深入浅出区块链 #1 入门&基础概念辨析

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xff0c from public data collection and processing; used only for notebooks xff0c; deleted if tort link.

Blockchain 是什么?:正在兴起的交易服务平台;使用密码学算法防篡改的账簿;共享帐簿 (Shared Ledger): 解决分布式环境中多方参与的互信问题 (业务处理中由于信用不连续导致的冲突和摩擦)。

Blockchain what xff1f; xff1a; emerging trading services platform xff1b; xff1b; xff1b against tampering using cryptography algorithms; shared book & #xff08; Shared Ledger) xff08; #xff08; br/> xff08; in the area of information security and financial science and technology xff09;

区块链(Blockchain) 是指通过 去中心化和去信任的方式集体维护一个可靠数据库的技术方案。通俗一点说,区块链技术就指一种全民参与记账的方式。所有的系统背后都有一个数据库,你可以把数据库看成是就是一个大账本。那么谁来记这个账本就变得很重要。目前就是谁的系统谁来记账,微信的账本就是腾讯在记,淘宝的账本就是阿里在记。但现在区块链系统中,系统中的每个人都可以有机会参与记账。在一定时间段内如果有任何数据变化,系统中每个人都可以来进行记账,系统会评判这段时间内记账最快最好的人,把他记录的内容写到账本,并将这段时间内账本内容发给系统内所有的其他人进行备份。这样系统中的每个人都了一本完整的账本。这种方式,我们就称它为区块链技术。

block chain & #xff08; Blockchain) refers to a technical program for collective maintenance of a reliable database by means of decentralizing and detrusting . A popular phrase & #xff0c; block chain technology refers to a method of participatory accounting. All systems have a database xff0c; everyone in the system has the opportunity to be involved in recording it if there is any data change xff0c; everyone in the system can record the account xff0c; in the system 0xx0x


The block chain is a distributed database & #xff0c; it is a series of data blocks & #xff0c that are associated with cryptography; each data block contains a network transaction information & #xff0c; it is used to verify the validity of its information and to generate the next block.

Blockchain技术是一种因为Bitcoin而出名的设计模式,但它的用途更加广泛。比特币(Bitcoin) 是目前最大的区块链应用。它是一种点对点的电子现金系统,基于密码学原理(如Hash, 数字签名, 加解密等)而不基于信用,使得任何达成一致的双方能够直接进行支付,不需要第三方中介的参与。

Blockchai technology is a famous design model for Bitcoin & #xff0c; it is more widely used. Bitcoin & #xff08; Bitcoin) it is currently the largest block chain application. It is a point-to-point electronic cash system , it is based on cryptography & #xff08; for example, Has, digital signatures, decrypting & #xff09; it is not based on credit & #xff0c; it enables any parties to agree to pay directly xff0c; it does not require the involvement of third-party intermediaries.


literally : block chains are a chain xff0c, which is made up of a small block chain of recording information of various kinds ; similar to the one that we folded a brick up xff0c; xff0c, which can not be broken; each brick also contains information xff0c; xff1a; xff0c; xff0c when folded; xff0c; what body the brick uses, etc. xff0c; this information cannot be changed.


views : on computers; block chains are a more special distributed database . The distributed database is to separate data information into each computer xff0c; the stored information is consistent xff0c; if one or two computers are broken xff0c; the information is not lost xff0c; you can also view it on other computers.


Block chains are distributed databases & #xff0c; so it is & #xff0c without a central point; information is stored in all nodes added to the block chain network & #xff0c; node data are synchronized. Nodees can be a server & #xff0c; laptop & #xff0c; mobile phones, etc. The data stored at nodes are identical.

意义:Blockchain 会从根本上改变我们做生意的方式。有极大可能性使得有多方参与商业网络转型,从而明显地降低成本和风险,并进行业务模式创新。

meaning & #xff1a; Blockchain will fundamentally change the way we do business. There is a great possibility that commercial network will be involved in transformation #xff0c; thus significantly reducing costs and risks xff0c; and creating business model innovations.


xff0c; gained a great deal of security at the expense of a little efficiency. First, there is no central large account book xff0c; so it cannot be destroyed. Each node is only part of the system xff0c; each node is equal xff0c; every node is identical. The destruction of part of the node has no effect on the system. Second xff0c; there is no means of cheating xff0c; unless you can control the computers of most people in the system xff0c; otherwise the system will decide what is the real result by reference to the majority's opinion xff0c; the result will be that the modification of its book is completely meaningless xff08; because everyone does not recognize #xff09; its sub#xff0c; there is no centralized intermediary xff0c; allowing everything to run automatically through predefined procedures xff0c; it will not only significantly reduce costs xff0c; it will also improve efficiency.


section chains have the main advantage of not requiring intermediaries, efficient and transparent processes and low cost and highly secure data.

