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Web3.0. What the hell are you looking at?


What's Web3.0?

Web 3.0是即将到来的第三代互联网,网站和应用程序将能够通过机器学习(ML)、大数据、去中心化账本(DLT)等技术以类似人类的智能方式处理信息。

Web 3.0 is the upcoming third generation of the Internet, and websites and applications will be able to process information in a human-like intelligent manner through technology such as machine learning (ML), big data, decentralised books (DLTs).

Web 3.0最初被万维网发明者Tim Berners-Lee称为语义网(Semantic Web),旨在成为一个更加自主、更加智能和更加开放的互联网。Web 3.0的定义可以扩展如下:数据将以去中心化的方式互连,这将是我们当前一代互联网(Web 2.0)的巨大飞跃,目前数据主要存储在集中式存储库中。

Web 3.0 was originally called Semantic Web by the World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee, and aims to become a more autonomous, intelligent and open Internet. The definition of Web 3.0 can be expanded as follows: data will be interconnected in a decentralised way, which will be a huge leap forward for our current generation of Internet (Web 2.0) and the data are currently stored mainly in centralized repositories.

此外,用户和机器将能够与数据进行交互。但要做到这一点,程序需要从概念上和上下文上理解信息。考虑到这一点,Web 3.0的两个基石是语义网和人工智能(AI)。

In addition, users and machines will be able to interact with data. To do so, the program needs to understand information conceptually and contextually. With this in mind, the two cornerstones of Web 3.0 are synonyms and artificial intelligence (AI).


Web 1.0(1989-2005)

也称为静态Web,是1990年代第一个也是最可靠的互联网,但是它只提供对有限信息的访问,几乎没有用户交互。在过去,创建用户页面甚至评论文章都不是一件容易的事,Web1.0 没有筛选互联网页面的算法,这使得用户很难找到相关信息。简而言之,它就像一条单行道,其中有一条狭窄的人行道内容创建由少数人完成,信息主要来自目录。

Also known as static Web, the first and most reliable Internet in the 1990s, it provides only access to limited information, with few users interacting. In the past, it was not easy to create user pages or even comment articles, and Web1.0 did not have an algorithm for filtering Internet pages, making it difficult for users to find relevant information. In short, it was like a one-way street, in which a narrow sidewalk was created by a few people, mainly from a directory.

Web 2.0(2005年至今)

Web 2.0 (2005-present)

由于Javascript、HTML5、CSS3等网络技术的进步,社交网络(Web 2.0)使互联网变得更具交互性。这使得初创公司能够构建交互式网络平台,为社交网络和用户生成的内容生产的蓬勃发展铺平道路,因为数据现在可以在各种平台和应用程序之间分发和共享。在这个互联网时代,这套工具是由许多网络创新者开创的。

Social networking (Web 2.0) has made the Internet more interactive as a result of advances in web technologies such as Javascript, HTML5, and CSS3. This has enabled start-ups to build interactive web platforms that pave the way for the dynamic development of social networks and user-generated content production, as data can now be distributed and shared among various platforms and applications.

Web 3.0(正在到来)

Web 3.0 (ongoing)

Web 3.0是Web演进的下一阶段,它将通过A系统的力量使互联网更加智能或以近乎人类的智能处理信息,这些系统可以运行智能程序来帮助用户。

Web 3.0 is the next stage in the evolution of Web, which will enable the Internet to become more intelligent or to process information with near-human intelligence through the power of System A, which can run smart programs to help users.

Tim Berners-Lee曾说过,语义网旨在“自动”与系统、人员和家庭设备进行交互。因此,内容创建和决策过程将涉及人和机器,这将使智能创建和高度定制的内容,直接分发给每个互联网消费者成为可能。

Tim Berners-Lee has said that semantic networks are designed to interact “automatically” with systems, people and household devices. Thus, content creation and decision-making processes will involve people and machines, which will make it possible to create intelligent and highly customized content and distribute it directly to every Internet consumer.

由于Web 3.0网络将通过去中心化协议(区块链和加密货币技术的基石)运行,未来可以看到Web 3.0,Cryptocurrency和区块链这三种技术,与其他领域之间的强大融合和共生关系。

Since the Web 3.0 network will operate through decentralisation protocols (block chains and cornerstones of cryptographic currency technology), three technologies -- Web 3.0, Cryptocurrence and block chains -- will be visible in the future, with strong integration and symbiotic relationships with other areas.


Main features of Web3.0

要真正了解互联网的下一阶段,我们需要看一下Web 3.0的四个关键特性。

To truly understand the next phase of the Internet, we need to look at four key features of Web 3.0.


