses the

于 2017 年 8 月 1 日,比特币开发者社区继续将区块链分割为两部分。这种分割称为分叉,并引入了新的区块链功能。比特币现金是首次分叉的结果,以分割比特币。与比特币相比,比特币现金具有相对较低的交易费用,以及较低的挖矿难度。

1 August 2017 xff0c; the Bitcoin developers community continues to divide the block chain into two parts. This split is called the fork xff0c; and a new block chain function has been introduced. Bitcoin cash is the result of the first fork xff0c; splits bitcoins. xff0c compared to Bitcoin; Bitco cash has relatively lower transaction costs xff0c; and lower mining difficulties.

有多种方式可以获得替代币或比特币;如果币支持挖矿,主要是基于 PoW 算法的币属于这一类别,这些币可以通过挖矿过程获得。比特币、莱特币、以太币、比特币现金、门罗币等币支持挖矿。正如前面讨论的,有各种交易所可以交换加密货币,以法定货币,甚至其他加密货币;这是另一种广泛使用的方法。

There are a number of ways in which alternative currency or bitcoin xff1b can be obtained; if currency supports mining xff0c; if currency supports mining xff0c; xff0c, mainly based on the PoW algorithm, belongs to this category xff0c; these currencies can be obtained through the mining process. Bitcoin, Lightcoin, xff1b, etc. Supports mining in bitcoin, bitcoin, bitcoin cash, Menroe, etc. As discussed earlier xff0c; there are various exchanges where encrypted currency xff0c; legal currency xff0c; even other encrypted currency xff1b; this is another widely used method.


Mining is the process of adding new blocks to the block chain. The transaction is validated xff0c by excavating nodes and stored in blocks xff0c; then these blocks are added to the block chain. This is a highly resource-intensive process xff0c; ensuring that miners spend the resources needed to accept the block.


Each encrypted currency has different mining difficulties xff0c; this is defined by the height of the block, the number of miners excavating the encrypted currency, the total volume of transactions in the currency and the time of the block.

比特币的区块创建时间为 10 分钟。矿工在创建新区块时会获得奖励,并且还会根据包含在被挖掘的区块中的交易支付交易费用。区块时间维持在 10 分钟,以确保区块以固定的速率被创建。挖矿区块的奖励每产生 210,000 个区块就减半一次,大约每四年一次。当比特币最初引入时,区块奖励为 50 比特币,2012 年减半至 25 比特币。2016 年 7 月,每个区块的挖矿奖励再次减半至 12.5 个比特币。下一次减少区块奖励的日期是 2020 年 7 月,将把币的奖励减少到大约 6.25 个比特币。

The block of Bitcoin was created for 10 minutes. The miners were rewarded xff0c when the new block was created; and transaction costs were also paid on the basis of the transactions contained in the dug block. Block hours were maintained at 10 minutes xff0c; to ensure that the block was created at a fixed rate. The incentive to dig the block was halved once for every 210,000 blocks xff0c; about every four years. When Bitcoin was first introduced, the incentive was xff0c; block incentives were 50bits xff0c; halved to 25bits in 2012. July 2016 xff0c; the incentive to dig each block was again halved to 12.5bits. The next incentive to reduce the block was set at xff0c in July 2020; the incentive to reduce the currency was reduced to approximately 6.25bitbits.

由于减半事件,比特币存在的总数量不会超过 2100 万个。选择减少供应是因为它类似于黄金和白银等其他商品。最后一个比特币将在 2140 年挖出,并且在那之后将不会再有新的挖矿奖励,尽管交易费用仍将被分配给包含交易费用的区块的代代相传。

As a result of the halving of the incidence xff0c; the total number of Bitcoin presence will not exceed 21 million. Supply reduction has been chosen because it is similar to other commodities such as gold and silver. The last bitcoin will dig out xff0c in 2140; and there will be no new mining incentive xff0c after that; although transaction costs will continue to be passed on to generations of blocks with transaction costs.

这是挖矿哈希率的度量;比特币网络有一个全局的区块难度。有效区块的哈希率需要低于此目标。网络中的难度每产生 2,016 个区块就会改变一次。其他货币有自己的难度或实施了修改版的比特币难度算法。以下是比特币的难度调整公式:

This is the measure of the #xff1b rate of mining; the Bitcoin network has a global block difficulty. The effective block rate needs to be below this target. The difficulty in the network changes every time 2,016 blocks are created. Other currencies have their own difficulties or have implemented a modified bitcoin difficulty algorithm. The following is the Bitcoin difficulty adjustment formula xff1a;


在这里,是 SHA256 使用的最大目标,这是可能的最高目标,也是比特币创世区块挖矿的第一个难度。

Here xff0c; is the biggest target used by SHA256 xff0c; this is the highest possible target xff0c; it is also the first difficulty in mining in a bitcoin creation block.

比特币中难度调节的原因是,由于区块时间保持在大约 10 分钟,2,016 个区块需要大约两周的时间。如果挖掘 2,016 个区块需要的时间超过两周,则需要降低难度;如果挖掘 2,016 个区块需要的时间少于两周,则应增加难度。

The reason for the difficulty of reconciliation in Bitcoin is xff0c; it takes about two weeks for the blocks to remain in place for about 10 minutes xff0c; 2,016 blocks. If it takes more than two weeks to excavate 2,016 blocks xff0c; if it takes less than two weeks xff1b; if it takes 2,016 blocks less than two weeks to excavate xff0c; it increases the difficulty.


The difficulty of the Bitcoin creation block xff0c; the following is the head of the block xff1a;



As you can see, xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; Bitcoin's target Hash. Here's the code for this repositioning difficulty algorithm in the bitcoin source code xff1a;



The following are restrictive adjustment steps for the same document in the bitcoin source code xff1a;


在两周的单个周期内,重新定位调整应小于 4 倍。如果难度调整超过 4 倍,则不会按最大因子调整。进一步的调整应在下一个周期的两周内完成。因此,非常大和突然的哈希率变化需要多个两周周期来在难度方面平衡。

Within two weeks of a single cycle xff0c; repositioning should be less than four times. If the difficulty adjustment exceeds four times xff0c; it will not be adjusted by the maximum factor. Further adjustments should be completed within two weeks of the next cycle. xff0c; therefore, very large and sudden changes in the Hashi rate will require several two weeks to balance the difficulty.

由于 ASIC 的引入,哈希功率呈指数增长,随之挖矿难度增加。

As a result of the introduction of ASIC & #xff0c; an exponential increase in Hashi power & #xff0c; and the consequent increased difficulty of mining.


Because of its enormous mining capacity xff0c; because the people of the mining community have come together to dig blocks xff0c; and because they have decided to allocate incentives according to each person's contribution. In the pond xff0c; each person receives a share of the block incentive in proportion to the resources invested. There are many ponds. Some well-known ponds are divided by the following xff1a;

  • BTC.com:这是最大的矿池之一,截至 2018 年 6 月,负责挖掘约 25%的比特币区块。该矿池于 2016 年 9 月推出,目前由比特大陆科技有限公司拥有。

    BTC.com: this is one of the largest ponds xff0c; xff0c as of June 2018; is responsible for the excavation of about 25% of the bitcoins. The pond was launched in September 2016 xff0c; it is currently owned by Bitland Science and Technology Ltd.

  • Antpool:这个矿池由拥有 BTC.com 的同一公司所有,是最大的矿池之一。Antpool 和 BTC.com 在最大矿池中占据前列。总部位于赛里斯北京的比特大陆公司。

    Antpool: this pond is owned by the same company that owns BTC.com xff0c; it is one of the largest. Antpool and BTC.com are in the forefront of the largest.

  • ViaBTC:成立于 2016 年 5 月,由 Viabtc Technology 所有。总部位于赛里斯。

    ViaBTC: established in May 2016 xff0c; owned by Viabtc Technology. Headquarters is in Cyrus.

  • SlushPool:这是世界上第一个矿池。它始于 2010 年 11 月 27 日,当时名为比特币矿池服务器。该矿池自推出以来已挖掘了超过 100 万个比特币。它是一个可靠稳定的矿池,具有准确支付历史。

    SlushPool: this is the first pond in the world. It began on November 27, 2010 & #xff0c; then called the Bitcoin mineral server. The pond has excavated more than 1 million bitcoins since its launch. It is a reliable and stable pond #xff0c; it has an accurate payment history.

以下图表显示了 2018 年 6 月 1 日至 6 月 2 日期间各个比特币矿池挖掘的比特币百分比:

The following chart shows the percentage of bitcoins excavated by bitcoins from 1 June to 2 June 2018 xff1a;


In addition to what we have mentioned, xff0c; there are also many active mining ponds xff0c; increasing the number of functions xff0c; and becoming the largest.

正如我们讨论过的,各种另类币具有不同的算法;每种另类币都有修正和改进,以增加难度并避免中心化。目前,除比特币挖矿外,还定期挖掘各种其他另类币。几乎每个矿池现在都支持另类币;截至 2018 年 6 月,一些最常挖掘的另类币包括以太坊、莱特币、Zcash、达世币、比特币现金、以太经典等。

As we discussed, xff0c; various alternative currencies have different algorithms xff1b; each alternative currency has been amended and improved xff0c; it is more difficult and avoids centralization. Currently xff0c; xff0c; apart from bitcoin mining; xff0c; and various other alternative currencies are regularly excavated. Almost every pond now supports alternative currencies xff1b; as of June 2018 xff0c; some of the most commonly excavated alternative currencies include e-Thai, Leitco, Zcash, Darco, Bitcoin cash, ethos.

有关挖矿盈利能力的讨论很多;由于比特币挖矿的难度非常高,其他另类货币成为矿工以及矿池的流行选择。现在,ASIC 矿机也开始用于莱特币、现金、以太坊等另类币的挖掘。

There is much discussion about mining profitability xff1b; because bitcoin is very difficult to dig xff0c; other alternative currencies become popular options for miners and ponds.

由于比特币和其他基于 SHA-256 的硬币对 GPU 和资源的需求很高,基于脚本创建了很多 CPU 友好的挖矿硬币。

Because of the high demand for GPU and resources in Bitcoin and other SHA-256-based coins xff0c; many CPU-friendly mining coins based on scripts have been created.


There are many exchange users who can purchase or sell bitcoins and other alternative currencies. The exchange can trade in legal, bitcoins, other currencies, bulk commodities, or all of these currencies.

  • Binance:世界顶级交易所之一,上市超过 150 种另类币,并日益增加。它是活跃度最高的加密货币交易所之一。

    binance: one of the world's top exchanges xff0c; more than 150 alternative currencies xff0c; and increasing. It is one of the most active encrypted currency exchanges.

  • 火币网(Huobi):另一家流行的交易所,成立于 2013 年 9 月。它是赛里斯最大的交易所之一。在火币交易所上列出了超过 250 种币种。

    gunnet@#xff08; Huobi) : another popular exchange xff0c; established in September 2013. It is one of the largest exchanges in Cyrus. More than 250 currencies are listed on the gun exchange.

  • Bithumb:总部位于韩国的最大加密货币交易所之一,每日交易量巨大。Bithumb 并未列出大量的币种;截至目前,只有 20 种币种列在了 Bithumb 上。

    Bithumba: one of the largest encrypted currency exchanges in Korea & #xff0c; large daily transactions. Bithimb does not list a large number of currencies & #xff1b; so far xff0c; only 20 currencies are listed on Bitumb.

