Servlet 3.0 之 Web应用

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一个Web应用是一个Web服务器上众多资源的集合,它包括了servlets,HTML页面,类,和其它组成一个完整应用的资源。Web应用可以被捆绑和运行在来自多个供应商的多种容器上。A Web application is a pool of...



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A Web application is a pool of many resources on a Web server that includes servlets, HTML pages, classes, and other resources that make up a full application. Web applications can be tied and run on multiple containers from multiple suppliers.


In a Web server, a Web application uses a specified path as a root directory. For example, a classification application can be located at ".
all requests with this prefix will be routed to ServletContext for application on behalf of the classification.

一个servlet能够为Web应用的自动构建建立规则。比如,~user/映射能够被用来映射到一个位于/home/user/public_html/ 的Web应用。

For example, the map of /user/ can be used to map a Web application at /home/user/public_html/.


By default, a moment when a Web application is applied must run on a VM at any given time. If this application is marked as distributed through its descriptor, the action can be rewritten. Applications marked as distributed must follow more restrictive rules than different Web applications.


A servlet container must ensure a one-to-one correspondence between a Web application and a ServletContext. An ServletContext object provides a servlet with an application view.


A Web application must contain the following items:

  • Servlets
  • JSP页面
  • Utility Classes
  • 静态文件(HTML,Image,sounds,etc.)
  • 客户端Java applets,beans和类
  • 黏合上述元素的描述符元信息


This norm defines a hierarchy for deployment and packaging that can exist in an open document system, in an archive document or in other forms.

比如,对于一个Web容器中用/catalog上下文路径的一个Web应用,在Web应用层次的基目录,或者在一个META-INF/resources目录下包含index.html,WEB-INF/lib中的JAR文件中的index.html可以用来满足来自/catalog/index.html的请求。如果一个index.html文件同时出现在根上下文中和应用的WEB-INF/lib目录里的JAR文件中的META-INF/resources目录里,那么根上下文中的文件必须被使用。匹配URLs到上下文路径的规则在章节Mapping Requests Servlets中。由于应用的上下文路径决定了Web应用的内容的的URL命名空间,web容器必须拒绝定义了会在URL命名空间中引起潜在冲突的上下文路径的应用。比如,通过用相同上下文路径部署第二个Web应用就会出现这种情况。由于请求会按照大小写敏感方式被映射到资源,潜在冲突的决定也必须对大小写敏感。
一个特殊目录存在于名字为WEB-INF的应用层级中。这个目录包含了所有不在应用文档根目录的应用相关的东西。大多数WEB-INF 节点并不是应用的公开文档树的一部分。除了静态资源和打包在WEB-INF/lib目录中的JAR文件中META-INF/resources中的JSPs,包含在WEB-INF目录中的其它文件不会被容器直接暴露给客户端。然而,WEB-INF目录的内容对ServletContext上使用getResourcegetResourceAsStream方法调用的servlet代码可见,并且可以使用RequestDispatcher方法调用来暴露。因此,如果应用开发者需要从servlet代码中访问应用那些不直接暴露给客户端的详细配置信息,他可以把它们放到这个目录下面。由于请求会以大小写敏感的方式被映射到资源,比如,客户端对/WEB-INF/foo/WEb-iNf/foo的请求不应该获得位于/WEB-INF目录下以及任何形式的目录列表的Web应用的内容。

A Web application exists with a structured level directory under a META-INF/resources directory containing index. WEB-INF/lib, as part of the application. For example, a Web application in a Web container using /catalog background path, at the Web level of application, or at the META-INF/resources directory containing an index. , as part of the net/Wemsnet/Wem> directory, the use of the directory and the use of the directory


The table of contents of WEB-INF reads as follows:

  • /WEB-INF/web.xml部署描述符
  • 放servlet和utility classes的/WEB-INF/classes/目录。这个目录下的类必须能让应用的类加载器访问到。
  • 放JAVA归档文件的/WEB-INF/lib/.jar*的区域。这些文件包含servlets,beans,打包在JAR中的JSPs和静态资源,以及对Web应用有用的utility类。Web应用的类加载器必须能够从任何归档文件中加载类。


The Web application loader must first load a class from WEB-INF/classes and then load a class from JARs in the WEB-INF/lib directory. With the exception of static resources packaged in JAR files, any request from a client to access resources in the WEB-INF/ directory must return a response with a 404 status code.

  1. 应用目录结构的例子

    Examples of application of directory structure
    : The following is a list of all files in the application of Example Web:


Web应用能使用标准的Java归档工具被打包进Web ARchive format(WAR)文件中。比如,对于问题跟踪的一个应用可能被分布在叫做issuetrack.war的归档文件中。

Web applications that use standard Java archive tools are packaged into Web ARchiveformat(WAR) files. For example, an application for problem tracking may be distributed in a file called issuetrack.war.

