In a narrow sense, the block chain is a chain of , which is guaranteed by cryptography as an irrevocable and non-forgerable distribution book.
In a broad sense, the block chain is in fact a distributed base structure and calculation that is used to ensure the safety of data transmission and access.
区块链分类 Block Chain Classification 公有 Public 公有区块链(Public Block Chains)是指:世界上任何个体或者团体都可以发送交易,且交易能够获得该区块链的有效确认,任何人都可以参与其共识过程。公有区块链是最早的区块链,也是应用最广泛的区块链,各大bitcoins系列的虚拟数字货币均基于公有区块链,世界上有且仅有一条该币种对应的区块链。 The public block chain (Public Block Chains) means that any individual or group in the world can send a transaction and the transaction can be validly confirmed in the block chain, and anyone can participate in the consensus process. The public block chain is the earliest and the most widely applied block chain, with the largest series of bitcoins virtual based on a public block chain, with the world having and only one of the following. 联合 Union 行业区块链(Consortium Block Chains):由某个群体内部指定多个预选的节点为记账人,每个块的生成由所有的预选节点共同决定(预选节点参与共识过程),其他接入节点可以参与交易,但不过问记账过程(本质上还是托管记账,只是变成分布式记账,预选节点的多少,如何决定每个块的记账者成为该区块链的主要风险点),其他任何人可以通过该区块链开放的API进行限定查询。 The industry block chain (Consortium Block Chains): multiple preselected nodes are designated as bookkeepers within a group, the generation of each block is determined by all preselected nodes (preselection nodes are involved in the consensus process) and other access nodes can be involved in the transaction, although limited queries can be made by any other person through API, which is open in the block chain (in essence or as a trustee, is merely a distributed account, the number of preselected nodes, and how to determine how the booker of each block becomes the main risk point in the block chain). 私有 Private 私有区块链(Private Block Chains):仅仅使用区块链的总账技术进行记账,可以是一个公司,也可以是个人,独享该区块链的写入权限,本链与其他的分布式存储方案没有太大区别。(Dec2015)保守的巨头(传统金融)都是想实验尝试私有区块链,而公链的应用例如bitcoin已经工业化,私链的应用产品还在摸索当中。 Private block chains (Private Block Chains): technology that only uses block chains can be recorded as a company or as individuals, with exclusive rights to write on the block chain, which is not so different from other distributed storage schemes. (Dec2015) Conservative giants (traditional finance) are trying to experiment with private block chains, while public chain applications such as bitcoin are industrialized and private chain applications are still being explored.
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