There is no doubt that the meta-cosm is the most fashionable topic in the capital markets of the time, that Facebook has turned its company into a meta-cosm connection, and that Nike, who can't hit the meta-cosm, has to rub the heat of the meta-cosm, pull the value.
Unfortunately, the realization of the meta-cosmos is far from being realized with the current technological capabilities of mankind. It also means that all the companies that hang on to the meta-cosmos can only, "I'm ticking, I'm not going in."
And Yin Weida, probably a very small number of companies that really benefit from the universe.
There's a story about the discovery of gold mines somewhere in the United States, and the crowding of gold-diggers everywhere.
But in the end, it is not these gold miners who make the most money, but smart people who sell water next to the gold mines.
Ying Wei Da is the smart man who sells water to Won-seok.
The digital environment created by the meta-cosm must be accessed through virtual reality tools that rely on high-performance processors. Welda is expected to be the main beneficiary and supplier.
目前,英伟达已宣布推出了Omniverse Avatar(全宇宙虚拟化身)和Ominiverse Replicator(全宇宙复制器),旨在向传媒娱乐,建筑、产品设计 、科学运动和仿真、自动驾驶、工业机器人等六大领域的元宇宙建设做出贡献。
At present, Weida has announced the launch of Omniverse Avatar and Ominiverse Replicator, which are designed to contribute to the construction of meta-cosmos in six major areas: media entertainment, architecture, product design, scientific campaigns and simulations, autopilots, industrial robots, etc.
At the Developers Assembly at the beginning of this year, Ying Wei Da made a great wave of muscles.
At the Developer's Congress, the founder, Wong In-hoon, was suddenly deconstructed by elements, and then continued to preside over the Developer's Congress, a “virtual yellow” fully aligned with the real person.
In November of this year, Ying Wei Da launched another “old toy yellow” with an astronomical and geo-sophisticated picture of the company's technological accumulation of virtual characters.
At the moment, Weida is close to a full set of services to build the meta-cosm, from the bottom chip design, algorithm setting, to AI training, to build the world. Although the meta-cosm is still a concept-only prototype, at least in this prototype, Weeda is far ahead.
Of course, the challenge for Yveita is not missing.
As the founder of the company, Wong In-hoon, said, Ying Wei Da, “Twenty days away from closing forever”, is being surrounded by “a giant enterprise that pursues the same great opportunity”.
在英伟达的老本行业务游戏显卡上,AMD卷土重来推出了完全不输给英伟达的RX 6000系显卡。苹果也从来不是省油的水果,其最新发布的CPU图形性能,可以在功耗大幅降低的情况下接近30系高端显卡水平。
The AMD rolls back to the RX 6000 card that was never lost to Yveta. Apples have never been oil-saving fruit, and their most recently released CPU graphics have been able to approach 30 high-end card levels in the event of a significant reduction in productivity.
These great competitors will pose a continuing challenge to our future business.
In addition, inflation continues to be high, and the Fed is likely to start raising interest rates quickly, with adverse effects on such science and technology units as British Weida.
When interest rates begin to rise, high-growth stocks, such as science and technology, are the most vulnerable to shocks, as many of their valuations are based on expectations of significant future profits, while analysts use current market rates to discount future gains. The higher the interest rates, the lower the discounted present value.
This explains why America’s technology plates have been sold collectively since the beginning of the year. Investors fear that, as interest rates rise, the very high valuations of many of the stars’ technology shares are unsustainable.
Is Ying Wei-Da still attractive?
To answer that question, let us first look at the fundamentals of the company's performance in recent years.
In the last eight quarters, the average increase in revenue was 57 per cent.
For the past five years, per share has consistently exceeded the analyst's expectations.
Ten consecutive quarterly harvests exceeded expectations.
The above excellent business data are welcome and, despite the challenges posed by the outlook for interest increases, British Weida has the capacity to open up new market opportunities.
In addition to the meta-cosmos operations detailed above, there have been breakthroughs in cloud computing, artificial intelligence, robotic automation, mobile computing, object networking and encrypted currency mining.
Invelda VS. Value level of the same stock
As noted earlier, Yveita has long-term growth potential, but does not have an advantage over competitors in valuation. Some of the Unit’s indicators are even double those of other units, as shown in the table below:
The above indicators show that the current valuation of the British Virgin Islands is relatively “expensive” and that, together with the risk of interest rate increases, the short-term picture appears to be complex.
It would be preferable to wait for the valuation ratio to be adjusted to a more basic level and then to be fielded when relevant catalysts and signals emerge.
{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}I'm trying to get rid of the short line.
In the recent adjustment process, the stock price of Yvetteda continued to move down, currently 18% below the 343-year-old peak that was reached a month and a half ago. The first step to stop the rebound was to stand at 271.30.
It continues to be revised to further drop to 230.30 and 195.55 below the level 256.30. If returned above 271.30, the initial target will be up to 298 (50-day mean and short-term downward trend line in place).
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