1. Universality

普遍性意味着无所不在,从这个意义上说,Web 2.0已经无处不在,例如,Facebook用户可以立即捕获图像并分享它,然后图片变得无处不在。因为任何人都可以使用它,无论他们身在何处,只要他们可以访问社交网络媒体平台。

Universality means ubiquitous. In this sense, Web 2.0 is already everywhere. For example, Facebook users can immediately capture images and share them, and the picture becomes ubiquitous. Because anyone can use it, wherever they are, as long as they can access social networking media platforms.

而Web 3.0更进一步,让每个人都可以随时随地访问互联网。在某些时候,联网设备将不再像 Web 2..0那样集中在计算机和智能手机上,因为loT技术将带来大量新型智能设备。

Web 3.0 goes further, allowing everyone to have access to the Internet at any time. In some cases, networking will no longer be as concentrated on computers and smart phones as Web 2.0, because loT technology will bring a great deal of new kinds of smart equipment.


2. Semantic Network


The terminology to be used in Web will enable machines to decode meanings and emotions by analysing data, and Internet users will gain better experience through enhanced data connections.

它们将通过智能合约实现互操作、无缝集成、自动化,并用于支持从非洲的微交易、抗审查的 P2P数据文件存储和与Filecoin等应用程序共享,到彻底改变每家公司的运营方式。

They will be interoperable, seamlessly integrated, automated through smart contracts and used to support a radical change in the way each company operates, from micro-trading in Africa, anti-censorship P2P data file storage and sharing with applications such as Filecoin.


3. Artificial intelligence

由于Web 3.0机器可以读取和破译一组数据所传达的含义和情感,它带来了智能机器。尽管 Web 2.0提供了类似的功能,但它仍然主要是基于人的,这为有偏见的产品评论、操纵评级等腐败行为开辟了空间。例如,像Trustpilot这样的在线评论平台,为消费者提供了一种评论任何产品或服务的方式。因此,互联网需要人工智能来学习如何区分真假,以提供可靠的数据。

Because the Web 3.0 machine can read and decipher the meaning and emotions conveyed by a set of data, it brings with it a smart machine. Although Web 2.0 provides similar functions, it is still primarily human-based, which opens the way for corrupt practices such as biased product reviews and ratings manipulation. For example, online comment platforms such as Trustpilot provide consumers with a way to comment on any product or service. The Internet therefore requires artificial intelligence to learn how to distinguish truth from falsehood in order to provide reliable data.


4 and 3D graphics

Web 3.0旨在通过革新图形技术来模糊化物理和数字之间的界限,使三维(3D)虚拟世界变得清晰。与2D对应物不同,3D图形不仅在Decentraland等未来游戏应用中,而且在房地产、健康、电子商务等其他领域都带来了新的沉浸感。

Web 3.0 aims to clarify the three-dimensional (3D) virtual world by using innovative graphic technology to blur the boundaries between physics and numbers. Unlike the 2D counterpart, 3D graphics not only bring new immersion in future game applications such as Decentraland, but also in other areas such as real estate, health, e-commerce.


Web3.0 applications

Web 3.0应用程序的一个常见要求,是能够消化大规模信息并将其转化为事实知识,和对用户有用的执行。亚马逊、苹果和谷歌等公司正在构建或拥有将其转变为Internet 3.0应用程序的产品。利用Web 3.0技术的两个应用程序,示例是Siri和Wolfram Alpha。

A common requirement for Web 3.0 applications is the ability to absorb large-scale information and translate it into factual knowledge and useful enforcement for users. Companies such as Amazon, Apple, and Google are building or owning products that transform it into an Internet 3.0 application.

Siri:多年来,Apple的语音控制AI助手自首次出现在iPhone 4S机型中,以来变得更加智能并扩展了其功能。Siri使用语音识别和人工智能,来执行复杂和个性化的命令。

Siri: Over the years, Apple's voice-control AI assistant has become more intelligent and expanded since he first appeared in the iPhone 4S. Siri uses voice recognition and artificial intelligence to execute complex and personalized orders.

Wolfram Alpha:它是一个“计算知识引警”,它通过计算直接回答用户的问题,而不是像搜索引擎那样提供网页列表。

Wolfram Alpha: It is a “calculation knowledge alert”, which answers user questions directly by calculating, rather than providing a list of web pages like a search engine.

当Web 3.0不可避免地到来时,考虑到智能设备已经如何改变了我们的行为模式,互联网将成倍地融入我们的日常生活。

When Web 3.0 inevitably arrives, the Internet will multiply in our daily lives, considering how intelligent devices have changed our behaviour patterns.




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