  • Bitfinex:总部位于香港的加密货币交易所,由 iFinex,Inc.拥有。Bitfinex 上列出了 75 多种币种。

    Bitfinex: HQ-based encrypted currency exchange xff0c; owned by iFinex, Inc.. Bitfinex lists 75 currencies.

  • OKEx:最大的加密货币交易所之一,在其平台上列出了 500 多种币种。成立于 2014 年,也以比特币期货交易而闻名,其每日交易量巨大。

    OKEx: one of the largest encrypted currency exchanges xff0c; listed on its platform in more than 500 currencies. Established in 2014 xff0c; also known as Bitcoin futures xff0c; its daily volume.

  • Kraken:最早的比特币交易所之一,成立于 2011 年。在 2017 年中期经历了许多安全漏洞,但在那之后一直保持稳定。Kraken 向彭博终端提供比特币定价信息。

    Kraken: one of the first Bitcoin exchanges & #xff0c; founded in 2011. There were many security gaps xff0c in mid-2017; but remained stable since then. Kraken provides Bitcoin pricing information to the Bloomberg terminal.

  • Cex.io:成立于 2013 年的一家知名加密货币交易所。曾以云挖矿服务而闻名。Cex.io 的挖矿池名为 Ghash.io,2014 年贡献了超过 42%的比特币挖矿算力。

    Cex.io: established in 2013 as a well-known encrypted currency exchange.

  • Bitstamp:成立于 2011 年的最古老的交易所之一。最为知名的是法币兑换加密货币。

    bitstamp: one of the oldest exchanges established in 2011.

  • HitBTC:一家总部位于英国的加密货币交易所,成立于 2015 年。它支持的货币种类繁多。

    HitBTC: an encrypted currency exchange based in the United Kingdom xff0c; established in 2015. It supports a wide range of currencies.

  • Upbit:一家位于韩国的加密货币交易所,提供韩元存款。

    Upbit: an encrypted currency exchange in Korea xff0c; provision of Korean Won deposits.

  • Bittrex:一家总部位于美国的加密货币交易所,成立于 2013 年。它与大量的加密货币合作。

    bittrex: an encrypted currency exchange based in the United States xff0c; established in 2013. It works with a large number of encrypted currencies.

除了这里提到的之外,还有许多其他流行的交易所,一些主要专注于法定货币兑换加密货币,而另一些则仅处理加密货币。其他一些知名的交易所包括 Upbit、Bittrex、Lbank、Bit-Z、HitBTC、coinbase、BCEX、GDAX、Gate.io、Bitstamp、EXX、OEX、Poloniex、Kucoin、Cobinhood、Yobit 等等。

In addition to what has been mentioned here, there are many other popular exchanges & #xff0c; some focus on legal currency conversion for encrypted currency & #xff0c; others deal only with encrypted currency. Other well-known exchanges include Upbit, Bittrex, Lbank, Bit-Z, HitBT, Coinbase, BCEX, GDAX, Gate.io, Bitstamp, EXX, OEX, Polonix, Kucoin, Cobinhood, Yobit, etc.


Encrypted Currency Wallet is the private key pool that manages these private keys and transfers them from one wallet to another. Bitcoins Wallet is compared according to security, anonymity, ease of use, functionality, platform and supporting currencies.

  • Coinbase:这是一个于 2011 年 7 月成立的数字钱包,除了存储货币外,还提供买卖加密货币的服务。支持的货币包括比特币、比特币现金、以太币和莱特币。

    Coinbase: this is a digital wallet xff0c, which was established in July 2011; it also provides services for the purchase and sale of encrypted currency in addition to the storage of currency.

  • Blockchain.info:这是一个广泛使用的比特币钱包,同时也是区块浏览器服务。它于 2011 年 8 月推出。支持比特币、比特币现金和以太币。

    Blockchain.info: this is a widely used bitcoin wallet xff0c; it is also a block browser service. It was launched in August 2011. Supports Bitcoin, Bitcoin cash and Ethers.

  • Jaxx:一种多币种钱包,创建于 2014 年,支持比特币、以太币、以太经典、达世币、莱特币、Zcash、Augur 等多种币种。

    Jax: a multi-currency wallet & #xff0c; created in 2014 & #xff0c; supporting Bitcoin, Ether, Ether Classic, Dach, Leitco, Zcash, Augur, etc.


The following is a list of encrypted currency wallets providing multi-currency support:

  • Trezor

  • 区块链钱包

    Block Chain Wallet

  • Metamask

  • 开源总账

    Open source ledger

  • Exodus

  • 钱包 Nano

    Wallet, Nano.


In addition to the third-party wallet we mentioned xff0c; there are many other wallets that provide different functions. Note should be taken of xff0c; some wallets charge higher transaction fees xff0c; to cover their development costs xff0c; not the actual network costs.

以下截图显示了 Jaxx 加密货币钱包:

The following screenshot shows Jaxx's encrypted currency wallet:


In this chapter xff0c; we discussed the differences between alternative currencies and between coins and tokens. We discussed in detail the platforms on which platforms could be created. And xff0c; we discussed the options offered by alternative currencies versus bitcoins. We had a detailed understanding of the currencies of Leiter, Ether, Ripon and Bitcoin in cash.


We also discussed ways to obtain encrypted money. We learned the difference between digging for encrypted currency and bitcoin and replacement currency in mining. We discussed the exchange and how to store in wallets alternative currencies other than bitcoins. We also learned the difficulty of repositioning algorithms in bitcoin.


The concept of consensus is simple xff1a; consensus is that when the network agrees on the authenticity of the information stored in the network xff0c; what information should be kept xff0c; and what information is not true xff0c; it should not be retained. For bitcoin xff0c; consensus is reached to agree on the bitcoin assembly to be sent and received in the network. For other networks xff0c; consensus is also reached on the final state of the smart contracts stored in the block chain or any other network information.


Consensus algorithms have been the subject of research for decades. Consensus algorithms for distributed systems must be flexible for multiple types of malfunctions and problems & #xff0c; for example, false messages, partial network connections and disconnections, delays, etc. In the financial system & #xff0c; especially in block chains & #xff0c; risk of profit and malice actors in the system. For each algorithm in the block chain network & #xff0c; consensus to ensure that all nodes in the network agree on a consistent global state of the block chain. Any distributed consensus agreement has three key attributes xff1a;

  • 安全性:分布式网络上所有节点保证具有相同的状态或一致性的能力

    security: all nodes on distributed networks are capable of ensuring the same state or consistency

  • 活跃性/可用性:协议保证成功并使不同节点产生最终结果

    activity/availability: protocol guarantees success and results at different nodes

  • 容错性:协议处理节点生成错误或敌对结果的能力

    Error tolerance: Protocol processing node to generate erroneous or hostile results

恰巧,Fischer、Lynch 和 Paterson 的一篇著名论文指出,在同一个异步分布式系统中不可能同时满足这三个条件。因此,任何区块链设计都必须在这些属性之间做出权衡。这些权衡通常是在安全性和活跃性之间进行的,因为容错性通常被认为是全球分布式网络的必备条件。

Coincidentally xff0c; a famous paper by Fischer, Lynch and Paterson points out that xff0c cannot be met simultaneously in the same astride distribution system. xff0c; therefore, any block chain design has to be weighed between these attributes. These trade-offs are usually between safety and activity xff0c; and tolerance is often considered a requirement for a globally distributed network.


In block chain system xff0c; there are currently four main methods to achieve consensus. These are xff1a below;

  • 实用拜占庭容错算法

    Practical Byzantine Error Algorithm

  • 工作量证明算法

    Workload certification algorithm

  • 权益证明算法

    Algorithm for proof of interest

  • 委托式权益证明算法(DPoS)

    Portfolio certificate algorithm xff08; DPoS)


These methods will be presented in turn in this chapter.


functional Byzantine tolerance error( PBFT) algorithm. Many algorithms are called Byzantine error error. The name is derived from the phrasing of the original question.


Imagine an ancient Byzantine army attacking a city. The idea was to attack in every direction. Once the generals of the army arrived in the city & #xff0c; they had to agree on when and how to attack. The difficulty was to agree on how. The generals could communicate only through messengers & #xff0c; but messengers could be captured by the enemy & #xff0c; and there was an additional fear & #xff0c; that one or more generals or their commanders could be traitors.


The generals needed a way to ensure that all loyal generals agreed to the same plan #xff0c; and a few potential traitors could not lead to a failure of the mission.


A loyal general will do what the method says #xff0c; but a traitor may do anything. The generals will create a method #xff0c to ensure that as long as most of them are loyal #xff0c; their plan will succeed #xff1f;


The fable is sometimes referred to as the question of General `strang' Cyrus


In the case of block chains xff0c; the general in the story is the computer on the distributed network that is involved in running block chains. The messenger represents the digital network that these machines are running and the message protocol used by these machines. The goal is for a good computer or general to decide which information on the network is valid xff0c; at the same time, to eradicate the bad actor xff0c; and to prevent erroneous information from being recorded on the block chain.


The loyal generals in the story represent the operators of honest nodes interested in ensuring the integrity of the block chain and the applications on which it is based & #xff0c; they are therefore committed to ensuring that only the correct data are recorded. The traitors represent many of the world’s bad actors & #xff0c; they are willing to tamper with data & #xff08; especially financial data & #xff09; the motives of the bad actors may vary xff0c; they may cost bitcoin #xff0c; they are free of contractual obligations xff0c; and they even try to control money from confrontational forms of government in a way that destroys the network.

要理解 PBFT 和随后出现的所有其他共识算法,首先需要定义拜占庭故障是什么。拜占庭故障是指任何可能破坏分布式系统一致性的事件或结果,例如以下情况:

To understand PBFT and all other subsequent consensus algorithms xff0c; first of all, it is necessary to define what a Byzantine malfunction is. Byzantine failure is any event or result that could disrupt the consistency of distributed systems xff0c; for example: xff1a;

  • 未返回任何结果

    No result returned

  • 返回错误或不一致的结果

    Returns error or inconsistent result

  • 故意返回误导性的结果

    Deliberately returning misleading results

  • 任何事先未定义的行为

    Any act not previously defined


If any of these events occur xff0c; it is said that a Byzantine malfunction has occurred. So xff0c; the Byzantine tolerance system can handle a certain degree of inconsistent input xff0c; it can still provide the correct result in the end. The key is that the system is faulty xff0c; not immune. All tolerance systems can tolerate only a certain amount of failure xff0c; xff0c beyond tolerance; the system will fail in some way.

超级账本是主要使用 PBFT 的区块链。以下是 PBFT 在超级账本中的工作原理。每个验证节点(运行区块链软件并努力维护一致性的计算机)都保存区块链的内部状态的一个副本。当节点接收到消息时,它使用消息与其内部状态一起对新状态进行计算。然后节点决定如何处理该消息:将其视为有效、忽略它,或者采取其他行动。一旦节点对新消息做出决定,该节点就会与系统中的所有其他节点分享该决定。一致性决定基于所有节点提交的总决定:

Superbook is a block chain that uses PBFT primarily. The following is the working principle of PBFT in a superbook. Each validation node & #xff08; a computer & #xff09 that runs block chain software and works to maintain consistency is a copy of the internal state of the block chain. When the node receives the message & #xff0c; it uses news to calculate the new state with its internal state. The node then decides how to deal with the message xff1a; considers it effective xff0c; or takes other action. Once the node decides on the new message xff0c; the node shares the decision with all other nodes in the system. The consistency decision is based on the overall decision xff1a submitted by all nodes;

  1. 提交:网络上的一个或多个节点提交发送到其他节点的交易。例如,如果有十个参与节点,其中三个发送消息,看起来如下:

    submits : one or more nodes on the network submit transactions to be sent to other nodes. For example, xff0c; if there are 10 participating nodes xff0c; three of them send messages xff0c; looks xff1a as follows;

    • 十台计算机都看到三个交易

      All 10 computers saw three transactions.