当打包进这种形式中,将会出现一个META-INF目录,它包含了对Java 归档工具很有用的信息。这个目录一定不能被容器直接作为内容来响应一个Web客户端的请求,尽管它的内容可以通过ServletContext上的getResourcegetResourceAsStream调用对servlet代码可见。任何访问META-INF目录下的资源的请求必须返回带404状态码的response。

When packaged in this form, there will be a directory of META-INF, which contains information useful for Java's archiving tool. This directory must not be used directly by a container to respond to a request from a Web client, although its contents can be found on ServletContext via getresource and >em>getresourceAsstream to match the servlet code. Any request for access to resources under the META-INF directory must return to response with a 404 status code.


Web Applied Deployment Descriptors contain the following configuration types and deployment information:

  • ServletContext初始化参数
  • Session Configuration
  • Servlet/JSP定义
  • Servlet/JSP映射
  • MIME类型映射
  • Welcome File list
  • Error Pages
  • Security
  1. 扩展上的依赖


Applied developers need to know which extensions are to be installed in a Web packaging, and the packaging needs to know which of the WARs relies on the servlets to have these reservoirs in order to retain compatibility.

依赖这个扩展的应用开发者必须在WAR文件中提供一个META-INF/MANIFEST.MF入口,这个入口列出了WAR需要的所有扩展。manifest入口的格式应该遵循标准JAR manifest格式。在Web应用的部署期间,Web容器必须遵循下列规则,给应用配上正确的扩展版本。

Applications developers relying on this extension must provide an META-INF/MANIFEST.MF entry in the WAR document, which lists all the extensions required by the WAR. The format of the manifest entry should follow the standard JAR manifest format. During the deployment of Web applications, Web packagings must follow the following rules for the correct extension of the application.

Web容器必须能够识别这样的声明依赖,它们被写在WAR里面WEB-INF/lib 目录入口下的任意类库JARs的manifest入口里。

Web packagings must be able to recognize the reliance on such declarations, which are written in any library of JARs' entry under the WAR directory at WEB-INF/lib.


If a Web container does not satisfy the stated reliance in this mode, it should reject the application with a false message.

  1. Web应用类加载器
    容器使用来从WAR里加载一个servlet的类加载器必须允许开发者使用getResource并遵循普通Java SE机制来加载WAR里面的库JARs里的任意资源。如Java EE license协议描述的,不是Java EE产品一部分的servlet容器不应该允许应用来重写Java SE平台不允许被修改的类,比如在java.和javax.命名空间里面的类。容器不应该允许应用来重写或者访问容器的实现类。


A server replaces an application with a new version without reopening the container. When an application is replaced, the container should provide a powerful way to retain the session data in the application.

  1. 请求属性
  • 被容器创建的未包装过的原始request和response对象被传递给这个servlet或者JSP页面。
  • 如果RequestDispatcher.forward已经被执行,请求路径和属性被设置给错误资源。
  • Table中的请求属性必须被设置:
    Table 请求属性和它们的类型
Request Attribute Type
javax.servlet.error.status_code java.lang.Integet
javax.servlet.error.exception_type java.lang.Class
javax.servlet.error.message java.lang.String
javax.servlet.error.exception java.lang.Throwable
javax.servlet.error.request_uri java.lang.String
javax.servlet.error.servlet_name java.lang.String


These properties allowservlet to produce specific content based on the status code, the unusual type, the error information, the transfer of the unusual object, the URI of the request of the wrong servlet, and the logical name of the wrong servlet.
leads the abnormal object to the attribute list of the regulation in version 2.3, where the unusual type and the error information properties are superfluous. They are retained to be compatible backwards with the previous version of API.

  1. 错误页面


If the sendError method is called on response, the container will find a list of the wrong pages using the status-code syntax and trying to match the statement for Web. If there is a match, the container returns the resources indicated at the matching position entry.


A servlet or filter may have dropped the following anomalies during a request:

  • 运行时异常或者错误
  • ServletException或者其子类
  • IOException或者其子类

Web应用可以使用exception-type元素声明错误页面。这种情况下,容器通过对比抛出的异常和使用exception-type 定义的错误页面列表来匹配异常。一个匹配会让容器返回在位置入口指明的资源。类层次结构中最近的匹配会生效。

The Web application can use the exception-type element to declare the wrong page. In this case, the container matches the anomaly by comparing the abnormalities thrown out and by using the wrong page list defined by excep-type. A matching allows the container to return to the resources specified at the location entrance. The most recent matching in the class hierarchy will be effective.


If there is no exception-type statement error-page that matches the level of use and ejects an anomaly that is ServletException or its sub-class, the packaging acquires a packaged anomaly, as defined by the ServletException.getRootCause method.


The wrong page using the extition-type element in the deployment descriptor must be unique to the exception-type class name. Similarly, the wrong page using the status-code* element must be unique to the status code in the deployment descriptor.