“过去的20多年,互联网使得个人和组织能够更有效地进行商业和社会活动。 然而个人和组织相互之间进行交易易基本模式并没有改变。 Blockchain 可以带给那些流程更多的开放性和效率,正如我们在互联网时代所期待的那样。” —Arvind Krishna, Senior VP, IBM Research

“For the last 20 years xff0c; the Internet has enabled individuals and organizations to conduct business and social activities more effectively, but the basic mode of ease of dealing between individuals and organizations has not changed. Blockchain can bring more openness and efficiency to those processes xff0c; as we expected in the Internet age.” Arvind Krishna, Senior VP, IBM Research.


Block chains are most important in resolving the issue of intermediary credit. In the past, xff0c; xff0c; it is difficult for two people who do not know and trust each other to work together; it is necessary to rely on third parties. For example, payment acts xff0c; in the past, any kind of transfer xff0c; there must be a bank or a payment bond. But through block chain technology xff0c; bitcoin is the first time that humanity has achieved xff0c without any intermediary involvement; and it is a major breakthrough in the chain.


Trust relationships & #xff1a; trust from to group trust to group trust trust in the individual < > ; a Trick is xff1a; trust in a single individual with insufficient credit xff0c; trust in a single individual with insufficient credit #xff0c; trust in an individual with enough credit #xff08; #xff09; trust in the “human person” in a real society xff0c; bank is an individual with sufficient credit xff08; centre xff09; credit intermediary #s, etc.


Block chain technology is the bottom technology of Bitcoin & #xff0c; not much attention was paid to bitcoin's bottom technology at an early stage. But when bitcoin is not run and managed by any central agency & #xff0c; it has been running very steadily for years & #xff0c; and there have been no problems. So many people have noticed & #xff0c; the bottom technology may be a very large mechanism & #xff0c; it may not only be used in bitcoin; it may be applied in many areas. So it can be extracted abstractly from bitcoin technology xff0c; known as block chain technology #xff0c; or distributed account technology. So from one perspective & #xff0c; bitco can be seen as the first application of block chains & #xff0c; and the sector chains are more similar to those of TCP/IP #xff0c; it can be expanded to a growing number of industries.


First, the financial sector is currently facing high financial control thresholds as a result of the single point failure and systemic risks layers of auditing are needed to control financial risks xff0c; but this also results in high internal costs of ; and significant cost reductions in real financial systems as a result of increasing regulatory regulations xff0c; xff0c


In addition, for historical reasons xff0c; leading traditional financial institutions to rely on a central clearing house for their settlement and liquidation; and the resulting inefficiency. Traditional cross-border settlements are based on the adoption of institutions such as SWIFT xff0c; so transnational wire transfers are often calculated by day. But Bitcoin xff0c when using block chain technology xff0c; xff0c when there is no central operating agency at all; seven years of perfect operation xff0c; not only real-time settlement and settlement xff0c; and there has been no accounting error. So ff0c; if all financial systems are able to achieve decentralized real-time settlement and settlement xff0c; not only will greatly improve global financial efficiency xff0c; and thus change the global financial landscape.

比特币中的"挖矿"实际上就是记账的过程,比特币的运算采用了一种称为"工作量证明(Proof of Work,PoW)“的机制,系统为了找出谁有更强大的计算能力,每次会出一道数学题,只有最快解出这道题目的计算机才能进行记账。而抢到记账权的计算机会获得25个比特币的奖励。通常把这个行为称为"挖矿”,把获得的比特币视为挖矿成功获得的奖励。

34 in Bitcoin; mining 34; actually the process of bookkeeping xff0c; Bitcoin's operation used a name 34; workload proof xff08; Proof of Work, PoW) “Mechanisms xff0c; systems to find out who has greater computing power xff0c; mathematical questions xff0c per time; only computers with the fastest possible resolution of the subject xff0c; computers with the right to bookkeeping are rewarded with 25bits.