    • 这些交易被分发,以便每个节点都拥有所有交易的完整副本

      These transactions are distributed xff0c; so that every node has a complete copy of all the transactions

    • 这些交易可能在不同的时间到达节点,因此顺序可能不一致

      These transactions may reach node & #xff0c at different times; therefore, the order may be inconsistent

  2. 排序:通过其他节点的投票,其中一个验证节点被选为领导者。这个验证的领导者选择交易的顺序并将其发送给其他参与节点。其他验证节点然后将它们已经拥有的交易重新排列成验证领导者设置的顺序。

    Sort : votes xff0c through other nodes; one of the validation nodes is selected as leader. The certification leader selects the order of the transaction and sends it to the other participating nodes. The other authentication node then reorders the transactions that they already have into the order set by the certification node.

  3. 执行:验证节点然后执行新排序的交易。每个节点都独立执行所有更改,并将这些更改添加到以前区块的全局状态中。如果无法达成共识,交易将被回滚并拒绝。

    executes : authenticates nodes and then executes new sorted transactions. Each node executes all changes individually xff0c; and adds these changes to the global state of the previous block. If consensus cannot be reached xff0c; the transaction will roll back and be rejected.

对每个区块都重复这个过程。PBFT 的优势是非常快并且相对可扩展。缺点是参与者必须是已知的——不是任何人都可以加入网络。

This process is repeated for each block. The advantage of PBFT is very fast and relatively scalable. The disadvantage is that participants must be known -- not anyone can join the network.

区块链中使用的第一种共识算法是比特币的工作证明PoW)。工作证明的基本功能是利用某些密码学函数的特性:有一些很难解决的数学问题,但一旦解决了,检查起来就很容易。正如之前所讨论的,其中一个问题就是哈希:很容易从数据中计算出哈希,但从哈希中发现输入数据却非常困难。PoW 最显著地被比特币、莱特币和以太坊使用。

The first consensus algorithm used in the block chain is Bitcoin's work certificate ( PoW) <. The basic function of the work certificate is to use the characteristics of certain cryptography functions & #xff1a; there are a few difficult mathematical problems xff0c; but once xff0c is solved, it is easy to check. As discussed earlier xff0c; one of the problems is Hasixff1a; it is easy to calculate Hashi #xff0c from the data; but it is very difficult to enter data from Hash. PoW is most notably used by Bitcoin, Lettco and Taiga.

PoW 具有以下特点:

PoW having the following characteristics xff1a;

  • 相对可预测的解决时间:比特币的网络协议预期每个区块解决约需要十分钟。如果网络开始太快地解决工作证明问题,网络将自动增加难度。

    has a relatively predictable resolution time : the Bitcoin network protocol is expected to take about 10 minutes to resolve each block.

  • 对计算能力的大幅增加或减少具有抵抗力:摩尔定律表明,计算机的工作量预计每两年增加一倍。此外,由于网络是开放的,任何人都可以随时向网络添加大量的计算资源。为了保持网络的稳定,算法必须自动调整自身。同样,如果网络不再盈利,那么正在使用的计算能力将会下降,因为这些资源会被重定向。这是通过算法中自动调整难度来实现的。任何网络参与者都必须能够快速检查他们是否拥有正确的链条,以及该链条是否有效。这是通过散列函数来实现的。

    is expected to double the computer workload every two years because of a significant increase in or reduction in computing capacity : Moore's Law indicates xff0c; computer workload is expected to double every two years. And xff0c; because the network is open xff0c; anyone can add a lot of computing resources to the network at any time. The algorithm must automatically adjust themselves in order to maintain network stability xff0c; similarly xff0c; if the network is no longer profitable xff0c; then the computing capacity being used will decline xff0c; these resources will be re-directed; this is achieved by automatically adjusting difficulties in algorithms. Any network participant must be able to quickly check whether they have the correct chain xff0c; and whether the chain is effective. This is achieved through a branch function.

工作量证明算法只要没有任何一组参与者控制 50%以上的整个网络计算能力,就能维护网络的完整性。能够操控链条的坏参与者的可能性被称为51%攻击。如果单一组织控制了超过一半的网络计算能力,他们可以通过停止支付或甚至双花来控制网络和网络交易。攻击组织将能够阻止确认新的交易(随意停止用户的支付),甚至在他们控制网络后发生的交易。

Workload proof algorithms can maintain the integrity of the network as long as no group of participants controls more than 50% of the total network computing capacity xff0c; they can maintain the integrity of the network. The possibility of bad players who can manipulate the chain is referred to as 51% attacking . If a single organization controls more than half of the network computing capacity xff0c; they can control network and network transactions by stopping payments or even double flowers. Attacking an organization will prevent confirmation of new transactions xff08; randomly stopping user payments xff09; xff0c; and even transactions that occur after they control the network.


The workload proof algorithm first takes the longest chain. In Bitcoin & #xff0c; blocks can be finalized xff08; depending on the transactions included xff09; so xff0c; Bitcoin nodes can choose several available “solved” chains as the basis. As part of the algorithm xff0c; Bitcoin takes the longest chain xff0c; thus the highest computing capacity is accepted. The following chart illustrates the workload proof chain #xff1a;


The challenge in Bitcoin is to find an input & #xff0c; xff0c when added to the previous block and list of transactions; and to produce a Hashi that starts in a specified number of zeros.

通常,该函数的输入是所有交易的默克尔根和先前的块哈希。为了简化说明,假设我们有一个简单的输入,例如I love Blockchains。同时假设系统的难度是最简单的:哈希起始位置只有一个零。I love Blockchains的 SHA-256 哈希如下:

Usually xff0c; the input of the function is Merkelgen for all transactions and the previous Hash. To simplify the description xff0c; assume that we have a simple input xff0c; e.g. I love Blockchains. Assuming that the system is the easiest xff1a; Hash starts with only one zero. I love Blockchains SHA-256 Hashi #xff1a;


你可以看到,它不是以开始的。为了解决这个输入的区块,我们需要找到一个字符串(称为随机数)可以加到这个字符串上,以便将这个组合(随机数+ I love Blockchains)的哈希结果为以开始的字符串。事实证明,我们只能通过测试来完成。例如,如果我们在开头加上,我们得到1I love Blockchains,哈希如下:

You can see xff0c; it's not started. To solve this input block xff0c; we need to find a string xff08; a random number called ) can be added to this string xff0c; to combine xff08; random 43; I love Blockchains) Hash results xff0c; we can only do it by testing. e.g. xff0c; if we add xff0c at the beginning; we get 1llove Blockchains xffoc; Hashi xff1a;


没有运气。 那么 2 和 3 呢? 这些也将无法解决谜题。 恰巧,4I love Blockchains 的哈希以 开头:

No luck. Then two and three xff1f; these will not solve the puzzle. xff0c; em>4I love Blockchains starts with xff1a;


这只用了四次尝试,但这是一个非常低的难度。 每增加一个零,找到一个能计算出正确哈希的适当输入的挑战就会加倍。 截至目前,一个有效的比特币区块需要 18 个零才能有效。

This takes only four attempts xff0c; but this is a very low difficulty. Every zero xff0c is added; the challenge of finding an appropriate input to calculate the correct Hash is doubled.

尝试找到产生正确哈希的随机数的过程称为挖矿。 每台挖掘 PoW 链的计算机都在竞争看谁能最先找到正确的随机数。 获胜者有权创建链中的下一个区块,并且以代币的形式获得奖励。 更多细节,请参阅 第十八章,挖矿

Winners have the right to create the next block in the chain xff0c; and to be rewarded in the form of tokens. More details xff0c; see chapter XVIII xff0c; for mining .

PoW 的优势在于任何人都可以加入 PoW 网络,并且它已经被证明是一种功能性共识机制。 PoW 网络的主要缺点是速度慢和财务成本高:运行所有计算机进行这些计算非常昂贵,并且输出没有被用于任何真正的生产性用途。 这被认为对环境不利,并且可能导致在进行大量区块链挖掘的地方能源价格上涨。 由于这个原因,一些地区已经禁止了区块链挖掘。

PoW’s main disadvantages are slow and high financial costs xff1a; running all computers to perform these calculations is very expensive xff0c; and the output is not used for any real productive use. This is considered to be detrimental to the environment xff0c; and may lead to an increase in local energy prices where a large number of blocks are dug.


As a result of these shortcomings #xff0c; certificate of interest & #xff08; Pos #xff09; invented.

PoS 与 PoW 具有相同的目标,即保护网络免受攻击,并允许在开放网络中达成共识。 第一个使用此方法的数字货币是 Peercoin,随后是许多其他数字货币,如 NXT,Dash,PIVX 等。 在 PoW 网络中,解决谜题决定了哪个节点可以创建链中的下一个区块。 在 PoS 网络中,区块被称为被锻造而不是被挖掘,因为它们在 PoW 区块链中。 在 PoS 链中,验证者通过获得每个区块的交易费用来获得奖励,并且有时在每次创建区块时自动创建额外的代币。 在 PoS 链中,成为下一个区块的创建者的机会取决于节点在网络中的投资金额。

PoS has the same objective as PoW xff0c; protects the network from attack xff0c; and allows consensus to be reached in the open network. The first digital currency to use this method is Peercoin, followed by many other digital currencies xff0c; e.g. NXT, Dashff0c; PIVX, etc. In the PoW network xff0c; resolving the puzzle determines which node can create the next block in the chain xff0c; in the PoS network xff0c; in the PoS network xff0c; in the PW chain, it is called xff0c; as they are in the PW chain; in the PS chain xff0c; the opportunity to become the next generator depends on the amount of investment in the network xff0c; and in some cases, it automatically creates an additional token when each block is created.


Look at the following examples #xff1a;

PoS 网络中有五个节点。 它们具有以下余额:

There are five nodes in the PoS network with the following balance xff1a;

  1. 10,000 枚代币

    10,000 tokens

  2. 200 枚代币

    200 tokens

  3. 300 枚代币

    300 tokens

  4. 4,000 枚代币

    4,000 tokens

  5. 20,500 枚代币

    20,500 tokens

代币的总数为 35,000 枚。 假设每个节点都抵押了他们代币的 100%,每个区块和其中的节点被认为是下一个区块签名者的可能性如下:

The total number of tokens is 35,000. Assuming that each node is mortgaged 100% of their node xff0c; each block and the node therein are considered to be the signature of the next block xff1a as follows;

  1. 28.57%

  2. 0.57%

  3. 0.86%

  4. 11.4%

  5. 58.6%

很明显,如果单个节点控制大多数代币(甚至是大部分),那么他们将对网络有很大的控制权。在这种情况下,节点 #5 将创建超过半数的区块。此外,由于节点 #5 将定期签署区块,它还将获得大多数交易费用和新创建的硬币。在某种程度上,PoS 以额外代币的形式奖励验证者对其投资的利息。对 PoS 网络的一项批评是富者更富,这可能导致网络的中心化和控制不断增加。

Obviously xff0c; if a single node controls most of the indignities xff08; even most of xff09; xff0c; xff0c; in this case xff0c; node #5 would create more than half of the blocks. And xff0c; because node #5 would sign blocks xff0c on a regular basis; it would also receive most transaction costs and newly created coins.

