Professionally xff0c; block chain xff08; Blockchain) a new application model for computer technology such as distributed data storage, point-to-point transmission, consensus mechanisms, encryption algorithms. The segment chain essence is a decentralised accounting system xff0c; a new technology xff0c; its core is “decentralization”.
Block chain technology does not rely on additional third-party management or hardware facilities xff0c; there is no central control xff0c; apart from self-contained block chains xff0c; self-validation, transmission and management of information is achieved by distributed accounting and storage xff0c; nodes. Decentralization is the most prominent feature of the block chain xff0c;
As long as 51% xff0c of all data nodes cannot be controlled; it is impossible to manipulate and modify network data xff0c; this makes the block chain itself relatively secure xff0c; it avoids subjective data changes. Unlike centralized databases xff0c; the attackers do not have a single entry point xff0c; the data security is more secure xff0c; and it makes block chain technology very secure.
Once you enter the block chain & #xff0c; no information can change xff0c; even the administrator can't change it. Once something appears, you can't change xff0c; this attribute is significant for the changing and rapidly changing online world in which humans are currently living.
The technical basis of the block chain is xff0c of open sources; xff0c of the block chain is open to all, except for private information of the parties to the transaction, which is encrypted; xff0c of the block chain is open to all; anyone can access block chain data and develop related applications xff0c through open interfaces; thus the system information is highly transparent xff0c; information is easily accessible to all nodes in the network.
Because the block chain is decentralised xff0c; it can help point-to-point transactions xff0c; thus xff0c; whether you are trading or exchanging funds xff0c; is not subject to third party approval.
区块链本身就是一个平台,除非有法律规范要求,单从技术上来讲,各区块节点的身份信息不需要公开或验证,信息传递可以匿名进行 。
The block chain itself is a platform & #xff0c; unless there is a legal norm requiring xff0c; xff0c only technically; the identity information of each block node does not need to be publicly available or authenticated xff0c; the information can be transmitted anonymously.
Speaking of block chains & #xff0c; many small partners now think of bitcoin & #xff0c in their first hour; the fire that followed bitcoin #xff0c; even a lot of mothers are talking about block chains & #xff0c; and a lot of technology companies are developing block chains. xff0c; what is the relationship between block chains and bitcoin?#xff1f;
Block chain xff0c; is an important concept of Bitcoin xff0c; it is essentially a decentralised database xff0c; it is also a bottom technology of Bitcoin xff0c; it is a string of data that is linked by cryptography.”
Bitcoin is the first virtual currency in the world to be made of block chain technology xff0c; it is also the virtual currency currently based on block chain technology xff0c; its goal is to value the wealth of the world as a whole in its overall value.
So the block chain is actually a new technology & #xff0c; not just the various virtual currency & #xff0c of the past; it is by no means a quid pro quo & #xff01; it is only an application of the block chain & #xff0c; it is also the type of country that has been hit hard...
Block chains as a relatively sophisticated new technology & #xff0c; concepts are still difficult for many to understand & #xff0c; below, use some plain and easy-to-understand terminology to help you probably understand a fur.
The following is a first look at the interpretation of some of the block chain applications shared on the Central Political and Legal Commission's public number xff1a;
Uploading personal information to block chains & #xff0c; being protected by encryption & #xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; personal information security is no longer a matter of concern xff0c; making sharing more feasible xff1a; education, employment, old age, precision out of poverty, medical health, commodity security, food safety, public goods, social assistance, etc. xff0c; and thus providing more intelligent, easier and better quality services.
Enterprises upload all kinds of information to the block chain xff0c; can make the entire industry chain more transparent xff1a; can refine market demand xff0c; adjust supply xff0c; deepen supply side reforms xff1b; financial institutions can save significant amounts of money on letters xff0c; provide financial services such as loans to enterprises, individuals, insurance xff0c; solve the problems of SME financing xff1b; can save a lot of paper work in the area of trade xff0c; monitor logistics links xff0c; and prevent the occurrence of intermediary fraud.
The barriers to information between systems in various sectors will fully connect xff0c; it will no longer be an information silo xff0c; it will be a cross-sectional, cross-regional common maintenance and use of xff0c; it will promote business co-processing xff0c; it will not only make the government more open xff0c; it will also make the slogan xff0c for people to “run at most” xff0c; and it will become a common practice.
