I wonder whether investors do not find that Bitcoin's real-time prices differ from one trading platform to another, and that Bitcoin's prices vary from one exchange to another, so that arbitrage occurs on the market. The arbitrage is to derive some benefit from these differentials, depending on the price between the different trading platforms, through low-purchase and high-sale behaviour. Given that bitcoin prices are now less variable across exchanges, it is difficult to make a profit, and many investors abandon this investment model.
The real-time prices of bitcoins vary from exchange to exchange, according to a small banker survey, but the differences are not significant: the following is a real-time screen for bitcoins from and bitcoin's real-time prices:
1. 2、币安交易所中比特币的实时价格为27466.53美元。 2. 不同交易平台的价格不同主要有两个原因: There are two main reasons why different trading platforms have different prices: 第一,每个交易平台都有自己的汇率,这些汇率可能会有所不同; First, each trading platform has its own exchange rate, which may vary; 第二,不同的交易平台拥有不同的买卖盘,这些买卖盘的价格也会有一定的差别。 Second, different trading platforms have different trading boards, and the prices of these boards may vary somewhat. 并且价格不同也受充值、提现速度的影响,有的平台提现速度慢,玩家在该平台就只有进得多,出得少,所以显现在这个平台上的交易价格就会比别家的平台高,而有的平台充值速度慢,供需不平衡,买少卖多,因此价格自然就低了下来。 And price differences are also influenced by the rate at which they are charged, the speed at which they are raised, the slowness at which they are raised, and the fact that the players are only much more in and less out of the platform, so that the transaction price on the platform is higher than on the other platform, while the platform is slow at charging, uneven supply and demand, and less sold, so that prices are naturally lower. 比如A交易所的交易量远远大于B交易所的交易量,交易活跃性也高于B,那么在理想状况下,A的交易所的币种价格要比B交易所的币种价格稳定,因为B交易所平台币的价格可能会受到大庄家控制,价格波动可能就会很大,面临的风险也高,价格自然也就偏高。因此出现同一币种在不同平台的价格不同的现象。这也符合经济学当中常说的商品需求和供给决定了价格。 For example, exchange A deals much more than exchange B and is more dynamic than exchange B, so that, ideally, exchange A prices are more stable than exchange B, because the price of platform B is likely to be controlled by big dealers, and price volatility is likely to be high, with higher risks and higher prices. As a result, prices vary from one currency to another from one platform to another. 并且实时价格有所差异才是正常的,价格是因为不同交易者不断买卖形成的,既然在不同交易所是不同的交易者不断的买和卖,价格不一致才是正常情况,之所以出现价格不断偏离然后回归一致,甚至偏离不超过千2,就是因为套利程序导致的。 Moreover, differences in real-time prices are normal, as prices are created by the constant buying and selling of different traders on different exchanges, and price inconsistencies are normal, and price deviations are repeated and then consistent, and even deviations of no more than 1,000 are due to arbitrage procedures. 下面币圈子小编为大家介绍币圈投资者常用的三大主流比特币交易软件: Here are three main bitcoin trading software that are commonly used by currency-based investors: 1、币安 Binance 1. Currency 币安(点此注册),国际领先的区块链数字资产国际站,向全球提供广泛的数字货币交易、区块链教育、区块链项目孵化、区块链资产发行平台、区块链研究院以及区块链公益慈善等服务,目前用户覆盖全球180多个国家和地区,以140万单/秒的核心内存撮合技术,是全球加密货币交易速度最快的平台之一,也是全球加密货币交易量最大的平台之一。 Currency security (点击注册)面向全球用户提供比特币、以太坊等多种加密数字资产的现货、衍生品交易及金融产品等服务,帮助用户方便快捷地管理和投资加密数字资产;Web3
Ventures已在全球投资了数百个区块链项目,推动加密经济的繁荣。 3、火币 Huobi 3, 火必全球专业站,是火必集团旗下服务于全球专业交易用户的创新数字资产国际站,致力于发现优质的创新数字资产投资机会,目前提供四十多种数字资产品类的交易及投资服务,总部位于新加坡,由火必全球专业站团队负责运营。火必集团是一家具有全球竞争力与影响力的数字资产综合服务商,为超过130个国家百万级用户提供优质服务。在新加坡、香港、韩国、日本等多个国家和地区均有独立的交易业务和运营中心。在技术平台、产品支线、安全风控体系、运营及客户服务体系等方面,火必集团在全球均处于领先地位。
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