PoS 系统中的一个问题是无所不在的利益攻击威胁。在无所不在的利益攻击中,验证者实际上创建多个区块,以多次消费代币。由于在 PoS 系统中创建区块的成本很低,网络没有财务激励来阻止所有交易的批准,导致共识崩溃。

One of the issues in the Pos system is the threat of ubiquitous attacks on interests. In omnipresent attacks on interests, xff0c; the certifier actually creates multiple blocks xff0c; consumes multiple currencies. Due to the low cost of creating blocks in the Pos system xff0c; the network has no financial incentive to prevent all transactions from being approved xff0c; leading to a breakdown of consensus.

举例来说,想象一下,一个名为 Cain 的不良行为者,只拥有 100 个代币。他决定尝试欺骗,向网络发送两条消息:一条是他将他的 100 个代币发送给 Sanjay,另一条是他将他的 100 个代币发送给 Eliza。网络应该接受任一交易,但不接受两者。通常,节点必须就哪个交易有效或拒绝两者达成共识。但是,如果验证者与 Cain 合作(或由 Cain 自己运行),那么批准两个区块对他们的财务利益是有利的。

For example, xff0c; Imagine xff0c; A bad actor named Cain xff0c; has only 100 tokens. He decided to try to deceive xff0c; send two messages to the network xff1a; one is that he sent 100 of his tokens to Sanjay, the other is that he sent 100 of his tokens to Eliza. The network should accept any transaction xff0c; but not both.


In the figure below, xff0c; the expected value represents EV. It shows that if the certifying officer accepts two blocks xff0c; it can effectively spend double without impunity xff1a;

为了避免这个问题,PoS 系统引入了各种各样的对策,如抵押存款。在区块链分叉或双重消费攻击的情况下,参与的验证者面临失去他们的代币的风险。通过财务处罚和抵押代币的损失,认为双重花费和验证所有区块的激励会降低或消除。

To avoid this problem xff0c; the PoS system has introduced a variety of countermeasures xff0c; e.g. mortgage deposits. In the case of block chains split or double consumption attacks xff0c; participants are exposed to the risk of losing their tokens. Loss xff0c through financial penalties and mortgages xff0c; it is argued that incentives for double spending and validation of all blocks will be reduced or eliminated.

基本 PoS 方法有许多变体。每种变体都会有不同的要求,如拥有股权的最低余额、不良行为的潜在处罚、网络的利益相关者的权利和能力,以及修饰符,例如账户需要拥有抵押余额多长时间才能计算。

The basic PS method has many variants. Each variant will have different requirements xff0c; e.g. minimum balance of ownership, potential penalties for bad behaviour, rights and capabilities of network stakeholders xff0c; and modifier xff0c; e.g. how long it takes for an account to have a mortgage balance to calculate.

DPoS 与 PoS 共识有关,但存在一些关键区别。这个新系统是 Bitshares、Steemit 以及目前的 EOS 的创始人 Dan Larimer 的创造。这两个网络以及 Lisk(另一个常用的区块链)目前是唯一使用这种方法的主要区块链。在 DPoS 中,代币持有者不是进行区块验证的人。相反,他们可以使用自己的代币选举一个节点来代表他们进行验证——他们的代表(也称为验证者)。正是这个代表/验证者帮助操作网络。可用验证器插槽的数量往往锁定为一个特定的数量,通常是 21 个。要成为代表,节点的所有者必须说服网络的其他用户信任他们,让他们负责通过将他们在网络上的整体代币份额委托给他们来保护网络。基本上,网络上的每个代币都充当一票,而获得最高选票的人被允许操作网络。目前,只有 Bitshares、Steemit、EOS 和 Lisk 是使用这种方法的主要区块链。

The new system is the creation of Dan Larimmer, a founder of Bitshares, Steemmit and the current EOS, both networks and Lisk( another popular block chain & #xff09; currently the only major sector in which this method is used. In the DPoS & #xff0c; the dominator is not the one to verify the block. On the contrary, xff0c; they can elect a node on their own behalf - their representative xff08; also known as certifiers#xff09; it is this representative/certator who helps operate the network. The number of slots that can be used is often locked into a particular number #xff0c; usually 21 are to be used as xocc; all users of the network have to convince them to trust xx0x0x; they are responsible for the entire network of #0x0xs; they are assigned to operate the network; they have only 0xfs.

在 DPoS 中,每个代表都有一个有限的指定时间来发布新的区块。如果一个代表持续错过他们的区块创建时间或发布无效交易,使用他们投票权的代币持有者可以投票将他们替换为更好的代表。以下图表显示了这个结构如下所示:

In DPoS & #xff0c; each representative has a limited designated time to issue a new block. If a representative continuously misss their block creation time or issues an invalid transaction & #xff0c; a token holder using their voting rights can vote to replace them with a better representative. The chart below shows this structure xff1a, as shown below;

DPoS 的主要批评是它在某种程度上是中央集权的,并且对背叛网络没有真正的即时财务惩罚。违反网络规则的后果是被代币持有者投票淘汰。人们认为,违反网络规则的声誉成本以及竞选代表股份的损失将超过试图负面影响网络的财务收益。由于只有少数的代表插槽,代币持有者更容易关注个体验证节点的行为。

The main criticism of DPoS is that it is, to some extent, centralized xff0c; and that there is no real and immediate financial punishment for a network that betrays it. The consequences of a violation of the rules of the network are voted out by the money holders. It is believed that xff0c; the reputation costs of a violation of the rules of the network and the loss of the shares of campaign representatives will outweigh the financial gains of an attempt to negatively affect the network.

Tendermint 使用自定义共识引擎,由 Jae Kwon 的博士论文的一部分设计而成。它类似于 DPoS,参与网络的人可以将他们的投票权委托给一个验证账户。然而,为了这样做,他们必须债券化或锁定他们的代币。为此,他们必须发出一个特殊的债券交易,其中他们的硬币被锁定到一个验证节点。如果他们的代表行为不端,那么代表和借出他们硬币的账户都将放弃一部分他们债券化的代币。要释放他们的代币,必须向网络发布另一个特殊的解除债券交易,而且这样的提款会受到长时间的延迟。

Tendermint uses a custom consensus engine & #xff0c; designed in part by Jae Kwon's doctoral dissertation. It is similar to DPoS, those involved in the network can delegate their voting rights to a certification account. However, xff0c; in order to do so xff0c; they have to bond or lock in their tokens. To this end xff0c; they have to issue a special bond transaction xff0c; their coins are locked into a validation node. If their representative behaves badly xff0c; then representatives and lending their coin accounts will forego a portion of their coinized tokens. To release their tokens #xff0c; they have to issue another special release of bond transactions xff0c; and such drawings are subject to long delays.

让我们看看这些交易是如何发生的。以下图表摘自 Tendermint 文档:

Let's see how these transactions happen. The following graphs are taken from the Tendermint document & #xff1a;

让我们更详细地看一下前面的图。代表通过签署投票来信号下一个区块。有三种类型的投票:预投票、预提交和提交。每个区块都有一个特殊的验证器,称为提案者。提案者首先提出一个基于之前锁定区块的有效区块状态的建议。这个提议在其他验证器之间点对点共享,如果有 2/3 或更多的验证器同意锁定区块(在预投票阶段),那么它们将进入下一个阶段:预提交。在预提交阶段,同样,如果有 2/3 的人同意预投票条件,他们将表示他们准备提交。最后,区块的实际提交发生:节点必须已经收到了区块,并且必须已经收到了 2/3 的有效投票来进行预提交。

Let us look at the previous graph in more detail. Delegates signal the next block by signing the ballot. There are three types of voting xff1a; pre-vote, pre-submitted and submitted. Each block has a special certifier xff0c; known as proposal. The proponents first come up with a proposal based on the status of active blocks that were previously locked. This proposal is shared point-to-point between other certifiers xff0c; if there are 2/3 or more certifiers agreeing to lock blocks xff08; during the pre-vote phase xff09; xff0c; they are going to move to the next stage xff1a; the pre-submission must have been received at the pre-submission stage xff0c; also xff0c; if 2/3 people agree to pre-vote xfff0c; they will indicate that they are ready to submit.

如果这个 2/3 投票序列看起来不寻常,那是因为异步网络的性质,验证器可能会在不同的时间收到区块和投票。这个序列以及在未达到 2/3 多数时处理边缘情况的方式,使得在不可靠的网络上能够有效快速地达成共识。

If this 2/3 voting sequence looks unusual xff0c; that is because of the nature of the asymmetric network xff0c; the authenticator may receive blocks and vote at different times. This sequence and the way in which the marginal situation is handled when the 2/3 majority is not reached xff0c; it allows for effective and rapid consensus on unreliable networks.

权威证明PoA)网络仅在所有区块链参与者都已知的情况下使用。在权威证明中,每个参与者都被区块链知道并注册。这样的区块链称为许可链,因为只有属于批准的权威列表的计算机才能锻造区块。因此,至关重要的是,没有一个权威计算机被破坏,每个操作者都必须努力确保其验证器的完整性。这种方法最初由 Parity Technologies 的 Gavin Wood 分享,作为运行基于以太坊的区块链的不同方式。

authority attests to ( PoA) network is used only when all block chain participants are known. In the authority certificate & #xff0c; each participant is known and registered in the block chain. This block chain is known as licence chain, since only computers belonging to the approved authoritative list can build blocks.


Three main conditions that must be met to create the authenticator xff1a, as described below;

  • 身份需要经过正式验证并上链。

    Identity needs to be officially authenticated and chained.

  • 获得资格应该是困难的。例如成为公证人,接受背景调查和提供保证金等事项。

    Eligibility should be difficult. For example, to become a notary & #xff0c; to receive background checks and provide security.

  • 对每个权威所需的事项集应该有良好的文件记录,一致,并值得网络的信任。

    Each set of matters required for authority should be well documented xff0c; consistent xff0c; and worthy of the trust of the network.


Once the authority xff0c has been established; it may be granted the right to build new blocks by adding the authority to the list of valid certifiers in the block chain.

虽然 PoA 主要用于私有链,但也可以用于公共链。两个公共以太坊测试网络,Rinkleby 和 Kovan,是使用 PoA 作为其共识机制的公共区块链网络。

PoA is mainly used in private chains & #xff0c; but it can also be used in public chains. Two public e-team testing networks & #xff0c; Rinkleby and Kovan, the public block chain network using PoA as its consensus mechanism.

PoA 的明显缺点在于每个验证器操作者的身份必须为人所知和信任,并且滥用信任的惩罚必须是真实的。对于全球区块链而言,这可能并不理想,因为区块链技术的吸引力之一就是能够匿名交换价值。

PoA’s obvious disadvantage is that each operator’s identity must be known and trusted xff0c; and that the penalty for abusing trust must be real. For global block chains xff0c; this may not be ideal xff0c; because one of the attractions of block chain technology is the ability to exchange value anonymously.

