- 24H最高:¥47.78万
- 24H最低:¥1675.61亿
- 历史最高:2100.0万
- 历史最低:1.82%
- 24H成交额:¥46.42万
- 24H成交量:35.89万
- 最大市值:2100.0万
- 流通市值:2.93%
- 最大发行量:¥53.03万
- 当前发行量:¥9.8万亿
- 流通总量:1971.48万
- 流通率:54.82%
- 24H换手:¥487.69
- 24H波幅:¥9.2万亿
- 市值占比:93.88%
- 发行日期:2009-01-09
In response to the problem of halving by 2024, the creation of
Supply implications: Bitcoin distribution will be halved around April 2024. Despite the income challenges faced by miners in the short term, basic chain activity and positive market restructuring make this reduction fundamentally different.
The situation of miners: Faced with reduced block incentives and high production costs, miners attempt to ease short-term financial pressures by issuing equity/debts and selling reserves to raise funds.
链上活动持续增长:铭文的出现使得链上活动焕发新生,截至 2024 年 2 月,已有超过 5900 万个类似非同质化代币(NFT)的收藏品被铭刻,为矿工带来了超过 2 亿美元的交易费用。预计这一趋势将持续下去,得益于开发者的重新关注和比特币区块链上的持续创新。
Chain-based activity continues to grow: by February 2024, more than 590 million collections of similar non-homogenous tokens (NFTs) had been engraved, with over $200 million in transaction costs for miners. This trend is expected to continue, thanks to the renewed attention of developers and continued innovation in the Bitcoins sector chain.
比特币 ETF 对市场的影响:比特币 ETF 的持续采用可能会显著吸收卖压,潜在地重塑比特币的市场结构,提供新的稳定需求来源,这对价格是积极的。
The impact of the Bitcoin ETF on the market: The continued adoption of the Bitcoin ETF may significantly absorb the pressure, potentially reshape the market structure of the Bitcoin and provide a new source of stable demand, which is positive for prices.
随着我们越来越接近 2024 年的减半,比特币不仅仅依旧活着,它还在进化。随着美国对现货比特币 ETF 的历史性批准和资金流向的变化,比特币市场的结构正在发生变化。在这篇文章中,我们将深入探讨减半的含义、重要性以及对比特币表现的历史影响。然后,我们将检视比特币的当前格局,以及为什么与仅仅一年前相比,情况大不相同。
As we get closer to halving by 2024, bitcoin is not only still alive, but it is evolving. The structure of the Bitcoin market is changing as the US changes its historic approval of spot bitcoin and financial flows.
issue speed control: bitcoin was created through the mining process, which used computers to make complex calculations, validate transactions and maintain the security of the Bitcoin network. Miners who successfully dig up a block receive a certain amount of bitcoin as an incentive.
strang's rule of halving: /span>bitcoin's incentive to mine half of every 210,000 blocks. This means that the number of newly generated bitcoins will be reduced by 50% every four years. For example, in 2009, each block was rewarded by 50 bitcoins, and by the first halving in 2012, the incentive fell to 25 bitcoins, and so on.
strong> supply reduction: directly slows down the supply of New Bitcoin, which has important implications for the market value of Bitcoin. In theory, if demand remains constant, supply reduction will lead to price increases.
strang> investment psychology: is also often seen as an important event that may attract market attention and investors' expectations, which sometimes lead to price fluctuations in bitcoin.
strang> mining economy: has a direct impact on miners' incomes, as a reduction in incentives implies a reduction in their incomes, which may affect miners' business decisions, such as reducing or increasing input from mining equipment.
排名 | 币种 | 最新价格¥ | 24H额¥ | 24H涨幅 | 流通市值¥ | 换手率 | 美元价格 | 操作 |
1 |
¥4.11 | ¥8.07亿 | +0.33% | 20.61亿 | 9.52% | $0.57 | 查看 |
2 |
¥1217.68 | ¥3.56亿 | +0.05% | 1844.53万 | 1.58% | $169.31 | 查看 |
3 |
¥11.51 | ¥42.1亿 | +8.33% | 25.21亿 | 14.51% | $1.6 | 查看 |
4 |
¥58.83 | ¥8.01亿 | -2.45% | 4.65亿 | 2.92% | $8.18 | 查看 |
5 |
¥0.000080 | ¥58.5亿 | -3.42% | 420.69万亿 | 17.45% | $0.000011 | 查看 |
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