When called using the method RequestDispatcher or filter.doFilter, the error page mechanism does not interfere with when the error occurs. Under this approach, a filter or servlet using RequestDispatcher has the opportunity to process the error.


If an error is made by a server that is not handled by the error page mechanism described above, the packaging must ensure that a response with a status code of 500 is sent.


The default servlet and the container will send 4xx and 5x status response using the send Error method, so the error mechanism can be called. The default servlet and the container will use setStatus for 2x3x, and will not call the wrong page mechanism.

如果应用正在使用上述Asynchronous processing的异步操作,应用负责处理应用创建的线程中的所有错误。容器可以通过AsyncContext.start处理线程中的错误。为了处理AsyncContext.dispatch期间的出现的错误,参考“在dispatch方法执行期间可能出现的任何错误或异常必须被容器捕获和处理”。

If the anthropological operation of Asynchronous processing above is being applied, all errors in the thread created by the application will be handled. The packaging can handle errors in the thread through AsyncContext.start. In order to deal with errors that occurred during the period AsyncContext.dispatch, reference is made to “any errors or anomalies that may occur during the execution of dispatch

  1. 错误Filters


WebApplication Developers can define an orderly list of deployment descriptors in Web that are called welcome files. The deployment descriptors for this list are described in the application of deployment descriptors in Web below.


When the URL corresponding to the directory entry to which the WR file is requested is not mapped to the Web component, the mechanism is designed to allow developers to specify an orderly list of parts of the URIs that are used to add to the URIs to the packaging.

一个欢迎文件index.html能够被定义,以便对host:port/webapp/directory/ 的请求会返回host:port/webapp/directory.index.html 给客户端。上述的directory是WAR中的一个入口,而没有被映射到一个servlet或者JSP页面。

Please refer to the following generic example:
A welcoming document index.html
can be defined so that requests for host:port/webapp/directory/ return to host:port/webapp/directory.index.html for the client. above is a portal to WA and is not mapped to a server or JP page.


If a Web container receives a valid partial request, the Web container must check the list of welcome files defined as those in the deployment profile. The list of welcome files is an orderly list of parts of URIs that do not have a tail or lead '/'. The Web server must add each welcome file to the request in the order in which the deployment profile is placed and check whether the static resources in WAR are mapped to that request URI. If no map is found, the Web server must again add each welcome file to the request in the order in which the deployment profile is located, and check whether the server is visible to the request URI. The Web container must send the request to the first WR matching resource. The container may send the request to the welcome resource in a way that is either forward, or redact, or a detailed mechanism different from the direct request.


If a matching welcome file is not found in the manner described above, the container can handle the request in the appropriate manner that it can find. For some configurations, this means returning a list of directories or other configurations to 404 response.


Consider such a Web application:

  • 部署描述符列出了下列欢迎文件
  • WAR中的静态内容
  • /foo 将会被重定向到/foo/
  • /foo/ 将会被重定向到/foo/index.html
  • /catalog 将会被重定向到/catalog/
  • /catalog/ 将会被重定向到/catalog/default.jsp
  • /catalog/index.html 将会引发一个404 not found
  • /catalog/products 将会被重定向到/catalog/products/
  • /catalog/products/会被传递给默认servlet,如果有默认servlet。如果没有匹配的默认servlet,请求可能引发一个404 not found,也可能引发一个包含shop.jsp 和register.jsp** 的目录列表,或者可能引发被容器定义的其它行为。
  • 上述所有的静态内容能够和上述打包在jar文件META-INF/resources目录里列出的内容一起被打包进JAR文件中。

不属于Java EE兼容实现的Servlet容器被提倡(但不是必须)实现"Web Application Environment and Java EE specification"中描述的应用环境功能。如果它们没有实现要求支持这个环境的功能,在部署依赖它们的应用时,容器应该发出一个警告。

Servlet containers that are not Java EE compatible are promoted (but not required to) achieve the application environmental functions described in "Web Application Environment and Java EE Specialization". If they do not perform the functions required to support the environment, the packaging should give a warning when deploying applications that depend on them.


When a web application is deployed in a container, the following steps must be carried out sequentially before the web application starts processing client requests.

  • 给每个在部署描述符中<listener>元素定义的事件监听器实例化一个实例。
  • 为实现了ServletContextListener的监听者实例,调用contextInitialized()方法。
  • 给部署描述符中<filter>元素定义的每一个filter实例化一个实例,并调用每个filter实例的init()方法。


If a web application does not contain any Servlet, Filter, or listening components, or the same component as an annotated component, the application does not require the inclusion of a web.xml. In other words, an application that contains only static files or a JP page does not require a web.xml.

翻译自 Java Servlet Specification

Translating from Java ServerSpecification

Version 3.0 Rev a
Author:Rajiv Mordani
Date: December 2010




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