Hyperledger Sawtooth 项目推出了一种名为proof-of-elapsed-timePoET的新共识机制。Hyperledger 主要涉及许可链,只有指定数量的参与者被允许进入网络,类似于 PoA 链。

The Hyperledger Sawtooth project introduced a new consensus mechanism called proof-of-elapsed-time or PoET. Hyperledger is mainly concerned with the licensing chain xff0c; only a specified number of participants are allowed access to the network xff0c; similar to the PoA chain.


The basic method is simple #xff1a;

  • 每个节点必须等待一段随机的时间

    Every node must wait for a random time.

  • 首个停止等待的节点将创建一个区块

    The first node to stop waiting will create a block


We have to do two things to make it work. First, xff0c; we have to be able to verify that the waiting time for all participants is actually random xff0c; otherwise a simple attack is to pretend to wait for a random time xff0c; and then immediately create a new block. Next, xff0c; it must be possible to verify that not only the length of the selection time is random xff0c; and node actually waits for the entire period before action is taken.

这些问题的解决方案来自英特尔(他们创造了 PoET 算法),并依赖于特殊的 CPU 指令,以确保只运行受信任的代码。强制信任的代码负责处理块时间,确保抽奖公平。

The solutions to these problems come from Intel & #xff08; they create the PoET algorithm & #xff09; & #xff0c; and rely on the special CPU command & #xff0c; ensure that only trusted codes are run. The mandatory trusted code handles block time & #xff0c; and ensure that the prizes are fair.

到此为止,您应该对区块链使用的不同机制达成共识具有坚实的基础。每种共识算法在速度、可用性、一致性和容错性之间进行了一定的权衡。最常见的共识机制仍然是 PoW 和 PoS,但区块链的发展非常迅猛,新的、改进的方法可能会被开发出来。共识算法的改进将提高区块链的可扩展性和可靠性,并扩大技术的潜在应用范围。

So far xff0c; you should have a solid basis for reaching a consensus on the different mechanisms used in the block chain. Each consensus algorithm weighs between speed, availability, consistency and tolerance. The most common consensus mechanism remains PoW and PoS, however, the block chain is developed very rapidly xff0c; new and improved methods are likely to be developed. An improved consensus algorithm will enhance the scalability and reliability of the block chain xff0c; and expand the potential application of technology.


In the scientific community & #xff0c; privacy issues are frequently discussed & #xff0c; especially now social media executives are reluctant to wear suits & #xff0c; testify before the United States Senate Committee.


At the same time xff0c; while supporters of the block chain are pleased to see this technology contributing to human welfare and dispersing financial transfers xff0c; considering that all transactions are open on the chain xff0c; and whether users are truly able to maintain privacy is a matter of concern.


This chapter will cover the following themes xff1a;

  • 区块链作为公司治理工具

    Block chains as corporate governance tools

    • 未受银行监管的公司

      Companies not regulated by banks

    • 去中心化自治组织(DAO)

      Decentralizing Autonomous Organizations & #xff08; DAO& #xff09;

  • 区块链的社会用途

    Social uses of block chains

  • 在区块链的社会目的背景下的隐私问题

    Privacy in the context of the social purpose of the block chain

  • 零知识加密系统作为解决隐私问题的方案

    Zero-knowledge encryption as a solution to privacy issues


In an encrypted monetary ecosystem xff0c; privacy imperatives. Encrypted money can help people out of poverty xff0c; boost economies by increasing financial transfers — or they can become tools for oppressive regimes to track every transaction xff0c; and provide more opportunities to accuse innocent people of making mistakes.

区块链技术对具有反权威倾向的人们有明显的吸引力。美国许多人对银行系统心怀不满。30 年代,联邦住房管理局负责为抵押贷款提供保险,该机构绘制了它愿意开展业务的地区地图,排除了贫困和少数民族社区。这种做法持续了一代人,对许多美国城市的核心产生了毁灭性的影响,破坏了数千亿美元的财富。

Block chain technology has a clear appeal to people with anti-authoritarian tendencies. Many people in the United States are dissatisfied with the banking system. 30s & #xff0c; Federal Housing Authority, which is responsible for providing insurance for mortgages & #xff0c; the agency, which has created a regional map of its willingness to operate & #xff0c; and the exclusion of poor and minority communities. This practice continues for a generation & #xff0c; has a devastating impact on the core of many American cities & #xff0c; and has destroyed hundreds of billions of dollars of wealth.

最近,2008 年全球金融危机源于对未来衍生品和不正当借贷行为的投机,导致房地产价格暴涨(然后暴跌)。

Most recently xff0c; the 2008 global financial crisis stemmed from speculation about future derivatives and illegitimate lending xff0c; led to a surge in real estate prices xff08; and then a sharp drop xff09;

一些法规是针对这些不当行为而制定的,但与 20 世纪 80 年代的储蓄和贷款危机不同,几乎没有人因此面临刑事处罚。从那时起,许多竞选公职的候选人都批评了银行家(获得了政府救助)相对于被指控对社会犯罪的其他人的待遇不公,例如低级毒品犯罪者。

A number of regulations have been developed to address these malpractices; but unlike the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s xff0c; almost no one has faced criminal punishment as a result. Since then xff0c; many candidates running for public office have criticized bankers xff08; received government aid xff09; treated unfairly against others accused of crimes against society xff0c; for example, low-level drug offenders.


From a less politicized perspective, xff0c; there is widespread dissatisfaction with banks and payment solutions. Any person who has lived abroad for some time will find it difficult to obtain their money. Any person travelling will have a credit card or debit card frozen for a fraud warning. Good luck with opening a bank account for a new enterprise without a domestic office xff1f. To make it more difficult xff0c; try to send an international wire transfer from this new company's bank account.


It is easy to say that the banking sector has not yet caught up with the times xff0c; this is not entirely correct. It is more difficult than ever to build a commercial bank account. So xff0c; some start-up companies choose not to do banking xff0c; some companies, including several authors of this book. This approach has some advantages in running costs xff08; there are no bank charges, no endless statements and disclosures, no blocking of paying card users for fraud alarms xff09; xff0c; there are also risks xff0c; as we will see in subsequent chapters xff0c; non-run banking will require some development to be a viable alternative.

把一个纯加密公司视为银行业问题的解决方案似乎是自然的 - 为什么不只运行一个完全由比特币或以太坊组成的实体?正如我们将看到的,大多数解决方案涉及无法接受的不确定性水平。

It seems natural to think of a pure encryption company as a solution to the banking problem - why not just run an entity composed entirely of Bitcoin or Ethio?#xff1f; as we will see xff0c; most solutions involve unacceptable levels of uncertainty.

支付某些费用所需的法定货币是重要的 - 企业最终的大部分支出不会基于比特币或以太坊的价格,而是基于这两种货币其中一种或两种兑美元或欧元的价格。在你能够用加密货币支付电力和食物之前,加密货币对美元或欧元的价格变得无关紧要几乎是不可能的。

The legal currency required to pay some of the costs is important - the bulk of the enterprise’s eventual expenditure will not be based on bitcoin or on taupuleg prices xff0c; it will be based on one or both of these currencies to the United States dollar or the euro. xff0c will be virtually impossible until you can pay for electricity and food in an encrypted currency; it will become irrelevant to the price of the dollar or the euro.


Some argue that the development of the so-called `strong' stable currency


A fixed exchange rate is a specific type of fixed exchange rate regime xff0c; the issuing country asserts that its monetary value depends on another currency xff0c; ideally, it is willing to exchange its currency for another currency.

经济学家往往不赞成谈论固定汇率。1994 年墨西哥的所谓龙舌兰危机就是一个货币被高估的著名例子。墨西哥政府发行的以墨西哥比索计价的债券可兑换成美元,汇率约为 1 美元兑换 3 比索。很少有人相信墨西哥比索价值那么高。最终,做空(借比索抛售以获取美元)和资本外逃(投资者抛售其比索资产)导致比索价值急剧下跌,随后造成了严重的衰退。

Mexico’s so-called ‘strong’ Tequila crisis of 1994 was a well-known example of overvalued currencies. The Mexican government issued bonds denominated in Mexican pesos convertible to US dollars xff0c; the exchange rate was about US$ 1.00 to 3. Few people believed that the value of Mexican pesos was so high. Eventually xff0c; empty xff08; sold the peso to get US dollars xff09; and capital flight xff08; investors sold their peso assets xff09; led to a sharp drop in the value of the peso xff0c; and subsequently to a severe recession.


The Central Bank of Mexico is trying to contain inflation by raising interest rates. Unlike the US and the European continent, many mortgages in Mexico are xff0c with floating interest rates; this means that the interest share of homeowners’ payments has risen significantly xff0c; this has led to defaults and recoveries in many cases.


Some countries xff0c; e.g. Cambodia xff0c; despite these shortcomings xff0c; continue to use fixed exchange rates xff0c; but it is difficult to find other things that are widely considered to be a bad idea.


Attempts to peg cryptographic currency to the dollar inevitably raise funds in encrypted currency xff0c; then use it to purchase sovereign debt. The assertion is xff0c; a unit of a token is equal to a dollar xff0c; or a fraction of a dollar. The intergenerational currency is held by the issuer to support xff0c; in theory xff0c; the issuer is able to make money by floating.

如果发行者试图最小化风险,仅购买 1-3%的国债,嗯,数十亿美元的 1-3%可能足以支付你的员工。商业模式非常简单。PayPal 著名地也试图免费,并用浮动资金支付所有开支,但并未成功。

If the issuer tries to minimize the risks & #xff0c; buys only 1-3% of the national debt & #xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; billions of dollars 1-3% may be enough to pay your employees. The business model is simple. PayPal also famously tries to pay free of charge xff0c; and uses floating funds to cover all expenses xff0c; but it does not succeed.

最著名的稳定币尝试是泰达币(代码:USDT),其价格围绕 1 美元左右。泰达币聘请了纽约会计事务所 Friedman LLP,并承诺进行定期审计。这些审计没有出现,而 Friedman(可能是出于对委托方利益的尊重)没有发表任何关于泰达币每个单位是否由现金或等值现金支持的声明。

The most famous attempt to stabilize the currency is the Thai currency & #xff08; code & #xff1a; USDT) & #xff0c; the price is around US$ 1. Tedan hired a New York accounting firm, Friedman LLP, and committed to a regular audit. These audits did not appear xff0c; Friedman( possibly out of respect for the interests of the client & #xff09; no statement was made as to whether each unit of Thai currency was supported by cash or its equivalent.


The fixed exchange rate of this nature is somewhat strange in encryption space xff1b; ultimately xff0c; the basis for this transaction is trust. This is almost against the concept of untrustworthy decentralized ecosystems xff1b; but there are alternatives.

未来,相对于美元或欧元的汇率风险可能将由金融期权而不是稳定币来管理——这些是为用户提供购买或出售资产的权利,但不是义务。希望管理风险的用户将支付略微溢价来购买针对他们的加密货币头寸的保护性 put。

Future xff0c; exchange rate risks against the United States dollar or the euro may be managed by financial options rather than stable currencies - these are rights that provide users with the right to buy or sell assets xff0c; they are not obligations. Users wishing to manage risks will pay a small premium to purchase protective positions for their encrypted currency position.

