To date, USDT transactions outside the gun field have been at a price of $6.99, which is nearly two months low. At the same time, USDT是什么大家想必十分清楚了,它与比特币的价格是息息相关的,也从一定程度上代表了场外资金情况。当场外资金疯狂进入时,根据供需关系,会造成USDT的正溢价,当场内资金疯狂出逃时,会造成USDT的负溢价。 It must be clear to everyone that the price of bitcoin is highly relevant and represents, to some extent, off-the-shelf funding. When off-site funds go crazy, depending on the supply and demand, they generate a positive premium on the USDT, and when funds go wild in the field, they create a negative premium on the USDT. 所以很多人把这次消息当作利空。把单纯的消息当作利空来处理显然是片面化的,消息面最终是要回到操作面。要结合具体的行情走势一块看,比特币在大幅度拉升后已经横盘震荡9个交易日。在前期空头主导的市场,价格稳稳维持在9000上方,表面中期趋势已经以多头为主导。 So a lot of people have taken this message for granted. It is clearly one-sided to deal with the simple message as a trade-off, and ultimately it is going back to the operation. To take into account the specific movement, Bitcoin has stunned for nine trading days, after a sharp upswing. 所以海大叔认为,USDT的事件暂时不用过多解读,大家担心的瀑布也暂时不会出现。最近短线盯久了,回看中长期的趋势。中长期最大利好就是减半,最近就多了一项超级利好:区块链的行业将迎来巨大升级发展。所有大家应该把目光放的长远,考虑如何把握住这次机会。 So Uncle Hai believes that the USDT event will not be interpreted too much for the time being, and that the waterfalls that we are worried about will not appear for the time being. Recently, the short line has been kept short, looking back at medium- and long-term trends. 币圈要闻 It's important for the currency. 1.澳大利亚金融监管机构或将迫使Facebook披露Libra详细信息。 The Australian financial regulator may or will compel Facebook to disclose Libra details. 2.美国国会议员再次呼吁为区块链行业制定明确法规。 2. Members of the United States Congress have reiterated their call for clear regulations for the block chain industry. 3.Calibra产品副总裁:互操作性(电子邮件的基本原理)将成为Libra的关键概念,Libra将更类似于电子邮件技术。 3. Vice-President of Calibra Products: Interoperability (the basics of e-mail) will become the key concept of Libra, and Libra will be more similar to e-mail technology. 4.塞浦路斯已制定有关分布式技术的国家战略。 4. Cyprus has developed a national strategy on distributed technologies. 5.欧盟文件草案:应考虑制定针对加密货币资产和稳定币的新规则。 Draft EU document: Consideration should be given to the development of new rules for encrypted currency assets and currency stability. 6.日本计划在年内制定规则,禁止以虚拟货币为对象的信托投资。 6. Japan plans to establish rules during the year prohibiting trust investment in virtual currency. 7.土耳其总统:土耳其将在2020年完成数字里拉的测试。 7. President of Turkey: Turkey will complete the digital lira test in 2020. 8.Stellar销毁550亿枚lumens,约占总供应量的50%。 海大叔侃币 Uncle Hai's coin. 昨天早盘前冲高9500遇阻回撤,大部分人都会认为多头行情要来了,开始要大反弹,然而行情并没有破位上涨,反而是今日早盘冲高直接下探在9300-9400一线震荡,受消息面影响午盘12小时收线后直接报复性的下跌,最低跌到9170一线,下跌200多个点。 When the 9,500-hour-high drive hit the retreat yesterday, most people thought that there was going to be more than one move, and they started to bounce back. However, instead of going up, it was today's morning rush to explore directly on the 9300-9400 line, with a direct retaliatory fall after the 12-hour closing of the midday plate, which was affected by the news, falling to a minimum of 9170 lines and down to more than 200 points. 日线图呈现出高位震荡的走势,但是不要被盘面假象欺骗,MACD放量下跌,RSI在60一线水平运行,成交量并不是特别乐观,大家都在等那个行情打破区间震荡后的顺势操作阶段,浑水才好摸鱼。四小时图中轨还是支撑于行情之下,短线内下跌反弹思路是没问题的。那么在操作上个人建议前期震荡大区间9000到9500破位前高抛低吸,以低多为主,高空为辅,破位建议不要盲目跟进,近期行情没那么大,跟进得更大可能性会是被套,反而不美,不如耐心等待行情给到进场机会再行布局。下方触及支撑9000到9200一线可布局多单进场,上方阻力9400到9500可轻仓布局空单,操作做好风控,轻仓布局! The sun charts show the trend of high shocks, but not being deceived by the pseudo-poof, the MACD drops, the RSI runs at 60-line levels, the turnover is not particularly optimistic, and everyone is waiting for the smooth operation after the break-up of the area. The four-hour track is still under way, and it's not as good as the short line to fall backwards. Then there's more room for the 9,000 to 9500 break-downs in the pre-operational area, and there's less room for the 9400 to 9500 break-downs, so there's less room for the break-ups. There's more room for action. There's less room for action. There's less room for action. 我是微信公众号海大叔侃币,一位专业的交易分析师,以平实的语言揭示了交易背后的心理真相,指引广大币圈投资者黑夜中正确前行的启明星。文章具有时效性,实时指导才能精准定位,有关比特币的行情趋势分析今天就讲到这里,咱们明天见。 I'm a professional trade analyst who reveals, in plain language, the psychological truth behind a deal, and who directs investors in large currency circles to the right course of the night
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