There are many more xff0c sites for block chain applications; the above are only a small part of the media interpretation xff0c; and a number of scenes xff0c; e.g. xff1a;
A lot of people come across the dilemma of proving my mother is my mother #xff0c; having a block chain #xff0c; don't worry about it anymore. Our birth certificates, real estate certificates, marriage certificates, etc. xff0c; need a central node xff0c; you can only admit it. Once xff0c is cross-border; contracts and certificates may fail xff0c; because of the lack of a global node.
区块链技术不可篡改的特性从根本上改变了这一情况,我们的出生证、房产证、婚姻证都可以在区块链上公证,变成全球都信任的东西,当然也可以轻松证明 “我妈是我妈”。
The immutable nature of block chain technology has fundamentally changed this situation xff0c; our birth certificates, real estate certificates, marriage certificates can be notarized on block chains xff0c; become globally trusted xff0c; and, of course, easily prove that my mother is my mother.
Simply put, the block chain is used to create a time-stamped general records repository & #xff0c; thus achieving the purpose of data information that can be extracted from different databases. For example, you go to a hospital & #xff0c; you double-check & #xff0c without a new hospital; you do not have to retort & #xff0c; it saves time and costs.
For example, we often use hand-in-hands, legions, etc., to search for and place single hotels and other services & #xff0c; the platforms from which they are derived. The block chain is used to remove middlemen & #xff0c; to create secure, decentralized ways for service providers and customers & #xff0c; to directly connect and trade.
Block chains can make payments and transactions more efficient and easy. Block chain platforms allow users to create smart contracts that become active when certain conditions are met xff0c; this means that xff0c is released when the parties to the transaction agree to meet their conditions.
If you buy an apple & #xff0c; under block chain technology & #xff0c; you know the whole process from the production of fruit farmers to the flow chain. Here's government regulatory information, professional testing data, quality testing data for businesses, and so on. An intelligent supply chain will make our daily food, the goods we use safer #xff0c; let us be more reassured.
The creator puts his work on the block chain xff0c; someone uses his work xff0c; he knows it immediately. The corresponding royalties are paid automatically to the creator. The block chain technology protects copyright xff0c; helps the creator to sell his work better and more directly to consumers xff0c; and no longer needs the help of the distributors.
众所周知,金融的核心是“信用”体系。谁能解决信用问题,谁就占据了金融的高地。 在传统金融领域,光在信用问题上,就产生了大量的担保、增信机构。比如银行、担保、信托、支付等。
And, for example, xff0c; Ma's dad is more confident about the balance he's developed for people to buy for his treasures. So xff0c; the greatest imagination of the
In short, #xff0c; block chains are a core technology & #xff0c; it is by no means moot currency. In recent years, block chains have progressed rapidly in terms of cross-border payments & #xff0c; it even has the potential to change the hegemonic power of the United States dollar.
Raise a few chestnuts #xff1a;
For example, #xff1a; the boy said to the girl "I love you all my life" and #xff0c; the girl then sent it to her girlfriend, her parents, her circle of friends, the public number, the microblogging group #xff0c; the boy can no longer deny it.
and then xff1a; a village #xfff0c; #xfff0c; #xfff0c; #xfffffk ; and #xffffffft ; #ffffffffffft ; and #fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft....
#xff0c; Zhang San is a centre. All information #xff0c is disseminated through Zhang San. But there are a few problems here #xff1a;
One, Zhang San's question of integrity. There's a chance that Zhang San likes jade flowers #xff0c; but they don't care about three #xff0cs; and then Zhang San's malicious revenge.
2. During transmission & #xff0c; story added salt to vinegar.
When Zhang San told Mom Zhang xff0c; it was cheating... xff0c at 4 o'clock, xff0c; for the sake of beauty xff0c; it became cohabitation. Li 4 told the next village about 7 hours xff0c; added a recent xff0c; xff0c
what if this thing were to be added to the decentralised element of #xff1f;
There's a real-time synchronizing xff0c for everyone in the village; and an automatic backup video player. Assuming that Trisha and Wang are having an affair, xff0c; live by the end camera of this player. Then everyone in the village sees the live video at the same time.
It's not the most #xff0c; it's the automatic backup of every video player #xff0c; Twilight wants to delete this video #xff0c; everyone has to be persuaded...
At this point xff0c; moral hazard at that point xff0c when there is no centralization; and there is no sign of information dissemination. So xff0c; this decentralised accounting system xff0c; this is essentially a credit issue.
Last attached is a relatively burning comic book on the explanation of the “block chain”; read together.
http://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id= 16486281407070787&wfr=spider&for#61;pc
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