Put 是以特定价格出售资产的权利。保护性 put 是针对你已经拥有的资产购买的 put,价格低于现在的价值。如果资产的价格跌破行权价格(即期权可以执行的价格),则该期权可用于为基础资产获得更高的价格。

Put is the right to sell the asset at a given price. Protective put is a put, for assets you already own; the price is lower than the current value. If the price of the asset falls below the right price & #xff08; the right to an immediate option is enforceable xff09; xff0c; the right can be used to obtain a higher price for the underlying asset.

现有交易所的问题在于,在发生问题时没有强制执行期权的机制。传统上,大宗商品被认为是最具风险的投资形式。你可以以 20:1 的杠杆交易,并且如果市场走向相反方向,你只有 5%的保证金要求!要么投入更多资金,要么全部损失。

The problem with the existing exchange is xff0c; there is no mechanism to enforce options in the event of problems. Traditionally xff0c; bulk commodities are considered the most risky form of investment. You can use 20:1 leverage xff0c; and if the market goes in the opposite direction xff0c; you have only 5% bond requirement xff01; either more money is invested xff0c; or all is lost.


At least in the case of commodities xff0c; where the producer fails to deliver its wheat, soybeans or oil xff0c; where the exchange takes responsibility. The options will need to be enforced through the hosting xff08; where the exchange holds an encrypted currency with options xff09; or other mechanisms. The purchase of options in xff0c for other people’s local wallets will have so-called counterparty risks xff0c; that is, when the market moves in the opposite direction xff0c; where the other party is unable to meet the expected risks.

其他合同,比如期货和期货协议,也存在交易对手风险,可能未来,与其依赖 Tether 或 bit USD 来处理我们的法币对冲,我们会有受监管的交易所,其中有加密货币或现金托管准备支付,如果事情进展不如人意。

Other contracts xff0c; e.g. futures and futures agreements xff0c; counterparty risk xff0c; possible future xff0c; treating our French currency hedges xff0c instead of relying on Teth or bit USD; we have a regulated exchange xff0c; there are encoded currency or cash trustees ready to pay xff0c; and if things progress less than expected.

宇宙趋向于最大的讽刺——人们想要宣称d 操烂正规d 并摆脱主权货币,但多数人同意政府有合法权益来保护人们免受欺诈和暴力。

The universe turns to the greatest irony -- people want to claim that d fucks the formal d and escapes from the sovereign currency #xff0c; but most people agree that governments have a legitimate right to protect people from fraud and violence.


The untrustworthy nature of encrypted money fails at the point of transaction. If you want to convert an encrypted currency into another xff0c; this transaction often requires you to trust the exchange. The same goes for xff0c; if you want the other side to execute a transaction that could cost them money xff0c; then the other side either needs you to be familiar with them xff0c; then you can seek redress in court xff0c; or the law requires the exchange to assume responsibility for paying the claim.


The most likely outcomes are xff0c; xff0c in the United States; the Securities and Exchange Commission or the Commodity Futures Committee will begin to approve the exchange xff0c; and the exchange will have certain liquidity requirements. This will make no-banking a less risky option.


We have established that a company without a bank account is possible xff08; it is also legal — in many jurisdictions there is no specific requirement that legal entities must own a bank account xff09; but there is no legal structure xff0c; or how to have a highly non-traditional legal structure xff1f;


Anyone who considers investing in organizations or assets without legal entities should be very careful xff0c; because it assumes that your personal assets are in danger. xff0c in general; people use entities to protect their personal assets and receive some sort of organizational or tax benefit.

没有实体,组织可能没有有限责任,法律可能选择将所有者视为合伙人。就责任而言,没有实体的合伙关系可能是你能要求的最糟糕的对待方式。这在普通法司法管辖区(拥有有限责任公司、合伙有限公司、公司、信托、基金会和其他形式)和民法司法管辖区(拥有类似形式,如卢森堡的 SARL,德国的 GmbH 和法国的 SA 等)都成立。

No entity xff0c; the organization may not have limited liability xff0c; the law may choose to consider the owner as a partner. xff0c in terms of liability; no entity partnership may be the worst way of treatment you can ask for. This is found in common law jurisdictions xff08; with limited liability companies, partnerships, corporations, trusts, foundations and other forms xff09; and civil law jurisdictions xff08; with similar forms xff0c; for example, in Luxembourg SARLxff0c; in Germany GmbH and in France SA xff09;


Under US law xff0c; a member of a partnership may be jointly and severally liable for a partnership violation. xff0c; even a little xff0c; no company or other entity can bear the loss and be in trouble xff0c; if others claim against it.


This is the case with limited liability — your responsibility is limited to your investment xff0c; the organization usually distinguishes between persons who are passive participants in the entity xff08; limited partners or shareholders xff09; and active participants xff08; ordinary partners or officials xff09;


Limited liability does not protect the organization’s members from criminal liability.


Consider with great care the legality of the operation of any encryption project xff0c; xff0c to date; regulatory action focused mainly on fraudulent financing xff0c; not on the involvement of investors in a fraudulent public organization. This does not mean that investors are safe.


Consider whether it is possible to determine the identity of the management team xff08; e.g. xff0c; whether you can at least check someone's profile and confirm their existence xff1f; xff09; xff0c; and whether the entity can identify xff08; can you find the jurisdiction where the company claims to be registered xff0c; so that I can verify whether it exists xff1f; xff09;

去中心化自治组织(DAO)是一种试图建立的非银行实体,尽管没有组成公司。它组织为瑞士 SARL,筹集了大约 1150 万以太币。DAO 应该是一个基于智能合约运行的基金,并且将向以生产性方式使用资金的实体提供贷款。

To centralize the autonomous organization xff08; DAOxff09; a non-banking entity xff0c; although it does not form a company. It is organized for Switzerland SARL, raised approximately 11.5 million NT. DAO should be a fund based on smart contracts xff0c; and will provide loans to entities that use funds in a productive manner.

DAO 的理念是投资者将对所有决策进行投票,并且完全使用智能合约进行治理,以造福投资者,这样可以消除任何董事或经理可能存在的不正当激励。所有决策都将符合投资者的利益。

DAO’s idea is that investors will vote on all decisions xff0c; that smart contracts will govern xff0c; that they will benefit investors xff0c; and that this will eliminate the perverse incentives that any director or manager may have. All decisions will be in the investor’s interest.

DAO 的一个智能合约中的一系列漏洞使恶意黑客窃取了价值 5000 万美元的以太币,相当于 DAO 资金的三分之一。

A series of loopholes in a DAO smart contract has enabled malignant hackers to steal $50 million in Ether & #xff0c; equivalent to one third of DAO funds.

DAO 在 2016 年底被主要交易所下市,这也就是它的结束。为了取回资金,以太坊区块链经历了一次备受争议的硬分叉。

DAO was under the main exchange at the end of 2016 xff0c; this is the end of it. In order to recover the money xff0c; the Etheria block chain experienced a controversial hard split.

以太坊社区的一派人士反对对 DAO 的资金进行退款,声称硬分叉违反了不可变性原则和“法律即代码”的概念,即用户应该遵守的原则。这导致了以太坊经典的诞生。

A faction of the community opposed refunds of DAO funds xff0c; claimed that hard splits violated the principle of non-transformation and the concept of “law is code” xff0c; i.e. the principle that users should follow. This led to the birth of the Etherian classic.

下市约一年后,美国证券交易委员会表示,筹资行为很可能违反了美国证券法,尽管它拒绝对 DAO 采取行动。没有人受到刑事处罚。

About a year later, xff0c; US Securities and Exchange Commission says xff0c; fund-raising is likely to violate US Securities Act xff0c; despite its refusal to take action against DAO. No one has been criminally punished.


This is likely to be the first example of professional managers being removed from the organization’s business processes. Eliminating the middle & #xff0c of corporate boards and directors; and allowing stakeholders to speak directly seems a good idea & #xff0c; at least on the face of it. Block chains provide various consensus mechanisms & #xff0c; e.g. certificates of equity and trust & #xff08; discussing xff09 in more detail in the previous chapter; xff0c; these mechanisms are well suited to address such issues xff0c; and smart contracts offer unlimited possibilities.

通过智能合约来管理一个组织的可能性仍然存在。该组织很可能仍需要一个或多个董事来执行用户的指示,并承担运营组织的职责。DAO 声称零员工,这在某种程度上可能是真的。考虑到它实际上已经消失了,现在确实是零。

The possibility of managing an organization through smart contracts still exists. The organization will probably still need one or more directors to execute user instructions xff0c; and assume the responsibility of running the organization. DAO claims zero employees xff0c; this may be true to some extent. Considering that it has actually disappeared xff0c; it is now zero.


To make a decentralized asset organization xff0c legal; a good starting point is to give it a legal entity xff0c; as previously suggested xff0c; provide limited liability to investors. To raise funds xff0c; it is better to admit that it is a securities issue xff0c; rather than claim that it is a practical token. xff0c; the issuance requires registration as a security xff0c; or an exemption.

像 DAO 这样的发行的许多法律问题也许可以通过遵守形式来避免——一个代币作为证券并没有固有的问题,除了要开始,我们可能应该承认,大多数人在投机性购买的代币实际上是证券。

Many legal issues of issuance such as DAO may be avoided through compliance — there is no inherent problem with a token as a security xff0c; apart from starting xff0c; we may have to recognize xff0c; and the currency that most people purchase speculatively is actually a security.

在美国进行 506? 规则下的发行允许在认可投资者之间进行无限筹款,并且允许一般征求意见——你可以宣传你的发行。如果你想在除认可投资者之外的投资者中筹集资金,你可以通过另一种豁免方式,即 Reg A+,尽管存在某些限制和大量的成本。

The rules allow unlimited fund-raising between recognized investors xff0c; and allow general consultation – you can promote your distribution. If you want to raise funds among investors other than recognized investors xff0c; you can use another exemption xff0c; i.e. Reg A#43; xff0c; despite certain limitations and substantial costs.

用户在公司治理上进行投票的核心概念是一个好主意。像 DAO 这样的组织形成法律实体只是为了与现实生活兼容,这表明了加密社区某些成员的巨大傲慢。

The core concept of user voting on corporate governance is a good idea. Organizations like DAO form legal entities only to be compatible with real life #xff0c; this demonstrates the great arrogance of some members of the encryption community.


The company exists for the benefit of shareholders. In practice & #xff0c; layer management and general rent-seeking have lost much of the organization’s productivity. xff0c, however, the idea that eliminating people in the organization can solve problems is largely wrong.

算法是由人编写的。智能合约是由人编写的。的确,一个零员工的组织没有工资支出,但是如果它被 5000 万美元的失窃费用所取代,很难说这是一个进步。

Algorithms are written by people. Smart contracts are written by people. It's true that xff0c; a zero-staff organization has no salary expense xff0c; but if it is replaced by $50 million in stolen expenses xff0c; it's hardly a step forward.


But xff0c; the basic concept of a truly stakeholder-managed organization xff0c; in this case xff0c; each transaction is reviewed by those whose capital should be grown and protected xff0c; this may be effective in some cases. The large number of works on popular wisdom is, on average, very good.


Just as proactively managed mutual funds often perform poorly after deducting all costs xff0c; professional managers of funds that invest in specific assets may not be able to earn their own wages. An encrypted real estate fund xff0c; its investors are mainly experienced real estate investors xff0c; they have previously been involved in joint transactions xff0c, etc.; there may be good results.


In this case xff0c; the value of the block chain lies in the fact that stakeholders can participate in the election of directors or run the organization themselves in a fast, consistent and verifiable manner by running specialized software or clicking on the web interface xff0c.