并非所有的区块链项目都会采用类似于比特币这样的"工作量证明"方式,这更多出现在早期的区块链项目中。如果采取其他的证明机制,如"权益证明(Proof of Stake,PoS)"、"股份授权证明机制(DPoS,Delegate Proof of Stake)"都是不需要采取这样的挖矿方式。

Not all block chain projects use 34; workload certification & #34; mode xff0c; this is more evident in earlier block chain projects. If other certification mechanisms are adopted xff0c; e.g. #34; certificate of interest xff08; Proof of Stake, PoS) 34; share authorization mechanisms xff08; DPoS, Delegate Proof of Stake #xff09; and #34; all do not need such mining.


Block chains and large data relationships are not very large. Big data are mainly about managing big data xff0c; and at the heart of block chains are about achieving high security and reliability of data without centralizing intermediaries. So block chains and big data do not conflict with each other xff0c; they do not replace xff0c; they are entirely different solutions for data in different contexts.


Cloud computing is usually defined as the provision of dynamic and easy-extensible resources via the Internet, often virtual xff0c; however, cloud computing platforms are often provided by a central institution. The network of block chains is generally not a specific institution xff0c; so block chains are closer to the definition of distributed computing systems xff0c; they are one of the distributed calculations. However xff0c; block chains are xff0c capable of achieving cloud storage; unlike the current centralized provision of cloud storage space xff0c; block chains have a number of cloud storage options that provide decentralized storage. Such projects include Stotjxff0c; Siaff0c; Maidsafe.


The block chain is not a specific software xff0c; it is like 34; the database 34; it is a three-word expression xff0c; it is a design idea for a particular technology. It can be achieved in most languages xff0c; and there are many ways in which it can be achieved. And the block chain technology is currently developing rapidly xff0c; xff0c in relative terms; the current technical design of the block chain is still relatively simple xff0c; it may become more complex in the future.


is xff0c > open to anyone; everyone can participate in calculating xff0c in this block chain; and anyone can download complete block chain data xff08; full account book xff09; but there are blocks where application xff0c; no one can be expected to participate in the system xff0c; anyone can look at all data xff0c; only permitted nodes can participate and see all data. This block chain structure we call private chain /font >.


means that the rights to participate in each node are fully reciprocal xff0c; a credible exchange of data can be achieved without the need for complete mutual trust xff0c; the banking block chain alliance of R3 is a typical union chain.


But with the rapid development of block chain technology xff0c; it is not excluded that the boundaries of subsequent public and private chains will become blurred. Because each node can have more complicated reading and writing privileges xff0c; a node with perhaps partial rights will develop xff0c for all; and a node with partial bookkeeping or core rights can only be opened to permitted node xff0c; that will no longer be a pure public or private chain.


At present, block chain technology is at a very early stage xff0c; not only is there yet a uniform technical standard xff0c; and various technical options are developing rapidly. But systems that were previously considered to be based on block chain technology will be resource-intensive xff08; issues such as Bitcoin xff09; xff0c; or system processing data limitations in block chain technology have been technologically breakthroughs. But xff0c; scalability for block chain technology xff0c; have not been tested on a large scale xff0c; and are still mainly at the prototype design stage.


If there is no quantitative analysis of the real benefits to us of using block-chain technology & #xff0c; including savings and value created & #xff0c; then the financial sector will remain relatively cautious in the short term. After all & #xff0c; infrastructure investment in global finance now exceeds several trillion & #xff0c; a new financial architecture and bottom operating system will need to be supported by real data.


In addition, the block chain industry is extremely short of talent xff0c; lacks a large number of people who know both the block chain technology xff0c; xff0c; markets are struggling to find people who can connect the two worlds xff0c; there is a need to be able to xff0c in the real world; to make block chain technology xff0c in the capital market; and to achieve better functionality. There is a need to build a new system based on block chain technology xff0c; there is certainly a need for such a cross-border talent.


