与用户共建Web 3.0 社区,保时捷“911-梦想家”系列数字藏品发布

资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:78 评论:0
钛媒体App 1月13日消息,保时捷在上海举行“911-梦想家”首发数字藏品官方发布会,推出首款为中国用户定制的系列数字藏品,并宣布正式进军Web 3.0。“911-梦想家”系列数字藏品将于1...



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钛媒体App 1月13日消息,保时捷在上海举行“911-梦想家”首发数字藏品官方发布会,推出首款为中国用户定制的系列数字藏品,并宣布正式进军Web 3.0。“911-梦想家”系列数字藏品将于1月23日公开限量发行,限量996枚。

The titanium media App reported on 13 January that Porsche held & ldquo in Shanghai; 911-Dreamer & & rdquo; the first official launch of the digital collection, which launched a series of digital collections tailored to Chinese users, and announced an official march to Web 3.0. & ldquo; 911-Dreamer & & rdquo; and a series of digital collections which will be distributed publicly for a limited amount of 996 items on 23 January.

此次发布的“911 - 梦想家”系列数字藏品以保时捷经典车型 911 为蓝本,为中国用户专属定制数字藏品全套限量 996 枚,以纪念第一个引进中国的保时捷 911 车型996——第五代 911 车型。

& & ldquo; 911 - Dreamer & rdquo; series of digital collections in the blue version of the Porsche Classic 911 model, customizing a full set of 996 digital collections for Chinese users to mark the first Porsche 911 model in China, 996 & mdash; & mdash; 5th generation 911 model.

藏家在拥有一辆“911 - 梦想家”系列的白色保时捷 911 数字藏品之后,可以此为画布,从六大不同主题中选择最喜爱的一个主题,最终获得一台拥有独一无二皮肤的911 数字藏品,六大主题分别为“梦境”、“永恒”、“专属”、“极致”、“冒险”及“先锋”。

After having a & ldquo; 911 - Dreamer ” a series of white Porsche 911 digital collections, the Tibetan can use this as a canvas, choosing one of its favorite themes from six different themes, and eventually acquiring a 911 digital collection with a unique skin, respectively, “ Dreams & rdquo; & ldquo; Eternal & & rdquo; & & & & & rdquao; Proprietary & & & & & & & & & rdquao; & & & & & & & ; Proprietary & & & & & rdquao;

其中,“梦境”主题呼应着“911 - 梦想家”系列的主旨,将作为稀有皮肤限量发行 96 件。其余五个主题皮肤各发行 180 件,皮肤总数量为 996 件。

Of these, & ldquo; Dream & rdquo; theme echoes & ldquo; 911 - Dreamer & rdquo; the main theme of the series will be the release of 96 copies as a rare skin limit. The remaining five themes have 180 copies of each skin, and the total number of skins is 996.

当藏家选定心仪的皮肤后,原有的白色911数字藏品将在区块链上被销毁,同一个链上地址的数字藏品将替换为带有此款皮肤的彩色 911。保时捷希望通过此种数字藏品生成方式向用户传递:追求梦想的旅程不尽相同,每一种不同的选择,都代表着不同的体验和经历。每一个梦想,都值得尊敬;每一个梦想,都异彩斑斓。

When the hider chooses the skin of the heart, the original white 911 digital collection will be destroyed on the block chain, and the same chain address will be replaced with the color of the skin 911. The Porsche wishes to convey to the user through this digital collection: The journey to pursue dreams is different, and each different choice represents different experiences and experiences. Every dream is respectable; every dream is colored.

除了艺术收藏价值之外,保时捷中国也想凭借数字藏品这一介质,在虚拟世界中链接品牌、车主与爱好者,打造由品牌持续运营且与用户深度共建的 Web 3.0 社区。

In addition to the value of the art collection, Porsche China wants to use the medium of digital collections to link brands, car owners and fans in the virtual world to create a web 3.0 community that is continuously operating from brands and built in conjunction with the depth of users.

每一个“911 - 梦想家”的区块链 ID 背后,都代表着一位保时捷中国Web 3.0 社区的“居民”。每位居民都将受邀与保时捷中国共建联通虚拟与现实世界的梦想空间,参与丰富的社区活动,享有不断升级的社区权益,甚至与保时捷中国创新办公室共创新产品及新服务。

Each & ldquo; 911 - Dreamer & rdquo; the block chain ID represents a Porsche Web 3.0 Chinese community & & & & & rdquao; resident & & & & & ; every resident will be invited to share with Porsche the dream space of the virtual and real world, participate in rich community activities, enjoy escalating community rights and interests, and even co-invent products and new services with the Porsche China Innovation Office.

另外,“911 - 梦想家”数字藏品项目同样将实现净碳中视为重要目标之一。针对此次发行的数字藏品,保时捷中国将通过资助环保项目中和上链过程中产生的碳排放量。计划于2023年春季在甘肃省民勤县打造一片“梦想森林”,为保时捷中国 Web 3.0 社区居民所共有。

In addition, & & ldquo; 911 - Dreamers & rdquo; Digital Collections also consider the achievement of net carbon as one of the important targets. For this release, Porsche China will finance carbon emissions from environmental projects and from the upper chain. The project is to build a & ldquo in Gansu province in spring 2023; Dream Forests & & rdquo; and the Porsche China Web 3.0 community.


Each & ldquo; 911-dreamer & & rdquo; the Tibetan will be in this & ldquo; Dream Forest & & rdquo; there will be a tree seedling and will be awarded a tree planting certificate. These certificates will be cast into a digital collection and dropped into the accounts of each.




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