We have discussed block chains as a mechanism for stakeholders to better control corporate governance. Shareholders can control what #xff1f;

像本杰明·格雷厄姆这样的人喜欢接管表现不佳的公司,并迫使它们支付股息。这是股东激活的一个例子。公司的存在是为了你的利益 - 如果它对你没有效果,让它为你工作。

People like Benjamin Graham like to take over underperforming companies xff0c; and force them to pay dividends. This is an example of shareholder activation. The company exists for your benefit if it doesn't work for you xff0c; let it work for you.


Runs a large cash surplus xff1f; allows it to pay cash dividends.


High-level salaries are out of control xff1f; salary cuts xff0c; renegotiation and dismissal xff0c; permitted by law.

你的公司是一家 Radio Shack 或一家 Blockbuster,明显缺乏竞争力?清算它。将它转换为以太币。

Your company is a Radio Shack or a Blockbuster & #xff0c; obviously uncompetitive #xff1f; clears it. Convert it into a talisman.


Companies with active shareholders tend to perform better than companies without them. If General Electric has active shareholders with good transparency in the company’s finances & #xff0c; then the CEO will not have the opportunity to have an additional jet follow his private aircraft to prevent his private aircraft from malfunctioning & #xff08; xff0c; xff09; very serious xff09;


The slow demise of institutional inertia and capital seems unlikely in such an environment; in this environment xff0c; and shareholders have the option to readily separate the entity from life support.

普遍认为股东激活会提高回报率,也有一些证据支持这一点 - 但是如果你有一个非常技术性的商业模式,不指望你的投资者能理解呢?

It is widely believed that shareholder activation will increase returns xff0c; there is also some evidence to support this - but if you have a very technical business model xff0c; xff1f does not expect your investors to understand;


Assuming that your business involves collateral support securities, bad debt, swaps or other expedient xff1f; some involve very complex financial models xff0c; there is a real risk of shareholders xff08; or token holders xff09; there is no understanding of what would happen in such a rapid and cruel environment xff1f; will stakeholders terminate the entity prematurely xff1f;


Fortunately, xff0c; the tokens are not necessarily shares. There are no technical barriers that prevent them from becoming other securities.

代币可以是 revshare(一种债务形式,代表实体收入的一部分,直到偿还本金的多倍),票据、债券或其他具有利息的工具。利息可以基于法定价格或以太或其他普遍可替代的加密货币的固定利率支付。

Currency may be revshare( a form of debt xff0c; a portion of the entity’s income xff0c; until the principal is repaid multiple times xff09; xff0c; notes, bonds or other instruments with interest. Interest may be paid on the basis of statutory prices or fixed interest rates in too or other generally interchangeable encrypted currencies.

甚至可以代表某项特定资产的收入或利润的一部分,代表着基于加密货币组合的未来衍生品的回报,硬资产组合、租金或特许权。在撰写时,一家名为Swarmsales的公司正在准备创建一个资产,从数千个软件销售单位的销售收入中获取一部分收益,这些销售业绩来自一个大型且不断增长的去中心化自由销售团队。预期使用这种工具支付销售专业人员将为他们提供一个新的收入来源,取代他们的基本薪水,并提供超出雇佣期限的收入来源。Swarmsales 期望能够利用这种方法打造全球最大的 B2B 销售团队。

Even xff0c, which represents the return on future derivatives based on a combination of encrypted currencies, xff0c; hard asset combinations, rents or concessions. At the time of writing xff0c; a company called Swarmsales is preparing to create an asset xff0c; a share of the proceeds from sales of thousands of software sales units xff0c; these sales performances come from a large and growing decentralised free sales team. It is expected that the use of this tool to pay sales professionals will provide them with a new source of income xff0c; replace their basic salary xff0c; and provide a source of income beyond the employment period.


Block chains make this possible. Securities transfer agents, numerous meetings, and a pool of very professional and expensive employees xff0c are required; they can now be done on the Internet through a small amount of technical and legal work and under potentially absurd marketing budgets on Wall Street.

有一种看法认为首次代币发行ICO),以及越来越多的证券代币发行STO),是一种简单、低成本的筹款方式。对于合适的团队可能是真的,但预算已大幅增长。一个名为Financecoin的项目直接从 BitcoinTalk 上的 DogeCoin 的 README 文件中复制粘贴,成功筹集了 400 万美元。作者不清楚他们用这笔资金做了什么有用的事情,这再次引出了该领域的另一个问题。

The view was expressed that the first issue of was a simple, low-cost way of raising funds. For the right team, it may be true xff0c; but the budget has grown considerably. A project called Securitiescoin issue a copy of the README document xff08; Stong&#ff09; xff0c; xff0c; the author did not know what they had done usefully with the funds. xff0c; this again raised another problem in this area.

那些日子已经过去了,在这个竞争日益激烈和受到监管的领域中,进行 ICO 或 STO 的成本已经广泛认可为 20 万到 50 万美元之间。不过,好项目可能本来也不会有资金筹集的问题。

Those days have passed xff0c; in this increasingly competitive and regulated area xff0c; the cost of carrying out ICO or STOs has been widely recognized as between $200,000 and $500,000. But xff0c; there may not have been a fund-raising problem for good projects.

非常多的代币销售用于支持非常时尚的科技项目,其中一些项目同样适合于传统募资。要进行首次公开发行IPO)或经 reg A+ 公开募股,离不开投资银行或证券公司的帮助,而这些公司主要涉趋向科技和医疗保健。可以断言区块链并没有改善对于具有强大团队、良好概念和前期创业经验的项目这方面的资金获取。

A large number of token sales are used to support very-fashion technology projects xff0c; some of these projects are also suitable for traditional fund-raising. The first public release of and #xff08; IPO) or reg A#43; public fund-raising xff0c; help from investment banks or securities companies xff0c; these companies are mainly involved in technology and health care. It can be asserted that the chain does not improve access to funds for projects with strong team, good concepts and prior entrepreneurial experience.

当然,对于投资银行来说,DAO(去中心化自治组织)很大程度上不感兴趣;这些仍然仅限于进行 ICO 或 STO 的分布式团队的范围。

Of course xff0c; for investment banks xff0c; DAO( decentralised self-government organization xff09; largely uninterested xff1b; these are still limited to the range of distributed teams that carry out ICO or STO.

一些具有社会目的的项目通过传统渠道成功筹集资金,例如 Lemonade,作为纽约 B Corp 组织的非传统保险公司,去年完成了一次非常成功的 C 轮融资。专门公司似乎是主流风险资本公司(比如 Andreessen Horowitz 和 Founders Fund)的新宠。

Some socially motivated projects have successfully raised funds through traditional channels xff0c; e.g. Lemonade, non-traditional insurance company as B Corp. New York xff0c; and a very successful C round of finance last year. Specialized companies appear to be mainstream venture capital companies xff08; for example, Andrewsen Horowitz and Founders Fund) new pets.

这似乎也适用于区块链——受益公司和慈善机构同样需要现金,但可能不适合进行多轮筹款和最终退出,这是风险投资所要求的。2017 年,Fidelity Charitable 收取了价值 2200 万美元的比特币和其他加密货币,预计慈善捐款的这一部分将继续增长。

This also seems to apply to block chains — beneficiary companies and charities alike need cash xff0c; but may not be suitable for multiple rounds of fund-raising and eventual withdrawal xff0c; this is required for venture investments. 2017 xff0c; Field Security collects $22 million in bitcoin and other encrypted currency xff0c; this portion of charitable contributions is expected to continue to grow.


As a means of capital mobilization xff0c; the block chain has the potential to improve environmental impacts and the long-standing gap between rich and poor. An Australian company called African Palm Company is working to introduce an encrypted currency xff0c; each unit is supported by a ton of palm oil from a sustainable source.

当本书出版时,欧盟正准备禁止进口印度尼西亚和马来西亚的棕榈油——目前供应的 85%。种植棕榈油的方式造成了大规模的栖息地破坏。相反,这项 STO 旨在购买已经种植棕榈树的四百万公顷土地,有望在四个西非国家大规模减少失业率。

When the book was published, xff0c; the EU was about to ban the import of palm oil from Indonesia and Malaysia — 85% of the current supply. The way palm oil was grown caused massive habitat damage. On the contrary, xff0c; this STO is designed to buy 4 million hectares of land xff0c, which has grown palm trees; it is expected to reduce unemployment significantly in four West African countries.

海地孤儿院创始人领导的另一个项目有可能改善税收征收并为大量弱势群体提供物质安全保障。加勒比加密委员会是一个旨在创建一种由某种加密实体使用的硬币的项目;政府将允许形成一个加密公司,以大幅降低税率来换取该实体拥有公开财务报表。将该业务的交易公开记录在区块链上将使公司能够创建可验证的资产负债表和损益表。受 15%税率约束的实体将优于名义上有 40%税率的实体(在实践中不支付任何税款)。

Another project led by the founder of the Haitian orphanage has the potential to improve tax collection and provide material security for a large number of vulnerable groups. The Caribbean Encryption Commission is a project designed to create a coin used by a certain cryptographic entity xff1b; the Government will allow the formation of an encryption company xff0c; the tax rate will be significantly reduced in exchange for the entity’s public financial statements. Public recording of the transaction on the block chain will enable companies to create verifiable balance sheets and profit-and-loss statements.


This concept also provides material security for people living in earthquake-prone temporary shelters in Haiti xff0c; where banks are expensive xff0c; where cash is stored in tents and houses xff0c; where residents are exposed to the risk of robbery. Another option is xff1f; a SMS wallet on your smartphone. Through a gateway xff0c; a program on your mobile phone can send and receive text messages xff0c; you can book off-line wallets xff0c; you can even move data without it.


The lack of access to finance and banking services has forced people to use usury.

对借款人和放款人来说,贷款成本很高——据说有 25%的本金损失到期违约。然后,对这些违约贷款的收回权被出售给了收款机构,这些机构享有恶名昭著的恶劣和滥用行为。

xff0c for borrowers and lenders; high loan costs — 25 per cent of the principal loss is said to have expired in default. xff0c; the right to recover these default loans was sold to the receiving agency xff0c; these institutions enjoyed notoriously poor and abusive behaviour.

按时偿还的贷款同样也不受到公平或合理对待的待遇。利率范围从 50%到 3000%以上年化,一些放贷人把每笔还款都视为再融资并写入新贷款,让他们再次收取最高利率。

Loans repaid on time are also not treated fairly or reasonably. Interest rates range from 50% to more than 3000% annualized xff0c; some lenders treat each repayment as refinancing and include new loans xff0c; and allow them to charge the maximum interest rate again.

据说有些人完全没有银行账户——除了贷款之外,银行的部分准备金模型为贷款人提供了一种避免对一些服务收费的选择。因为之前透支、地理隔离或成本高等原因没有支票账户的人被切断了这个系统的联系,通常不得不使用支票兑现服务和预付借记卡。这是另一种不便宜的产品,服务费率在 1%到 4%之间——如果一个工人被迫以这种方式兑现工资,这是一笔可观的费用。对于最贫困的人来说,尽管同样的人可能反对税收,但在所有抵免之后,支付支票兑现费用比支付所得税更不寻常。

Some people are said to have no bank account at all — except for loans xff0c; a partial reserve model for banks provides lenders with an option to avoid charging fees for some services. Because those who previously had no cheque account for overdrafts, geographical isolation or high costs were cut off from the system xff0c; usually had to use cheque cashing services and pre-paid debit cards. This is another not cheap product xff0c; service rates ranged from 1 to 4 per cent — if a worker was forced to cash wages xff0c in this way; this is a significant cost. For the poorest people xff0c; although the same people may object to taxes xff0c; after all credits xff0c; payment of cheque cashing costs is more unusual than the payment of income tax.