Smart Contracts is a contract where replaces legal language to record clauses in computer languages. Smart contracts can be executed automatically by a computing system. If block chains are a database & #xff0c; smart contracts are applications that can be used to apply block chain technology to reality. Traditional contracts are generally not directly related to the computer code that executes the content of the contract. Paper contracts are, in most cases, archived xff0c; software implements contract terms in the form of computer codes. The potential benefits of smart contracts include reducing the cost of contracting, enforcing and regulating xff1b; xff0c; thus xff0c; for many low-value transactions xff0c; this is a significant reduction in human costs.


If the central bank can issue the French currency xff0c through a block chain, it can also do so through smart contract technology xff0c; embed the code in the act of issuing the French currency xff0c; this part of the coin can be called 34; programming currency #34; e.g. xff0c; if the central bank assigns a portion of the money to an agricultural-related account xff0c; then it can write that part into the corresponding procedure xff0c; assigns that part only to an agricultural-related account xff0c; then this part of the money may not be diverted to other accounts under any circumstances. If most of the money becomes 34; programming money 34; xff0c; then we can imagine xff0c; their financial environment becomes 34; programable finance34; #34; #34.


There is basically nothing to do with xff0c; unless it is prepared to start a business. The relationship with TCP/IP and ordinary people xff0c; there is no need for ordinary people to know what the TCP/IP at the bottom of the Internet xff0c; it is simply to enjoy the services provided by the Internet.


No. Bitcoin itself is a payment system & #xff0c; so it needs a tool for value measurement & #xff0c; so it needs to be rewarded by bitcoin. In some private chains xff0c; in some systems strang > special assets can be designed to trade xff0c; and each node must be involved in calculating #xff0c; this is also their right #xff0c; so there is no need to consider incentives to encourage them to participate xff0c; so there may no longer be a need to design a currency in such systems.


Bitcoin has always been completely legal in the major world powers xff0c; including China. Misdirected by some bad media xff0c; led many people to think that China had declared Bitcoin illegal. In fact xff0c; according to xff0c of December 5, 2013 issued by five ministries, such as the People’s Bank of China; explicitly stated xff0c; Bitcoin is a specific virtual commodity xff0c; ordinary people have the freedom to participate with their own risks.


All digital currencies, including Bitcoin, currently have a high risk of , block chain technology itself at the start-up stage & #xff0c; all block chain projects also have very high risks. No ordinary person is recommended to invest in any digital currency and block chain-related items. And the digital currency and block chain have a certain technical threshold xff0c; ordinary people cannot distinguish between real items xff0c; which are distribution items. So ordinary people suggest not to invest in any of these items.


Most block chains are in the start-up phase xff0c; mostly overseas xff0c; very few good block chain projects in the country xff0c; so no unprofessional investment block chain projects are recommended. If there is interest in block chain technology xff0c; if there is a technical or financial background xff0c; it is suggested that entrepreneurship could be considered in this regard.


Bitcoin is a self-proclaimed 34; 34; xff0c; created by a person or a team; and completely withdrawn from the project in the early stages of the Bitcoin project. 34; 34; is a very small possibility for a Japanese xff0c; because in his previous e-mails he can deduce xff0c; he should be a mother tongue in English. Besides, Bitcoin creators no longer have any influence on the current Bitcoin project xff0c; so it is unlikely to be the product of a conspiracy. 34; 34; 37; 34; ffffff0c; or that physical elimination will not have much impact on a special coin.


Qnotes are a central electronic currency xff0c; they include totals xff0c; they are issued in a manner controlled by RTC. The amount of bitcoins xff0c; they are issued in a manner predefined by program and encryption algorithms xff0c; they run xff0c at multiple nodes around the world; no person or institution can modify xff0c; they are not controlled by any single person or institution.


As stated earlier xff0c; miners' involvement in the fight for bookkeeping is an opportunity to be rewarded. At the start of the system, 50 bitcoins xff0c are rewarded every 10 minutes; then the 50 are halved every four years xff0c; there will be no new bitcoin xff0c; it will reach the upper limit of 21 million. xff0c; after that, will be used to reward miners.


<p><img src=

  • 如何取消和降低信任成本?


 / <br/> sector chains are essentially technical programs <strong> to resolve trust issues and reduce trust costs </strang xff0c >; aims to centralize #xff0c; go credit intermediation.</p> 
<p><strong>例子:比特币交易</strong><br /> 1、把每笔交易在全网广播。让全网承认有效,必须广播给每个节点。<br /> <img src=





example xff1a; Bitcoin transaction
0; broadcast every transaction over the Internet. xff0c; must broadcast to every node.


block contains two parts xff1a; 1;
block head xff08; xfff09; xfff1a; metadata recording the current block
2, block body xff08; xff09; xff1a; actual data
; xff1a;
< ; < rbd > map >, <[mgrdrc="http://mblor_mb_mblbnnLz2mz2mbzmbzvzt3vztwnznzt_mbnjmz_mbn_mzl_mz_mjmzl_mzl_mzl_mzl_mzl_m_mzl_m_m_m_m_m_Mjmzl_mzl_m_mzl_m_mzl_m_mzljmzl_m_m_mzl_m_m_m_m_mzl_Mvvvzl_mzl_mzl_mzl_m_m_mzl_m_mzl_m_mzl_mzl_mzl.m_L.m_L.mz/m_mzl.mz.

目前我们转账都是中心化的,银行是一个中心化账本,例如 A 账号里有 400 块钱,B 账号里有 100 块钱。当 A 要转 100 块钱给 B 时,A 要通过银行提交转账申请,银行验证通过后,就从 A 账号上扣除 100 块,B 账号增加 100 块。计算后 A 账号扣除 100 后余额为300元,B 账号加上 100 后余额为 200 元。

区块链上转账的步骤则是:A 要转账给 B 100 块钱,A 就会在网络上把要转账的这个信息告诉大家,大家会去查看 A 的账户上是否有足够的钱去完成这个转账,如果验证通过后,大家就把这个信息都记录到自己的电脑上区块链中,且每个人记入的信息都是同步一致的,这样 A 就顺利将 100 块钱转移到了 B 的账户上。可以看到这中间并没有银行啥事。

We take the example of transfers:
xff0c; banks are now all centralized xff0c; banks are centralized books & xff0c; for example, account number A has 400 dollars & xff0c; account number B has 100 dollars. When A transfers 100 dollars to B xff0c; banks submit transfer applications xff0c; banks verify after xff0c; bank account number 100; account number Bff0; account number A minus 100; account number 300 xff0c; account number 100 xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft.fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft.ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft.


Bitcoin was proposed by Bintco Central in 2009 & #xff0c; then reference was made to Bitcoin's realization to refine the block chain. If Bitcoin is a noodle & #xff0c; then the block chain is flour & #xff0c; then it turns out that flour can be made as buns and buns in addition to noodles.


#xff0c; Simply put, you help me store the information #xff0c; I give you the corresponding reward.

通过 Hash 与 非对称加密来保障数据无法被篡改:

guarantees data cannot be tampered with by Hash and asymmetric encryption xff1a;

  • Hash:y = hash(x),对 x 进行哈希运算得出 y,可以隐藏原始信息 x,因为你没办法通过 y 来算出 x,从而做到匿名性。
  • 非对称加密:公开密钥与私有密钥是一对,如果用公开密钥对数据进行加密,只有用对应的私有密钥才能解密;如果用私有密钥对数据进行加密,那么只有用对应的公开密钥才能解密。


Consensus algorithm xff1a; safeguard data consistency between nodes and nodes.


Ma will serve as the traditional Chinese block chain project xff0c; a group of four miners xff0c; and miners who first collide 13 numerically correct Hashi values will be given rights to bookkeeping and be rewarded.

  1. 区块链入门教程
  2. 区块链相关疑问解析
  3. 漫画解析:谁叫的区块链,来门口取一下!
  4. 区块链技术(Blockchain)简介
  5. 2018中国区块链行业分析报告
  6. 区块链行业词典
  7. http://if.pedaily.cn/news/201608/20160830161298426.shtml
  8. https://static.runoob.com/download/ibmblockchain.pdf
  9. https://yq.aliyun.com/articles/60134



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    转自:https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1838661From: https://clud.tencent.com/development/article/1838661 本文主要是对区块链进行概念分析和组成技术解析,从哈希运算、数字签名、共识算法、智能合约、P2P网络等技术在区块链中的应用进行综合分析This paper focuses on conceptual analysis and technical com...