Some companies have started to use alternatives to traditional banking xff0c; whether good or bad. Now xff0c; xff0c, unfortunately; it is no longer unusual for an enterprise to provide prepaid debit cards to its employees as a convenient alternative to banking xff0c; although its services are worse xff0c; the costs have increased considerably.

然而,另一种选择是各种电子招标。DHL 现在用 Safaricom、M-PESA 支付其肯尼亚承包商,这是一种与肯尼亚先令挂钩的手机钱包。对于那些最近的银行可能在 50 或 60 英里之外的人来说,这代表着一个巨大的进步。

However, xff0c; the other option is electronic tendering. DHL now uses Safaricom, M-PESA to pay its Kenyan contractor xff0c; this is a mobile wallet linked to Kenyan shillings. xff0c for those closest banks who may be 50 or 60 miles away; this represents a huge advance.


This is lower than having the security of an encrypted currency — the properties of an encrypted currency xff0c; in particular, decentralizing xff0c; and ensuring that no central agency can easily seize or revoke ownership of funds. This does not apply to bank accounts that are essentially used only through applications.

同样,加密货币的一个很大的优势是现金不受像资产没收这样的幽灵所困扰,法律执法机构可能会在所谓的rem 程序中没收财产,在此程序中,财产的所有权归财产所有者证明。区块链不仅提供了所有权可以被证明的手段,还提供了财产的产权链——在大多数情况下,可以追溯到资产创建的日期。

Similarly, xff0c; a great advantage of encrypted currency is that cash is not haunted by ghosts such as asset forfeiture xff0c; legal enforcement agencies may confiscate property xff0c in the so-called rem process ; in this process xff0c; ownership of property is proved by the owner of the property. Block chains not only provide the means by which ownership can be proved xff0c; they also provide the chain of property rights — in most cases xff0c; they can be traced back to the date of the creation of the asset.


One of the strange contradictions of emerging technologies is xff0c; it is also praised and condemned. The possibilities of good and bad are considered and measured.


Maybe we have too much moral bias – almost every person interested in the block chain is told that it is used only for drugs. That makes sense; many people have first heard that bitcoin is used in the dark market & #xff0c; for example, the Silk Road & #xff0c; and that this bitcoin use can be described as the reason for an encrypted currency epidemic. Then the same people may wonder #xff0c; xff0c; in fact, xff0c; you've been paid bitcoin for six or seven months.


Every fanatic must consider its shortcomings in good faith — for example xff0c; in bitcoin xff0c; privacy xff0c; privacy xff0c; this seems unlikely to change at the time of writing. An idea that can do so much for transparency xff0c; an encryption company xff0c; its transactions xff0c; or at least its balance sheet xff0c; xff0c; for everyone to see. This idea is conceptually reasonable xff0c; and it will improve tax collection and compliance.


Employees who have not previously been recorded may benefit from social security credits. Wage equality between ethnic and national groups may be achieved. Organizations that use money-laundering will be more closely regulated. Financial statement fraud will be easy to detect. Insurance rates will fall dramatically – or at least my errors and omissions will become cheaper.


All of this sounds good xff0c; until you take into account the obvious shortcomings of everyone's interference in the lives of others xff0c; the desire to build and disseminate any technology xff0c; not just the people in the chain of blocks xff0c; and stop thinking carefully about the value of privacy.

再举一个例子:电动智能表能够提高公共事业公司的效率。它消除了大量的人力劳动。而不是每个房子定期派人来读表,表定期传输用电数据。从理论上讲,这对消费者也是有好处的:把冰箱拔掉插座 20 分钟,看看它用了多少电。不那么直接地(也许是出于天真),我们还会假设,公用事业公司的节约会以更低的电费形式传递给消费者。

One more example: xff1a; electric intelligence tables can improve the efficiency of public utility companies. It eliminates a lot of human labour. Instead of regularly sending people to every house to read tables xff0c; regular transmission of electricity data. In theory, xff0c; xff1a, which is also good for consumers; unplug the refrigerator for 20 minutes xff0c; see how much electricity it uses. xff08; perhaps due to naiveness xff09; xff0c; we also assume that xff0c; savings from utility companies will be passed to consumers in the form of lower electricity charges.

那么,哪里是问题呢?这些最不复杂的表能够识别到,比如,微波炉的使用。举个例子,突然功率使用量提高了大约 1000 瓦,持续一分钟。假设你发现某个家庭在斋月期间每天日落前使用了 1000 瓦,你很可能识别出了一个遵循古老斋戒传统的穆斯林家庭。如果你发现从周五晚上到周六晚上根本没有用电,也许你已经识别出了一个虔诚的正统犹太人。

So xff0c; what's the problem xff1f; these least complex tables can identify xff0c; e.g. xff0c; use of microwaves. For example, xff0c; sudden power use has increased by about 1,000 watts xff0c; lasting for a minute. Assuming that you find a family using 1000 xff0c before sundown every day during Ramadan; you probably identify a Muslim family that follows the ancient fast tradition. If you find that electricity is not used at all from Friday night to Saturday evening, maybe you have identified a true Jewish.


No matter how kind the authorities look xff0c; the information is sticky xff0c; it is extremely deterrent to people with bad intentions. Consider xff0c; although in the Netherlands xff0c; the massacre was particularly serious xff0c; but only one family was killed in Albania. The former country is good at keeping records. The latter is the opposite.


Block chains have the potential as solutions to social problems. They can be achieved through block chains, from preventing blood drilling from entering circulation to guaranteeing minimum income xff0c. Any tool has the potential to be misused xff0c; this is no exception.

考虑销售——在每颗钻石上放置一个微小的芯片。它有一个带有可撤销私钥的小芯片,类似于信用卡上的 EMV 芯片。理论上,这可以用来确保你戒指上的每颗钻石都不是所谓的冲突钻石,即用于资助战争的钻石之一。

Consider selling -- put a tiny chip on each diamond. It has a small chip with a private key that can be revoked xff0c; an EMV chip similar to that on a credit card. Theoretically xff0c; this can be used to ensure that every diamond on your ring is not the so-called strong xff0c; that is, one of the diamonds used to finance war.


It may also prevent other people from entering the market. Jewellers who authenticate stones through organizations such as the American Gemstone Institute & #xff08; GIA) must now sign a statement & #xff0c; declare that they sell blood diamonds & #xff0c unwittingly; and submit personal information related to anti-money-laundering legislation.


Diamond suppliers who do not want to comply with this programme do not need to do so to a large extent xff0c; the price is to be lost – the owner who specializes in the sale of unrecorded diamonds means providing lower-quality products. Whatever the cost xff0c; the firm will do its best to demonstrate its legitimacy xff0c; even the most sophisticated consumers are unlikely to care too much about the privacy of the owner.


Respect for human limitations xff0c; knowledge and moral qualities xff0c; are all more ethical and powerful than that attitude of wavering all the better. Recognition xff0c; while some abuse anonymity xff0c; cash and material exchanges have existed for thousands of years xff0c; no central agency has regulated them xff0c; people often have legitimate privacy or even anonymity requirements.

零知识密码系统可能在某些使用情况下提供解决方案——诸如 Zcash 和 Monero 等加密货币更像现金。比特币和(目前的)以太坊并不提供批评者所认为的匿名性和隐私性。

Zero-knowledge cryptography systems may provide solutions in some cases – such as Zcash and Monero – that encrypt money more like cash. Bitcoin and xff08; current xff09; Etheria does not provide what critics consider anonymity and privacy.


Block chains are essentially many of the most desirable features for people seeking privacy and anonymity xff0c; decentralization is one of the most important. More broadly xff0c; outside the block chain xff0c; authors doubt that users are willing to pay some additional costs to ensure transient, temporary, or even forgotten technologies.

我们把最私密的个人生活细节托付给了由可犯错的人类设计的机制,尽管不断发生数据泄露和偶发事件,公众仍然大多信任诸如 Facebook 聊天和始终开启的麦克风等设备。然而,无论区块链的狂热传道者看起来多么狂热,对于那些拥有集中式物联网和移动设备的公司的信任依然是最显著的傲慢。

We entrust the most intimate details of personal life to mechanisms designed by humans to make mistakes & #xff0c; despite constant data leaks and occasional events & #xff0c; and public trust in devices such as Facebook chats and always-opened microphones. However, xff0c; no matter how fanatical the vectors of the block chain look #xff0c; and trust in companies with centralized object networking and mobile devices remains the most prominent arrogance.


Zero-knowledge & #xff08; and zero-knowledge argument & #xff09; allow web-based validation of certain calculations ( e.g. token title & #xff09; and do not know any information about it. Except we use the characteristics of block chains & #xff08; block chains are consistent, irreversible and decentralised #xff09; xff0c; zero-knowledge realization can also be rebuttable xff0c; and avoid recording information that could endanger user privacy on the block chain.


Conceptually, xff0c; zero knowledge proves similar to random response research. Researchers understandably worry about xff0c; whether people can honestly answer questions about taboo behaviour, such as drug use or dealing with sex workers.


In order to eliminate prejudice xff0c; statisticians propose a method xff0c; by introducing random xff0c in individual responses; while maintaining the meaning of the overall result. Imagine xff0c; you are trying to determine the incidence of abortion by interviewing a woman xff0c; in an area where abortion is illegal. Let the interviewee throw a coin. If it's positive xff0c; answer the question honestly. If it's negative xff0c; say yes.

研究人员不需要知道硬币抛出的结果,或者每个人的真实回答,他们只需要知道,通过足够的样本量,将超过 50%的边际翻倍可以得到实际的实践患病率。这种方法既保护了个体受访者的隐私,又不损害数据质量。

Researchers do not need to know the results of coins thrown xff0c; or the true answers of each person xff0c; they need only know xff0c; they need to know xff0c; they can get actual incidences by multiplying the margin by more than 50%. This approach both protects the privacy of individual respondents xff0c; and does not compromise data quality.


Zero-knowledge proofs xff08; and argument xff09; very technical xff0c; it's xff0c; it's xff0c; it's xff0c; it's conceptually similar to what we're discussing. Depending on how you do it xff0c; zero knowledge may allow users to spend the contents of their wallets without other users on the network knowing what's in their wallets. This is an area where encrypted currency can be really similar to cash xff1a; xff0c, except for the theft of your wallet; no one else knows what you own xff0c; until you make it public. This method successfully solves one of the biggest problems in encrypted currencies, such as bitcoins and tayopanos.


The block chain is a transformative technology xff0c; its impact is similar to that of the Internet, vaccinations or power flights xff1a; its social impact is widespread and subtle xff0c; and it can be harmful in some respects. It can further undermine privacy xff0c; significantly improve corporate governance xff0c; or lift billions out of poverty. The specific application of this technology will define it as a tool for shaping the world.


In the next chapter xff0c; we will discuss the application of some block chains xff0c; starting with the most basic of them xff0c; i.e. encrypted currency wallets.




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